Franco-Prussian Wargame Campaign
French Battlefield Orders
1. Position the terrain and the French and Prussian figures.
2. Write the Prussian orders for the first three hours of battle.
3. Decide if the French are on the offensive or defensive from the campaign situation.
4. Generate the French orders for three hours using the following rules.
5.  Repeat steps 2 to 5 every three hours of battle.

For each French corp or division work out the following factors: random factor, terrain factor, support factor and opposition factor. Then the order factor can be generated.

Random Factor
Die (d6) score     �   Random factor  
          1              �           0
       2 or 3          �            1-
       4 or 5          �            2
          6              �            3

Terrain factor
The division is on the                      �     Offensive     �     Defensive    
The division is in �   open terrain       �           2           �          1
                         �   hilly terrain        �           1           �          2
                         �   wooded terrain  �            3           �          3   
                         �   fortified terrain  �            2           �          4
+1 if the terrain opposite is hilly.
+2 if the terrain opposite is wooded.
+3 if the terrain opposite is fortified.

Support factor

-1 if the division on the left has sucessfully attacked.
-1 if the division on the right has sucessfully attacked.
-1 if supported by a reserve division to the rear.

Opposition factor
+1 if the division is opposed by a force 150% bigger than the division
+2 if the division is opposed by a force 200% bigger than the division.
+4 if the division is opposed by a force 300% bigger than the division.
-1 if the division is opposed by a force 75% bigger than the division.
-2 if the division is opposed by a force 50% bigger than the division.
-3 if the division is opposed by a force 25% bigger than the division.
-4 if the division is opposed by a force 10% bigger than the division.
+1 per insecure flank.
+2 if the rear of the division is insecure.

Order factor

Order factor = Random factor + Terrain factor + Support Factor + Opposition factor.
Order factor 1 or less: Major and rapid attack.
75-100% of division to engage with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: rapid movement formantions and charge.
Cavalry:  rapid movement formations and attack weakening pints in enermy line.
Artillery:  form massed batteries and bombard strong points.
Order factor 2: Moderate attack.
50-75% of division to engage with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: mix of effective fire and rapid movement formantions and attack.
Cavalry:  rapid movement formations and support attempted break throughs.
Artillery:  Some close support of attacks and some to bombard strong points.

Order factor 3: Limited attack.
25-50% of division to engage with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: mix of effective fire formantions and advance.
Cavalry:  rapid movement formations well to rear and support attempted break throughs.
Artillery:  Support of attacks from a distance.
Order factor 4: Aggressive skirmishing.
25-50% of division to from skirmish line with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: skirmish line to attempted to force back enemy by fire power.
Cavalry:  probe for weak points with open formations.
Artillery:  Support of attacks and focus on massed formations.
Order factor 5: Hold position and probe enemy line.
10-25% of division to from skirmish line with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: skirmish line to attempted to probe enemy line and advance on weak points.
Cavalry:  Form up to rear ready to exploit sucesses.
Artillery:  Distributed along line and focused on any enemy attacks.
Order factor 6: Hold defensive line.
50-75% of division to from line with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: resist attacks and support areas under pressure.
Cavalry:  Form up to rear ready counter attack enemy break thoughs.
Artillery:  Distributed along line and focused on any enemy attacks and mass formations.
Order factor 7: Delay enemy advance.
25-50% of division to from defensive line with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: resist attacks, counter attack breack throughs but retreat if unsucessful.
Cavalry:  Form up to rear ready counter attack enemy break thoughs and cover retreats.
Artillery:  Support counter attacks from rear and retreat if threatened.
Order factor 8 or more: Interfere with enemy advance.
10-25% of division to from defensive line with the remainder in support/reserve.
Infantry: Resist attacks, but conduct an orderly retreat if unsucessful.
Cavalry:  Form up to rear ready to cover retreats.
Artillery:  From rear cover any retreats and withdraw if threatened.
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