Message Board Archive:

    (Some Msgs are in Arabic)

Old Messages from the other message boar
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
4/6/00 10:28 am
Wednesday, 05-Apr-2000 02:52:57


Just check out the above .
Briefly , we are having a get together of ex-Muslims , under the umbrella of the Council for Secular Humanism at Los Angeles Airport ( LAX), : Hotel Wyndham , may 4th _9 May , 2000<<;
See you in L.A.

Click here to reply

The absurd nature of Islam
Tuesday, 04-Apr-2000 17:29:10

Great site Sadiqi.

I just wanted to put in my two cents, just in case some random champion of the Deen rolls by and finds your message board. Just to be the first to dip my toe in the proverbial pool (before the ummah urinates therein), I wanted to say, in very basic, sophomoric, and crude terms, that Islam is totally absurd. Although various Islamic missionaries will assure us that Islam is the most logical religion, the reality is completely the opposite. Muslims may win over an occasional disillusioned Christian with some silly pamphlet on "Jesus in Islam," but those of us with half a brain will not be so easily convinced. If the Muslims are going to claim that their religion is logical, they should show how! Bring evidence if you are truthful. If we're going to discuss Isa Al-Masih (alaihee salaam) in Islam, I think it first has to be established that Isa ibn Sharmoota existed at all. What is the evidence? Also, I think Muslims need to back up all their other wild claims, such as virgin births, flying horsies, Abraham's foot prints in Mecca, and the rest of the fantastic myths found in the unholy Qur'an and tendentious ahadith. Only then can we begin to consider this religion as anything logical, and debate such issues. If the Muslims are incapable of supporting any of these claims with evidence, they should just admit that they accept their nonsense on blind faith alone, just like all the other superstitious people around the world.

AKA D.G., AKA F.T., down with OPP, yeah you know me (just kidding akhi).

Ghazali ad-Dajjali (-wink-)


 Message: 2 of 1334
Freethought Mecca page
by: Isabelle
4/7/00 2:04 am
Absolutely hysterical. Love the page. We'll put up a link ASAP. Keep in touch about maybe submitting something to us for the 9/2000 issue ok? Dig this. I'll be back to read more :)

MindKites: Perceptions on the Fringe


 Message: 3 of 1334
Why are you doing this??
by: nadeem backus
4/8/00 9:55 pm
You bring disgrace on the humanity when you come up with this childis and purile insult to my religon, why can you respect people.

correct your ways or you will burn eternally in the fire of hell


 Message: 4 of 1334
RE: Why are you doing this??
by: Sadiqi Az Zindiki
4/8/00 10:05 pm
So I take it you didn't like the page?

Eh?? :-)


 Message: 5 of 1334
RE: Why are you doing this??
by: Denis Giron
4/9/00 7:58 pm
Okay, now we get to see the mindset of those incapable of taking criticism, or even taking a joke!

> You bring disgrace on the humanity
> when you come up with this childis
> and purile insult to my religon,
> why can you respect people.

I would say that the Qur'an levels off a couple insults at other religions (Polyhteism, Idol Worship, Christianity) as well, so this is pretty much fair game. Furthermore, this is America, where people are free to criticize religion, rather than just be slaves to superstition.

> correct your ways or you will burn
> eternally in the fire of hell

Argumentum ad-hominem...

Petitio Principii...

I think you would first have to prove that such a place as "hell" exists before demanding that people save themselves from its torment by way of changing their ways. Is it logical to assume this place exists? Does Jahannam exist, or is this just more nonsense taken from the Jewish folklore?


 Message: 6 of 1334
Love Mail!
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
4/17/00 1:39 pm
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:27:23 -0700
From: "Hani Alkhatib" To:
Subject: Kufr


OK, listen to me, pig! Any insult against our master, the Prophet of Allah, is absolute blasphemy.

[Oh no! I didn't realize that! Aghstafirullah! Jazzak Allah Khayr for bringing the conspiracy's heinous sin to our attention!]

What the hell are you doing by putting a picture of a toy and naming it "Muhammad ibn Abdullah"?!!

[Having fun with a personage worthy of little respect, if the Sirah and Hadeeth reports of his assassinations, murders, and various misdeeds are true.]

Don't you know that it's Kufr to do so?! I don't think that anybody doesn't know. Please remove it, or prepare to face Allah in the hearafter, after you have degraded the status of his most holy messenger.

[Why do we have to wait for the Akhira, Akhi? Allahumma, please punish us at this very instant for our grave kufr. Allahumma, we're waiting... Non-responsive diety you have there, but if you are to be believed he is overly image conscious.]


 Message: 7 of 1334
by: --Odin--
4/20/00 2:24 am
The material on your page is very entertaining! Keep it up! :)


 Message: 8 of 1334
by: Nasir Ahmed
4/27/00 2:13 pm
You are a very unintelligent idiot. You can make jokes all day, but if you are so sure of your blasphemy, how come you haven't offered any evidence? Bring your evidence if you are truthful. Stupid dummy. You criticize Islaam, but you do so with nothing. You're just acting like a clown. If you dibelieve, why not give a reason why you disbelieve? Can you disprove the Quraan? Can you disprove the prophethood of Mohamed? Can you disprove the existence of Allah, who created you and I so that we may worship Him? I think you have made the stuff on this page very hard to understand on purpose, so that people will not know what to think. You say that you are a Jew, or have a "tinge" of Jewish ancestry, and then you overexaggerate so that nobody will take you seriously. But I can see where your hatred is coming from. You really do have a Zionist anti-Islam feeling in your gut, and your rotting heart, Be ashamed. Submit to Allah before it is too late. Think what may happen to you tommorow, you don't know. You could be hit by a truck, and then you would really regret. Please, for your own sake, and not anyone elses, embrace Islaam before it is too late!


