A United State of Ashrams
by Ibn Hoja
More and more, Americans are coming to recognize the disastrous effects that our “spiritual void” is having- and are seeking alternative “solutions” like school prayer (as well as posting the ten commandments) to enact a new culture of peace and harmony. Our brothers and sisters in enlightenment, the Christians, are recognizing the imminent arrival of the third millennium, and realize that we cannot let another millennium pass without rectifying the incalculable harm violence has leveled upon our fragile world.

As the election looms, and the media drives us towards time-worn un-solutions in the guise of the Gores and the Bushes, all true seekers of enlightenment are forced to look elsewhere for solutions that don’t come from hype, polls, and mammoth corporations.  Yes, as all you who are reading this and had a precognition from your yogic training know, the solution lies solely in transcendental meditation™. 

With all due respect to those who have proposed prayer as the panacea, we can understand your deference to the Spirit-Teacher Jesus- but even he recommends meditation now, after having been instructed by the Space Brothers over  the past 2,000 years.  Only mass meditation will allow us to redirect the chakric energy fields, which in disharmony result in a karmic snow ball effect, which to say the least is very, very bad- in fact,  quite simply the SOLE CAUSE of every act of violence ever to have been committed since Cain and Abel. 

The Natural Law Party ( http://www.natural-law.org/ ) is the only party willing to point out that our society’s problems will  never be solved unless we make an investment in TM™ (preferably $40 to $100 per capita, made out to the dispeller of darkness, sage of prana and purana, our dear  Maharishi).  John Hagelin, Natural Law’s contender for the U.S. presidency, is the only candidate who is willing to take a courageous stand on the Balkans, among other pressing issues- pointing out that if the U.S. had 7000 yogic flyers meditating over Balkan airspace (“the 7000th monkey phenomenon”)  Muslims, Croats, Serbs, and Albanians would find themselves drifting inevitably towards peace, with no ground troops needed whatsoever. 
Some skeptical types have questioned the wisdom of such an approach, but what they don’t realize is that their skepticism can set off negative vibrations which will, in turn, mitigate the harmonizing effect of the meditation. Cold-hearted skepticism is part and parcel of the problem, as is the unfounded belief in the efficacy of prayer. 

Whereas prayer doesn’t have any quantum effects to speak of, meditation has the ability to grant every need of mankind, through the ability of the mind to reconstruct objects out of matter’s property of virtual emptiness, as proved by the “magical” abilities of great saints like Sai Baba.  While it is somewhat disheartening to think that millions could have avoided horrible torturous deaths in wars if only there had been more practitioners of transcendental meditation™  out and about the world, it’s true nonetheless, as we know from no less a personage than the great Maharishi. 

If we had transcendental meditation in every single classroom, there would have never have been a spate of school shootings, just as if we had it in every bunker, the world wars wouldn’t have lasted over a day. And the religious wars, between Protestants and Catholics, Christians and Muslims- each side praying for victory- would have never occurred as meditation makes lucidly clear the absolute oneness of all of mankind and the universe. 

Americans... nay, all have a choice- we can either steer down the trodden path, or levitate towards a bold new future of higher consciousness and psycho kinesis.  But this rosy future can only be ours if we mix the ashram with the state.  Namaste!

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