Harper Hall Party (Part 1)
Friday, October 5, 2001

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of R�kan

Dining Hall
The main dining area for the Harper and Healer Halls is laid out neatly and structured well. The Journeymen tables rest against the far wall, three small oval-like objects. The Apprentice tables occupy the middle of the hall, six long rectangular tables with benches set to either side. Finally, the small round table of the Masters sits closest to the entry door. A warm, comforting hearth occupies the west wall, covered in dozing firelizards.
The room positively sparkles, everything scrubbed and cleaned and the tables are draped with clothes which are either Fort Weyr colours or Harper Hall colours.  Some tables even have the colours of Healer Hall and Fort Hold.  Some of the tables are set with food and drinks, ready for people to help themselves.  Others are bare, there for people to take their rest at and drink and eat.
You see HarperHall Menuboard, Hope, and Goober here.
Arawn, V'len, Aouda, Anki, Maeko, Kishairyn, Johanna, Caitlin, Andrei, Jarisha, Wylin, Shylo, Rayna, and Jenar are here.
Obvious exits:
Entry Hall   Kitchen

Weyrsmith enters smoothly, smiling at her ride as he goes off to get some food. She mixes herself into the crowd, nodding a greeting to those she knows, giving a word of hello to others. Seems a certain goldrider is missing from her arm, perhaps Jeryn kept one of his mothers home tonight.

Wylin looks down to his hand as it is taken and then grins. "Lead the way.." keeping his hand clasped so they end up in the same place once moving though the crowds he calls to Joanna. "we can go for wine now.." his tone teasing and light.

A stifled smirk slips over Arawn's features as he speaks to Kishairyn.  He says to her, laughing, "Oh, shards, I don't think that's a good idea."  He leans over to murmur to the woman, before pulling back again, amusement still lurking upon the Weaver's features.  It would appear the Weavers have co-opted a table, with he, Anki, Kishairyn sitting, and V'len not far from.

V'len has found someone who understands! Do you have any idea how rare that is? "Oh, dear Caitlin, it is a sacrifice. But one I gladly do for the Weyr. I just hope that they understand just how difficult this all has been..." A tragic little shake of his head and he continues. "I've got a moisturizer, yes, but it has to be quite strong to counteract the effects of the sands day after day. I have been able to meditate, though. I've been working on some philosophical theories about the metaphysics of the rider/dragon bond. It's actually fascinating.

Andrei walks calmly over to Caitlin.  "Master... I'm going to practice that song of mine.  I'll be in the auditorium if you need me.  Unless you have something else for me to do?"  He adjusts his gitar on his shoulder, and grips the songbook tightly.

Jarisha nods.  She's sad to know that Narou has been ill, but not the least bit sorry about not having to see Mire's face again.  She grabs a cup of klah for herself, takes a sip, then says, "So has Oberon been behaving himself lately?"  Probably not, but it couldn't hurt to ask. 

Anki grins impishly at V'len and inclines her head, gold flashing underneath the lights. "As you wish, sir." She eyes the platform where the harpers'll sit when they appear, lips set into a whimsical smile. "Will there be dancing later on, Master Caitlin? I've a great desire to try out my paces. Who knows? I might've slacked off working so hard at the Weyr, I wouldn't be able to do a waltz, nevermind a toss-dance." Dipping her head in thanks for the wine, she sips carefully. "Mmm. Something else I missed."

Caitlin laughs softly and shakes her head "You do not think that we have enough trouble here of our own without adding to it, I do not think a firelizard and an apprentice is a fair swap."  She pretends to muse over the question "Perhaps a dragon that might be a fair swap?  Though they would not fit in the hall."  Caitlin struggles hard not to laugh as V'len continues "Good good, please to hear you are looking after yourself, indeed we cannot have you looking dried and haggard by the time of the clutching."  She pauses "Philosophy?  Indeed, perhaps after the clutching you can come and talk to our apprentices about your discoveries, they would be most fascinated."  She breaks off her discussion to smile and nods at Andrei "If you wish." she says softly and then turns her attention back to V'len "A drink V'len so you can tell me some more."  A drudge is gestured towards who hurries up with a tray with some wine glasses filled and some with juice.  Caitlin selects a white wine and sips at it and nods in reply to Anki's questions "indeed, this is harper hall, great entertainment and why else would I have you dress up."

