Software for Windows NT 4+  

Last program update: September 16, 2001
(Updated to support CTRL-TAB and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB buffer switching) 
Page (252kb)
Contains executable,
documentation, and
support programs.
Version 1.41 (2001.02.13)
An NT-only console text pager.

Page is reported to work with Windows 2000 but was written for and tested on Windows NT 4.0.

This program was originally intended to be nothing more than a replacement for the MORE command that would allow moving both up and down in a file, but it kind of got out of hand and turned into much more (than MORE).

Page.exe will read text files and display them in console buffers that are sized to match the file. This allows you to very easily page up and down the file and to switch between files.

Page.exe will display HTML and RTF files in addition to plain text. Since the program is running in a console window there is not a lot of formatting to be done, but the intent is to make the content of the file readable and not to replace applications designed for such content.

For a special treat, run TREE \ | PAGE.


  • Command line piping and redirection.
  • Accepts binary files.
  • Performs ROT13.
  • Reads HTML.
  • Reads RTF.
  • Reads Unix (Linux) enhanced text files.
  • Inverts files.
  • Converts tabs to spaces if desired.
  • Opens at bottom of file.
  • Shows carriage returns and linefeeds.
  • Resolves shortcut's.
  • Supports window sizing from the command line.
  • Includes a directory browser.
  • Reads the clipboard into a viewing buffer.
  • Reads mailslots.
  • Reads named pipes.
  • Opens files contained in a list of files.
  • Supports files up to the system max of 264-2 bytes (16 exabytes).
  • Supports 36 position markers (bookmarks).
  • Displays drive and partition information.
  • Will paste a file or portion of the file to the default console window.
  • Will auto-scroll by character, line, or page at user selectable rate.
  • Supports users choice of colors.
Paste (33kb)
Contains executable
and documentation
Version 1.0 (2000.10.11)
A Windows console utility that prints clipboard text to STDOUT.

This program is intended to be the counterpart to the Windows NT Resource Kit utility CLIP, which copied STDIN to the clipboard, and was originally named CLOP. Although CLIP-CLOP has a nice sound to it, CLIP-PASTE is more intuitive so the name has been changed.

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