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Lunatic does not mean a person deprived of ordinary mind or insane; they are not necessarily poor people, vagabonds, or street-dwellers. On the contrary, they can occupy very high positions in everyday life. They can be very learned people, statesmen, professors, or leaders of all kinds, occupying a big position in life, and still be lunatic in their attitude to life.

The lunatic is characterized by having false values and no right discrimination. It is especially devoted to formatory thinking. There are many different ways to be formatory.

The lunatic is more dangerous than the tramp since it means false values and formatory thinking.

The lunatic values what has no value and does not value what has value. It values the valueless and does not value the valuable.

There may be a great deal of discipline in a lunatic, only of the wrong kind---formatory.

The lunatic can make efforts which result in physical and mental damage both to themselves and to others, and which severely undermine the moral values which form the basis of society and civilization.

The lunatic can identify with an idea or become a fighter or advocate for a ‘cause' without seeing its relation to the whole. For example, it may undertake strict diets, strict physical disciplines, engage in unusual and perverted sexual practices, or become involved in formatory `popular movements'. For example, the current popular campaign against smoking tobacco, and the current campaign promoting sexual perversions, are examples of lunatic in operation.

The lunatic may resort to violence to achieve its ends. For example, murdering physicians who perform abortions, or harassing physicians who will not perform abortions. Serial murderers and mass murderers are in lunatic, often in combination with tramp. Members of `street gangs' who have no compunction against robbing, raping, and murdering innocent passersby and bystanders are in Lunatic in combination with tramp.

The lunatic cannot develop. To overcome the lunatic, we must struggle against formatory thinking in ourselves and cultivate right values. The Lunatic can be overcome with work and effort.

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