Andrei nods, and walks out.
Andrei leaves the dining hall for the entry hall.

Johanna grins and does lead the way, snagging two glasses of wine and slipping into a seat, passing one to Wylin "Indeed, one of the pleasures of finally being promoted, you can break rules."  She gestures at an apprentice "Now there is one we should keep our eye on, Master Lasa would not be pleased if she turns back up at the hall inebriated."  She grins and holds up the glass "To Journeymen knots!"  She toasts and then sips.

Kishairyn laughs softly, shaking her head as she runs an idle finger along the glass.  "You have a point, but look at it this way," she points out.  "At least an apprentice could be trained.  I could even keep it on a leash.  Throw it bones every once in a while ... what do you think?"  She grins at Caitlin, shaking her head.  "Small snag:  I don't have a dragon, and even if I did, I doubt it would let me give it away."  Her ears seem to perk up as she overhears V'len.  "What sort of theories?"  She intends to eavesdrop on this particular exchange.

Aouda giggles to herself.  "Oh, he's actually been a bit better lately.  We've got this new fellow named Atsuro...well...he /was/ new...but anyway, Oby gave him a bit of a hard time.  I have no idea why.  There's no telling what goes on in that disturbing little flit brain." A hard time involving numerous trundlebugs, she thinks, losing herself in giggles once more.  Ah, that had been entertaining.  "Care to mingle?"  Without waiting for an answer, Aouda uproots herself and slithers into the crowd, nearly jarring poor Oberon from her shoulder.

Arawn snickers at Kishairyn, and leans over, nudging her, before turning curiously towards V'len.  His brow rises ironically, and he smirks at this: philosophy?  From /V'len?/  Two marks says it starts with why the Magnificent Yevgeth(tm) is the most perfect dragon on all Pern.  Eyes twinkling with amusement, he murmurs to Kishairyn, "I don't think that'd be a good idea...children are bad enough, but an Apprentice?"

R'kan saunters casually into the hall, nonchalant gait not revealing what his expression does. A wince of slight discomfort, a bitten lip, and a whimper. He's wearing pants. /Pants/. A hand goes to wave to V'len, sighing his relief as he finds a few fellow Fortians to blend in with. Finally, hands smooth down his thighs and a pleasant smile fits on his face, like a gentle hand into a silk glove. Perfectly. "Hello miss Kishairyn. Miss Anki. V'len," he adds, grinning the hall down.

Shylo giggles triumphantly as the questions are answered. "Hall's quietness?  I wish the hall was louder!"  Her eyes twinkle, "Closer? Ooooh!  How fun! I will /not/ miss it!"  Smiling, she swirls around in circles, the fully dress beneath her spreading out all about her.  "You like, Maeko?"  But attention is diverted to the mention of Apprentices.  What's wrong with Apprentices? Something wrong with Apprentices?  Curse her eavesdropping...

Wylin 'chinks' his glass to Johannas and then takes a drink of the wine; smiling as it slips smoothly down his throat, in the way only wine can. He slips into the seat next to Johanna's then and looks round for the apprentice. Spotting them he chuckles. "Well, its a day of celebration..I wont say anything if you wont.." he adds looking back to Johanna. For a time he is silent, watching and drinking before he finally turns back to Johanna. "You look well! You having fun at the Hold? Maybe I could ride down there, with the long distance rides or something?" he honestly does not know the distance. The one thing about managing to go places with A-dragon-back lifts, whenever possible. You lose track of distance.

V'len reaches out for a glass of wine, pleased that he'll be able to expound his theories to the Masterharper. Such luck! With recognition like this, his thoughts will no doubt be passed along to all the little kidlets of Pern, discussed in the taverns, labored over in the classrooms of this fine hall. "I believe that riders are closer to understanding the truth of the cosmos than any other living creature. You see, if our vision of truth is colored by our perceptions, then a rider, who has the dual perceptions of both himself and his dragon is that much wiser than anyone else, no?

Jenar has found herself a glass of juice, this party wouldn't want to see the smith drunk. Slight flush as R'kan is noticed in pants, and Jenar in a dress for once. Smith tries to avoid the bronzer by sipping her juice and turning around to present her back in his general direction. Someone to hide behind.....

