Tom Miller Poems - 1997





i am

a cocoon

fly from me

fresh from change

your new wings

open to the wind

leave me




dream #3


a tornado

driving down main street

chasing me

into the tall building

from which i can see

it coming, sucking up

street life, spitting

out dust, it seems to

know me.

the fear

so real, maybe

there is some truth in here


chasing me

the tall building

from which i see it coming

coming for me




a wall of gray matter takes me up


flat death cold fingers

and bone -- i wake into

the brightness of sun

through blinds blinding




my pen ran dry

as i was writing

my love poem


like my pen

my love has run dry

like my poem


it was my best

ending shortly

after it began


guess i need

a new pen



if my dog was elizabeth taylor


if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would smell like perfume

instead of dog shit

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would piss on the trees

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

her mouth would be cleaner than mine

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would sniff your butt

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

you could put peanut butter on your dick

and let her lick it off

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would have no acting skills

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would be lazy and lie around all day

if my dog was elizabeth taylor

she would be sick all the time

hey, wait a minute

my dog is elizabeth taylor!



fifty shots of bourbon and a whiskey back


in his eleventh hour

he had won the game

wheel of misfortune in a glass


and she all but disappeared

down the murky depths

of hard wet stupor


for in his dull state

of candor and nausea

mixed like a bourbon and coke


with a twist of lime

stirred to perfection

cold as ice


he vomits his life

and her with it


one step shy of the shitter



fish lady

her face was etched with lines

leathery from the sun


pocked with acne scars

and specked with freckles


she decided

to do something about it


she had a chemical peel

and that freshened her up


but more was required


a nip and tuck

resolved the lines


but what about the flab?


in another operation her sag was

pinned back behind her ears


she looked twenty years younger


next she had the fat

sucked out of her necks


now she had only one neck

goodbye frog jokes


she had permanent eye liner applied


collagen injected into her lips


and that night at the bar


everyone wondered how

the old fish could breathe





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