
Drawings and paintings
Frilandic drawings and paintings are characterized by a high level of concretion: paintings and drawings are almost photorealistic and every detail has to be in order. They often have a dreamy, romantic nature. For abstract art and modernism there is little appreciation and when something is not easily identifiable people in a museum will quickly move on to the next painting. The average Frilander is only impressed by something that he or she could not have made him- or herself. One of the few abstract art forms that does receive appreciation is the traditional art with stylized animals, braided designs and interwoven lines, the so-called "Žeudslist" (Folk art).

In photography there is much interest in beautiful skies, ancient buildings, nature and remarkable events. Here too there is a domination of the romantic and the traditional or the opposing hard reality. In photography abstraction and modernism are also of lesser presence than usual.

Realism also dominates in sculpting. Especially the depiction of movement and emotion in stone is a popular theme. The use of ice and sand for sculpting is less popular: from the Frilandic conservative viewpoint it is not worth the effort to waste time on something that will disappear again. Most Frilandic artists are content with nothing else than eternity.

At the top: the painting "Medwentarnaht" (Midwinter night) by Gunžstab Harmanssun, thereunder are examples of folk art from the 11th century.