
Ța Frihalsleuț
The Frilandic national anthem is called "Ța Frihalsleuț" (The Freedom Song) and is one of the shortest anthems in Europe. It is based on the melody of the Flemish-Dutch song "Allen die willen naar Island gaan", which was sung in the 19th century by Iceland-going fishermen from the region of Dunkirk (Duinkerken). These fished for cod at the Icelandic coast and there they came into contact with Frilandic fishermen, who adopted the melody from them and made up various texts for it.
        The first two verses of the current anthem have their origin in the Fourth Frilandic-Hiverian War (1881) and were sung by Frilandic soldiers as a marching song. This also explains the warlike, anti-Hiverian character of the second verse. In the years after the war the song gained popularity and by request of queen Algunț it was supplemented with two new, more peaceful verses that could be sung instead of the second verse.
        In 1885 "The Freedom Song" became the official anthem of the kingdom of Friland. In reality only the first verse is usually sung but during official events the longer version with the third and fourth verse included is also sung. The second verse is no longer deemed "politically correct" but despite this it is still regularly sung, especially during conflicts with neighbouring country Hiveria.

Click here for the melody.

1. Al ția weljan til Friland gang',
ța land hwar bloman blojan
and hwar wrotan deup gasenkwan.
Skulan witan țat wiz her ni wol kunnan
ake altid unsa frihals bihaldan skul'!

2. Țushundan fotan buljan hin,
iz sarwan en ța handan
and iz augan up ța taward.
Kwalm and harjung ubar baus Hiwerijan!
Farlausung es gakweman fur uns ganta land!   

3. Țushundan handan langan țik
hwe wenan and hwe țweran
and hwe broțars en ța seliț.
Fulkan alla landan wes uns god 'hlainiț,
tangiț țik med uns fur samanlika stuț!

4. Țushundan munțan sengwan med,
hald țankbar and tafrițan
ubar unsa stora waldom.
Sun biskein waldedig uns beriga land,
let țin warm strelan ubar al țat's god!

1. All those who want to go to Friland,
the land where flowers blossom
and where roots sink deep.
Shall know that we don't know defeat here
and will always preserve our freedom!

2. Thousands of feet rumble away,
their weapons in their hands
and their eyes towards the future.
Annihilation and destruction over evil Hiveria!
Liberation has come for our entire land!

3. Thousands of hands desire you
as friends and as allies
and as brothers in happiness.
Peoples of all nations be well-disposed to us,
join us for combined support!

4. Thousands of mouths sing along,
very grateful and satisfied
over our great prosperity.
Sun, benevolently shine on our fertile land,
let your warmth radiate over all that's good!

Other songs:

Ța Frija Land
Another well-known Frilandic song is "Ța Frija Land", which is also called the "unofficial anthem". It is based on an adapted melody of "Pictures at an exhibition, Promenade and Gnomus" by Modest Mussorgsky.

O, werald, kum en friț. Hauz uns an, wiz grotan jiz.
Stor gudan, bihod uns, an hiz es ța frija land.
Hwer niman furhtjan skul, sair foliț, eț hald selig es.
Ța haim fan witanskap, kaupleudan, wigars and buran.
Skaun Friland, wes țu hail! Anangrund, wiz leuban țu.
Hiz es for altid ța frija land!


Oh, world, come in peace. Hear us, we greet you.
Great gods, protect us, for this is the free land.
Where no one has to fear, feel grief, but lives in great happiness.
The home of science, merchants, warriors and farmers.
Beautiful Friland, wassail! Ancestral land, we love you.
This will forever be the free land!

Țat Frilands kunung liban skul
This song is based on the starting melody of the well-known Scottish song "Auld Lang Syne" and in Friland it is mainly sung by supporters of the monarchy.

1. Țat Frilands kunung liban skul,   
ain langa wela tid!
Let al sin drauman werițan
and im ubil weigițan!

2. Frilands kunung wes țu hail!
Țin țeud stadiț raid!
Dulț med uns hiz kwikwa dag
hwe it ni bifaran skul!

1. That Friland's king shall live,
a long well time!
Let all his dreams come true
and make him overcome adversity!

2. Friland's king salute to thee!
Thy people stands ready!
Celebrate with us this lively day
as if it shall never end!