Jarisha follows Aouda, trying to keep up in the thick crowd.  Then, somehow, she catches up with her...and can't stop.  She runs into her, and they both fall down.  Great, just great.  She starts to get up, then realizes that she also spilled her klah all over herself. 

Zinia walks in trying not to scuff her new boots, looking around cheerfully at the party. "Ooooh looks pretty." As the Weyrwoman's daughter walks around she gives a cheerful "Hello Anki, Hello Kish..." and waves to a few other candidates before approaching her -new friend- the Masterharper. "Hello Master Caitlin. How are you tonight?" she asks very politely, every image of weyrmanners. She didn't even wipe her nose with her sleeve yet.

Caitlin shakes her head "A leash?  Then I will have their parents here fussing over their treatment and well the less I see of parents the better, they always have their complaints and ideas and all that."  She shudders at the idea and then grins at Kishairyn "Ahh no dragon well no swap then."  She sips at her wine, glad the glass hides the grin that is flicking on her lips but she manages to control it and nod sagely "indeed, really, I had not heard.  that is most fascinating, so the dragon opens your mind up by allowing you to see new possibilities."  She pauses as she is greeted "Zinia, I am glad you could come, you are looking most lovely."  She smiles softly "I am doing quite well thank you, and you?"

Johanna laughs and nods "It is not that far Wylin, I rode it the other day when I came to see you, Harvest took the ride quite well.  It is not a bad jaunt, gets the runners to stretch their legs but it is doable."  She smiles "I am finding the hold a little quite after the hall but I am surviving."  She sighs softly "Though I do miss..."  She glances around nervously and drops her voice "Kadan."

Kishairyn quirks an eyebrow at Arawn, sniffing softly.  "I'm perfectly serious," she remarks, eyes flashing with mock ire ... before she eases into a grin at R'kan's arrival, fingers lifted in a delicate twitch of a wave.  "Hello, R'kan, sir," she greets, nose wrinkling at her own "sir"; it doesn't sound right, but she's at a loss for any other term to use.  "Oh, Zinia!  You ever give Siani that rock?"  She snaps her fingers at Caitlin's words.  "Faranth.  And I was so hoping ... let me know if you change your mind?"  She gives Arawn a quizzical look.  "I think an apprentice is an improvement on children, really.  For one, there's no screaming and crying."

Aouda prances about the crowd, then out of nowhere *WHUMPH*.  It takes her a few seconds to realize that the reason everyone seems so tall is that she is...er...sprawled on the floor, with Jarisha on top of her.  With a grunt, she shoves the girl off and clambers to her feet with a tremendous lack of grace.  "Ouch..." is all she manages to grit between her teeth before offering a helpful hand to the knocker-downer, Jarisha.  "Y'all right?"

Wylin smiles and nods. "I do miss the Hall and.." he does the same as he mentions Brianna�s name before smiling. "Have not seen her in ages. Did hear about those notes that went around thought.." he adds before sipping from his glass. "I wondering if I could get Flame up here. He is stabled still at the hall. I love that old runner. Master Lisel gave him to me.."

Zinia grins at Caitlin. "Thank you very much. You look really purty too. And I'm doing great. Mom said I could come and learn stuff here as long as I don't bother you too much. Maybe I could learn how to play an instrument?" Hopeful gleam in her eyes. A way to keep her busy! Yay. "Mom was really happy when I told her you said hello too." Slight beam. Then a happy grin at Kishairyn. "Course I did. Its sitting on her dresser right now. She loved it."

Andrei steps into the dining hall which is shared by Harpers and Healers.

Arawn stifles a laugh, and smirks at Kishairyn, "Oh, I don't know-- they eat sharding more, don't you think?"  He considers, and glances around the room, "Hmm..."  He suddenly smirks again, and asks Kishairyn, "Would you like to dance?"  Hey-- it might be fun, with how she tripped, before...right?  Lips quirking ironically, he waves towards Zinia, not knowing her, but hey, Kishairyn and Anki seem to.

R'kan runs his hand through silky bangs, wrinkling his nose and glancing about at the crowd, raising a brow at the fleeing Weyrsmith, but otherwise happily mingling with the assorted people. "You're looking lovely tonight, Kisha, so you're allowed to call me Karnie. The sir just feels weird," he adds with a whisper and a warm smile, then the boy bites his lip, pointing a finger surreptitiously at Caitlin. "That's the Masterharper, right?" A teasingly petulant sigh goes to Anki, the man's shoulders sagging a little as he smoothes his pant legs down again, agitated. "Could these pants be /any/ tighter?" He might, on an afterthought, want an answer to that.

