ark the cold nights, and dark the grey dawns. Our walls stand strong against the storm, but for how long? The Citadel wears ever down under the continual assault of Oblivion, and we seek what Hope we can under the ever-pressing weight of its black touch.
ur ramparts and our cannon face down upon the Tempest itself, roiling and crying with the lost and the Damned. A burning Tower rises cutting through the dark at the edge of the sunless sea, a bastion held by Heretics and Renegades.
ow long can Hope bear out? We must not fail.
he Table of Contents to this Volume might prove useful. (Note that this page may take some time to load. We thank you for your patience.)
read the historyhe history of the local Necropolis has been collected in the library beneath the Citadel's decaying walls. You may read the words before they are lost to time and decay.
the legionshree Legions form the core of our defenses against the Enemy. Three Stones upon which this Citadel is built. Let the Black Ships return, and we shall stand against them once more. Only the Legions stand between us and Oblivion.
hauntsertain Haunts within this Necropolis are of greater note, certain amongst the Dead have names better known than others. These are they, as catalogued by the Grim Legion scribes.

main history legions introduction contacts

venue concept site index the golden rules

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The Canadian Regional Web Site for the Camarilla.

Most of the stuff on this page is copyright by White Wolf Publishing Inc. Used without express permission, and without any intent to challenge their rights to the material. The purpose of this site is to provide support for a Live Action troupe who create improvisational stories through Wraith: the Oblivion. Our local Domain is Halifax: CND-006.

THE CAMARILLA, VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE, WRAITH: THE OBLIVION, and CHANGELING: THE DREAMING are all registered Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios. Any use of White Wolf Game Studios' copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
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