Freethought Mecca Free For All (Archived)

Date:   Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:17:14 +0300
From:   "Ali Saeed" <[email protected]>  
Subject:   u r insane

If he had killed all jews , such animals like you wouldn't have been alive now.

Date:   Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:19:45 +0300
From:   "Yousif Salah Alansari" <$^$$%%[email protected]>   
Subject:   You will go to hill for me

1- do you feel happy when u do this site?

2- do u know that u are going to hill some day?

3- do u know y?

4- I do

5- because you are polytheist!!!!! And the god will forgive about anything except this.


6- so dont waste ur time . and be a muslim . before u die.


god (( aalllah))) guide u if he wish to.

Clem - 09/29/00 05:08:42
Favorite Vice: jerking off, of course
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Nabelat (Taleban)

Kicked my ass!!! Dont necessarily agree with your methods, but your message is a bullseye! Keep hammering away. Allah O Akbar

- 09/17/00 14:38:59
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you! Thank you! Your ignorance and hatred has done more than I can say to reinforce my love and faith in Allah!! I am a new Muslim and was starting to letting my faith slip away. But by reading this website, I know how important it is that I pray, r ad my Quran, and not become like you people. You helped me more than you know. As for the guy who put this at the Muslim guys desk at work, I hope he sues you. Allahu Akbar, and as someone below says, I only pray that Allah deals with you as he wills. Tha k you. Allahu Akbar--May Allah grant me the wisdom to avoid the likes of you people. By Allah's grace I was guided to this site to know what to avoid. By Allah's grace I have found just how childish the kafir can be. I was at first offended, but then thou ht alhumdillah, My God has guided me here, to see what I have to fear in associating with the kafir. Your kafir ways have given me new zeal for worshipping Allah, yet you in your stupidity and ignorance don't know it. Reading this site made me so freaking happy that I'm now crying to know that I am one of the few that Allah has guided on the straight path. I am one of the few that Allah has guided on the straight path. I am one of the few who wants to get closer to Allah. Allahu Akbar. And thank you, whose ignorance works against you, and you don't even know it.

- 09/17/00 14:06:28

I'm not here to judge or to give my opinion as I personally don't find my judgment in the overall scheme of things to be of much importance. ALL I PRAY IS THAT ALLAH DEALS WITH YOU AS HIS WILL ALLOWS.

- 09/17/00 14:06:24

I'm not here to judge or to give my opinion as I personally don't find my judgment in the overall scheme of things to be of much importance. ALL I PRAY IS THAT ALLAH DEALS WITH YOU AS HIS WILL ALLOWS.

Muslim - 09/16/00 17:29:13

Ha Ha Ha, this site really makes me laugh so "f....." loud. Finally, there is somebody who has the guts to prove that all Christian and Jewish "believers" are just a bunch of idiots and assholes. Again, to all Muslims visiting this site, guys please don't pay it any attention or be so irritated because we all (including the Non-Muslim or even Non-Believer site owner and his very very very funny parrots) know that this is bullshit. Come-on guys, wh don't you just ignore them and carry on with what's much more important than listening or actually reading this crap. Guys, we have a mission in this life. These people just want us to forget about it and go in their way. They know that have lost everyth ng when they did not follow their prophets. Now, they don't have anything else to lose or to worry about and the only thing they can do is to try to make us disbelieve or have some doubts in our great religion. They were not lucky in the beginning when th y started fighting Islam by force. So, the next step or the best solution is to fight us indirectly as they are doing now. This was planned hundreds of years ago. To make the story short, I have one question to the site owner if he is an educated guy and thinks that he can criticize and judge things on some scientific and logical bases, why does not he compare between Islam and his religion "if he believes in anyth ng" and show the advantages and disadvantages of both and accept discussing weak areas with people who have a great knowledge in their religion. Some of the things he may need to explain: · If Mohammad is not a real prophet, what did they do to Jesus and why did they kill him on the "Cross". · If they think that Allah (our god) does not exist, how can they have "three gods" at the same time?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · If Qura'an (our holy book) is not from god, what happened to their Bible(s) and how many different versions do they have? This item needs a real good explanation. LOSER(s), think about some good answers before you type anything. Go to hell anyway.

Sadiqi - 09/15/00 06:42:20
Favorite Vice: Setting Up Sultry Sex Shops in Saudi
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: KSA

All I can say to that circumcision story is ouch! LOL! :->

Since we're on a ribald subject, I thought I'd share the latest kafir evil-doing to get pious panties in a bunch...

I got a junk mail earlier this week that is trying to prevent another heinous Zionist plot- wild, unrestrained carnal desire.

Action Alert: The Sanctity of Mecca Must be Protected
Zindiqi translation: Someone out there may actually be enjoying their lives in a way other than BENDING OVER to Allah...

Assalamu Alayekum, dear Brothers and Sisters,
MECCA is the holiest city of Islam, indeed the world: think of Mecca and you at once think of Qiblat, Holy Ka'aba, Hajj, Qur'an, Rasulullah SAW and Ibrahim AS.
Sadiqi sez: Did this guy find this out in Consumer Holiness Reports? Just what is this holiness so often spoken of?
Ann Summers Ltd is owned and operated by the Jewish Gold family of the UK. They are the wealthiest Jewish family in the UK.
Sadiqi sez: Well there's a crime in the ummah's eyes...
Ann Summers is a filthy and disgusting source of sexual perversion, marketing sex "toys" like whips, vibrators and many other "products" of similar nature.
Sadiqi sez: And you'd have me believe per hadith that the Prophet Muhammad pleasured all of his wives (the famous hadiths to the effect that Muhammad was as virile as twenty men) without a little aid from circa 600 c.e. dildos?

This same Ann Summers Ltd plans to set up a sex shop at the International Mall in Mecca next month. Please see the following articles:
1. MSA News, September 5, 2000
2. Sunday London Telegraph, August 27, 2000
3. Ann Summers is 'TOTALLY JEWISH'
YOU ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED to forward this message and to please notify EVERY Muslim organisation, EVERY Muslim committee, and EVERY Islamic Center & EVERY Masjid that you know, and EVERY Muslim email list and EVERY Muslim message board; along with all your friends, and ask THEM to notify everyone THEY know, too !!! Encourage everyone you contact to contact Ann Summers Ltd. and the Saudi regime by every available means.
Sadiqi: "Saudi regime" that sort of reference will sure win them over!
Please use discretion in your distribution. DO NOT post this at sites of the kaffireen, for them to make a mockery of us and our deen.
sadiqi: 'Isa ibn Maryam! Jesus H. Christ, I wonder at times if the pious need any help whatsoever in showing how retarded their deen can be.
Yaqoob Ali

Dr Bharat Kumar - 09/14/00 23:48:43
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: women in veils
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: wish I knew

A good site, but you must circumsize every one visiting this. May I add? Twenty five ago, in UK some one greeted me to show off his command of Indian lingo " Salam aley kum, Dr Patel". Hasitantly, I replied in my broken English " Sir, you orally circumsized me" I meant verbally.

Dionisio (Denis) Giron - 09/13/00 17:23:19
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Plugging FTMecca!
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Sheikh Muhammad S. al-Munajjid's Cyber-bayt al-hikma

Greetings freethinkers and not-so-freethinkers (this means you Monotheists!). I just wanted to let you know about the latest plug I tried to give to FTMecca by way of a letter written to the foaming-at-the-mouth cyber-mullahs at Islam Q&A. Here's the message:

" (Question Reference #: 696 Posted on 03/27/1998). Clearly this is the Sunni standpoint, but it helps to underline one of many contradictions between the Qur'an and Sunna. You cited al-Bukhaari 3017, which, among others, quotes Muhammad as saying "ma baddala deenahu, Faqtuluhu!" How on earth can you possibly reconcile this with the Qur'an's statement of "la ikraha fid-deen"???

In the paragraph that attempts to justify this ruling, you wrote "The person who knows the truth and believes in it, then turns his back on it, does not deserve to live." Then this is a direct contradiction of the claim that there is no compulsion in reli ion. In all actuality, this ruling insinuates that there is a desire to silence those who have experienced Islam first hand and are not convinced.

You follow that with the following statement: "If the kuffaar do not give people the freedom to cross a red light, how can we give freedom to people to leave Islaam and disbelieve in Allaah when they want to?" What kind of laughable analogy is this? Furth rmore, why are you indirectly insinuating that the kuffar are an example to take after? Finally, why did you avoid the topic of the aforementioned quote from the Qur'an, "la ikraha fid-deen"? Were you afraid that verses from your own holy wr t would muddy the waters and weaken your absurd justification for a barbaric punishment?

- 09/09/00 17:46:12

La'anathullahi alaik!!

Dionisio (Denis) Giron - 09/08/00 22:05:38
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Persian Vice? No, no, no... leave that to the types at Queer Jihad
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: the Q.J. Social Club for Interlectual Homersectuals

Dear Roshan, why did you waiste your time writing such a beautiful refutation to the garbage that is put forth by the "interlectuals" on this site? Wouldn't it have been easier to just post something similar to that as the person who goes by the name "you [expletive]ing bastards!"?

    This website is total rubbish, as shown by the general interlectual levels of the posts to the guestbook.
Do you assume that the posts in the guestbook represent the webmaster(s) of this site? Are you also referring to the Muslim posters as well?
    For a start there is hardly any factual infomation (on the site) to begin with,
As has been said repeatedly in the past, there is no desire to get in depth with Islam. the regulars here all agree that Islam is nothing more than a silly Arabo-Judaic superstition. Islam is ridiculous, hence we ridicule it. Some day in the future the We master(s) of this site may come forth with a more intellectual attack on Islam, but ntil then, there is the FTMecca, where satire is used as a weapon against truth; where fitna is seen as being superior to adab; where we make an effort to call the halal haram, and call the haram halal.
    and secondly the anti Islam arguments are all standard atheist arguments that you learn when you are about 14, to which there are perfectly good responses.
Ummmmm.... such as? Are you going to give examples, or just blow hot air?
    The author of the site thinks that because he can use a few Arabic phrases that he knows about Islam, well that's rubbish.
All translations from Arabic to English (and vice-versa) are courtesy of our employees who also work part time for Mossad. This included the PC Qur'an.
    As with many anti-Islamic sites quotes are taken deliberately out of context, to suit whatever the author wants them to say.
Ummmmmm, examples please?