 Message: 9 of 1334
"Unintelligent Idiots"
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
4/27/00 7:45 pm

I have. Islam is a joke. Unfortunately it's on you.


Can you disprove the existence of Zeus, Ahura Mazda, Prajaprati, Hubal? The burden of proof is on YOU. I, on the other hand, get to sunbathe by the pool with a margarita in hand, leisurely ignoring the all-consuming question of if Quezelcoatl demands all human's worship in human sacrifice. Or the Islamic equivalent- sacrifice of self-reliance and self-respect before the Almighty Boogeyman.

Subhana Al-Lat AR-rahmana Ar-Rahima,
She created us and it is to her that we shall return.


I certainly hope you're not a truck driver :-), those Zanadiq better avoid the roads. New meaning to road rage.


Wow. Zionist. Hindu. I like how you all can keep on making unsubstantiated guesses about the Global Conspiracy. I will repeat it one more time: Islam is a joke, I find it funny. Hence I try to enliven those who also find it amusing. The gift of laughter is a gift of the gods.


 Message: 10 of 1334
 View Replies to this Message
by: Nasir Ahmed
4/29/00 1:28 pm
You dumb Jew, I knew you couldn't disprove anything. You know that Islam is the truth, and that is why you want to destroy it. If it is such a "joke" to you, why don't you just laugh, and not think anymore on it? Why instead do you make such an insipid page where you cannot stop thinking about the truth? And I can call you Jew because you said you were a Jew. It says so on your page. You admit to being a Zionist, but you overexaggerate it so that people wont take it very seriously. I never called you hindu. Why did you bring that up? A Fraudian slip perhaps? Fraud was a Jew too, and he didn't believe in Allah either. And the Hindus all the time have help with the Israelis, and they think "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Everyone can see that everyone is coming together to fight Islam, but we still see that Islam is growing too fast, and soon Muslims will outnumber non-Muslims, already Muslims are 1/4 of the world's population. Why is that if it's such a joke? And I never said I was going to hit you with a truck. I was only saying that you don't know what is going to happen any day, you could die, and then you'll be sorry you made the bad decisions. I know you think that you can crack jokes now, and then when you get old you'll come to Islam as a security blanket for your soul, but what if you don't get old? What if you die tommorow? Think about it. Islam is pure and true, and you know it. The Qur'an is perfect, never been tampered with, and is not changed for 1500 centuries, unlike your Torah and Talmud, which has been changed. Think about it. Wouldn't God protect his book? I know you know the truth but you deny it to be in enemy of Allah.


 Message: 11 of 1334
RE: Dummy
by: I-Rock
5/15/00 10:34 pm
Mr. Nasir Ahmed says to disprove Islam. However, the question is not to dis-prove Islam, but to prove Islam.
So far, there is no proof that following Islam, will take you to heaven. Has a Muslim who has been to 'heaven', come back and testified to its existence?

Mr. Nasir Ahmed keeps insisting that Islam is pure, but what is pure about a religion that calls for the death of dis-believers?

Mr. Nasir Ahmed says that the editor of this web site will be sorry when he/she dies. How does Mr. Nasir Ahmed know what happens after death?

Mr. Nasir Ahmed asks "Wouldn't God protect his book" ?

How does Mr. Nasir Ahmed know that the Koran is "God's" book? Why not the Bible? Has Mr. Nasir Ahmed seen god? Has Mr. Nasir Ahmed experienced god or talked to god?


 Message: 12 of 1334
by: Clifford Smith
5/22/00 5:42 pm
The burden of proof falls on the believer. Let's see you prove what you so ardently believe in.
And if your religion can't handle the criticism of this website, then what kind of religion is it? This site has been constantly closed down because of your type, for no good reason except that it apparently 'insults'. Well, last I checked, Salman Rushdie's 'The Satanic Verses' was still in print. This website has just as much right as Salman Rushdie's book to be heard.
I'm actually reading the Satanic Verses at the moment. It was in my school library, so eat shit!


 Message: 13 of 1334
Truth Alone Triumphs
by: Al Quransucks
6/23/00 2:43 am
I would like you to visit this great page about prophet MuhamMAD and iSLUM.


 Message: 14 of 1334
The Mail Bag- they Love us in Saudi!
by: Sadiqi
7/5/00 11:39 am
They love the Prophets in Saudi, my sada'iq, and therefore we can't have websites that don't love the Prophets can we? Must be the favorite scapegoat behind our accursed blasphemies- the "Yahoodi."

Subject: an answer
Reply-To: "Mazin Motabagani"

Somebody brought my attention to your site.It is really outrageoud to find such sights on the internet. We believe in all prophets and respect them and love them all. Do you like to find some insane or crazy person saying these things about Moses or David or the other prophets of hte jews. I think you should close this garbage of yours immediately. >>


Again, I think I would wait in vain for these mu'min to figure out that I'm not a Jew, and find some of the biblical descriptions of Moshe and David in some cases comparable to the treachery recorded of Muhammad.

I think this letter shows how baffled they are that someone might think of most Abrahamic religions as b.s.


 Message: 15 of 1334
Huzzah! Now a new move to censor Freeth
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki (t Mecca!)
7/14/00 12:26 am
When will they learn (ps it's in Arabic script if you can't read below or understand)!? The Internet is larger than their limited visions of reality. They have no way of stopping countering visions, except their usual means of intimidation and empty threats of eternal hellfire. And whining to every ISP that will interpret their TOS so no webpage causes anyone to have a soggy bowl of cereal (any complaint will do). We'll see where Geocities stands (or sits).

