Proverbs and expressions

Some of the most common proverbs and expressions from the Frilandic language in alphabetic order:

Airist sehwan hwo ța wind wejiț
"First seeing how the wind blows." (Taking a passive approach, observing before acting)

Ake ain mus en ța felț țan ain lau en ain kaf
"Rather a mouse in the field than a lion in a cage." (A man is nothing without his freedom)

Auk ța ailid brukiț brenstub
"Even the fire needs fuel." (Nothing happens by itself)

Auk ța landlaupar es ain Erțsbarn
"The bum is also a child of Mother Earth." (Do not look down upon the lesser fortunate)

Bilaun ța kat ția țin musan fangiț
"Reward the cat who catches your mice." (When someone is good for you, return the favour)

Bloț flowiț swiftar țan swait
"Blood flows faster than sweat." (Destroying something is easier than creating something)

Enu wrotan sterbiț ța tre
"Without roots the tree will die." (Do not renounce your origin)

Farsaht ța skeld ni țat it skreman habiț
"Do not blame the shield for being scratched." (Try to have understanding for someone's problems)

Geb med geb, bloț med bloț
"Gift with gift, blood with blood." (Pay back both good and evil with equal measure)

"Haustad fear." (Unfounded fear, paranoia. Reference to an event in 1893, in which the population of Haustad (these days Hautville in Hiveria) fled the city en masse after wild stories about werewolves.)

Hwe honan farleusiț skul ța fuhs fardreiban
"He who loses chickens should oust the fox." (You can't solve a problem without removing its cause)

Hwe sin swerdan umsmițiț til skaran, skul arjan fur ija ția țat ni den
"He who beats his swords into ploughshares, shall plough for those who don't." (Remain vigilant)

Hwe ța kurn farbrenniț, skul ask reipan
"He who burns the corn, shall harvest ashes." (Traditions exist to be kept in honour)

Iz es utgafaran
"He has sailed out." (He has taken a decision, he has cut the Gordian knot)

Iz hlahiț med skarpa tanțan
"He laughs with sharp teeth." (Someone who appears friendly can be dangerous also)

Jugunț es flautig
"Youth is volatile." (Everything good is temporary)

Kuddeuzan hlaupan tilsaman ța abgrund en
"Herd animals walk into the abyss together." (Choose your own path, don't be a follower)

Libiț hiz dag, kampiț murgan
"Live today, fight tomorrow." (Do not pointlessly sacrifice yourself but wait for a better chance)

Selb ța gudan kunnan ța wol
"Even the gods know defeat." (Everyone has bad luck now and then)

Skepan bikweman ain herd eț wulfan bileiban fri
"Sheep get a shepherd but wolves remain free." (Stand up for yourself or people will walk all over you)

Swa arm hwe ain Arinhaimar
"As poor as an Arinhaimer." (Very poor, bankrupt. Reference to the city of Arinhaim, which was regularly plundered by the Vikings during the early Middle Ages.)

Ța dwerg weniț sek ain țuris
"The dwarf imagines himself a giant." (He considers himself more than he is)

Ța fuhs ța honan biwakan letan
"Having the fox look after the chickens." (Entrusting something to an untrustworthy person)

Ța greisa wulf luriț up ța gudanslutan
"The grey wolf lurks at the palaces of the gods." (Sometimes unpopular measures serve a greater purpose. Reference to the mythological story in which the god Wodan lets heroes die because he needs them in the afterlife, amongst other things for the battle against the sun wolf)

Ța hludista munț habiț uft ța minnist ta kwedan
"The loudest mouth often has the least to say." (Still waters run deep)

Ța hund bidreugiț ța jagar
"The dog betrays the hunter." (When someone you trust turns against you)

Ța man sterbiț, eț sin dedan bileiban
"The man dies, but his deeds remain." (He who does good things, shall not be forgotten)

Ța medum weg laidiț nigenhwar
"The middle road leads nowhere." (With a compromise you'll accomplish neither one thing, nor the other)

Ța skaiba blom fangiț ța maista sunleuht
"The crooked flower catches the most sunlight." (Being different isn't wrong)

Ța Stig biklemban
"Climbing the Stig." (Finding an easy solution for a difficult problem. Reference to castle Stig in Riksga, which was considered to be impenetrable but was taken after a farmer girl climbed the wall and opened the gate.)

Undergrunds gulț habiț ni werț
"Underground gold has no worth." (Be generous to your friends, you can't take your money with you into your grave)

Weishaid es ța starkista wepan
"Wisdom is the strongest weapon." (The pen is mightier than the sword)