Sadiqi - 09/08/00 16:58:05
Favorite Vice: Anti-Intellectualism

Re: Roshi Roshan's Amusing Post

Strange that the Roshi would hold FTMecca responsible for the postings of others, and not notice the postings of his own Muslim bretheren. Using Roshi-logic, should we assume that he is the same as those vulgarians? Methinks not.
For every death threat, hell threat, and otherwise threatening posting, we can find one from a sane Muslim, such as the one from Auckland University.

Since I am not a part of a cult requiring common beliefs like Islam, it makes even less sense to claim that all anti-Islam postings necessarily square away with my views.

If my page isn't high on the intellectual meter, that's likely for lack of trying. Not everything in life needs to be in an intellectual genre, when "intellectual" is narrowly defined as sedate, scholarly seriousness at all times and places. No thank yo , I'll pass up such a membership to the Society of Prigs.

I find it funny that Roshi can read my mind, so I think I'll analyze HIS analysis of my uber-intellectual ego. Namely, Roshi THINKS of me as an intellectual, since I don't recall speaking of intellectualism myself. It bothers him that intellectuals don' take Islam seriously one whit, unless they've had to because of their upbringing and brainwashing...

My last few words are about Roshi's facile "disproofs" of FTMecca's varied materials. It reminds me strongly of a typical response to Jochen Katz's answering-Islam page- which because of its seriousness, actually tries to marshall all possible evidence. "Out of context." "My faith is Super-Strong cause you failed badly to disprove it!!!!" So convincing...

Roshi, you're welcome to actually develop each point in more detail (out of context, unintellectual), and post a link to this guestbook. Heck, if it's good I'll put it on the frontpage with the rest of my links. Bare assertions however, are only alright if you're working with the comedic genre :-)!

Roshan Drabu - 09/08/00 09:24:48

This website is total rubbish, as shown by the general interlectual levels of the posts to the guestbook. For a start there is hardly any factual infomation (on the site) to begin with, and secondly the anti Islam arguments are all standard atheist argume ts that you learn when you are about 14, to which there are perfectly good responses. The author of the site thinks that because he can use a few Arabic phrases that he knows about Islam, well that's rubbish. As with many anti-Islamic sites quotes are tak n deliberately out of context, to suit whatever the author wants them to say. This site is nothing more than an atheist version of the 'National Inquirer'. The proof is in the guestbook. I know this message will hurt the website owner, because he thinks o himself as an interlectual, but just look at the level of those who are following you!

Mohammed Iqbal - 09/07/00 21:57:45

I am sorry to read your pages. I am proud of Islam. It tells me things so I do not have to think and get confused. It tells me which hand to use when wiping my ass. It tells me never to question Quran. This is how I have remained unconfused all my life. Now when I read your pages, confusion seems to crep into my head. Glory to Islam which taught me that only Quran has the truth. I like Islma because it says only Allah is true God and all other gods are false. Had it not been for Quran, I would not know whether to believe in Bible or Geeta or Quran. I have to think little thanks to Islam. I can use ny brain on other more usefull things like how to seduce women, which my fellow is not easy.

Kufr with an attitude - 09/07/00 03:41:49
My Email:Sorry
Favorite Vice: Making fun of other people's most sacred beliefs
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: California

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What a great site! Exposes Islam for what it is, a pathological condition, bent on world conquest. The only silver lining is that they will never stop fighting with each other long enough to take over.

YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!! - 09/05/00 23:31:45


Allahu "cock" Bar - 09/04/00 06:05:24
My Email:[email protected]

You muslim scumbags are cordially invited to Qadafi's Wild West Rodeo" friday at 1:00 pm. There will be a wet hijab contest and koran toss. Must be nine or older.

Sheikh Abdush Shaytaan - 09/04/00 05:51:20
My URL:http://www.fuck-islam.ham
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: busting my nutt all over the Koran
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Hakmed's Topless Dance/ Mosque and Casino

I have been reading the posts in this guestbook. The muslims who write here are a bunch of idiots!!!

MO "HAM" MAD - 09/04/00 04:39:04
My URL:http://www.muhammad's-gay.ham
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: slapping muslims with my miswak
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: saddam husein's top ten country countdown

Islam sucks Big Time!!! Mohammad was a child molestor and a rapist. The quran is nothing but a wet-dream. Abu Bakr was Mohammad's butt-buddy. Khadijah was a two-dollar whore. Shall I continue?

XActivee - 09/03/00 21:15:30
My Email:xx

Whether you are Hidu, Buddhi, Shinto, Christian, Jewesh, Aithiest, praying to stones, insects, ass holes of fucking prostitutes, praying to sun, animals or even the devil directly! You are sick, very sick and mad, because of your crazy jeleousy of Muslims as they are the best always. The Islam will continue inspite of you (and your partners) trying to throw some dirty paints on the bright face of the Muslim world. Warninig: During this new century -at least- Islam will flush the people like you and it will be the only truly the corporate ultimate choice for the whole human beings. The wave is moving!! The day of judgement is coming! [REMEMBER] ( Do not be impressed that we have gone mad to kill you! Allah will decide for you soon )

- 09/03/00 20:32:25

ull see somthing soon in ur life, somthing good and u will like ... hhaahahaaaaa ... enjoy these few dayz ... it might be one day, one week or a year ... so wait for it cuz am not joking :)

Kelley - 09/03/00 09:42:25
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Aspartame
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: The United States

I'm actually here to try to contact Denis Giron/Free Thought/Dionisio because I know this is one of his favorite sites. He rants about how horrible Muslim women are treated, but the truth is, the way he treats the women in his own life is equally pathetic If you hear from him, ask him to write me.

- 09/02/00 09:06:06
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: ...ياويلكم

..السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ((الله لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم لاتاخذه سنة و لا نوم له مافي السماوات وما في الارض من ذا ال #1584;ي يشفع عنده الا باذنه يعلم مابين ايديهم وم 75; خلفهم ولا يحيطون بشيئ من علمه الا بما شاء و 7;ع كرسيه السماوات والارض ولا يؤوده حفظهما و& 1607;و العلي العظيم)) الله ياخذكم.. اللهم احصم عددا.. واقتلهم بددا.. ولا تبق منهم احدا.. والله انا لاأعرف حتى الان لماذا كل هذا الحق&# 583;.. الا يعجبكم دينكم الضال والاكثر ضلالا؟؟ والله يشهد على ماأقول.. والحساب يوم الحساب..

- 09/01/00 23:32:13

الهم عليك بأعداء الدين أجمعين اللهم أحصهم عددا واقتلهم بددا ولا تغادر منهم أحدا سيأتي اليوم الذي نقاتلكم فيه أيها اليهود والله لنطهرن الأرض من رجسكم ونجاستكم يأحفاد القردة والخنازير

none - 09/01/00 19:41:36

Your message is a little unclear here. What are you trying to say? Islam is the root of all your problems? I don't belive a word of it. From where I see it, Islam is here to make lives easier not oppresive. I doubt that Korea is doing any thing this serio s to muslim. P.S. You are not really a muslim are you?

- 09/01/00 13:26:05

اسال الله الحليم رب العرش العظيم ان يزلزلك &# 608; يسخطك ويرسل عليك جنده باسم الله الواحد ال‌ ;حد الفرد الصمد الذى لا اله الا هو رب السموات والارض ورب العرش العظيم رب موسى وعيسى وهار&# 608;ن ومحمد باسمه الاعظم

- 09/01/00 13:23:19

اسال الله الحليم رب العرش العظيم ان يزلزلك &# 608; يسخطك ويرسل عليك جنده باسم الله الواحد ال‌ ;حد الفرد الصمد الذى لا اله الا هو رب السموات والارض ورب العرش العظيم رب موسى وعيسى وهار&# 608;ن ومحمد باسمه الاعظم

ved prakash - 08/31/00 17:20:19

Some people may ask you to contact them via e-mail etc. They may be trying to find out where you live. They may send an assasin after you. So take care. Be prudent but do not get intimidated.

XXXX - 08/31/00 17:02:54
My Email:XXXX
Favorite Vice: XXXX
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: XXXX


- 08/31/00 04:32:06

you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch so of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland - 08/31/00 04:28:40 Comments: you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 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- 08/31/00 04:29:54

you are a dyrty mouse and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:27:33 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you - 08/31/00 04:12:13 Comments: you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Auckland

- 08/31/00 04:28:40

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- 08/31/00 04:27:33

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- 08/31/00 04:12:13

you are a dyrty mose and son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch son of the bitch fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

Auckland University Islamic Society - 08/31/00 01:55:42
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Destroying measly atheists.
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: None.

Salaam. Heya Freethought man, I must say, I'm impressed with some of your stuff ... but bro, you can't just attack strawman, sure, there are a couple of pathetic Muslims out there, but surely, if you want to discredit Islam, you have to do it via a reason d argument. Look, tell you what, why don't you post some arguments to our newsgroup (I've given the address) and I wouldn't mind doing a formal debate with you over the internet. So whaddaya say? Are you in for it? Anyway, take care.

I hate "Muslim" - 08/31/00 01:42:37
My URL:http://[email protected]
Favorite Vice: calling this guy Muslim a fag

This last poster is a fag!!! The authors of this site is not even jewish!!! " Muslim" is a fucking idiot. Hey fella' I suggest you learn how to read and write before you open up your big ugly mouth!!

muslim - 08/30/00 20:35:49

To tell you the truth You are nothing , just a very small jewish Cockroach . God damn you

Mo"ham"mad - 08/30/00 13:34:14
My URL:http://www.pigshit.ham
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: throwing pebbles at Shaytaan
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: any one founded on Koranic(Moronic)principles

The last poster is stupid!! Nobody is going to heed your advice. Muslims are drawn to this site because it makes them laugh and teaches them the dirty truths of their religion. So you aught to sit back, get a beer and a ham sandwich, and enjoy this sit . As Salami and Bacon!!!!

