November, 1994

Alexia Clarke:
While the Cup went to Brazil,
the world plays at Central

Clinton Responds to Sayaphet

The White House

Mr. Adrian Sayaphet
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for expressing your concerns about the growing crime problem in our future.

I am committed to giving Americans the freedom from fear that is essential to our nation's security and prosperity. The problem of violence, in one way or another, affects every individual in every community in America. My Administration is working hard to replace people's fears with safety, sanity, and a sense of values.

I support more funding for local law enforcement so that we can hire more police officers to patrol our neighborhoods and bolster effective community-based policing techniques. I also support life imprisonment for repeat offenders who commit a third violent crime, more money for drug treatment for addicts, and boot-camps for first-time, nonviolent offenders. Finally, we need to build on the Brady law and take further steps to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Prevention of crime requires that we find solutions for the underlying causes of violence. That is why my Administration has undertaken many initiatives -- such as job training, welfare reform, health reform, the Safe Schools Act, and the Empowerment Zones -- that, enacted together, will help rebuild distressed communities, strengthen families, and provide work.

Only through shared responsibility and a willingness to change can we turn the tide on this wave of violence in America. I will keep your thoughts in mind as I work to make our nation a safer place for all our citizens. Thank you for taking the time to write.


Bill Clinton

 November '94 Edition


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