موقع باللغة الإنجليزية، وهو موقع حاقد على الإسلام، مؤسسه يهودي، ويتضح ذلك من خلال حديثه الكثير عن قتال المسلمين لليهود، انظر مثلا:
بنو قريظة،
يهود في عصر النبوة.
وهو يستهزئ كثيرا بالإسلام والشخصيات الإسلامية، انظر:
شخصيات إسلامية مطلوبة.
والموقع، كما هو واضح، تحتضنه شركة ياهو ضمن المواقع المجانية، ولهذا يجب مخاطبة الشركة والاحتجاج على وجود الموقع لديهم.
ويمكن إرسال احتجاج إلى الشركة من الصفحة:
Yahoo! Abuse Feedback

Allah forbid that they follow the warning of my site, and not look at it!
That's somehow too difficult, even though its not even a page in Arabic!

Oy veh!


 Message: 16 of 1334
I am waiting for you!?
by: Shaitan
7/25/00 6:57 pm


hE hE hE hE Ha Ha Ha hO hO hO



 Message: 17 of 1334
More Mail:Are we getting Intellectual Re
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki (ses or What!?)
7/25/00 10:19 pm
...Okay, they don't have to be intellectual, but it would be nice if they could even begin to weld the sword of satire against my pretensions, instead of these one liners about how close minded I am for not believing their one particular mythology( versus the myriad of competitors).

Let's be creative people. Come on, the keys to effective satire and rebuttal are probably right in the Qur'an.. Everything from the Second Law of Thermodynamics to running a modern nation state are somehow infused within its Surahs. Why not a witty retort to these unbelievers, who virtually always have the rhetorical upper hand?

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 20:17:51 EDT
From: [email protected] Add To Address Book
To: [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)





This coming from a person with an account at AOL for crying out load...


 Message: 18 of 1334
RE: I am waiting for you!?
by: Sadiqi
7/25/00 10:25 pm
Oh no, don't send me to hill [sic]!

I am far too fond of meadows and plains, and all that is flat.

But since you are offering me a hill for creating this site, where can I get the deed of trust? You mentioned something about heat? By chance is it in the desert? I hope they have air conditioning.

Well, nevertheless, I am more than interested in this reward for my site, and even if the real estate you are going to give me is in the wilderness -perhaps I can survey for oil or other natural minerals.

Just send me the lien, Akhi Shaitan...
Jazzak AshShaytan Khayr


 Message: 19 of 1334
The barking of the Dogs do no harm to th
by: None (y.)
7/25/00 10:36 pm
15:2 Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah's will) in Islam.

-Death does not wait.


 Message: 20 of 1334
Bow Wow! Bow Wow! Bark, bark, bark
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/26/00 2:09 am
Lemme see if I'm understanding this, I have to "bowwow" in Islam? I don't have a very good impression of a Rover, the best sound I can make is "gggrrrrrrr, grrrrrrr"- a growling sound. I hope Allah finds this an acceptable substitution for barking "bowwow" to obtain salvation from "hill."

Or maybe it means that East Asian custom of bowing in the place of handshakes? Well, pass on to Allah that nowadays in the West we shake hands- and heck since he has two right hands (omnipowerful enough to redefine right and left!)he can shake two human's hands at one time! I apologize that I'll only shake Rabb-il-'Alimeen's Yad with my left hand, Allahumma, but the right hand is reserved for civilized beings.

Oh ya, one more thing, about Death not waiting. Glad to hear Mr. Death is keeping up with the times- Fast Food, Fast Lane, Fast Death...

Although, you wouldn't know it, the Grim Reaper is one chic skeleton/being/thing- a hipster of the ages, and of the ashes.


 Message: 21 of 1334
Existence of God/proof of islam
by: ghali
7/26/00 7:21 am
An interesting character you are Mr freethought, I have read a couple of your E-mails and I was wondering could it possibly be that finally we have man that can actually be brave enough to destroy islam intellectually.

Let me politely object. In my humble opinion it seems that the atheist has alot to prove. Leaving religion does not prevent the waves of Doubt upon doubt infesting our dear little "soul". In fact things become much worse.

I will start simply (I want to see how far this will go) with the scenario that
Allah does not exist. A simple question that I hope you can humble yorself to answer.

Can their in fact be a possible universe where the laws of science can prove EVERYTHING ? Can their be a THEORY OF EVERYTHING ? Or the other option can their be a state of affairs where I can accept the Universe as a crude overwhelming bare unexplained fact ?

Please shower me with your wisdom Oh enlightened Hume!!

Ghali, a sceptical!! Theist


 Message: 22 of 1334
So.. bad
by: Muslim
7/26/00 10:05 am

Go to the hell for all


 Message: 23 of 1334
Finally, a somewhat provacative post fro
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki (e Faithful...)
7/26/00 2:29 pm
Thanks for the post Ghali, I'll give my 2 cents, though inevitably my explanation won't be enough.

My first objection to your hypothesis ("the atheist has a lot to prove"), is that Islam is not the only religion.

The adage is that atheists just believe in one less god than monotheists- i.e. in some sense Ghali, you have rejected (n-1) as many gods as I have.

Do you have to give a listing, god by god, of what you reject? E.g.

Zeus- "reject because I'm scared of thunderbolts, and he sleeps with animals"

Quezelcoatl- "dislike human sacrifice, though the hallucinagens(sp) sound like fun."

+ .... + n -1 + n

Whether Allah DNE or there exists an Allah- the burden of proof is not on the atheist or agnostic. The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim in the first place. If the Weekly World News makes the claim that Elvis is Alive and well, an extraordinary claim- they have to be the ones to substantiate the claim.

I have neither the time, energy, or ability to prove that Elvis hasn't rose from the dead (in an astral body to compound the confusion). But I don't have to.

Likewise, Ghali, be thankful I'm not going to make you disprove the n-1 gods, before you can assert with certainty that they DNE.


A possible universe where the laws of science can prove EVERYTHING...?

Well, this is a tangential question of epistemology. Although it sounds like a fairly Socratean saying- Those who claim to know EVERYTHING in one sentence know NOTHING.