Muslim - 08/30/00 10:17:18

I want to say that you are just small and dirty animals

Muslim - 08/29/00 18:19:04

I have an advice to all Muslims who visit this shit. Please don’t pay attention to it, because this guy is stupid and have nothing to talk about. He does not even know what he is saying. He is just combining words together to make some meaningless sentenc s. Anyway, we should not fight him, because what he wrote here proves that we (Muslims) are right and they (Non-Muslims) know for sure that they are wrong but still trying to survive. To that loser, instead of writing this bullshit, look all around you and see how Islam is spreading all over the world, which proves that you and everybody like you are blind to see the truth. Go to hell loser.

- 08/29/00 16:55:22

get fuck to this page ,Judaism and to Zionism in the world . look up the Muslims are coming for kill all Judaisms in this world.

- 08/29/00 13:03:07

you site is rubbish mean and krap krap and krap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B.L.T. - 08/29/00 10:15:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: reading long exerpts of the koran on this site
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: anyone founded on koranic principles

The last poster has spent a long time writing out the koran on this guestbook. He evidently has no life and no spellcheck either. This site is great! It is justified in making fun of muslims, because of idiots like him. His evident fanaticism is what e are laughing at. The use of logic and reason are useless in getting a muslim's attention. So, resorting to jokes is the only way. So please, enjoy a ham sandwich before the day of judgement!

Still Here - 08/27/00 11:02:59
Favorite Vice: this site
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: you

I will not stop it ... and it won't be me alone, you declare ware against me and my other brothers and sisters and don't expect this to be the only try. GOOD LUCK with deleting job, I don't care and my other fellows, too. May Allah Show you the right path x-brother :)

Sadiqi - 08/27/00 08:53:46

Mailbag Fun!
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:27:40 +0300 From: "alghweir" <> To: Subject: A Vaccum
To the writer; I just saw you your site, and I think who ever tries to defame the picture or the image of the prophit Mohammad is hateful to the Muslims in particular and the man kind in general.Either getting paid by whoever to do that which makes you even worthless or you do it as a hungry racist against Muslims and their great history and contribution to the world. In both cases you still lack the knowledge,intelligence and faith in any religion.I don't have any doubt, you have no idea of what you saying or you are trying to defame the Islamic view.
Sadiqi sez: I didn't know that Muslims were a "race." And I thought dawagandists had emphasized without end that race has no meaning in Islam.
Islam is an ideology, and as such it has no special protected status. Mr. Mohammad here would just as soon rake my beliefs on the coals, quite literally, me with it. No sympathy about my dearest feelings...
Denial of Islam's wonderful salvation, doesn't mean that I would deny "history." But history has far more nuances than "Muslims have Islam, Muslim society scores successes (way back when), therefore Islam is FANtastic! Golden age here we come again!"

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 21:38:37 -0700 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: You're pretty cool!
You're not so bad yourself...

Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 04:32:16 EDT From: To: [email protected] Subject: not funny
you think that you are so funny ,but you are not!!!!!!!!!!!!! May your reward be what you deserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I can't vicariously experience other's glee over the I'm perfectly happy laughing at my own unfunny jokes.
Speaking of reward, I gather you must be one hot sweet cake. Do you think you can become part of my Comedy entourage, one of our many Muslimah groupies? I just get this sense that you're furtively attracted to kafir men with dangerous ideas- and like to do the forbidden belly dances...

Sheikh Abdush Shaytaan - 08/27/00 01:42:17
My URL:http://islam@premarital-sex,ham
My Email:Halal-Porkchops@AO"Hell".ham
Favorite Vice: pissing on mo"ham" mad's tomb in medina
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Muammar Qadafi'sTop Ten Country Countdown

My fatwa on this site is that it is satanic, bewitched and hellbound. Love it!!! May Shaytaan Ta'Ala be well pleased!

Imam Billy Bob Uzair - 08/26/00 21:49:54
My URL:http://[email protected]

My Email:Quran
Favorite Vice: Quran
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Quran

The previous poster is a loser!!! The Quran sucks and everyone knows it. The Quran would be much more readable if it had illustrations of Muhammad killing everyone, and having sex with 13 wives. I personally would like to see how he beat his wife with miswak. If we could mix the Quran with Mad magazine.......

optimistic - 08/26/00 16:59:40
Favorite Vice: this site
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: you

[Sadiqi Sez: In order to prevent readers from falling asleep from this last poster, who tried to post half the Qur'an, I've deleted all except a few verses from Surah Bacon and Rye that I find amusing because it shows the l vel of logic that Allah operates on.

Certainly you are welcome to post a reasonable amount of URLs to the Qur'an in case a visitor might be interested in a refutation of this page, and tell why they should read the Qur'an. (Note: Next time I will mock the verses you post, which underlyin the principle of Kaffir uncleanliness should motivate you to kept the hypertext out of FTMecca's dirty hands...)]

2. This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who guard (against evil). 3. Those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them. 4. And who believe in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter. 5. These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that shall be successful. 6. Surely those who disbelieve, it being alike to them whether you warn them, or do not warn them, will not believe. 7. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and there is a covering over their eyes, and there is a great punishment for them. 8. And there are some people who say: We believe in Allah and the last day; and they are not at all believers. 9. They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. 10. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they 11. And when it is said to them, Do not make mischief in the land, they say: We are but peace-makers. 12. Now surely they themselves are the mischief makers, but they do not perceive. 13. And when it is said to them: Believe as the people believe they say: Shall we believe as the fools believe? Now surely they themselves are the fools, but they do not know. 14. And when they meet those who believe, they say: We believe; and when they are alone with their Shaitans, they say: Surely we are with you, we were only mocking. 15. Allah shall pay them back their mockery, and He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on. 16. These are they who buy error for the right direction, so their bargain shall bring no gain, nor are they the followers of the right direction. 17. Their parable is like the parable of one who kindled a fire but when it had illumined all around him, Allah took away their light, and left them in utter darkness-- they do not see.
MU "HAM" MAD - 08/25/00 19:40:18
My URL:http://halal-pork [email protected]
My Email:sacrificing pigs on Eid ul adha
Favorite Vice: chanting "hare krishna" while I circumambulate the Ka'aba
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: The United Church of Abu Bakr, Pig-shit, Tennessee

I Love This Site!!!

hakmed's country music jamboree - 08/25/00 06:38:10
My URL:http://allah-has-a-sucky-voice.ham/sandwich/mustard/holdtheonions.htnl
My Email:laying farts during salat
Favorite Vice: Interupting my farts to perform salat
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: king Fahd's God Squad

There will be a country music concert at the radio city mecca hall. Located in Saudi Arabia, Tennessee. Tickets will be sold at the Kaaba. The Rolling Black Stones will be performing, along with Haditha Franklin. For ticket and seeting info call: 1-8 0-HAM-HOCKS

Ahmed - 08/25/00 06:24:02
My Email:jesus is god
Favorite Vice: making my salats on a bed of nails

I like Islam very, very much! It is a good religion. I love to beat my wife with a tooth-stick. I have twenty wives, so I need a lot of miswaks. Plus, my teeth are very clean. I perform wudu after every word I write, so I can keep this guestbook sque ky clean. Anyone who makes fun of Islam is going to hell. You all are very bad people. Thank you.

mo "ham" mad - 08/25/00 06:13:06
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:allah is actually a woman
Favorite Vice: beating my wife with a miswak
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: saddam hussein's wild west rodeo

In the Name of A lot, the Disspasionate, the Hateful All praise is due to the hoard of the squirrels! The Disspasionate, The Hateful Fling of a hundred gays!

ved prakash - 08/24/00 20:53:54

My friend, my point is that human beings need God. I have come to this conclusion after spending half a century in this world and after much meditating. I am pretty sure that if you were to suddenly suffer from a terrible tragedy e.g. cancer or AIDS (God orbid!) you would quickly develop faith in God. There is no denying that various religions preach hatred such as the type that your site exposes. There is no denying that in the name of religion people of many faiths have killed others. But my point is simply that people need God. Even if there was no od, man would invent one. This is why people like Muhammed and Christ invented their own concepts of God. Your atheistic ideas seem to be affecting me in negative ways. So I have decided not to look at your site for one year. Same day next year, I will return to your site. I hope this site will be around. Keep working, Ved

Sadiqi - 08/24/00 19:45:25

To Ved:
Your conclusion is in your premise. People need God. Therefore they need God.
As for Marx, I wouldn't compare him to Muhammad, because I don't remember Marx ever having the temporal power to cause mayhem. He was a theorist and activist, to which I might add a thinker that shouldn't be ignored (though his literary style makes you w nt to...), whether or not one agrees with him.
You won't get any disagreement from me about how disagreable Communism in practice has been. However, while Communism may be atheistic, atheism is not necessarily Communistic. I would mention Ayn Rand as being a prime example of this.
Both the terms agnostic and atheistic would describe me at this point, but they only describe a part of me. My positive (in the sense of avowing) beliefs in skepticism and empirical science remain. My inclination towards secularism, and the right to be eft in peace, further define me.
You do mention some of the positive attributes of Hinduism, but at the same time, not all is rosy. Maybe you would exclude them from the Santana(sp) Dharma (and I certainly wouldn't hold them representative), but surely you are aware of the Thugees, Sati and untouchability for starters?
Religion puts the cult in culture. Since Hinduism is far more diverse in practices and worship than an "Islam", I can't really lay those practices at the feet of a monolithic "Hinduism," nor would I want to get into that tit for tat. However, I would ex ect such behavior from humans under the influence of intoxicating groups (there are atheistic ones I'd include as well). I don't know of a society totally free of it. That is why I am reluctant to abdicate ALL my judgments to any religion, party, or deman ing ideology...even if they claim to have the best in mind.

To "Hitler":
It would be lovely if you felt as strongly about the 1971 brutalization of Bangla Desh by Pakistan, but I suppose Muslim on Muslim violence doesn't evoke the jihadi mentality as well, falsifying as it does the concept of One Ummah, the Best Ummah (Ha!).
As for Eretz Yisrael ve Yerushalaym (al-quds), I couldn't care less. I think they should have Barak and Yasser on MTV's Celebrity Death Match, and settle the damn thing that way.
Are you so dense as to think I side with Israeli loonballs, any more than I do with Islamamaniacs such as yourself?

