Courtesy of my esteemed friend Phil Murphy in Tucson, Arizona.

In David Limbaugh's "A Credo for Acquitting Senators" that I received on February 8, 1999, I found several keys to the puzzle as to why we failed as a country. This particular Email arrived the day prior to a quotation reminder from another source that brought this all together in a concise enough manner that even the talking monkeys (or their handlers, at any rate) might understand.

Please note that while Limbaugh is a Republican, and #33 might be easily dismissed as sour grapes, I wholeheartedly agree with him. I mean, I've testified before Chuck "The Ovens Were *Meant* for Republicans" Schumer, so I understand Limbaugh's point. What's disturbing, though, is that Mr. Limbaugh saw no crime in his vaunted Republicans having closed the doors on the Senate debate, thus ignoring the immeasurable benefit of allowing our posterity to see and hear these spineless a**h***s (Yes, I let go with some of that language occasionally, but this page is a family show. -- dfn) who've willingly destroyed any semblance of honoring the Rule of Law in the name of good old party politics... Read: "saving their asses for reelection."

Closed doors would have made sense prior to the 17th Amendment (when we still treated our state legislatures as the real seat of government and allowed them to choose our U.S. Senators from each state; thus keeping the United States Senate above the polling pundits' whims in situations EXACTLY LIKE A PRESIDENT'S IMPEACHMENT), but that was the final proof needed to show the Republicans never meant this trial as anything more than a dog and pony show for their "conservative" (meaning "dumb-as-an-ox" I guess) constituents.

It was a sham. We've been had. It's over. The Constitution is null and void, but we should thank Democrats and Republicans for sparing us the agony of living one more day in our once delusional state of thinking that the law means what it says and that we're all equal under that law. We can all rejoice that we don't have to lie to our children about the fairy tale of living in a Democratic Constitutional Republic any longer.

We have a king. The king is above the law, and the king's royal court will never allow principle, honor or their oath of office to interfere with their love for their king. The people are obviously tired of the Rule of Law, so let's stop pretending it exists. The Democratic Party wins. The Socialists gave up and called it quits at their last convention when they declared that, since the Democrats had adopted every Socialist platform and ideal, there was no reason to go on existing as a political party in America.

The Democratic Party will be known from this day on as "The Party of Perjury: The Party that Embraces Criminal Behavior Above The Rule of Law." And you know what? Nobody even cares. Perhaps 0.0002% of the registered Democrats in Arizona (which now has open primaries negating the need for political parties) will bother to re-register as independents. After all, you can still be a liberal and have principle (no offense, Wayne, I know you're in a *real* race and I hope you kick ass!), can't you?

And the Republicans? Please...

After you digest the following, please round out your evening by reading the three quotes from Ayn Rand that conclude this assessment of the death of this once great republic. Today is a far more sobering day than you may have previously imagined.

Remember the infamous FBI letter to Dr. Martin Luther King wherein he was told, " 34 days, you're done." Their intent was simple. King could either commit suicide or the FBI would release information about an affair the civil rights leader was then having. The FBI felt the news would have destroyed King's credibility and moral imperative.

My... we've come a long way, haven't we?

And now, David Limbaugh's: "A Credo for Acquitting Senators" -- This is an exhaustive list of what a senator ought to believe in order to vote in good conscience to acquit President Clinton:

1. That the following patently false statements made by Clinton on two separate occasions to Betty Currie were for the purpose of refreshing his own memory (keeping in mind that prior to saying them he told her, "There are several things you may want to know"):

A. "You were always there when she was there, right?"

B. "We were never alone, right?"

C. "Monica came on to me, and I never touched her, right?"

D. "You could see and hear everything?"

2. The words "alone" and "is" are ambiguous.

3. Clinton called Monica at 2:30 am after learning she had been put on the witness list just to shoot the breeze and in the course of the conversation he incidentally informed her that: she was on the witness list, she could file an affidavit and they should stick to their cover story -- and that there was no "linkage" between the three things. That Monica came up with the term "linkage" on her own and without coaching.

4. Clinton was not directly responsible for orchestrating Jordan's frantic job search efforts for Monica and that those efforts had nothing to do with keeping her on the reservation. That Jordan's statement to Clinton, "mission accomplished" was insignificant.

5. Bald-face lies to the American people were impeachable for Nixon but not Clinton.

6. Clinton told Dick Morris to refrain from unleashing the attack dogs on Monica because he cared about her rather than because he thought she still might be protective of him.

