Amusing Attempts at Censorship

In case you are not aware, this page was formerly until being booted off the server for an alleged violation of their TOS.  Apparently, although I wasn't aware of it, 1.6 billion Muslims visited my page at and were all gravely offended by me taking off the kid gloves.  Which is why I just want to say shukran, or thank you to my good pal Shibli Zaman for informing how very much his feelings were hurt by my cruel insensitivity towards Islam.  

From: "Shibli Zaman" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 15:33:08 -0600
This email is in respect to the URL
This URL insults and jokes about Islam and its religious figures in an extremely indecent manner.
Xoom.Com terms of service state two seperate stipulations which this web site violates in the name of "free speech":
"We do not allow any material that is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, or otherwise objectionable; including posting other peoples' private information.
We do not allow hate propaganda or hate mongering, swearing, or
fraudulent material or activity;"] 

States the
following false and extremely disrespectful statement about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) whom the Muslims revere as a Messenger of God.
"When anyone of you gets horney and are at least 11 years old, that probably means you should get hitched and have ten children ASAP."

Ahem, Ahem.  Shibli is being duplicitous if he knows well the age that Muhammad married 'Aisha (What do the sources say again, nine?  Eleven?).  And there is a hadith which purports that anyone with the desire and means to marry ought to in order to protect themselves from fornication.

The unreflective tendencies towards procreation is evidenced in the birth rates all around the Muslim world.  Since Allah is going to destroy the world anyways, we don't need to worry- "he'll provide" so the story goes.   So while perhaps I could've found a more tactful way of putting it, the issue is still there.   

This is likened to having an anti-semitic site putting foul words in the mouth of Moses or a anti-Christian site putting foul words in the mouth of Christ. We hope that you will uphold
the sensitivities of the planet's second largest religious group as you would for these two religious groups. We only demand mutual respect and understanding in the world we live in. As
Muslims amount to 1/4 of mankind at 1.6 billion, it is my feeling we do not deserve such hateful and satirical information disseminated against us. Please review this member's site and judge for yourselves. Respect as human beings who believe in Islam is all I am asking for.

Wound envy.  I have to hand it to the activists, though, they really know how to play victim.  

Okay my dear pal, if was going to uphold the "sensitivities" of Muslim literalists, then I suppose they should go hire a hit man... Oh yes, you're not even disputing the facts of Islamic law are you?  Death for apostates.    

Shibli Zaman
[email protected]
Dear Author of the web page "A Thoughtcrime in Progress",
I stumbled upon your web page while browsing the web. I found it interesting that you claim you are a former "American" ("American" could mean anything) convert to Islam and your being Muslim was brief. How then is it that you are able to manipulate certain phrases in the Arabic language? Certainly, "as-sameen" and "al-qabeeH" are not words known to the basic student of Arabic or the beginning student of Islam.

Well, Shibli, you're forgetting that I'm a part of a larger global conspiracy.  I have some of my secret agents translate the necessary phrases...
Most importantly you justify your actions by declaring it is your first amendment right. 

That's funny.  I don't recall saying that anywhere on my page.

I am not sure if you ever studied American history in depth. Had you understood the philosophy upon which these freedoms were granted you would not display such ignorance of them. The fundamental philosophy behind the "inalienable rights" of man as understood by the founding fathers is that with freedom there are boundaries of freedom. 

Oh great, and next you're going to tell me about George Washington and the cherry tree, or Abe Lincoln and his humble log cabin...

Otherwise, there is chaos. 

Yes, but that doesn't address whether my speech would fall under the category.  To do so you would have to demonstrate the resultant chaos.  Secondarily, the "founding fathers" opinions are irrelevant.  They didn't happen to have omnipotent powers of perception or prophecy.  Do you really think they would foresee the America of today?  Mosques, temples, pagodas?  Methinks not.   

For example, I do have the right to believe in killing a person, yet if I act upon that I have violated HIS/HER inalienable right to life. You attempt to sound intelligent in your writings through the use of elevated language but it ends up incoherent patter. I do not mean this as any slight or disrespect to your person. I am merely giving you the perspective of an educated person. 

Glad to see I'm trying.  I have my mighty thesaurus at the ready, of course, to continue the charade.  All hail to the "educated person."

Your URL was not forwarded to me by a Muslim, mind you. It was forwarded to me by a highly educated non-Muslim who was, likewise, outraged at your lack of knowledge, sensitivity, and respect and your flagrant abuse of the principles of freedom upon which this nation was founded and upon which it has flourished.

And I care what this person thinks because...?  Can I have some credentials, or actually hear from this "highly educated non-Muslim" who gets outraged that I might not appreciate murderous Islamic law?
You have the right to agree or disagree with Islam. However, you do not have the right to disrespect any human being. Granted you have come to the conclusion that Islam is a false religion attributed to a false deity. This is your right. Does this mean that the Muslims who make up a quarter of mankind deserve your insults and satire?

And please quote from the sources of Islamic law which "give" me that right.  Oh, you can't?  Funny.  

 Is this the proper utilization of the "freedoms" which you so proudly claim give you the liberty to do so? 

Uh yes.  It is.  Newsflash.

