

Waşlarai scouts.

There are two scouting organizations in Friland, which differ greatly in design and character: Waşlarai is most similar to scouting as it exists in other countries. Jungskar differs greatly from the usual scouting organizations and, in addition to its scouting activities, is also a supplement to education and upbringing.
        The first Frilandic scouting groups were founded around 1912 and were often of a Protestant, Catholic or anthroposophical nature. Ferna Sedars had difficulty with the Christian character of scouting, as advocated by its British founder Robert Baden-Powell. They therefore removed references to religion in their scout promise or added references to Ferna Sed. A part of them largely continued to follow Baden-Powell's philosophy and merged into the Waşlarai in 1974, together with the groups mentioned earlier. Other Ferna Sed-based groups founded the Jungskar as early as 1915, who created its own form of scouting with a larger role for the Ferna Sed faith.

The Frilandiska Waşlarai Farainigung (Friland Scouting Association), informally called waşlarai ("wandery" or "scouting"), was founded in 1974 from a merger of several organizations with very different views in the areas of religion, spirituality, philosophy and pedagogy. The Waşlarai is therefore a loose partnership of very different groups, all of which use their own, adapted version of the scout promise. Some groups are specifically for boys or girls, others are mixed. The uniforms of the Waşlarai differ per group: in most cases the boys wear khaki and the girls light gray, both with a blue neckerchief. Some groups still wear the traditional khaki uniform with neckerchief, shorts and a so-called campaign hat. Other groups only wear a group tie, with or without a blouse. There are also groups that do not wear uniforms on principle because they consider this too militaristic.
        Most groups are divided into wahtan ("guards" or "patrols"). Each patrol consists of 5 to 25 scouts and is led by a chosen patrol leader or by mutual agreement. Some groups have special patrols for scouts with a (mental) disability.

The waşlarai uses the following age groups, following international scouting as much as possible:




to age 7
Bebars (Beavers)
Reganbugmelşars (Rainbow Guides)
age 7 to 10
Hwelpan (Cubs)
Albilan (Little Elves)
age 10 to 15
Waşlars (Scouts)
Melşars (Guides)
age 15 to 18
Spahars (Explorers)
Stormelşars (Great Guides)
from age 18
Tawjars (Pioneers)
Hrengars (Rangers)

From the age of 18, someone can also become active as a leader or volunteer.

Waşlarai headquarters:
Frişnanş Seimonssunstrat 32
14003624 Tillau
tel: (+384) 1807 749244
E-mail: tidung@wathlarai.fl
website: www.wathlarai.fl

The Jungskar on patrol.

The Jungskar ("Young Crowd") is a youth movement focused on citizenship, character development and learning skills. Its scouting activities are only part of this. In addition, it distinguishes itself from the Waşlarai by its central organization and hierarchical structure. Members of the Jungskar are called skarlişan ("crowd members").
        Skarlişan are encouraged to develop qualities such as empathy, wisdom, responsibility, justice, caring, self-reliance, diligence, leadership, respect, courage, loyalty, discipline and self-control. Skills they can learn at the Jungskar include, among others, surviving in nature, navigation, first aid, firefighting, hunting, falconry, martial arts, shooting sports, fencing, sword fighting, walking, running, swimming, athletics, motorcycle racing, horse riding, writing, poetry, chess, etiquette, cooking, housekeeping, raising children and animal care. Skarlişan are introduced to all components, but can choose what they continue to participate in. Competitions are also organized for most components.
        Many components take place in mixed composition, but organizationally there are separate groups for boys and girls. The Jungskar is based on the values of Ferna Sed, but non-believers and people of other faiths are also welcome, provided they respect this. Participation in religious expressions is voluntary. The (mandatory) uniform is gray-blue with a slouch hat.
        The Jungskar is organized as follows: 6 members form a waht ("guard" or "patrol"), 18 members (3 patrols) form a swanur ("pack"), 54 members (3 packs) form a fan ("banner"), 162 members (3 banners) form a stang ("pole" or "standard") and 486 members (3 standards) form a şrum ("drove" or "crowd"). There are special patrols for Skarlişan with a (mental) disability, but if possible they are assigned to a regular patrol. In this way they learn to function in a "normal" environment and the other Skarlişan learn how to handle someone with a disability.

The Jungskar uses the following age groups for both boys and girls:

to age 7
Twigan (Twigs)
age 7 to 12
Astan (Branches)
age 12 to 18
Stamnan (Trunks)
from age 18
Wrotan (Roots)

From the age of 18, someone can also become active as a volunteer. There is no age limit for holding leadership positions, but members under 18 may only do so under supervision.

