The Art of Stealing by Various Authors

Method 1 - The Simple Grab and Leave.

This one is really easy and an amazing number of people fall for this. Just grab the item and then leave the game. If someone asks you what you are doing you can say you want to check what the items stats are before trading your item, most people will fall for this. Once you have their item you can just leave the game and you got it.


Method 2 - Dropping the other player.

Ok, you MUST be the one who created the game for this method to work. After the person you are "supposed" to trade with joins your game and drops their item, just pull you modem cord from the wall or whatever cord gets you your connection to the internet. This trick works about 90% of the time. Then the player you were "trading" with drops due to a timeout and you have their item. Sometimes this backfires and the game just ends. If this happens don't bother trying to find the guy as both people lose the item then.


Method 3 - Use Telekinesis

This one is great if you have the townkill cheat. Instead of just getting to kill the player in town, wait till they drop the item and just cast telekinesis on it. The item will automatically appear in your inventory and they will think the disappearing item bug got it. This one is nice because you don't even have to be close to the person to use it, and it also makes the person unable to accuse you of stealing. Just make sure you have enough room in your inventory for the item before trying this cheat.


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Page Created 18 February 1997 4:00PM Australian Standard Time

Last Modified 25 September 1998 5:20PM Australian Standard Time


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