Adolf Hitler - 08/24/00 17:07:01
My URL:http://Alquds
My Email:Hamas
Favorite Vice: Hizb Allah
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Saddam Hossien

I like and dislike Hitler, I like him because he killed some of the Jews and I dislike hime because he didi not kill them all. One day your filthy guard USA will leave you alone when your money suking Senators and Congressman in the USA government are finished then will see how you can occupied the poor-people land.
Sadiqi Sez: someone's not going to be winning any personality contests that's fersure.
Ved prakash - 08/24/00 13:22:24

Atheists are a funny lot! They try to destroy the credibility of Islam which is fine but they fail to understand that humans need God, we need a deity to believe in. It is for this reason that Muhammed was so successful in winning over people to his creed Karl Marx learnt a lot from Muhammed. While Muhammed used the name of Allah to justify and sanctify his theories, Marx used the name of history and historical inevitability. But look at the mess that has been created in the name of history. Just as Muslims have killed countless people in the ame of Allah, the Communists have killed countless in the name of Communism and Marxism. You must realize that man needs God. Else a man will rise who will start a new religion. First he will kill all the atheists, then he will exterminate the Jews and so on. He will be kind to the Muslims because he will have learnt a lot from the life and techniques of Muhammed. But finally when Muslimas come in his way he will kill the Muslims too. If you want to avoif this tragedy, let us give the world a new religion based on respect for human rights, freedom of expression, respect for man's right to enter or leave this religion at will. Hope you will think about it.

hot salami and bacon (on rye of course) - 08/23/00 18:42:19
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:talking stones in palestine
Favorite Vice: marrying six year olds named Aisha
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: The United Transvestite Republic of Iran

Islam sucks!!!!! That's all I wanted to say

Ved Prakash - 08/23/00 17:45:16

As a Hindu, I used to believe that all religions including Islam are valid religions, as taught by our swamis like Swami Vivekananda and his guru Rama Krishna. However having read how Islam was created by Muhammad, I have come to the conclusion that it is wrong to equate Islam with Hinduism. Hindus never invaded another country and have never converted others to Hindu faith by sword, whereas Islam has done it on numerous occasions. Hundus defended their religion against Budhism but not through violence. However Islam has used sword to propagate its religion. I do not understand why our swamis found something good in Islam. Perhaps they did not want to offend large numbers of Muslims in india. But the truth must be spoken. A religion must not use sword if it wants to be called a good religion. Keep up the good work.

ham and cheese falafel - 08/23/00 15:54:30
My Email:muhammad f-cked my uncle sam
Favorite Vice: beating myself with a miswak
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: a toss up between Libya and Bahrain

WANTED: Man who goes by the name "MUHAMMAD" for the rape and kidnapp of Aisha bint Abu Bakr. 1,000,000,000,000 reward for his capture. Any info regarding this crime should reported to 1-800-ISLAM-SUCKS

As Salami and Bacon!!!! - 08/23/00 15:48:44

This is to the previous poster: You you are a coward You did't even have the courage to use reason. If you were not so shaken by the truth of this site, you would have used facts and not anger. However, your attitude toward jews is why all the world k ows that Islam is a gutter-religion. If there was a hell, muslims would all burn it. How's that for anger?

- 08/23/00 14:52:45

You filthy jew You still remember the killings of bani quraihta (the traiters) more than 1400 years but you never remember the ongoing killing done by your jewish state in the modern ages which would have made your loved leaders Perez, Sharon, Barak...the most wanted o es. Anyhow it gives me a great pleasure when I am reading the pages of your site because I realize that however the jews grow strong they are too afraid of the sleeping giant of Islam who is surely comming to do worse than killings (of your deceased ancesters ie. Bani Quraitha). Yours Sincerely A Mujahid p.s. All you are trying to do now is to delay your fates. See you when I am looking for you to kill you while you're hiding behind stones and trees in the holy land of Palestine.

- 08/23/00 14:52:29

You filthy jew You still remember the killings of bani quraihta (the traiters) more than 1400 years but you never remember the ongoing killing done by your jewish state in the modern ages which would have made your loved leaders Perez, Sharon, Barak...the most wanted o es. Anyhow it gives me a great pleasure when I am reading the pages of your site because I realize that however the jews grow strong they are too afraid of the sleeping giant of Islam who is surely comming to do worse than killings (of your deceased ancesters ie. Bani Quraitha). Yours Sincerely A Mujahid p.s. All you are trying to do now is to delay your fates. See you when I am looking for you to kill you while you're hiding behind stones and trees in the holy land of Palestine.

Kosher Ham & Cheese from the Bodega on 6th and D - 08/22/00 23:36:57

As Salami and Bacon, my friend Dionisiso!!! Don't let this loser try to trick into believing this verse is past tense. This is a b;atant lie!!! This verse concerning "Uzair" is in the present; Mo "Ham" mad was accusing the jews in his neighborhood in edina. They pointed out how stupid he was for believing in jesus, so he leveled this bogus attack on them. Muhammad was a child-molester, a wife beater and a cold-blooded killer. Any god that sent him into the world is also a loser.

Dionisio (Denis) Giron - 08/22/00 22:16:29
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Reading the Jawidan over a nice tall glass of pig fat.
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Muhammad Abdullat's 12th st Falafel stand


[--------- Original Message ----------]

From: "Puwerto Sankaiz" [[email protected]]
To: [email protected]
Subject: So Funny!
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000

Surah 9. At-Taubah Part 10
30.(And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christian say: Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths, resembling the saying of those who disbelieved aforetime. Allah's Curse be on them, how they are deluded a ay from the truth). This translation by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali & Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.

Ok, now. My first question to you is "Do you know Arabic? Do you speak arabic? Do you (at least) read Arabic? Do you understand whatever you read? -this is only one question- The second is, Why did you choose Islam to attach? Why is your faith (religion)? Can you prove anything is more applying than Islam?

It is you who talk general things when you said "I have had much contact with Jews, and I have even been to Israel. I used to work security at Yeshiva University in New York (before certain NYS laws got me removed) and I used to love talking with the Rabb s as well as the orthodox students. I have never met a Jew who has ever said or thought that Uzair was the son of God. This is an absolutely incorrect statement. Muslims always demand that non-Muslims show an error in the Koran, well the above is one!"... Do you deal with things in this way talking to people and take whatever you like and kick others. Ok, do you know that Allah mentioned that "the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah" in the past tense form and this make difference. I don't want to o further in this because if you have a mind you should understand what I am talking about. Human beings make mistakes and this is why Islam doesn't consider any Quran other than arabic as a quran. Only consider them as translations because you can't get he same meaning. And when it come to someone like you doesn't know what is all about it is clear that you give a wrong ideas. Even if you know Arabic and you go back and check you will never tell the difference.

I have a lot to say if you are willing to talk about this. One more things, I haven't read everything in your (interesting) site. Only this page about Uzair, and because my english doesn't help much I am trying my best to understand every single thing you wrote there. I have a lot to tell you about but I don't think I have time for that, I am a student and don't know much. But believe me, with just few knowledge in Islam I can suppress your attempts to attack Islam.


[-------------- My Reply --------------]

From: Denis Giron Al-Kaafir Al-Akbar [[email protected]]
To: "Puwerto Sankaiz" [[email protected]]
Subject: Re: "so funny" (Mail to Freethoughtmecca)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000

[verse snipped]

Greetings akhi (ukhti?) Puwerto Sankaiz. I recieved the mail you sent to the Freethoughtmecca, as I was, in part, the author of the particular article you were referring to in your message. In case you were not aware of it from reading the site, Freethoug tmecca is part of a Global conspiracy, and we mean that literally, with Jews, Hindus, and a colorful assortment of other Jahiloonytoonies taking part in the effort to silence the truth that is al-Islaam (mash'ash-Shaytaan).

: Ok, now. My first question to you is "Do
: you know Arabic?


: Do you speak arabic?


: Do you (at least) read Arabic?


: Do you understand whatever you read?

I understand what I read if what I read happens to be in English, or Hebrew, or Spanish. As for Arabic, no I do not speak it fluently. I'd say my understanding of Arabic is somewhat similar to that of a two year old in an Arabic speaking family. However, est assured that other members of the Global Conspiracy, particularly our members who also work for Mossad, speak Arabic quite fluently. Please do not assume the shortcomings of one essay (real or perceived) represents the entire Freethoughtmecca. As for yself, my Arabic is slowly, very slowly, getting better. I plan to actually buy some books/tapes, and/or take a class in the near future. Until then, I can only promote my kufr via Shaytaan's linguistic trinity: Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Enlish.

: -this is only one question-

And the above is only an answer. :)

: The second is, Why did you choose Islam to
: attach?

We do not attach Islam to anything, though we will not hesitate to attach lies to Islam in our quest to raise Dajjal up (we're currently monitoring several little fat one-eyed pink-pasty colored infants at the maternity ward of Beth Israel hospital in New York City).

In all seriousness, you should take a closer look at the site. Islam is not the only religion that is attacked. Christianity and Yahoodi'ism also suffer a few swipes as well. Indeed Islam comes off as the focus of the site, only because the webmaster(s) a e/is (an) apostate(s) from Islam. In today's world, foaming at the mouth Neo-Salafis, and Wahabi proto-fascists give us copious amounts of material to use in our never ending crusade to ridicule Islam. Why ridicule Islam? Because Islam, like all Monotheis religions, is ridiculous; hence ridicule.

: Why is your faith (religion)?

As stated above, the spiritual scope of the people behind the Freethoughtmecca, the men behind the proverbial kiswa of kufr, is a rather colorful spectrum. We have Jews, Hindus, and even one Hinjew (alhamdullat!). Then again, maybe it's a couple of Atheis losers who couldn't get into the local Gothic club, and thus have nothing better to do. Only time, and Allah, will reveal the truth.

If you would like to know my reliion specifically, I am a Mulhid (an Atheist), but I also consider myself a Hindu, of the Samkhya school. I assume by the structure of your sentence, that you would also like to know WHY I am an Atheist. Well, some people d n't believe in absurd superstitions and do not dedicate their lives to phantasms of the Jewish folklore.

: Can you prove anything is more applying
: than Islam?