 Message: 24 of 1334
Sceptic Theists
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/26/00 2:52 pm

Well, this is a tangential question of epistemology. Although it sounds like a fairly Socratean saying- Those who claim to know EVERYTHING in one sentence know NOTHING. (That doesn't mean its correllary is true mon frere)

La ilaha ilallah if we are to believe the mullahs is the most important knowledge anyone could have. A Theory of Everything if you will that explains nothing, though provides the illusion of knowledge for the faithful.

Perhaps you may want to read about the "God of the Gaps," for an illustration of this.

"A corollary to the rule that theism ought never to oppose science is that all "God of the gaps" arguments must be eschewed. In other words, God should not be invoked to account for phenomena that science cannot presently explain but might well come to understand in the future. Such efforts to erect theism in the explanatory niches left blank by contemparary science can only result in embarrassed retreat as these lacunae are progressively closed."

If I cared to make an extensive refutation of Islam, I would begin to note the progress in neuroscience, and the airy fairy theories of Soul in Islam that are contrary to this empirical observations. Jinn (majnun) and mental illness the next...


Very ambitious fellow, with your theories of everything, but proofs in science and mathematics differ. Science is and remains probablistic, that is we cannot be certain that what works well for a time (e.g. Newtonian physics) might not be a fair approximation under all conditions (relativity).

For math, I would send you packing to Godel's Incompleteness theorem as the mathematical answer to a theory of everything...

Well..I gotta go for the moment, cowered as I am by your line of questioning ;-), but thanks for the sarcasm. No really. Thanks a lot. :-)


 Message: 25 of 1334
7/26/00 4:48 pm
Go Fuck you mother you mother fucker crazy wackhy


 Message: 26 of 1334
Re: FU
by: Sadiqi
7/26/00 4:49 pm
Almost complete sentences...Bravo...


 Message: 27 of 1334
what a bad page....
by: Islam_son
7/26/00 7:04 pm
I was shocked when I have seen this page which is against all Muslims.....I really believe that any person who have proper wisdom whatever his religion will must respect other's religion..and don't annoy others ....but what ever you do we will still love our prophet...FINALLY I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THIS PAGE SHOW THE LOW LEVEL OF THINKING OF IT'S OWNER...


 Message: 28 of 1334
Maybe We should start a Zindik Fan Club!
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/27/00 1:13 am
Salaamis and pastramis everyone,

We are happy to announce some of the fan mail our site is getting.

From: click <******> To: "'[email protected]'"
Subject: who you

Who are you?!!!!!!!!!

+I'm Batman!+

From: Murad Arslan <*****>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Atheist

Atheist do not believe in God. Atheist will go on
proofing that universe was created in a pang and
Darwin's theory of Evolution describes how creatures
and live forms develop into a complex one.
( monkey to a human ?).

are block headed & illiterate
-Atheist are worse than communists.
-Atheist have wicked souls and evil deeds.
-Atheist are the worshipers of money, human body ( sex

Close your site and pray to God the All Mighty for
forgiveness before you die and rot in hell.

+Well, despite the imprecations, I'm glad Murad can at least figure out we're not Jewish. He'll being running for a school board near you :-), grand new ideas about the science curriculum.+

From: ****** To: [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)

i dont know what to say about your suite but all i can say that u dont
any thing about islam and u r just some one who want to try to say
things about our relegin but i swer u can not do it u can not
do it

+Not going to do it...wouldn't be prudent- SNL's Dana Carvey-+


 Message: 29 of 1334
Alhamdullat, more Letters cont..
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/27/00 1:32 am
+Note:I'm not sure if the Arabic script will come out in the Geocities Guestbook- but we'll give her a shot.+

From: "saad alharbi" <>
To: [email protected]

يا قليل الأدب ياللي ما تستحي تعرف أللي تتريق عليعه رجله أحسن من وجيه اليهود
كلهم وأنت معاهم يا اليهودي تعرف بأقلك شيء أنت وسخ وأبله ومعفن وحمار وكلب
تبغى الصراحة أنا ظلمت الكلاب والحمير لأهم أنظف منك ومن عشر زيك
يا أخي......
ليه أخي يا كلبي أتق الله عيب الكلام هذا يا أخي ما تخاف تنخسف بك الأرض في
الدقائق أللي قاعد تقري فيه كلامي ولا في أي وقت وأنت على ضلالك وكفرك وتهزيئك
أتق الله أنت ما تخاف من النار وحرارتها أتق الله وهذي آخر كلمة مني لك في
هذه الرسالة أتق الله

+Translation: You are a donkey! A dog!
I love my Homey Muhammad! Rah! Rah! Rah! Go team! Go!+

 Message: 30 of 1334
The Arabic Script cutoff the last msg, h
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki (s the rest)
7/27/00 1:35 am
From: [email protected] To: [email protected]
Subject: hi there

that we consider to be extremely offensive and insalting to all muslims
earth. We believe that it is unwise to keep this site on as it has no value
neither for yahoo nor for the service users. We beileve that if yahoo keeps
this site running, many muslims will be upset and may sanction the yahoo
sites and services (like myself). In addition to that we strongly believe
that the material contained within the site does not fall in line with
yahoo's vision and mession statement.


+The most popular website in the world, threatened by a population which probably has some of the least access to the internet in the World? (Save for those loveable Gulf states...) Regardless, I warn all visitors upfront in my intro that they may not like what they read (or in this case are unable to read, because of a language barrier).
If Yahoo follows through with their demands, what next? Should they run their site to the demands of the Mullahs? Take down all links to paganism, sex ed, and Ms. Piggy on their directory? Remove all the atheist humor sites, because of "hurt feelings?" Hopefully, Geocities doesn't make a mistake like America Online (and L'affaire de SurahLikeIt) in taking down this page...Je verrai+

From: "haitham aboelenen" <> To: [email protected]
Subject: you must know your God

we will see you in the day of judgment in the hill fire insha allah if you
will not be a muslim

--- haitham aboelenen
--- *******
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

+Thank you Haitham for being direct, and not beating around the bush as to whether non-Muslims will or will not go to hell in your book. Much more refreshing than the sophistic lip service to Islam's "recognition" of Judaism and Christianity.

