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… And God Create A Shining Star …

Stay true to yourself,
follow your passion, follow your art,
but above all, be true to your soul,
follow the feelings in your heart.

Always be who you are, always speak and be your truth,
let others shape but never mold,
be yourself, don't conform to the group,
be proud, be who you are, hold your head high, walk tall.

Good and bad things happen in life,
but always there's a lesson to be learned.
Always look on the positive side,
what's in the glass is your choice.

Always treat others with respect and love,
and you'll find you'll get that treatment right back,
never make fun of or judge others,
there's always more grey than white or black.

Remember that everyone is a child of God,
we're all equal under the heavens above,
we all have the chance at righteousness,
we can all share in God's wondrous love.


And there are many other pearls we could have shared,
there are many other things that we could teach,
but part of the fun is finding them along the way,
and they are there to find, walking on God's beach.

Your parents have laid a strong foundation,
their love and guidance is something you can build upon,
they teach You good values, this never forget
and they give us this wonderful YOU.

Every day, ask for God to sit in your heart,
and then decisions will become a lot easier,
because only then, do the pearls become plentiful,
only then, do you find what life is really about.

You've already discovered the beauty in a sunset,
I want tell you how wonderful you are,
and when I look up at the night time sky,
reflected in that magnificence, I see a shining star.

And that shining star is you, Shah Rukh,
God's love shines out of you every single day,
I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday, we love you"
and let your beauty always shine from the inside out.


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