"Applying" in what sense? I personally find much more wisdom in visiting Jerusalem's Western Wall, and repeatedly banging my head against its stones, Bhagavad Gita in hand (I'm the previously mentioned Hinjew). A superstition is strictly what you make of t, and I don't feel that it is necessary to apply Abrahamic Monotheist mytholoy to one's life. Islam is no more applicable to life than is the code of Hamurabi.

: It is you who talk general things when you
: said "I have had much contact with Jews, and
: I have even been to Israel. I used to work
: security at Yeshiva University in New York
: (before certain NYS laws got me removed) and
: I used to love talking with the Rabbis as
: well as the orthodox students. I have never
: met a Jew who has ever said or thought that
: Uzair was the son of God. This is an absolutely
: incorrect statement. Muslims always demand
: that non-Muslims show an error in the Koran,
: well the above is one!"

You considered the above quote to be general? I thought it gives away alot of information. However, that's just my humble opinion.

: ... Do you deal with things in this way
: talking to people and take whatever you like
: and kick others.

Huh? No, the point of the above is that the Jews make no such claim, nor has any such hypothetical heterodox Jews been documented by non-Islamic sources. The reality is, this is something that Jews do not believe, nor have they ever believed. To claim tha the Jews think such a thing is an error.

: Ok, do you know that Allah mentioned that
: "the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of
: Allah" in the past tense form and this make
: difference.

Waqalati alyahoodu AAuzayrun ibnu Allahi. As we have already discussed, I am not fluent in Arabic, so I did not know that this is in the past tense, as you claimed. Regardless, I don't see how this makes a difference. The reality is, the Jews never claime such a thing. To try and point to some hypothetical heterdox Yahoodis that did believe this simply will not do, and what's worse, there is no neutral evidence to even support the existence of such a people.

: I don't want to go further in this because
: if you have a mind you should understand
: what I am talking about.

When Allah was handing out brains (minds), I showed up late, and had to settle for a monkey brain. Ironically, this brain was from one of those Yahoodi Sabbath breakers who were transformed into apes many moons ago (al-Qur'aan gives us no date). This woul explain my desire to constantly commit shirk, promote kufr, and eat bananas.

: Human beings make mistakes and this is why
: Islam doesn't consider any Quran other than
: arabic as a quran.

We Mulhidun (Atheists) take a different approach. Humans make mistakes, thus we don't consider any text written by man to be infallible, or something to live our life by. This includes obscure seventh century Arab manuscripts (the Qur'an) and Hebrew-Greek myth compilations (the Holy Babble). If you want to get in line with the Yahoodis and the Nasara tri-theists, and claim that your holy writ is direct from sky-god, that's fine; but you'll have to get in line and present some evidence.

: Only onsider them as translations because
: you can't get the same meaning.

I agree that meanings can get lost when something is translated to another language. However, with this particular verse in mind, regardless of translation, it erroneously ascribes a belief to Jews which is not found in Judaism; therefore, it is an error.


: I have a lot to say if you are willing to
: talk about this.

I am not only willing, but quite anxious to discuss these issues, and any other issue having to do with the alleged truth of your form of Monotheism. Feel free to email me, or leave a reply in the Freethouhtmecca Guest Book (which is where your email, an this reply are going to end up).

: One more things, I haven't read everything
: in your (interesting) site. Only this page
: about Uzair, and because my english doesn't
: help much I am trying my best to understand
: every single thing you wrote there.

Well, take your time. The site is in its infancy.

: I have a lot to tell you about but I don't
: think I have time for that, I am a student
: and don't know much.

The Global Conspiracy will always be here to talk whenever you're willing, though you should be aware that all your emails will be forwarded to the FBI, NSA, Shin Bet, and Mossad.

: But believe me, with just few knowledge in
: Islam I can suppress your attempts to attack
: Islam.

Well please akhi, repeatedly beat me over the head with your "few knowledge" and stick your unwelcome foot in our collective mouth. Try your damnest to snuff out the new truth that is ilhad (atheism). We can only learn from your refutations and suppressio s. Who knows? Maybe someday, inshal-lat, we will all recite the shahaddah, and all go to Jum'ah khutbas together. Anything's possible, and Vishnu knows best.

Jazak ash-Shaytaan Khair. Shukraan for taking the time to write.


FAQTULULLAH! If there was a God, I'd swear by His name that He didn't exist!

Ved Prakash - 08/18/00 14:17:40

Hello webmaster! thanks for your reply. I would suggest that when you reply to a message, try to separate your reply from the text of the message being replied. I saw you did it by enclosing the text within plus signs. But a better idea would be to either use a different olor, or have an extra blank line to serve as separator. I agree with you that the worst part of Islam is that it threatens to kill a Muslim who decides to leave Islam. In Hinduism they tolerate even if you become an atheist. This intolerance has served Islam well but it will go against them. Intellectulas like you will expose Islam simply because they threaten to kill you for leaving Islam. Each person should have the freedom to choose - to believe or not to believe, to enter a religion and to leave it at will. I am pretty sure Islam will become tolerant. You are making a great contribution to the cause of ensuring freedom for all. I am thinking of starting a web site where people can express their ideas freely. What I cherish most is freedome of expression - re l freedome to express one's feelings without any fear whatsoever. Regards.

Sadiqi - 08/18/00 01:04:54

Hi Ved and Adam,

Thank you both for your encouragement! Sorry if I've been slow to respond. I agree with much of what you both have said.

I don't think I can claim that this humble site is earth-shaking, but it's a beginning, so that perhaps others will pick up the torch (though perhaps in a less belittling fashion :-).

+If they do, I will lose faith (whatever little I have) in the freedom-of-expression thing of the West. +

In the sense that corporate power can interfere with free expression, I might see it that way- but at the same time the essential part is the constitutional protections that prevent the government from regulating speech to any great degree. The offend d will inevitably run across a server that doesn't bend to their interests, and they thankfully don't have recourse to gov't coercion (like Saudi) to shut people up- permanently.

+Why are Muslims so upset with your site? If they are right and if Koran is right then they have nothing to worry or fear. But they know that their faith in Koran is blind faith. The words written in Koran do not stand up to reason, this is why they are s upset. If this site helps a Muslim to realize that his faith is Koran is wrong and that he should stop believing in Koran then he will be a better person for it.+

I think mainly that it's taboo to talk about the religious figures of Islam with anything other than the respect shown to kings. It helps to preserve the status quo when these "prophets" are 24-7 garned respect fully out of proportion to their known cont ibutions to humankind- illusion maintenance.

+ It gives you the freedom to choose. +

Exactly. I value the idea that a person can choose to be whatever religion that keeps the peace (i.e. free practice of religion shouldn't permit religiously mandated violence), or even no religion at all. And if they change their mind (my experience) no religion should have the power to kill and punish in retaliation.

As you've illustrated, sensible people, whether they believe in God(s), or not- can both appreciate not being coerced by those who think they know better than everyone else (e.g. Communists forcing atheism, or the Iranian shindig you mentioned.).

+ Now information is freely available. The best way to make sure that a person does not lose faith in Koran is to make sure he does not go to school, and does not learn to read and write, at least not English or French or German. Keep up the good work!+

Definately agree, though we can never underestimate the ability of people to compartmentalize their knowledge. E.g. some of the most infamous Islamicists here in the U.S. have had technical degrees, or med degrees...Abu Marzook...

The biggest hope is as you say a spread of ideas across the boundaries (which to the chagrin of Islamicists has already happened to some extent in varied proportions across Dar-ul-Islam), so that even if they don't reject Islam in full, it is in some mann r reformed like certain parts of Christianity to other avenues of knowledge.

Stay in touch...

Ved Prakash - 08/17/00 23:16:16

Hey man! The site you have created is great. I pray to God (even though you do not pray!) that Yahoo! and the authorities will not try to shut you down! If they do, I will lose faith (whatever little I have) in the freedom-of-expression thing of the West. Why are Muslims so upset with your site? If they are right and if Koran is right then they have nothing to worry or fear. But they know that their faith in Koran is blind faith. The words written in Koran do not stand up to reason, this is why they are so upset. If this site helps a Muslim to realize that his faith is Koran is wrong and that he should stop believing in Koran then he will be a better person for it. I was born a Hindu and studied the Geeta and the Ramayana. But I do not believe in these books like a Saudi or Iranian Muslim believes in Koran. And I think I am a better person because I can reason and think and my religion does not force to have blind f ith in any book. This is what I like best about Hinduism. It gives you the freedom to choose. The internet has ushered in a new era. Now information is freely available. The best way to make sure that a person does not lose faith in Koran is to make sure he does not go to school, and does not learn to read and write, at least not English or French or German. Keep up the good work!

- 08/17/00 21:00:12

i think, the site u have constructed shows ur prjudices against islam, i hope GOD will bless u and forgive you for ur sins. the material that uve placed will do no harm to muslims so if u think uve done something really outstanding then .....think again!< r>
islam sucks!!! - 08/17/00 15:59:32

If you want be a terrorist and beat your wife with a miswak, take shahada today!!

Ved Prakash - 08/17/00 13:48:24

TO:Adam, I will send you e mail in a day or two. Ved Prakash.

