CSCA 2, 1969

(Vorhanden UB Giessen, 4° ZZ 80/191 - 2)

Amyx, Darrell A.:
Observations on the Warrior Group.
CSCA 2, 1969, 1-25
------------------------------------ Malerei/ Mosaik, gr.; Vasenmalerei/ Korinth, frhe; Korinth/ Aryballos, frher/ Duel Painter?; Aryballos/ Berkeley, UCLMA 8-68-6686; Duel Painter/ Korinth, Vasenmaler; UCLMA 8-68-6686; \ D.3.; 10 Plates. UB. / (2)

Athanassakis, Apostolos:
Elision and Other Problems relating to Short Vowel Hiatus in Hesiod.
CSCA 2, 1969, 27-44
3.4. Hesiod; Hesiod/ Stilmittel; Elision/ Hesiod; Metrik/ Hesiod; \ D.3.; UB. / (2)

Austin, Norman:
Telemachos Polymechanos.
CSCA 2, 1969, 45-63
3.4. Homer; Telemachos/ Hom. Od.; Telemachos/ "Charakterentwicklung"; Homer/ Telemachos; \ D.3.; UB. / (2)

De Laix, Roger A.:
Polybius' Credibility and the Triple Alliance of 230/229 B.C.
CSCA 2, 1969, 65-83
------------------------------------; 2.2.6.; 3.4. Polybios; Pol. 02,45; Polybios/ Glaubwürdigkeit;; Aitolien/ Außenpolitik; Antigonos Doson/ Aitolien; Sparta/ Aitolien; Kleomenischer Krieg/ Bündnisse; \ A.2.d.; C.1.b.; UB. / (5)

Dolin, Edwin:
Prometheus Psellistes.
CSCA 2, 1969, 85-105
3.4. Aischylos; Aesch. Prom. 815f.; 5.8.; epandiplázô/ Hapax Aischylos; psellós/ Aesch. Prom. 815; Arist. Pr. 902b24 [p.86]; Psellismus/ Sprachfehler; Aesch. Prom. 717-24 [p.95]; Aesch. Prom. 792-801 [p.101]; \ D.3. / (3)

Fontenrose, Joseph:
Daulis at Delphi.
CSCA 2, 1969, 107-144
4.5.3.; Heroenkult; Heroen/ Abstammung, Verwandtschaft, Namensgebung; Daulieus; Delphi/ Daulis; Daulis; P. Berlin 11517 [p.110]; Pyrrhos/ Delphi [p.111]; Aisopos/ Delphi [p.111]; Apollon/ Feinde des [p.114]; Paus. 10,32,12 [p.116]; Paus. 6,20,15f. [p.119]; Hom. Il. 11,756-8 [p.121]; Ov. Met. 1,237f. [p.144]; \ D.1. / (2)

Gershenson, Daniel E.:
Averting `Baskanía' in Theocritus: A Compliment.
CSCA 2, 1969, 145-155
3.4. Theokrit; Theocr. 6,35ff.; Böser Blick; 5.8.; baskanía; \ D.3.; UB. / (3)

Gordon, Arthur E.:
On the Origins of the Latin Alphabet: Modern Views.
CSCA 2, 1969, 157-170
5.3.3.;; Alphabet, lat./ Entstehung; Plin. n.h. 7,56,193; Plin. n.h. 3,5,50; Plin. n.h. 7,58,210; Tac. ann. 11,14 [p.158];; Etrusker/ Alphabet; \ B.4.; D.; UB. / (4)

Johnson, W. R.:
Tact in the Drusus Ode: Horace, Odes 4.4.
CSCA 2, 1969, 171-181
3.4. Horaz; Hor. c. 4,4;;; Drusus/ Horaz; Cic. Phil. 2,47 [p.173]; praeteritio; \ D.3.; A.2.d.; UB. / (4)

Jordan, Boromir:
The Meaning of the Technical Term `Hyperesia' in Naval Contexts of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.
CSCA 2, 1969, 183-207
2.2.3.;;;;; Athen/ Flotte/ Bemannung; 5.8.; hypêrésia/ Ruderer, versklavte; hupêrésion; Seefahrt, gr./ Terminologie; Thuc. 1,143,1-2; Lys. 21,10 [p.185]; Xen. Ath.pol. 1,2 [p.185]; Pol. 01,25,3 [p.188]; IG II² 1951; Xen. Hell. 1,6,24-5 [p.205]; Unfreie/ Kriegsdienst; \ C.1.; D.3.; G.2.; UB. / (7)

Levine, Philip:
Catullus c. 1: A Prayerful Dedication.
CSCA 2, 1969, 209-216
3.4. Catull; Catull. c. 1; \ D.3.; UB. / (2)
4° ZZ 80/191 - 2
Morgan, M. Gwyn:
The Roman Conquest of the Balearic Isles.
CSCA 2, 1969, 217-231
------------------------------------;;; Metellus Balearicus/ Q./ cos. 123v.; 5.6.9. Spanien; Balearen/ Eroberung, röm.; Florus 1,43,2; Oros. 5,13,1; Strabo 3,5,1; Piratenbekämpfung, röm.; \ G.3.; C.1.c.dd.; 123/2 v.Chr. / (4)

Rosenmeyer, Thomas G.:
The Rookie: A Reading of Pindar Nemean 1.
CSCA 2, 1969, 233-246
3.4. Pindar; Pind. Nem. 1; Pind. Nem. 1,24f.; Martial 14,177 [p.246]; \ D.3.; UB. / (2)

Sealey, Raphael:
Probouleusis and the Sovereign Assembly.
CSCA 2, 1969, 247-269
3.2.1.; 3.4. Homer; Homer/ Volksversammlungen [p.259]; Hom. Il. 18,497ff. [p.263]; 3.4. Plutarch; Plut. Lykurg. 6 [p.250]; 3.4. Tyrtaios; Tyrtaios fr. 3 Diehl [p.256]; 4.3.2.; Volksversammlung, gr./ Souverän; Probouleusis;; Rhetra [p.250];; Rom/ Probouleusis [p.258];; Liv. 45,21,4-5 [p.258]; Tac. Germ. 11,1 [p.265]; Arist. Pol. 4,1299b30-8 [p.265]; Klassenkampf/ "Volkssouveränität"; \ D.1.; UB. / (9)

Sweet, Charlotte S.:
Six Attic Vases in the San Francisco Bay Area.
CSCA 2, 1969, 273-284
------------------------------------; San Francisco/ att. Vasen; UCLMA 8-63-6638/ att.-geometr.; UCLMA 8-66-6677/ att.-schwarzfig., Frg.; UCLMA 8-2319/ att.-schwarzfig. Krater; UCLMA 8-61-6545/ att.-schwarzfig.; UCLMA 8-5699/ att.-schwarzfig. Amphore; \ A.2.f.; UB. / (2)

F. Schuffert, 30.04.1993

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