Of course, you views on pouring molten lava on non-Muslims in the afterlife, might be offensive to unfortunately we have to call on Geocities to remove all such Muslim pages...


 Message: 31 of 1334
by: The DOCTOR
7/27/00 2:17 am
I saw Your Site..... and i think i can fix you And your think problem ... So Visit Me in my clinc .... To Begin fixing YOU .


 Message: 32 of 1334
Very Much Proud to be muslim
by: Proudly Muslim
7/27/00 2:39 am
I would like to tell who ever had come with this site of most wanted arabs, that this is a very cheap way of showing how much non muslim envey muslims. We love god and all his prophets and most of all is Mohammed peace be upon him. We are not at all touched but what you have written about the prophit and his freinds. This site is only to show us and proove for the thousand time how much non muslims are unrespectable and have no faith and most of all have no stable life. Our god and his prophet Mohammed had taught us how to behave and respect other religions,lifestyles and most of all repect the human being for they are. We spend our time in following God's rules and his prophit mohammed, which leave us no time to waste it in writting unbelievable rubbish.


 Message: 33 of 1334
Take my words
by: Harry Mowatt
7/27/00 4:05 am
I've read most of the pages in your damn sitt, and we all know where you came from and who is feeding you. My advice to you guys who are working for Israeli "MOSAD" is to stop this shitty games because we all know "Christians" that jews are standing behind every single bad action in human history..


 Message: 34 of 1334
Islam on the Rise
by: A Catholic Turned Muslim
7/27/00 10:45 am
After looking through your site, I find a person who apparently has had a traumatic experience in his life. Downing a religion and its followers will not ease your pain. I suggest you seek help. Besides, you can do no harm to Islam through your site because it is still growing at a rate of 235%, while many other religions are on the decline. There are very few like you, thanks be to God. You only end up destroying yourself in the process.

"Verily, (during the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed. And, whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery). And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting; And when they saw them, they said: 'Verily these have indeed gone astray!' But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers). But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers. On (high) thrones, looking (at all things). Are not the disbelievers paid (fully)for what they used to do." (83:29-36)


 Message: 35 of 1334
by: The Slave of Almighty - Bahjat A
7/27/00 11:19 am
You are a sad case of ignorance!. I ask Allah Almighty to forgive your transgression on His Prophets and Messengers and to guide you and the rest of humanity to the straight path.


 Message: 36 of 1334
Save Me!
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/27/00 1:10 pm
From: "_-_Only-Amani_-_-_ _-_-" <[email protected]> To: [email protected]
Subject: Hi

Hi There

How are you ? i hope you are fine, just few words to say about your site
that attack muslims and the prophet muhammed and allah.
Do u think what u do is will put islam down, i think you are worng because islam protect from the creator(allah). many people and the media try to put islam down but what is the result nothing. the weak people always try to attack and envy the other because they can do anything , do u think i will attack you no and no because i belive islam won't go down even if you own the internet belive me you can't do anything, i do not what is
your religion even if you are jewish belive me i won't attack you because
i learn from islam to be peaceful.

the last thing do what ever do u want but belive me one day you will feel
repent and you are weak person you don't have nothing to do so has any
organistaion paid you money to do or what.
i hope you learn more and more , and good luck in your life and all
the best for you my friend and brother if you like because islam said in
the quran all people are brothers even if the nationality or religions are diffrent.

bye,,,,or salam alikoum ,,,,,,Salim

+The buddy approach, though I have more respect for it than the obscenty-strewn or basic jahennum threats, still has its shortcomings. Though we here are glad that many Muslims adulterate the teachings of Islam that can be gleaned from the Qur'an and Sunnah, or in places like Indonesia and Turkey have become "statistical Muslims"- that's not the particular interpretation we are satirizing, except in its naivety (when it asserts Islam teaches something it doesn't). +

The next selection is a stunning literary achievement- a ribald limrick:+

From: Carlos Jim> To: [email protected]

**** you,
**** your mother,
**** your sister
**** you ,**** you **** you

The Isslam is the best and will stay forever

you are so silly, so go and suck your mother's ^^^^^

+ Wa Allat, there has not been a more eloquent poet since the Days of Jahiliya...+


 Message: 37 of 1334
by: asmar
7/27/00 4:55 pm


 Message: 38 of 1334
re: F*CK YOU
by: Denis Giron
7/27/00 6:18 pm

Oh yeah? Well YUCK FOO too! Look here Asmar al-pottymouth, does this kind of language come off as proper Muslim behavior? You're asking God to damn those involved in this site, but one wonders, assuming your mighty phantasm exists, is Gawd will actually take note of your request considering the shameless amount of profanity you have used. Surely such colorful language would make Allah blush, as he is the most bashful.


 Message: 39 of 1334
This is Amusing ..
by: Ather
7/27/00 6:55 pm
This is actually funny how you slander Islam, did Islam have this great of an impact in your life to waste all of your precious time to build this site ?

As you know the sign of defeat in an argument is insulting and slandering.

Thank you for showing us how Islam came to be so strong to the extent that a fool in America would diticate a big amount of his time on fighting it. You are like a bug trying to stop the sun from rising, truly pethatic.

Moreover, you know how to read arabic. The only people I know that know how to read Arabic and hate Islam are Israelis. Yes you are an athiest , but I bet you have a Jewish background ( many of your articles show this.

