Dr. Mark Greene (R.I.P)
                                                              played by: Anthony Edwards
     No Er Fan or anyone who watched Er season 8 final will ever forget the letter (shown above) Mark Greene played by Anythony Edwards had 2 children Ella and Rachel and is survived by his widow Eilzabeth Corday (Alex Kigston).   I believe (and im not alone in this, that Dr. Greene is/was the best charector ever....
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MARK: We can't fix everything
MARK: See one, do one, teach one
Mark is in a chopper and he says
Mark: Pretty exciting life!
Guy: What?
Mark: Pretty exciting life!
Guy: What?
Mark: I said I slept with your wife!

Guy: gives mark a thumbs up sign
Below is the full text of Dr. Mark Greene's letter to the ER which he dictated to his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Corday. Dr. John Carter read the letter to the ER staff in Episode #20, entitled "The Letter".
Dear ER gang,
So, here I am, out on the beach at 5:30 in the evening. Elizabeth is sitting with me, drinking juice, but I'm all about the Mai Tais. The sun's going down. Rachel is dipping Ella's toes in the ocean, as they head off on a quest for the perfect seashell. And weirdly enough, I find myself thinking, you know what would make this moment complete? Some jogger dropping to the sand short of breath, so I can swoop in with a piece of bamboo to perform a nice, clean intubation, fix the guy up and send him off with a good, simple dispo. Which I guess is my way of saying that I miss you all and that dingy place. Lots of times I thought I should have chosen a different career, or gone into private practice - something easier, less grinding, more lucrative, but since I've been gone, I realize that outside of what I'm doing right now - sitting on this beach with my family - staying at County all those years, doing what we do on a daily basis, was the best choice I ever made. I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's not so hard to appreciate once it's over. As much as part of me would like to believe that the ER can't go on without me, a smarter part realizes that you're an incredible group of doctors and nurses, who approach every day with such skill, compassion and thoroughness that, when it comes to patient care, I know my absence will hardly be felt. As for friendship and camaraderie - well, that's another matter. In order to leave, I had to go the way I did, but I wouldn't want any of you to think that that meant I didn't value each of you and the years that we worked together. Or that I didn't have things of a more personal nature to say. Most of you, I think, have an idea of what those things might be without me writing them down, but still...
Ella is laughing and waving for me; Rachel's found her shell...
- - -
Mark died this morning at 6:04 am. The sun was rising. His favorite time of day. I sent this on so that you might know he was thinking of you all and that he appreciated knowing you would remember him well.
Elizabeth Corday
Mark and his baby girl Ella!
MRI Time
Age: 38 (deceased)

Birth date: Between February 20 and March 20, 1964

From: Unknown. Has lived in San Diego, New York, Washington D.C., Corpus Christi, Norfolk, Jacksonville, and Hawaii.

Parents: David and Ruth Greene (both deceased)

Children: Rachel Greene, 15; Ella Greene, 1.
Love Life:

Jennifer Simon - Mark and Jenn were been married for several years. When they separated in season 1, After Mark discovered that Jenn had an affair with one of her co-workers. They officially divorced in season 2, with Rachel living with her mother and Mark not seeing her all that much. Jenn married the co-worker..
Susan Lewis - Mark and Susan never had an actual romance, however both had strong feelings for each other, but were afraid to show them. Just as they appeared ready to admit their true feelings, Susan moved to Phoenix. She returned season 8, but Mark remarried.
Iris - Mark briefly dated Iris, a news reporter/camerawoman he met at the hospital, in season 2.
Julie Mathers - Mark and Julie, an architect, went on one blind date in early season 3, but she ditched him for Susan's date when they all met up together.
Chuny Marquez - Mark had a short romance with Chuny, but after a few dates, neither decided to pursue a further relationship.
Polly McKenzie - Polly was one of the other women Mark was dating at the same time as Heather.
Nina Pomerantz - Mark was also seeing Nina at the same time as the other two women. She was willing to give him a second chance, but they broke up shortly after Mark was attacked in the bathroom at work, because he "couldn't handle the relationship and work stress at the same time."
Cynthia Hooper - Cynthia, a desk clerk at the hospital, and Mark dated during season 4. Their relationship ended because they had difficulty communicating, and Mark made Cynthia feel as if she was another 'needy person' who happened to find him for support.
Amanda Lee - Amanda and Mark briefly went out in season 5. Their relationship ended when Amanda became obsessive with Mark and locked him in tghe mri room. Later on she was found to not be a real doctor.
Elizabeth (Corday) Greene - Mark's (widowed) wife. He and Elizabeth started going out in late season 5 and dated throughout season 6. In early season 7, they got engaged and bought a house. They got married in late season 7 and had a daughter. They were separated for a brief time, but stayed together until he died. Elizabeth stuck with him through kimo and his death season 8.
Mark and Susan
-I like her, Mark. She makes me happy. Now, I'm sorry if that makes you unhappy. But she'll be back in London in a couple of weeks, and I'll be back on your sofa bed. Then we can both be unhappy.
David Greene (marks dad)on Isabelle Corday (Elizabeths mom)
-I told her to stick her damned thumb in her dike and shut up.
David Greene (about his Dutch nurse)
Edwards laughed: "The great thing about dying on TV is that people are so happy to see you out and alive!"
Mark on a scene
Mark, Elizabeth, and Marks dad
Elizabeth (on the dismal conditions of Mark's apartment): Every faucet leaks, your toilet actually rocks...
Mark: I kinda like that.
Elizabeth:... and there are creatures, scurrying about in the walls. Do you know what scurries about in walls, Mark?
Mark: Bunnies?
Mark and Elizabeth are at a hotel, where Elizabeth has just missed her meeting. Mark and Elizabeth are having dinner together.
Mark: Ah, listen...
Elizabeth: What?
Mark: It's weird,
Elizabeth (giggles): What's weird?
Mark: They're playing the Tango.
Elizabeth: You know the Tango?
Mark: Wanna crash a wedding?
[Mark leads Elizabeth to the dance floor]
Elizabeth: You do know how to do this?
Mark: It's a traditional American wedding.
Elizabeth: I'm not sure...
Mark: Just follow my lead.
[Mark and Elizabeth Tango]
Elizabeth gasps as she marvels at Mark's gorgeous new house. She runs around, expressing her love for the deck, the walls, everything.
Mark: You should check it out.
Elizabeth: What?
Mark: The icemaker.
[Elizabeth looks at the freezer]
Elizabeth: Lovely.
Mark: Ya... you have to open it. It has a special ice feature.
Elizabeth: What? Does the ice come in different shaped cubes or something?
[Elizabeth opens the freezer, gasps, and then closes it. She turns to Mark]
Elizabeth: OhmyGod.... Mark....
[Elizabeth slowly opens the freezer again and we get a look inside. Inside the freezer sits a wedding ring in a small black box. Mark takes the box and holds it up to Elizabeth.]
Mark (looks at Elizabeth): I'm a little nervous, so... ah... let me say it. Elizabeth, I love you. I was hoping you'd give me the joy and honor of being your husband.
Elizabeth: Oh...
[gasps and looks at the ring, smiling]
Mark: Is that a "yes"?
[Elizabeth takes the ring from the box, slips it on her finger and nods]
Elizabeth: Yes.
Elizabeth has found out that Kerry has called a Competency Board on Mark, just a few days after he has returned to work after enduring a craniotomy.
Elizabeth: How dare you! Damn it, Kerry! They sawed off half his skull..
Kerry: Hello, Elizabeth, how are you?
Elizabeth:... then they inserted high-dosage chemotherapy wafters into the empty cavity. It caused swelling right next to Brocha's, of course he has a little aphasia... But that was six weeks ago. The swelling's gone down and he's back to normal. If anything, I find his honesty rather refreshing. We can all do with a little more candor around here.
Kerry: Candidly speaking, are you sure you can be objective about this?
Elizabeth: OF COURSE I'M NOT OBJECTIVE! Look... I've been with him every moment, and I can tell you he is making remarkable progress and is no danger to anyone, except perhaps easily threatened minor demagogues.
Kerry: He may be endangering patients. I'm not unsympathetic to his circumstances, but I have LARGER RESPONSIBILITIES!
Elizabeth: It's despicable and you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope that you end up with a possible fatal illness one day, Kerry, so that I can do absolutely nothing to help you.
Mark and Elizabeth in hospital with Ella
Mark and Rachel "The Beach"
Mark and his daughter Rachel
In A Trauma
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