Benedict Arnold Did Much Less

(An e-mail sent to Bill O'Reilly @ Fox News by my esteemed friend Chuck Smith) ____________________________________________________________________

August 12, 1998

Dear Mr. O'Reilly,

I am very unhappy with Bill Clinton. Not just because of his sex life, but because his taking money from foreign leaders, governments, and business is T-R-E-A-S-O-N. Benedict Arnold did much less. I for one learned it was not legal to accept such money from foreign interests in third grade.

Reportedly, China now has long range missiles aimed at 11 American cities. We need to get on top of this security breach before it is too late -- with good and trustworthy NEW leaders who have American interests FIRST, and not their own. Clinton, as an attorney, has used every part of legal procedures to obstruct due process, information, and justice. Let's get rid of Clinton before it is too late.


Charles M. Smith
Denver, Colorado

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