Oh and about the (Bowing and barking) article. Limme get you the full Ayat, so you might understand, and because you know arabic i'm sure you can go to the original script and even read the Tafseer :) , but i'm also sure you won't do that.

here it is surrah 15:

1. A. L. R. These are the Ayats of Revelation,- of a Qur'an that makes things clear.

2. Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah.s will) in Islam.

3. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them).

4. Never did We destroy a population that had not a term decreed and assigned beforehand.

5. Neither can a people anticipate its term, nor delay it.

6. They say: "O thou to whom the Message is being revealed! truly thou art mad (or possessed)!

7. "Why bringest thou not angels to us if it be that thou hast the Truth?"

8. We send not the angels down except for just cause: if they came (to the ungodly), behold! no respite would they have!

9. We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).

10. We did send apostles before thee amongst the religious sects of old:

11. But never came an apostle to them but they MOCKED him.

12. Even so do we let it creep into the hearts of the sinners -

13. That they should not believe in the (Message); but the ways of the ancients have passed away.

14. Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein,

15. They would only say: "Our eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we have been bewitched by sorcery."

Now i'll leave you to enjoy whatever time left for you have to live.


 Message: 40 of 1334
Ather (re: amusing)
by: Denis Giron
7/27/00 8:14 pm
<< This is actually funny how you slander Islam, did Islam have this great of an impact in your life to waste all of your precious time to build this site ? >>

How do you know how much time the webmaster spends on this site? Maybe he's the first in what will become a long line of critics of your superstition. This is America baby, where we've spent decades, if not centuries, bashing Jews and Christians for their superstitions. Now you're going to bring yet more Judeo-christian nonsense, blend it with some Arabi superstition, and slap the name "ISLAM" on it. You have to realize that it's only a matter of time before we put you in the same boat as the other wackos who believe in mythical characters such as Moses, Jesus, et cetera.

<< As you know the sign of defeat in an argument is insulting and slandering. >>

Then you must have been defeated at some point over the course of time it took you to type up your post, as you went from complaining about slander to attempting to muddy the waters by calling the web master a Yahood. You also referred to the web master as "pathetic."

<< Thank you for showing us how Islam came to be so strong to the extent that a fool in America would diticate a big amount of his time on fighting it. >>

This site doesn't fight anything. There is no attempt to try and criticize Islamic texts in depth. Rather, the web master and the supporters of this site already agree Islam is nonsense, so let's all just point and laugh. Subhanal-lat! Alhamdulil-lat!

<< Moreover, you know how to read arabic. The only people I know that know how to read Arabic and hate Islam are Israelis. >>

Way to go genius! Great detective work! And to think, you didn't even need your Yahood-O-meter for that one! You expose your own idiocy with comments like this. Do you assume that the Web Master is secretly wearing a Yarmulke, muttering "Uzayr is the son of HaShem..." as he types up more blasphemy, and propagates more kufr? You're an imbecile, and you're just another sad chimp blinded by the stupidity of Islamic conspiracy theories.

Who's the Jew here? Who is trying to push a superstitious mythology that speaks of men turning sticks into snakes in egypt and drowning pharaohs? Who's the one who is in favor of abstaining from pork for no compassionate reason (Jains and Buddhists give the best reasons for abstaining from pork, not you Islamic crypto-Jews)? Who's the one who follows a religion that includes stoning of adulterers, separating women during their menstral cycle, death to apostates, animal sacrifice, et cetera? Who's the Jew? You! Go kill yourself Yahoodi!

Oh, by the way, speaking of Arabic speakers who hate Islam, ever heard of Maronite Christians? How many Muslims did they kill during Lebanon's civil war? I think the Web Master is a distant cousin of Bashir Gemayel. Look it up.

Finally, you ended off by giving some quotes from your unholy Qur'an (the Arabic version of the Holy Babble), and insinuated that the web master never read that wretched rag. You based this assumption on your equally unfounded assumption that Sadiqi is an Israeli. You're begging the question you mental midget. I assure you that the web master, and most of the supporters of this wonderful site, have read that incoherent piece of drivel. You're like the fundamentalist Christian who assumes that just because someone doesn't believe the nonsense they believe, the person must've never read their holy writ.

Wake up big boy! Your religion is a myth! It was, for the most part, created by superstitious Jewish babarians, and then coupled with additions from Greek and Arab pagans. Rational people don't believe in virgin births, talking babies, sticks that turn into snakes, talking ants, birds that fight elephants, et cetera, et cetera. Use your brain.


 Message: 41 of 1334
BUT WHY ????
by: salem
7/27/00 8:25 pm


 Message: 42 of 1334
Here's why...
by: Denis Giron
7/27/00 9:24 pm

I was told by the web master that he enjoyed visiting Islamic web sites and chats. However, one day, after seeing how many Muslims refused to turn of their all-caps key, he just snapped, and vowed to destroy Islam at all costs. He signed up with Mosad the next day.

In all seriousness, could you define what it means to "insult a messenger of God?" The vast majority of the men (why no women?) you consider to have been messengers of God were fictional characters. The one's that weren't are long dead. How can they possibly be insulted? What about your wretched Qur'an which delivers numerous ad-hominen attacks upon the pious believers in Polytheism. Ever since that, all us Hinjews have agreed that it's open season on Islam, and Vishnu knows best.


 Message: 43 of 1334
To Ghali the skeptical Theist
by: Denis Giron
7/27/00 9:53 pm
Ghali, you asked the following questions as part of a scenario where Allah did not exist:

<< Can their in fact be a possible universe where the laws of science can prove EVERYTHING ? Can their be a THEORY OF EVERYTHING ? Or the other option can their be a state of affairs where I can accept the Universe as a crude overwhelming bare unexplained fact ? >>

I would like to attempt to answer this question, though I think Sadiqi's answer was already an excellent reply. I don't assume that there will ever be a period where the laws of science will answer EVERYTHING [emphasis both yours and mine]. If there is an alternate universe where everything within that universe is explained by science, I would assume that we would find that hypothetical universe to be strikingly simple. Indeed, it is quite obvious that there is a great deal about the universe that we do not know.