7. Consensual sex negates a finding of sexual harassment even when there is a disparity of power positions in the work place between the participants.

8. Monica was acting on her own to file her false affidavit because she wanted to keep her relationship secret (though she had bragged about it to at least 11 people).

9. Monica wanted her gifts under Betty Currie's bed because she liked having her things at other people's homes.

10. Clinton didn't lie to Blumenthal when he told him that Monica was a stalker and threatened him and that he didn't intend for him and other aides to spread that story in the media and to the grand jury.

11. The White House's talking points memo issued Jan. 24, 1998 stating that the president believes that "oral sex is, of course, a sexual relationship" can be reconciled with his statement that he testified with "legal accuracy."

12. That Starr and the vast right-wing conspiracy worked in concert to cause Bill Clinton to have multiple sexual encounters, to tamper with witnesses and hide evidence to conceal the relationship and to commit multiple perjuries in two separate legal proceedings.

13. That the framers would have approved of allowing a President who abuses his power by assaulting and undermining the judiciary to remain in office.

14. That the chief executive is "more equal" under the law than ordinary citizens.

15. That the president is not technically guilty of grand jury perjury because one of the following four elements weren't satisfied: a) the oath was improperly administered; b) his statements weren't false; c) he didn't intend to lie; d) his statements weren't material (keeping in mind that his only motive to lie was to cover up previous felonies).

16. Sens. Moynihan and Byrd were wrong when they virtually admitted that Clinton's crimes are impeachable. (NOTE: Byrd went on to say that he believed the president was guilty of all charges and that they did indeed rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but that he would vote to acquit, anyway. -- Phil)

17. Clinton's conduct is indefensible yet warrants the most vigorous legal defense available to man.

18. The rule of law is a nice sounding bromide that has little relevance to our individual liberties.

19. Perjury and obstruction of justice "about sex" by the chief law enforcement officer of the nation are inconsequential matters.

20. The president's hired guns actually believe even a fraction of the malarkey they were uttering and that the senators believe it too.

21. Blackstone was having a bad day when he placed perjury alongside bribery as an offense against public justice, i. e., an offense against the state.

22. Senate precedent to the effect that perjury and obstruction are impeachable offenses should be ignored. That presidents should be subject to a different removal standard from judges though this flies in the face of all Senate precedent and the text of the Constitution.

23. Monica wasn't trying to protect Bill Clinton by offering the minimum amount of incriminating testimony to satisfy her obligations under her immunity agreement.

24. Clinton wasn't paying attention to his lawyer, Bob Bennett, during the Jones deposition despite affidavits of eyewitnesses and video evidence to the contrary.

25. Clinton was testifying truthfully when he said he was never alone with Monica.

26. The authors of the Federalist Papers were insincere when they said, "Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. It will not be too strong to say, that there will be a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue."

27. Bill Clinton is virtuous and not extremely talented in low intrigue and that little art of popularity.

28. Clinton was being truthful when he said that he wanted Monica to be truthful in her affidavit.

29. One can reasonably reconcile the fact that in the majority, if not all fifty states, convicted felons may not own firearms and may not vote, yet this felonious president can remain in the highest office to which U.S. voters can elect him and will retain the ability to launch weapons of mass destruction.

30. One can reasonably reconcile the fact the majority, if not all, state bar associations disbar their members for the commission of felonies and much less, yet they will be allowing a serial felon to remain as chief law enforcement officer and commander-in-chief of the nation.

31. The senators aren't placing their narrow, selfish political interests above the long term interests of the nation. That they are not betraying their constitutional duties in so doing.

32. That they aren't setting a dangerous precedent by raising the bar of impeachable offenses above multiple felonies.

33. Virtually no misconduct, regardless of how odious, will justify impeachment or removal if it might appear to give Republicans a political victory.

34. The earth is flat. --

And now, a few short words from Ayn Rand: -- [On three of the rules governing the mechanics of compromise]

"1. In any conflict between two men (or two groups) who hold the same basic principles, it is the more consistent one who wins.

"2. In any collaboration between two men (or two groups) who hold different basic principles, it is the more evil or irrational one who wins.

"3. When opposite basic principles are clearly and openly defined, it works to the advantage of the rational side; when they are not clearly defined, but are hidden or evaded, it works to the advantage of the irrational side."

-- Ayn Rand, "The Anatomy of Compromise," Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal "

... And to the Republic for which it stood,"

Phil Murphy, Tucson, AZ

E-mail: [email protected]


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