Frequently asked questions

  • Is Friland for real or not?
    Friland doesn't really exist; it's a geofiction project. Where Friland is situated there is in reality only an elevation in the ocean floor that is called the Rockall plateau.

  • Is the Friland project commercial?
    To me Friland is only a hobby. I don't exclude the possibility that perhaps in the future I will for example write an information guide about Friland that people who are interested can buy for a small fee, but it's not my intent to make a profit.

  • Is the Friland project political in nature?
    No, the purpose of this site is not to express political opinions of myself or others. The politics in Friland and Hiveria however, will be shown in detail, but that's obvious when you write something about two (imaginary) countries and their interaction with eachother and the rest of the world.

  • How is that weird þ symbol pronounced?
    The thorn symbol (Þ or þ) is pronounced like the TH in the word "father".

  • Sometimes the website is offline for a while!
    When the site is using too much bandwidth the provider automatically takes it offline. This takes an hour at the most so when you try again later the site will probably be reachable again.

  • The website is not properly displayed.
    Please send me a message when there are problems with the site or when pages, texts, images or other things are not loaded (well). This problem seems to occur with some browsers, you can check this by opening the website in a different browser.

  • Is Hiveria the bad guy of the story?
    No. Friland and Hiveria are two completely different countries with worldviews that are just as different. Both good and bad things happen there.

  • Why do the people in Hiveria mainly speak French?
    Hiveria was founded by Norman nobles, who spoke French. The medieval population, a mix of indigenous Frilanders and French and British settlers, spoke so many different dialects that they started using standard French as a lingua franca.

  • Who have cooperated with the Friland project?
    Everything was made by me, unless mentioned otherwise. However, I don't exclude that in the future others will contribute to the project in the form of travel accounts or other things.