However, your post seemed to insinuate that you, or to be more precise, your religion has the answers to the questions of the universe. If that is indeed what you are leading to, then you should know that many of us here strongly disagree. Even in religion (regardless of what religion that may be), one reaches the point where there is no possible answer. The only difference is, Theists will say something along the lines of "God knows best." That's very nice, but I would like one to prove God exists, and prove that He or She knows best.

Oh, Sadiqi mentioned Godel's proof. Check out the following:


 Message: 44 of 1334
God is there
by: God & prophets lover
7/27/00 10:22 pm
oh my almighty God please please if those people insist on their site and not remove it as soon as possible ,i ask you to let those people who made this site live longer and longer and let mosqueetos go inside their heads like the Namrood ,,please God show them your power before they die ,, thank you my God ,,


 Message: 45 of 1334
...And Prophet Lover is "Out" There
by: Sadiqi
7/27/00 10:45 pm
I think the Prophet's lover boy watched Stephen King's the Green Mile WAY too many times.

For those of you who have seen it...remember the flies...and Tom Hank's character who lives to a Noachim (Hmm...let's predict what the muj will say about this- more evidence of Yahoodery :-) age?

All this talk of power, and yet I have the vague suspicion that loverboy hasn't witnessed "mosqueetos go inside their heads" - less he is a mad hatter.


 Message: 46 of 1334
I am waiting
7/28/00 3:44 am
Hallo there .... I am still waiting for you .

are you frightened from something ... believe me i think that you have a big problem .

so don`t be late or ....


 Message: 47 of 1334
iam ready to discuss why dont you want !
by: albert einstein
7/28/00 7:38 am
your web site includes lots lots of lies and if you want really to discuss ( cos i know you dont know anything )send to my email and i will show the contradictions in your writing .
[email protected]


 Message: 48 of 1334
by: Denis Giron
7/28/00 3:49 pm
"Albert Einstein" wrote:
<< your web site includes lots lots of lies and if you want really to discuss ( cos i know you dont know anything )send to my email and i will show the contradictions in your writing. >>

Dearest Albert, why keep it private? Why not just show it to us all right here? Or why not make a web site for all to see? Why have some silly discussion behind the proverbial closed doors? Is this to insure that you can still claim victory despite being humiliated intellectually? Bring your shee-it if you are truthful.


 Message: 49 of 1334
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/28/00 10:01 pm
$$$$$$$$From a BBS$$$$$$$

I send an e-mail to the owner of this site.I have threatned him and attack in my mail.Muslim hackers should close his site
the owner of this site does not believe in any religion

I think geocities will not close this site because one guy in ALSAHA who send them the same message recieved from geocities an e-mail saying that there is no violation of TOS terms


+If at first you don't succeed, threaten, whine, complain, and especially HACK- or at least that's the Message of Islam :)+


 Message: 50 of 1334
you are sneaky and snaky and i will demo
by: albert einstein (ate that shortly)
7/29/00 8:22 am
The first contradiction that you wrote in ARABIAS TEN MOST WANTED FUGITIVE about ALLAH SUBHANA WA T’ALA that he sleeps on his cosmic kursi then, you said in another area “ I don’t believe there is a ALLAH “ , if you don’t there is ALLAH then why have you written a lot of lies about him . further, how do you know the sex and complexion of ALLAH and I would not want to go into details . I took a look at what you wrote and I realized that you don’t know and you don’t know that you don’t know , I swear a GOD ( ohh , I forgot you don’t believe there is a GOD ) so I swear you have written all these falsehoods just to attract the attention not to understand the truth . I am really bewildered why you are a proud of being mushrek, murtad, kafir and zindiqi shame on you are considered educated . and yes I remember that you have sense of humor such 5000 darked_eyed houris you have ???! 1000 dinars ,alsameen ,alqabeah, the most hungry ,the best cook, the photo of the prophet MUHAMAD … but such these jests may throw you into the HELL .
Think about what you are saying and I am ready to discuss at all the points separately if you want .
[email protected]


 Message: 51 of 1334
"Einstein" has never heard of fiction or
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki (ire?)
7/29/00 2:22 pm
+The first contradiction that you wrote in ARABIAS TEN MOST WANTED FUGITIVE about ALLAH SUBHANA WA T’ALA that he sleeps on his cosmic kursi then, you said in another area “ I don’t believe there is a ALLAH “ , if you don’t there is ALLAH then why have you written a lot of lies about him . +

Shakespeare writes about Romeo and Juliet.

.: He believes Romeo and Juliet Exist!

Stephen King writes about an evil alien named Pennywise.

.: He believes Pennywise Exists!

Sadiqi writes about eternal hellfire, Pot-Smoking Allah,the Day of Animated Cartoon Vengeance.

.: p:He believes all of these Exist!

If Sadiqi believes p, then it is contradictory that he would with levity discuss them in full knowledge that "such jests may throw you into the HELL." Sadiqi is not that masochistic...

Hence, Sadiqi doesn't think that Allah exists, but is rather a fictional character, with no more power to inflict punishment than a meglomaniacal, twisted Bugs Bunny. (Excepting the lunatics who think Allah calls them to inflict the said punishments...)