Adam - 08/17/00 03:08:27

To: Ved Prakesh Please e-mail me at [email protected]. I would love to hear your thoughts on Islam. adam

Sadiqi - 08/16/00 22:17:30

From: ^^^^ Khan ^^^^^^ To: [email protected] Subject: why create hat
I think who ever wrote this must be rejected by its parents if have any, and by his/her girlfreind/boyfreind if he/she can get any. [Amateur Psychoanalysis doesn't disqualify any of the points I may have made...]
what damage has Mohammed or any muslim or islam done to you, why would yoou take the curse of million people upon your self, why make fun of people about who you don't know anything, if you know any thing that I don't please tell me, so I do the same ( my email "") why create hate. If you have no love in you or has never received love from anyone because you are too ugly, it is still not too late.
[Thank goodness! I was begining to think every time I looked in the mirror it was a sentence from Allah :-)]

Maybe some one will feel sorry for you and give you some love. i hope 'ALLAH' give you guidance and put you on the right track and take the hate out of your heart and cleanse your heart because by creating hat soon you will become the victim of hate your self. think about here after cus soon you, me and others will die and we will take with us what have done here and will be judged based upon our deeds. I am sure you're very smart, do you know what's gonna happen to you after you die, do you know how painful it is for the soul to leave the dead body, i don't know man... what will happen to me/you after death but looking at you as a one who creates hate you need help and need to do a lot to save your self from the fire of is always up to you what you chose for your self, hate or love , so chose what's good for you cuz "Allah" is watching our you. I recently became muslim ......I don't know much about Islam and the leaders you have made fun of, but thanks to you now I will try to learn more about them. Once again if there is any thing you want me to learn from your web page beside hate please email me I want to know what message you are trying to get across. And there must be a reason for the hate you have in your heart for these people. Once again, I pray for your guidance from Allah and wish you do what's good for you, we good muslim don't curse but asks for your guidance from ALLAH, and warn you to save your self from the unending fire of hell. [The Letter Writer doesn't seem to recognize an incongruity in accussing me of hate, while at the same time telling me that Allah is going to fry me alive in hell forever if I don't join back with the "Borg" and be assimilated.
"Hate" is neither good or bad, except in certain contexts. It is merely an emotion that has evolved over time, I presume for a defense mechanism. "Stopping the hate" doesn't make sense, because it is a part of each and every human being- rather what we would hope to change are irrational prejudices.
After learning a certain amount about Islam or any other topic, there is a point where you need to come to at least a tenative judgment. I have made mine, but perhaps with more knowledge it will change. I do not consider this to be prejudice because hav ng lived as a Muslim I became intimately aware of Islam.
At the same time, hating an IDEOLOGY like Islam, serves as a protective measure. Of course I hate the very thing that would have me killed for expressing my opinions, or writing whatever I choose to write. But that doesn't extend beyond hating the ideol gy- if I hate Communism, that doesn't mean I automatically hate leftist writers, or acquaintances- I merely hate the military boot that's trying to stomp on my head.
If you miscontrue what I have to say as promoting "hate," I'd like to see more evidence, and pointers to where in my writings I ever suggest any sorts of violence or suffering upon Muslims (versus the death threats you can read in my guest book). You men ion your conversion, but somehow I wonder whether you are aware that the penalty in Islam is death if you decide to leave? You probably never heard of Bani Qurayza, which whatever its historical accuracy or inaccuracy has been accepted as a deed of the P ophet Muhammad. In short, all I am getting from your letter is a very emotional appeal, rather than one with an appeal to reason of any sort.
I look forward to completely ignoring the topic of Islam once the theocrats and proselytizers stop trying to take over the world for Allah. ]

Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 08:00:16 -0500 From: "ROBERT DOWLING" To: may Allah azza wal jal give you what you deserve, you have made a mockery of Islam, i challenge you on any topic in Islam and your daeef deen of paul [Well someone didn't read my site all that carefully...Paulianity might get just as offended by some of what's on Freethought Mecca.]
And one last email:
Try reading the book "Beyond Belief" by V.S. Naipaul. You'll see the situation in non-Arab islamic countries. Also check out "Among the believers" too.
I came across this interesting page as well [A Buddhist Critique of Christianity]

Ved Prakash - 08/16/00 14:30:47

I totally agree with the statements made by previous writer, i.e. Adam. The ideas of Islam are very backward. They do not respect the rights of an individual to think freely. In an Islamic country such as Iran, Saudi Arabia or Bangladesh they would kill y u if you openly said that Mohammed was a liar or a bad man etc. They would kill you just for expressing an opinion. Read the site "" I guess it will take some time to make Islam as tolerant as Christianity has become. Christianity too at one time was very intolerant. But it has changed. I am sure this will happen to Islam too. I am sure that with education more and more Muslims will stop believing in Islam and will become atheists or at least free-thinking Muslims. I am a Hindu but I am anot a fanatic. I would not condone killing someone who denounces Hinduism. I applaud the work being done by the web masters of this web site. They are doing a great service to humanity.

[email protected] - 08/15/00 23:38:27

There are more than just jokes here. There are some very strong arguments against the Quran. The muslims in this guestbook use angry words but no proofs. They are pissed off because they can't answer this sites powerful critiques of Islam. It is becau e of how stupid and arogant muslims are, that a site like this exists. Muslims are very laughable, because of their circular reasoning, lack of evidence and their ironic elitist attitude. Muslims are just mad because there are people who know how to ref te them. When you corner one of them in debate, they threaten you with hell and/or physical violence. They are more anti-semetic than christians. More backward than a tennessee red-neck and more violent than the nazis. That is the truth. adam

God's lover.. - 08/14/00 13:30:55

.. Do you know..? You are the only loser out of this whole thing.. Islam and Muslims will always be there you on the other hand will die sooner or later and then you won't see God .. you'll only see his anger and until that time hope you relize what you a e doning and ask God for forgivness before that .. !! I feel sorry for you .. cause you think that you are smart .. you are laughing and having fun and feeling smart and funny while God is looking there and waiting till it is the right time for you since here is lots of losers like you out there.... and we'll see how will laugh at Last.. >>

Sadiqi - 08/13/00 01:48:58

Praise be to Allat!
Wacky-stan has now discovered the glories of freethoughtmecca, and are so kind as to provide free publicity. Jazzak Allat Khayr Ikhwan.
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 03:11:21 +0500 From: Waqas Akram <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: WARNING
------IMMEDIATELY BANE THIS WEBSIDE...............................
[Sent to the following by Waqas] Boom Boom Bastic [email protected], Daily News [email protected], Editor Jang [email protected]"p^^^^^^" , Sunday Brunch " CV" weekend World,

Sadiqi - 08/11/00 19:48:25

+More blathering from the mailbag, "Romeo" contradicts himself while he exposes his jihadi mentality- that he sees himself in a war with Jews and other "Kuffar" and doesn't need human assistance to win (Muslim self-reliance). And yet this doesn't stop im from begging the Kafir Yahoo! to remove this site.
The only other subject of note, is his laughable assertion that he is brutalized by this site. As opposed to "non-brutal" killings of enemies of Allah...+ Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:54:38 +0500 From: "Charming Romeo" <> To:
the site is very offesive for US( Muslims)..therefore i ask u to close it down...Some fukin maniacs and muslim enemies have posted up this site to brutalize us..which the Kufaar( non-muslims and specially Jewish) have alwayz tried to do...but we muslims have never stepped backed.. i ask The to effectively look forward to my said website and offload it

Denis Giron - 08/10/00 21:01:35
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Vice: Calling the halal haram, and calling the haram halal.
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Billy-Bob Mahmud's Camel Tossin' Rodeo

I have a question for the previous poster... what are the "four books of God?" Which four books are you referring to? Here are some possible lists:

    (1) The book of Abraham (suhuf ibrahim) [al-A`la 87:19]
    (2) The book of Moses (Tawraat?) [al-A`la 87:19]
    (3) The Qur'aan
    (4) The injeel
    (1) The Zabur (Psamls?)
    (2) The book of Moses (Tawraat?) [al-A`la 87:19]
    (3) The Qur'aan
    (4) The injeel
    (1) The Qur'an
    (2) The book of Moses (Tawraat?) [al-A`la 87:19]
    (3) Al-Iqtaan
    (4) Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses."
    (1) The Qur'an
    (2) Anything written by Rasulullah Ahmed Deedat
    (3) The Sahih Bukhari collection.
    (4) The Jawidan
As you can see, I am woefully unable to figure out what the four books of God are. Please let me know. As for the Jawidan, does anyone know where I could get my hands on a copy? I just read about it at the following site: sufi/hurufism_and_bakhtashi.htm

- 08/10/00 12:58:06

Who the hell do u think u are to critisize islam. If you read the 4 books of god youll see that islam is true well if you could read it must be hard for a moron like you to read Burn in hell sucker

