About Francesco
June 9th-
i just got done talking to Francesco, that kid is adorable, there are new pictures in the photo section. he will be sending me more later
plz join the forums eveybody plz and thank you
ily ALOT! <33 kali
Fan Fun
Feb. 25th-
wow i havent been on forver well Francescoe-mailed me i got a RARE pic never b4 seen pic of Francesco! but the way u will see it is by going to the foums and getting 99 post .. and ladies its with his shirt off soo woot wott <33 kali
about the owners
Email me
added new pics , thanks to a member at the forums love ya all
admin kali
Oct. 15th
well everone has to go out and by the new kicking and screaming movie now on DVD woot woot yayaya
<3 admin kali
July 28th-
added some affiliates go check them out!
<3 admin kali
Top Affiliates
July 18th -
added some new link me button made by Taylor at www.strawberryKiwi.com make sure u check out the site its reallt cool and there lots of fun things to do there
July 14th-
omg everyone  were finally open! im so happy lol i do NOT know FL so plz dont e-mail me and ask me to tell him something! PLZ AND THANKS  e-mail me if you need help w/ something,wanna be a affiliates or want to enter the contest! well i glad you guys stoped by and i hope you like the site!

<3 kali (ADMIN)
Site since july 14th 2005
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