Hiverian holidays

In Hiveria all Christian holidays and since recently also all Islamic holidays are celebrated. Apart from these there are the following special dates:

February 14 - Jour de Saint Valentin ("Valentine's Day")
The growing American influence in Hiveria has resulted in many American holidays being adopted into Hiverian culture, like Valentine's Day.

March 6 - Jour de Fondation ("Foundation Day")
Although Hiveria was founded in 1078 as a Norman duchy, the country didn't become independent until March 6, 1139. On this date people therefore celebrate the foundation of Hiveria. Although expressions of national pride are regarded as "creepy" and "nationalistic" in Hiveria, it is customary on this day to collectively hang out the flag and cheer for the president. Apart from that people organise jumbles and bite-the-cakes.

May 1 - Fête de Travail ("Labour Day")
Celebration of international Labour Day.

May 7 - Fête de la Victoire ("Victory Day")
Commemoration of the victory over Nazi-Germany, which surrendered on May 7, 1945. Less than a month before that surrender Hiveria decided to declare war on Germany, according to critics to butter up the Allies. The biggest achievement of the Hiverian army was the "conquest" of the village of Oberschwindenburg, in which it lost three men and fired sixteen shots in total. A salient detail is that the village was not even being defended...

August 1 - Célébration de l'Indépendance ("Day of Independence")
After the Hiverian revolution the republic was proclaimed on August 1, 1794. On that day the Hiverians celebrate that they freed themselves from the tyrannical king Charles Concarneau.

October 31 - Halloween
Especially amongst Hiverian children Halloween has become very popular the last couple of years.

4th Thursday in November - Journée d'Actions de Grâce ("Thanksgiving")
The Hiverian version of Thanksgiving.