The ranks that can be achieved within the Jungskar are, from high to low:

Drove Leader
Pole Leader
Banner Leader
Pack Leader
Patrol Leader
Crowd Member
Spectator or Prospective Member

Jungskar headquarters:
Ingswalşweg 164
15405218 Waldanburg
tel: (+384) 1028 856439
E-mail: fregan@jungskar.fl
website: www.jungskar.fl

Joint projects
There are several initiatives for cooperation between the Waşlarai and the Jungskar. These serve to promote friendly contact between their members, whose (sporting) rivalry can sometimes escalate. Other reasons are exchanging knowledge and sharing costs. The main cooperation projects are as follows:

Music and dance: The Waşlarai and the Jungskar have their own choirs, bands and marching bands, which regularly practice and perform together. They also share instruments. Besides that, there is a joint dance group; the Hlekhupjars ("Harmony Dancers"), in which members of both organizations participate.

Air Scouts: The air scouts are interested in everything that has to do with flying. The air scouts of the Waşlarai are called the Fleuganşa Waşlars ("Flying Scouts") and those of the Jungskar are called Luftskar ("Air Crowd"). Together they own several gliders, sports planes and ultralight aircraft. They also fund joint helicopter flights, balloon flights and parachute jumps. Besides that, the Fleuganşa Waşlars participate in model flying and the Luftskar flies (self-built) model rockets and drones.

The "Gelpar" with full sail.

Water Scouts: The water scouts are concerned with boating and related topics. Those of the Waşlarai are called Segaljanşa Waşlars ("Sailing Scouts") and those of the Jungskar are called Watarskar ("Water Crowd"). They learn, among other things, sailing, rowing, navigating on the water and ship maintenance. They also participate in competitions against each other or against scouts from other countries. The water scouts are active on lakes, rivers and at sea. They mainly sail with small boats such as canoes, rowing boats, sloops and dinghies, but also own larger sailing and motor boats. To save costs, the purchase, maintenance and use of larger ships are often shared between the Waşlarai and the Jungskar. The best example of this is the four-masted barque "Gelpar"; built in 1892 in Germany as "Palermo" and in Frilandic ownership since 1923. The "Gelpar" is used as a training ship and water scouts from both organizations participate in fleet reviews and sailing competitions.


There are three Hiverian scouting organizations, united in the Fédération du Scoutisme Hiverien (FSH, "Hiverian Scouting Federation"); the interreligious EEH, the Catholic AHSGC and the Islamic SMH. Although these organizations are part of the same federation, they are different enough to be described separately on this page.
        AHSGC was founded in 1911, making it the oldest Hiverian scouting organization. The Protestant AHSGP and the non-religious SIH followed in 1912, which merged with a number of smaller groups into the interreligious EEH in 1962. The Islamic SMH was founded in 1997. The Hiverian Scouting Federation, to which all three organizations are affiliated, was founded in 1958.
        All organizations belonging to the Hiverian Scouting Federation wear a khaki blouse with neckerchief and their own insignia. Wearing this is not mandatory. Most groups are divided into patrouilles ("patrols"). Each patrol consists of 5 to 25 scouts and is led by an advisor or by mutual agreement. All members of the federation have special patrols for scouts with (mental) disabilities.

The Hiverian Scouting Federation uses the following age groups:

age 6 to 8
Farfadets (Brownies)
age 8 to 11
Louveteaux (Cubs)
age 11 to 15
Scouts/Guides (Scouts/Guides)
age 15 to 18
Pionniers (Pionieers)
from age 18
Compagnons (Rovers)

From the age of 18, someone can also become active as a leader or volunteer.

The interreligious Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs de l'Hiveria (EEH, "Guides and Scouts of Hiveria") is open to scouts of all religions and philosophies. Unlike the other organizations, EEH has mixed patrols. In addition to the usual scouting activities, the EEH also promotes global citizenship, tolerance, equality and other moral values.
        The EEH has its own marching band and also has groups of air and water scouts (Scouts de L'Air and Scouts Marins), in which members of the other organizations may also participate.

EEH headquarters:
Rue de la Piscine 15
LR12731 La Rade
tel: (+383) 1207 787603

The Catholic Association Hiverienne des Scouts et Guides Catholiques (AHSGC, "Hiverian Association of Catholic Scouts and Guides") is the oldest scouting organization in Hiveria. It offers free membership to orphans and children from poor families.

AHSGC headquarters:
Rue de la Mairie 2
BC04012 Beaucité
tel: (+383) 1873 120049

The Islamic Scouts Musulmans de l'Hiveria (SMH, "Muslim Scouts of Hiveria") is a relatively new scouting organization. The growing number of Muslims in Hiveria created a need for its own scouting organization, based on Islamic values. In addition to its scouting activities, the SMH also participates in charity.

SMH headquarters:
Rue Mohammed Saidouni 60
MA01427 Madine
tel: (+383) 3145 873583