haha - 08/09/00 23:39:38

مضت شهور عديدة على تلك المغامرة مع جانيت ،، & 1604;م يحدث خلالها ما يستحق الذكر .. انصب اهتمامي & 1593;لى دروسي ، وعلى بناء صداقات جديدة في مدرسة " & 1575;لوعي الجديد " التي انتقلت إليها من مدرستي ا 04;قديمة ، اثر ذلك اليوم الذي عرفت فيه أن محمو 3; الكامل ليس والدي الحقيقي .. والذي لم تتغير م 3;املتي له ، فقد استمرت على وتيرتها السابقة ك #1571;ن شيئا لم يكن .. ولكني كنت أراقب علاقته الخفي #1577; بطانط سميرة ، محاولة اكتشاف خفاياها ...... ولكن فصل الشتاء كان عقبة في وجه تحركاتي ، ب 87;بب الأمطار الغزيرة .. إلى أن كان يوم بزغت فيه &# 588;مسه مبكرة في سماء صافية ، لاتلبدها الغيوم ڑ ; مما أتشاع في داخلي نشاطا وحيوية ، فانطلقت إ #1604;ى المدرسة سيرا على الأقدام ، دون انتظار من &# 610;رافقني ، فقد خفت قليلا تلك القيود الصارمة ‌ ;لمفروضة على تحركاتي... قبل أن انعطف لدخول شارع المدرسة ، وقع نظري ع #1604;ى دلال ـ زميلتي في الصف ـ التي كانت واقفة إل ى جانب سور أحد المنازل وهي واجمة وبيدها مجل&# 577; تنظر إليها ،، بينما الشاب الذي كان واقفا ب&# 575;لقرب منها ، أتسرع الخطى مبتعدا حين رآني مق‌ ;لة عليهما ..ألقيت عليها تحية الصباح ، فما سمع ت منها ردا فقد بقيت على وجومها ، كأنها لم تشع #1585; بوجودي ، فكررت التحية : ـ ونجور دلال ، وين سرحانه ...!!! أصابتها رعشة خفيفة ورفعت نظرها نحوي كأنها & 1575;ستفاقت من شرود بعيد : ـ ونجور الهام ..... قالتها بصوت منخفض حائر .. ـ دلال ... شو بيكي ، زي الفزعانه من عفريت على ال 89;بح !!!! ـ ............................................................. ـ دلال ..!! عندها قدمتها لي بيد مرتعشة ، وهي تقول لي أن ا لشاب الذي مر بالقرب منها قبل قليل أعطاها هذ&# 607; المجلة وهو يقول ثقفي نفسك بهذه المجلة ، فه 0; احسن من الكتب المدرسية التي تحملينها .. كنت  5;ستمع لما تقول ، وأنا اقلب المجلة بيدي ،، فأ 9;ابني الذهول ، فمع كل ما اعرفه عن هذه الأمور   ;ن خلال تجارب عدة ، إلا إنها المرة الأولى الت #1610; أشاهد فيها مجلة تحتوي على صور ملونة بهذا ا&# 604;وضوح الفاضح لممارسات جنسية ..فكيف بدلال ال  ;سكينة الخجولة، التي لا تعرف عن هذه الأمور ش& 1610;ئا !! لقد أصابها الوجوم الصاعق ، فجعلها بين ن& 1575;رين ، فلا هي بقادرة على أن ترفع نظرها عن الص&# 608;ر ، ولا هي قادرة على الإمساك بها ،، خجلا ،، ف #1591;لبت مني أن ارمي بها بعيدا، ونكمل سيرنا إلى &# 575;لمدرسة قبل أن يلاحظها أحد معنا ... رفضت هذا ال #1575;قتراح ، وأنا اضحك ساخرة ويدي تدس المجلة بي& 1606; كتبي في الحقيبة المدرسية .. قلت لها ، وأنا ار #1576;ت على كتفها : ـ إنها مجلة رائعة لم أشاهد مثلها من قبل ، سنت #1589;فحها في حصة الفراغ......... كانت دلال في غاية الجمال والرقة ، وفي منتهى & 1575;لأدب ، خجولة إلى أبعد الحدود ، تبتعد دوما ع 06; النقاش والمجادلة ، لذلك لم تبدي اعتراضا، أ و حتى تعليقا على ما قلت ، أطرقت صامتة وسارت ‌ ;لى جانبي تتحدث عن الدروس ، بينما أنا متشوقة #1604;لحظة التي سأقلب بها صفحات المجلة .... وكان لي ذلك في حصة الفن حيث كانت مدام خيري مع لمة هذه المادة متغيبة عن المدرسة بسبب مرض أ&# 604;م بها منذ أسبوع .. فتحلقنا بضعة فتيات في المق&# 593;د الأخير بالصف ،، وأخذنا نتفرج على ما احتو 8;ه المجلة من صور ،، لقد أثارت اهتمامنا تلك ا 4;أوضاع الجنسية التي نراها .. وكنت أراقب ردور   ;عل كل واحده على حده ، دون أن يشعرن يذلك ،، كا  ;ت الدهشة والاستغراب بادية على محياهن ،، مع حب استطلاع ورغبة في معرفة كيف تتم هذه العمل&# 610;ة .. وقد كنا نضحك أحيانا على بعض المشاهد الغر&# 610;بة ،، مثل صورة امرأة تمص بفمها زبا وفي كسها  86;ب وفي طيزها زب آخر وتمسك بيدها اليمنى زبا و‌ ;يدها اليسرى زبا آخر ، فشهقت إحداهن وهي تقول ـ الله ما يشبعها .. خمس رجال مع بعض .. ولي شو هيدا !!!!!!! كنا نشاهد مثل هذه المجلة للمرة الأولى .. ولك& 1606;ي كنت الوحيدة بينهن التي عندها خبره اكثر ف 0; النياكة ،، ولكني مثلت عليهن دور الفتاة الج #1575;هلة بهذه الأمور ،، مثلهن تماما … ماعدا امتث&# 575;ل .. فقد اكتشفت بخبرتي المتواضعة ، ومن خلال م&# 585;اقبتي لها ولنظراتها للصور، إنها صاحبة تجر #1576;ة ومعرفة ، في هذا المضمار ،، وسرعان ما تأكد & 1604;ي ذلك ، حين انسحبت إحدى الزميلات من جانبي ل 03;تابة بعض الواجبات.. فأخذت امتثال مكانها وال تصقت بي التصاقا تاما.. وضعت يدها على فخذي، بح #1585;كة تبدو عفوية في ظاهرها ، ولكني أحسست إنها &# 603;انت غير ذلك.. وعندما لم تجد مني نفورا تجاه حر&# 603;تها هذه ، أخذت يدها تسبح بنعومة في حركة دائ 5;ية نزولا إلى ركبتي وصعودا إلى أعلى فخذي ، فت دفقت دماء لذة عارمة في عروقي وأنا أستشعر أن&# 601;اسها الساخن تلفح وجهي ، وعيناها تشعان بوم، ;ض الرغبة وهما تتنقلان بين صور المجلة تارة و& 1576;ين استباحة ما تخفيه عيوني تارة أخرى .. تريد أ& 1606; تستشف مدى معرفتي بأمور الجنس وأسراره .. فاق&# 578;صرت عليها الوقت والجهد ، حين همست في أذنها  8; ويدي تمتد نحو فخذها الملاصق لي لأتحسس نعوم #1578;ه ، كما تفعل معي : ـ هل جربت المتعة مع البنات أم مع الأولاد ؟؟؟! ! ضغطت على فخذي ضغطة ناعمة ، ووضعت فمها على أذ& 1606;ي لترد بهمس، كما فعلت : ـ مع البنات ومع الأولاد ، بس بحب البنات أكثر #1548; خاصة مع واحده مثلك تجنن ، وأنت ؟؟؟!!! قالت ذلك ويدها تمتد نحو كسي من تحت الكيلوت ، #1571;ثارتني لمستها لكسي ولكني خشيت أن تنتبه إح 3;ى البنات لما يجري بيننا ، فعدت اهمس بأذنها ، بأننا يمكن أن نلفت الأنظار بحركاتنا هذه فن&# 606;فضح بين المجموعة ، وطلبت منها أن نؤجل هذا ا 04;أمر حتى نخرج إلى ساحة المدرسة في استراحة ال ظهيرة .. ابتسمت ابتسامة عريضة ، وهي تسحب يدها من على فخذي ، وقالت بصوت عال لتسمع البنات ال& 1605;تحلقات حول المجلة يقلبن صفحاتها : ـ إنها مجلة في منتهى الوقاحة وقلة الأدب .......... ونهضت منسحبة من مكانها .. وكذلك فعلت البقية  8; وبدوري أعدت المجلة إلى حقيبتي ...إلى أن قرع ا&# 604;جرس إيذانا ببداية استراحة الظهيرة ، فانطل #1602;نا كسرب من النحل يهجر خليته ،، حرصت أن احمل & 1605;عي حقيبتي على خلاف العادة ، نظرا لوجود الم 0;لة بداخلها ، وقد كانت امتثال تترصد خروجي ، ف ما أن اقتربت منها حتى وضعت يدها على كتفي ، طا #1604;بة أن نسرع الخطى قبل أن تلحق أو تتعلق بنا إح& 1583;اهن ، سارت بي مبتعدة حتى وصلنا إلى زاوية ال&# 587;احة ، تحت إحدى الشجرات العالية ، بعيدا عن ا 04;أنظار .. قالت ويدها تتحسس وجهي : ـ وأخيرا يا إلهام . . منذ أول يوم رأيتك فيه أحس 7;ت انه سيكون بيننا علاقة ، ولكني كنت مترددة في أخذ زمام المبا‍ ;رة ، خوفا من ألاقي منك صدا .. ولكنني اليوم أسعد مخلوقة لأنه سيك 8;ن بيننا شيء مشترك ... ـ إذن لولا المجلة لما تجرأت على مكاشفتي بنو&# 575;ياك أيتها الخبيثة!! ضحكت على هذا التعليق وهي تقترب من فمي لتطبع & 1593;يه قبلة ساخنة، ناسية إننا بالساحة ويمكن أ  ; ينتبه إلينا أحد ، ومع ذلك لم يكن عندي الشجاع ة الكافية في مقاومة قبلتها والتجاوب مع شفت&# 610;ها القرمزيتين .. ثم كان لنا حديث عن صور المجل&# 577; ، والعلاقات الجنسية ،، حاولت أن تستدرجني   ;لبوح عن أسرار علاقاتي في هذا المضمار، ولكن&# 610; تملصت من ذلك متحايلة عليها بأن تجربتي متو‌ ;ضعة أمام ما يظهر لي من خبرة واسعة لديها ،، أط ربها هذا الإطراء ، فبدأت تسرد على مسمعي قصص & 1605;غامراتها مع البنات ومع الأولاد ، كنت أصغى  4;ها وأنا أتطلع في عينيها اللتان تنطقان بشهو& 1577; محمومة ، بينما يدها لا تكف عن ملامسة وجهي أ&# 608; صدري أو فخذي ،، وتتحسس على يدي كأنها العاش 02; الولهان مع حبيبته.. إلى أن قالت : ـ هل يمكنك أن تأتي معي إلى البيت بعد انتهاء ا #1604;دروس !! ـ يمكنني إذا وجدت حيلة مناسبة تنطلي على أمي ... قاطعتني على الفور وهي تبتسم ابتسامة النصر على فوزها &بموافقتي المشروطة ، وكأن لديها ح 04; جاهز : ـ تتصلين بوالدتك بالهاتف عندما نصل إلى الب 10;ت ، وتخبريها انه مطلوب منا رسم خارطة العالم العربي لحصة الج #1594;رافيا ، وان على كل مجموعة أن تشترك في رسم لوحتها ، وانك عند، ; في البيت مع عدد من الزميلات للقيام بذلك ، وحال انتهاءن ا من العمل أما أن تعودي إلى البيت أو أن يحضر أحد لاصطحابك ،، ما رأي 3; بهذه الفكرة ؟؟! كانت الفكرة معقولة جدا ، خاصة وأن فيها شيء م #1606; الحقيقة ، فقد طلب منا الأستاذ صفوت إعداد ه&# 584;ه الخارطة على أن تكون جاهزة قبل الامتحانات الفصلية ... ـ إنها فكرة معقولة جدا ، أنت داهية متحركة .... خرجنا من المدرسة بعد انتهاء الدوام لنغذ ال&# 587;ير باتجاه بيت امتثال الذي لم يكن بعيدا عن ا 04;مدرسة ، ونحن نمزح ونضحك ، كفراشتين حلقتا بع يدا عن سربهما .. عند وصولنا لاحظت أنه لا يوجد أحد في البيت ، & 1601;قد فتحت الباب بمفتاح تحمله معها ، دلفنا إل 9; الداخل وهي ترد على استغرابي لخلو البيت من أ ي من أفراد عائلتها : ـ أن أهلي في طرابلس لحضور حفل زفاف أحد أقارب& 1606;ا هناك وسيعودون في ساعة متأخرة من الليل ، انه فرصتنا الثمين ة .... دخلت إلى المطبخ لتعد بعض الساندويتشات الس 85;يعة ، بينما أنا ارفع سماعة الهاتف واطلب رقم بيتنا ، وأخبرت أمي بما اتفقت عليه مع امتثال #1548; ولمعرفتي الوثيقة بما يدور في خلدها ، ولأق 91;ع عليها أية شكوك ، فقد ناديت على امتثال لتح‌ ;دثها بنفسها ، فأعادت عليها ما قلته ، وأضافت #1608;هي تطلع نحوي غامزة بعينها مع ابتسامة خبيث 7;:

- 08/09/00 11:51:07

well i have to tell u this u have got a very DUMB sense of humour making fun of other people's religion i wont say anything else cuz i guess it wont effect u in anyway cuz u r a big physco maniac so GO SUCK AN EGG!!!