Jarisha stands up, somewhat embarrassed.  Ok, maybe a bit more than that.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  Only my pride was hurt.  You mind if I leave for a few minutes?"  Without even waiting for a response, she leaves the dining hall for the dorms.

Andrei comes back into the dining hall, a huge smile on his face.  Walking over to Rayna, he waves calmly, and whispers.  "Rayna... could you do me a favor and play 2nd gitar on my song tonight?"  He winks, "It would be a huge help."

Shylo quirks an eyebrow toward the pile of girls, rushing over in her gown (and miraculously keeping herself from tripping) to help them. "You..." But one has already jumped up.. and left.  Smiling, she nods at Aouda. "Are /you/ Ok?"  Well, she might as well find something to do--Maeko seems a tad bit occupied with the food.

V'len bows again to Caitlin, pleased that she seemed to accept his theories. Good. Now the superiority of riders will be taught in all the harper classrooms no doubt. Since that's settled, he makes his way to the weaver table. Of course he's welcome. A fellow bronzerider cannot be ignored, so R'kan gets a nod with a rather formal smile. It's hard to feel brotherly towards a man who prefers dresses. Still, he asked for fashion advice, and V'len's here. "I suppose if you'd like, we could take those pants in a bit in the backside. Turn around. Let me look." It's an order. V'len's ready to inspect.

Aouda finds herself alone verah suddenly.  Shells.  And her /pride/ was not the only thing that was aching...she got the distinct feeling that her knees would be black and blue for at least a sevenday.  Peh!  Instead of continuing on, she rocks on her heels and tries to see everyone in the crowd.  She'd rather mingle with folks she knew...even though that kind of ruined the whole purpose of mingling.  Yet, there were none in sight, so she might as well just sit down at the food table a'gin and see if anyone famil..."Ah, h'lo!" she says suddenly, grinning at the friendly helpful girl.  "I'm fine.  The llamas pack quite a kick, so I'm used to a bit of pain every now and then."  Yay!  A person to talk to!

Rayna frowns as she is found out, shrugging at Andrei. "I...I...I g..g.gguess. Is your song before or aftermine? I'll need a break to returne and stuff you know." Stutter is lost as girl relaxes a bit even with all these people.

Caitlin smiles as people move around and make themselves comfortable and she nods at V'len and then she places her glass on the table so she can clap her hands "There will be music and dancing in the auditorium when you are all ready."  Glass is retrieved and she makes her way towards the auditorium, smiling at Zinia "Oh that is wonderful, we would be happy to teach you to play some instruments Zinia.  We always welcome students here."
Caitlin leaves the dining hall for the entry hall.

Zinia leaves the dining hall for the entry hall.

Kishairyn laughs and leans forward, remembering just in time that elbows don't quite belong on the surface of a table at gatherings like this, and aborts the move with a sheepish smile.  "After seeing Suyinth's claws, finally, I know what you mean ..."  She blinks at R'kan, one corner of her lips quirking into a smile.  "Karnie it is.  I think I'd find being called sir strange, too."  On the other hand, she has more of an excuse.  Although ... not that much more.  "So everyone else keeps saying.  It's either her or the room is playing a prank on me."  She glances over at Arawn and smiles, setting down the wineglass with deliberate care.  "Promise not to step on me?"

Johanna smiles and nods "IT feels so far away from it all, I do not hear anything, though Eden came the other day with some messages and letters so that was lovely of her, caught up a bit on the gossip."  She waves at Aouda who looks a little lost and then returns to Wylin "I think the weyr would be a bit more active then the hold at the moment."

Jarisha steps into the dining hall which is shared by Harpers and Healers.

R'kan obligingly holds his hands above his head and lifts the end of the shirt up, delightedly flashing gray-clad backside to the other bronzerider. After all, he knits--he can't well be ignored, can he? Especially if he wants a peek at one of Karnie's assets. Picking up a glass of some-sort-of-liquid, he sips gently and with sophistication, making it seem like red wine, even if it is only fruit juice. "Seen enough, V'len? Would you care to escort me to the auditorium? I would be delighted to be your first dance of the evening," he adds, smiling prettily.