I myself agree that gullible Muslims have given you plenty of fuel to write about. Some of the "scientific miracle" sites are full of stretches and reliance upon English translations. 

Really, you mean some of what I say has merit!?  That can't be!  

However, there are weighty scientific evidences in the Qur'an which you have not even seen. These are not very publicized because a true scientist does not research in order
to promulgate the rectitude of a given position. He/she studies in order to learn the reality of things. After the hypotheses have been met, disproven and/or proven then if there is benefit
in disseminating that information then such is done.

Well, Dr. Ahmed Khan has information about the Genetic Miracle of the Qur'an.  You'll eventually hear about it.  I can't really give you specifics, but trust me, you haven't seen it.  And its really weighty.  That's all I can say at the present time, so believe you me.  
I, personally, am a devout Muslim and Islamic thinker and writer. I spent 15 years studying World Civilizations, Religions, Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Physiology, and other subjects before becoming vocal about my fealty towards Islam. I weighed Islam against my studies and put it to the test in an objective manner. Just as belief in God is a "religion" so is disbelief in God a "religion". 

Wow.  That's a sad autobiography.  

Neither camp can prove their respected "belief". Thus, both are "beliefs" and depend heavily upon opinion which is sometimes referred to as "faith" by some religionists.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.

Now in regards to your ambiguous and abivalent thoughts, first
you state:
"That being said, whether my intent is to enrage or convince, let it be known that Almighty Allah Subhana wa T'ala in his infinite wisdom and mercy has decreed the penalty of death for apostates (among others). If I was in his grasp, there would be a show trial, and thereafter an execution."
Then you say:
"...I found myself one day outside of the fold of Islam- an apostate.  At this moment in time, unless I want to be harassed or threatened, I cannot reasonably speak out against the flaws I perceive in Islam save under conditions of anonymity."
FIrst you make a direct and seemingly fearless challenge to the extent of "Here I am! Come and get me!" You then express fear that you will be found and "harassed". 

For you to say that this is all satire and should not be taken seriously is a cowardly cop-out. To insult, abuse, and slight 1/4 of mankind is very serious. 

There is a difference between being courageous and being stupid.  You have your heavenly whores to shtup if you take the path of martyrdom.  Us earthly creatures must remain content with the one life we have of a surety. 

You say on your web page in the
guise of a Muslim scholar,
"If that doesn't work out I recommend you follow the saying of the blessed Prophet- "When anyone of you gets horney and are at least 11 years old, that probably means you should get hitched
and have ten children ASAP."
This shows extreme disrespect and insincerity on your part. You lament Muslims alleged mistreatment of certain members of society yet you do a fine job of it yourself.

Please convince me that Muhammad didn't consummate his marriage with 'Aisha when she was of a similar age and I might take you more seriously (and that this doesn't affect legal codes in such paradises as the Islamic Republic of Iran. )

 The Prophet Muhammad is a corpse.  That you practically worship him as an idol is little concern of mine.  If that's insulting to you, then you don't know what the heck you're talking about.  The historical Muhammad is certainly not the one portrayed by the fictions of the Sunni community, so apologizing for slighting a long dead fictional character (in the sense that though a Muhammad existed, there are fictional outcroppings and idolatry obscuring any true picture) is not really of interest to me.         

At any rate. These are my thoughts. There is a delegation here of fellow Professors who were planning on protesting your site and amassing emails to decry it but I told them not to as this
would only encourage you.

It is interesting that you wouldn't reveal what fine University you and your "fellow Professors" represent, even when asked.  Somewhere in Houston? 

I have seen and studied your type of behavior before and such a move would only encourage you as you seem to hunger for attention. Is this not what brought you into
Islam and what you saw as the lack thereof that brought you out?
Do not see this email as hostile as it is not in any context. I have shown you great respect though you have shown me and 1.6 billion of my fellow believers absolutely no respect.

I am an iconoclast.  I destroy idols.  Your beliefs will merit respect at such a time when you can credibly argue for their validity, especially seeing the horrendous ramifications of Allah the Most Sadistic.  But your ad numerum ad naseum mantra belies your inability to show where I had "dissed" all your "bruthaz" and "sistaz" with ad hominems.   Oh, sorry, I mean your Ikhwan wa Ikhiwat al-Muslimeen.

You mention you have Muslim friends who remained friends with you in spite of your disavowal of Islam. Could you not at least be a decent friend and reciprocate the respect?

This confuses the issues with the people.  It was no fault of their own that they were born to Muslim families.  At the same time, just because I have Democrats as friends doesn't preclude me from ruthlessly mocking Bill Clinton. 

I have CC'd this email to Xoom.Com and we will see if they appreciate your disprespectful joks and attacks on 1.6 billion of mankind.

I'm glad to be kicked, it has given me the vision to revitalize my site, and set to work towards a grand satire devoted solely to Islam.  I'll have to dedicate the book to you. 

 Shibli-buddy, be sure to thank those 1.6 billion of mankind of whom you are the spokesman- by keeping the superstition of Islam alive, they entertain us all.  Making this otherwise somber world, full of laughter.    

Shibli Zaman
[email protected]


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