- 08/09/00 05:45:10

what do you think you achive by this sort of writting. When you die you would surely find the truth. Which relegion or law dictates you to proceed this way and if any then why should your relegion stop or punish or condem or hate or disallow similar comme t or comments to beat this on to itself. It is impossible to conceive a law or relegion that says so. contact at [email protected]

- 08/08/00 12:56:02

u r a mother fuker for wiritin styuffs like thse

- 08/08/00 12:55:26

u r a mother fuker for wiritin styuffs like thse

---- - 08/08/00 04:30:37
My URL:http://------
My Email:--------
Favorite Vice: ---------
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: --------


Chief Executive of Pakistan - 08/07/00 21:41:59


Sadiqi Sez: We're honored to have such a distinguished coup monger threaten war. :-) But what the Chief Executive of "Paksitan" is doing in the United Arab Emirates seems to be rather perplexing...Perhaps if I notify the U E authorities- after all, they'll want to be in on finding any muj in their vicinity...
Ghazali Abd'Hubaali ad-Dajjali Shabazz - 08/06/00 18:40:05
My URL:[email protected]
My Email:Satanism (shaytanism?)
Favorite Vice: Threesomes with polytheist dwarfs.
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: Sudan

Sorry... I tried posting this before, but the images did not come through due to some silly security thing with the site they were on, so here is the post again, with images...

Sadiqi! Great site man! Your opening, which puts forth a mock attack by Islamic hackers, was pretty well done. You actually had me there. Anyway, I just wanted to again put in my own two cents to sort of level the playing field. Thus far, the only post in your guest book have been from these highly superstitious mental midgets that swear that you're on your way to "hill."

As for the chimps who just want to whine about how this site insulting the beliefs of 63% of the world's population, why not set up a site of your own? Explain what the problem is? Make the anti-freethoughtmecca! Do something! I'm sure that the cyber-umma will just continue to whine, and say that within a week, the whole world, with the exception of Sadiqi, will be Muslim. He'll have no where to hide.

lllll - 08/05/00 15:09:52

hey r u out of ur mind!!! stop this or u will be the 1st one to enter hell or a place worse than that....

Sadiqi Sez- New Jersey?
you are a donkey - 08/04/00 23:15:39

donkey man

you are a dog - 08/04/00 23:11:29

u are the best dog around the world dooooooooog man :)

mohmmad - 08/04/00 22:30:49

looooooooooooooooooooooooool...loooooooooooooooooooool..loooooooooooool..what the hill are you talking about looooooooool..are you out of your mind or what ..hey as a friend you gota see a doctor as soon as possibel loooooooooool you ass hole ...and ...wh t about if you jus stayed home and wait ....ummmmm ....we want you died ..really soon you and your fucking dam mind .... loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool you know what every time i read this page ..ithank god that ...iam not crazy like you loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool where is your mom she will really like this page loooooooool she will think are really a frekooooooooooooooooooooo

idont have - 08/04/00 22:22:34

hey...ijust wanted to ask you where did u see god .. ha coz isee that you have alot of distcription loooooool set ameet and we wana join you and see what the hill are u talking about ..magoool ela ahel el 3gool fee ra7a ..ast;3fer allah ..really you are o e kind of a person what are you trying to prove ...ummm if you dont belive in god why are u bothring yourself ..ha....and second ...before you go writeing and beliving of such a thing ..why dont you go and ask yourself ..why are we here have to kno that everything around us have a resion...we are born in this life...for one thing to belive in god and we have show that in everything we do ..pray..thank god for this great life ..for health ..every singel day ...dont be like this ..ok .be postive in yo r life every day with a smile and fath in god...and stop talking about god this way ok .....and if u are still like this hope that you will go to hill ok zagen yel6a wajhak

- 08/04/00 15:49:32

i bet since you like to say stuff about others, you allow people to talk about your mom and your sisters. I have some friends who like to talk about them. Its a free world right? We will see how honerbel it will be for you to read the stuff about your mom. But, dont worry, we will not say anything, because its not they way we react to people like you. All i can say is, god forgive you.


Sadiqi Sez: I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the Prophet Muhammad was your brother

and Aisha and the gang your, you must be ancient!  Guinness Book of

World Records time! 

Hassan - 08/04/00 15:43:37

Hey man, I dont know why your doing this, unless you were jelous, or afraid. You have no idea what your talking about. IF you think you are right, then how come 1.5 Billion people are muslims? and how come its the biggest and fastest religion in the world Before you can judge, learn more about it, maybe that god you are making fun of may have mercy on you and lead to the creed. I feel realy sorry for you. You're risking you fate just to put a couple of jokes. Poor guy.

Mujahid - 08/04/00 15:06:29

Who ever has designed this page.... Keep in mind i will get you into big trouble..... just wait... your days are over....

- 08/04/00 12:55:24

get a f-ing life - look at your damn self and your beliefs before cracking up at corny ass jokes on something else that half the world strongly belives in.

you're going to hell buddy! - 08/04/00 10:12:40

Don't know which (*#@& came up with this but Insha-Allah this person will burn in hell. Either that or I pray Allah gives him guidance..

ali khan - 08/04/00 08:13:50

i think, the site u have constructed shows ur prjudices against islam, i hope GOD will bless u and forgive you for ur sins. the material that uve placed will do no harm to muslims so if u think uve done something really outstanding then .....think again!

non of your business - 08/03/00 22:06:23
My URL:http://kiss my ass
My Email:your ass
Favorite Vice: fuck you
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: me

hey ass hole fuck you your pages suck like look like

Ved Prakash - 08/03/00 19:36:58
Favorite Vice: Hatred

Your web site is cool, dude! It has so many nice things, I love it. Keep up the good work. I do not like when people spread lies and then attempt to kill or hurt people simply for expressing their opinion. Keep up the good work but make sure they do not t y to hurt you. Be cautious but do not get intimidated.

MOHAMMAD IBN ABDALLAH - 08/03/00 18:20:04
Favorite Vice: FUCK YOU
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: FUCK YOU


- 08/02/00 23:16:14

ur nothing but a clown

- 08/02/00 16:47:22


- 08/02/00 09:54:50

go 2 hell

Sadiqi Az-Zindiki - 08/02/00 08:16:26
My Email:Life of Brian
Favorite Vice: Breaking wind towards Qibla
Favorite Backwards Dictatorship: The Prophet Muhammad's (SAWS)

More from the mail bag: From Iqbal~ From: re#### <> To: [email protected] Subject: (no subject) Reply-To:

If words were to act sharp like a sword ,then be it. I pity you and your state of mind.................. Simply close your eyes and think.....think hard....... Sabuhi.


Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:43:13 -0700 (PDT) From: kkllmm khuil <> To: [email protected] Subject: Keep up the good work

WOoOW....nice site did you do that...

I like it...

I have a Muslim in my work and I made your site the homepage for his browser would love to be here to see his face when he saw the site...

he took that day off....he couldn't stay any more...I love that site ...the idea of putting Usama binladen photo is the way get to my site you will like it...

I hope you like it and give me your opinion ... waiting to read from you...

best regards free islam

~ Hmmm...Pretty Blank page...almost like an IP scan ~

Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:13:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Ibrahim <> To: [email protected] Subject: Hello

hi, I had a look at your site and I need to chat with you as soon as possible. Please tell me when do you want to chat and I will be very happy to talk with you. Do not worry, I am not here to ask you to become Muslim. I just want to ensure that the information you said are correct. I am knowledgous in history so do not worry, i will be able to go along with your speech.

~Buddy approach?~

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 22:34:03 -0700 (PDT) From: A A <> To: [email protected]

[Arabic. Trans. Are you or were you Muslim? And so on and so forth...Evil doer..]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام على من اتبع الهدى وبعد إ ا أنت مسلم أو كنت مسلم Y´لم تY´عل ه ا؟ هل أنت حا د أو مظلوم؟ مما يY´سر رعونتك وتجاوزك

وأعلم بأن عدو الإنسان ع له

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:08:18 -0700 (PDT) From: haifa romio <$#[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: stop it

your site is highly offensive , which i'm sure comes as no surprise to you .

i ,and many other muslims demand its removal. we are taking all the apropriat steps to do so. we suggest that you back off volinterily while you may.

God bless you.

~I find the Qur'an offensive, hear ye, hear ye, remove it from the Internet foreswooth...~

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:54:33 -0700 From: "LOLO" <#$**#$*> To: Subject: ALLAH YES'7A6AK

allah yentagem mennak o yes'7a6ak inshallah ya rab 3ashan te3rf ena allah 7ag o rabana 7a yoreek keef...enta a9lan feen 7a teroooo7 min rabana o alla ye3enak....

[Hmmm...he didn't have the right fonts...]

That's all for now folks! By the traffic, they've gone back to worrying over the fine points of siwak fiqh- how to brush one's teeth with a stick.


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