 Message: 52 of 1334
scientific facts described in the Qur'an
by: albert einstein ( hadeeths)
7/29/00 4:27 pm
Yes scientific facts described in Qur’an and hadeeths and these are two examples :
1) General relativity theory has been confirmed in a number of ways since it was introduced. For example, it predicts that the world line of a ray of light will be curved in the immediate vicinity of a massive object such as the sun. To verify this prediction, scientists first chose to observe a star appearing very close to the edge of the sun. Such observations cannot normally be made, because the brightness of the sun obscures a nearby star. During a total eclipse, stars can be observed and their positions precisely measured even when they appear quite close to the edge of the sun. Expeditions were sent out to observe the eclipses of 1919 and 1922 and made such observations. The apparent positions of the stars were then compared with their apparent positions some months later, when they appeared at night far from the sun. Einstein predicted an apparent shift in position of 1.745 seconds of arc for a star at the very edge of the sun, with progressively smaller shifts for more distant stars. In recent years, expeditions were sent to study the eclipses verified these predictions and this is described in Qur’an that ALLAH swore by the greatness of positions of the stars.
2) Astronomers state that the sun after consuming the hydrgenic fuel it will burn its store of helium then it will expand converting itself into a red huge star covering part of the solar system until mars and that’s described in one hadeeth {what will happen on the judgement day}. There are dozens of examples; and I say that the science is still incapable compared with the Qur’an.
[email protected]


 Message: 53 of 1334
I'm Game Akhi Einstein...
by: Sadiqi
7/29/00 5:43 pm
Is there any websites you'd like to direct us, so that we can learn more about the miracles of the Qur'an? (that I haven't listed like

Re: 1) What particular passages in the Qur'an are you claiming refer to relativity?

Re: 2) Same deal, though I do have some idea of what kind of verses you are referring too...


Be happy Einstein, you can use this BB as a place for da'wa and turn them away from FTMecca's wicked jahilliyah...Don't be mad, be glad :-)


 Message: 54 of 1334
by: abo Mahmoud
7/29/00 7:31 pm
Thanks for your site which make me more muslim and belifer of GOD.

It's so clear that it's another dirty jewsih site


 Message: 55 of 1334
re:sadiqi (iam game akhi einstein)
by: albert einstein
7/29/00 9:24 pm
First what do you know about relativity? okey I suppose you are acquainted with (not very clued on) relativity. Have you understood what I wrote about general theory of relativity I don’t think so. From your question I realized that you don’t understand what I have written. OK so you want The passage refer to relativity, I will give you the verse in Arabic and I am sure you know Arabic and I think you are mmm say Syrian or I think you are Lebanese or Egyption anyway the important thing that you will understand the verse
قال الله تعالى :( فلا اقسم بمواقع النجوم ، وانه لقسم لو تعلمون عظيم ) اقسم الله هنا لعظمة مواقع النجوم ، حيث أن لمواقع النجوم عظمة جعلت الله يقسم بها النظرية النسبية العامة بينت ذلك .
Translation: ALLAH swore by the positions of the stars and the general theory of relativity shows the greatness of the positions of the stars (refer to scientific facts described in the Qur’an 53).
Now go back to my writing about general theory of relativity and understand it, by the way what do you do for living, don’t you have a job and what did you study? Because I realized from your question that you are very intelligent man like einstein .
Every DOG has his day .

[email protected]


 Message: 56 of 1334
Ayat Mubeen?
by: Sadiqi Az-Zindiki
7/30/00 12:32 am

I looked at Surah 53 (wa an-najm idha hawaa), but didn't find that ayat (till later)...but searching for stars from brought me the following ayat of interest:

16:16. And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars (men) guide themselves.

:17. Is then He Who creates like one that creates not? Will ye not receive admonition?

As you say I may not understand the complexities of the theory of relativity- but I would wonder if there was a simpler explanation, because the allusion you say it is making reminds me of

An explanation might hinge upon the uses of stars for calendrical and navigation purposes, which would have been known at the time. That is explicitly mentioned by this other verse. And the theme of saying "Look, wow, how great is this natural wonder or that natural wonder", hence how much greater their creator, is recurring in several ayat.

56:75. Furthermore I call to witness the setting of the Stars,-

76. And that is indeed a mighty adjuration if ye but knew,-

77. That this is indeed a qur'an Most Honourable,

78. In Book well-guarded,

The connection to the Theory of Relativity is tenuous- I would consider this claim as the following type of error: "2) Verses are construed to refer to scientific theories, even when the only similarity could be said that it peers in the same direction of nature. "

A human being, unaided by divinity, can notice the changing positions of stars. They can then marvel, as they might at thunder and lightening, and other phenomenon of nature.

The evidence for this is the records and artifacts of pre-Islamic cultures...

This is simple observation, not the stuff of theories about space-time. That the positions of stars were used to confirm Einstein's theory is not to say that his theory wasn't tested by other means that you have not mentioned and don't single out because it may not be convenient...

Such as the differing rate of time at higher altitudes, or acceleration and mass nearing the speed of light...If there was an unequivocal passage...


I guess this will piss you off, but to non-Muslims, that verse isn't impressive. Maybe that is our blackened hearts, but I somehow don't think that science has discovered kaafir hearts to be any blacker than mu'min hearts :-)

And other religions claim the same thing about their scriptures, if they haven't already figured out that they're not going to beat science at its own game.

A book in this regard, if you are in an English speaking country is the Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra. He focuses on physics, from the subatomic to the relativity you mention, and claims precursors to the scientific thought in Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.


لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
by: مسلم
7/31/00 2:54 am
لعنة الله على الكافرين
اللهم انصرنا عليهم
اللهم انهم لا يعجزونك
اللهم انك بحولك وطولك اقوى واعز
اللهم ارنا فيهم عجائب قدرتك
اللهم ارنا فيهم يوما اسودا
حسبنا الله ونعم والوكيل
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
ربنا لا تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا
نستغفرك اللهم ونتوب اليك ونبراء اليك من كل ما يعمل هؤلاء الظالمون


 Message: 58 of 1334 multiplied by the 1400 or so years After Hegira by a script of some sort, and Yahoo's lame message boards. If that's my site's weakest link for the Hackerz, Alhamdullat...the Message Board is primarily for their Muslim brothers and sistaz to spout off about the eternal truths of skin off my back. 
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