Amaruq Innuksuk - The Caern of the Arctic Wolves

Where is Amaruq Innuksuk in Canada?

About Nunavut

The Caern of the Arctic Wolves can be found in the northern most reaches of Canada's newest territory, Nunavut, which encompasses one fifth of the land-mass of this country. It has a population of only 24,700 people - 20,400 of whom are native Inuit peoplle. It became a territory separate from the Northwest Territories on Apil 1st, 1999. Before the division the area - known as Nunavut to its people only - was governed from Yellowknife, which is as far from the capital of Nunavut, Iqaluit, as Vancounver is from Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The caern can be found in Ellesmere Island National Park, which encompasses Canada's northernmost lands. It is an enclave of sedimentary mountain ranges, ice caps, glaciers, fiords, and fertile arctic oasies.


The Land and Wildlife

Much of Ellesmere Island National Park is a polar desert, with some areas receiving less annual precipitation - about 2.5 centimetres - than the Saharah desert. Still, there is enough water from snow and glacial melt to support a productive wildlife habitat. Herds of muskoxen and small roaming bands of endangered Peary caribou travel the land during the summer months. About 30 species of birds can be found here; arctic wolves roam over huge territories and den at sites they have been using for up to three millennia. Arctic hare have been seen running in herds of thousands and other animals, including arctic fox, ermine, collareed lemming, ringed seal, walrus, and occasionally wales and polar bears, are found in the coastal areas.

The People

The people of Nunavut have a unique, rich, and vibrant culture. They do not refer to themselves as "Eskimos", and it is offensive to refer to them in that way. They've always called themselves Inuit, "the people", in Inuktitut, their native tongue.

For more information on Inuit culture - including their celebrations, music, games, food and customs - please visit the Nunavut Handbook, a wonderful site on the territory of Nunavut and the culture found there:

Travelling to Amaruq Innuksuk

To be updated soon....


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