The Book of Foudy... "Ye of little faith"

    Faith! yes fellow Brethern and Sisthern of the Sacred Temple- Goal of the All-Mighty USWNT. You must always have faith.

     Faith is what brings I, Julie back to these message boards again and again. Faith is what brings Mac and Millie back to their boards again and again. Faith is what brings posters from both boards together.

     Now, brother Ace will read from THE BOOK OF FOUDY: ... and lo! Did Mia of Hamm look most dispondent and did sayeth unto thy Foudy, who is Jules: 'Alack! There sits upon Mia's back a monkey of great and unholy import that it doth permit Mia not to score upon the goal.'

     Thus did Foudy, who is Jules, say unto Mia of Hamm, behold you this, for it is of the Donut. And being of the Donut, it is good and well. I shall remove thine monkey and pitch it summarily into the Alps.'

     But Mia did continue to look saddened. And Jules did say unto her, 'Oh ye of little faith.' Then took she the unholy simian from Mia's back and did beat the bejabbers out of it. Then, also, brought she forth a chainsaw and cleft it in twain.

     And lo! there came much rejoicing from the stands..."

     Let us now turn our songbooks to Hymn 153 "The WNT Will Rule the World."


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