Arawn laughs lightly, and murmurs, "I shan't step on you."  The question is, will she not step on HIM.  This is the real question.  Shaking his head to himself, Arawn lifts a hand to R'kan, and says, "Journeyman Arawn.  Pleasure."  He regards the feminine-looking man, and offers to Kishairyn, "Shall we then?  Oh, is Cera doing well, by the way?  I saw her not long ago, and she seemed in fine shape?"

Jenar watches with amusement as R'kan's cute backside is presented to V'len for a closer inspection. And almost loses her juice as R'kan offers V'len his first dance. Good thing her 'book' is hidden nicely away. Glass is dropped off and another is picked up as Jenar continues to work the crowd, starting to follow the others out.

V'zan steps into the dining hall which is shared by Harpers and Healers.

Wylin chuckles and smiles. "You know, we are going to have to meet more often, if not to exchange news.." he offers with a  chuckle. As the MasterHarper calls about the performance Wylin does some sudden thinking. "Johanna, I think I�m going to go when everyone moves into the Auditorium. Don�t want to have to get up in the middle of a performance.." he offers, though his body language show he does not want to leave.

Shylo takes a step back, smiling. "Well good... I don't think you want an Apprentice Healer trying to help you...at least, not yet."  For a moment her mind dwells on the last statement. "Llamas?"

V'zan quietly slips into the spacious chamber, remaining close to the wall to avoid the press of the milling crowd.

Johanna laughs and smiles and shrugs "Don't have to go in, they are just going to be dancing anywa."  She rests a hand on his arm "Don't go, lets stay here and chat and catch up."  She nods at the wineglass "At least til you have finished your drink."

Aouda nods sharply.  "Oh yes...Llamas.  Especially this one whom I've dubbed Fuzzybutt.  An irritable old beast, really, but nice enough once you get to know 'im.  Of course, if you rub his fleece the wrong way...WHAM!" This last word is shouted, as Aouda is obviously very hyper.  "I'm specializing in them.  Llamas, that is."

Wylin , who had risen in his seat a moment smiles and nods. "Ok, you should not rush wine anyhow.." so he has been told. Sitting back down and getting comfortable he wonders. "So what do they get you doing at the Hall? Are you under a Master?"

V'len is busy inspecting clothing /on/ the assets, not necessarily the asset itself. Besides, V'len has stated numerous times that he prefers his assets more feminine. It's a mystery. The women avoid him, the men so inclined... don't. He straightens, his face a red to match R'kan's beverage. "I appreciate the offer. I do." He's pausing, stammering, trying to come up with excuses. Instead, he turns to what he knows best. Fashion. "I could take in those pants just a bit more. It'd ... show your form to better advantage. After all, I do believe that those that have it should flaunt it." Oh my. did that give the wrong impression?

Kishairyn flashes Arawn a wry grin.  "Oh, Cera is just peachy ... she was in her element when we started getting ready for this," she says.  "It's thanks to her I didn't just throw in the towel and come in rags ..."  She winks, rising with a gentle bump of the chair, and not near as much awkwardness as characterized her earlier movements.  "Have fun, boys," she drawls back at V'len and R'kan, a trace of irony in her smile.  "You look good together."

Jarisha walks back in, her stained clothes back in her dorm.  She looks around for Aouda, but can't seem to find her in the fervor.  She slinks towards the wall, still slightly embarrassed. 

Johanna smiles and shakes her head "Lessons, they make me teach lessons."  SHe grins and shakes her head "No, no rushing wine drinking or mother would kill you."  She grins "Can you believe they let me teach, been teaching about runners of course."  She smiles "Only some apprentices seem interested in the runners though, some even prefer the llamas, can you believe that?"  Johanna is shocked by this

Rayna continues to move through the crowds, making sure ot avoid any and all harper types. They might embarrass her and make her play or something. She hides against the wall nearby V'zan. Well out of the way.

Shylo backs up, taking the sound against her ears as almost a wall hitting her face.  She shakes her head for a second. "Fuzzybutt?" Oh my. "Why's his name Fuzzybutt?"  Well duh, Shylo.  He's probably fuzzy, and he most certainly has a butt.

Arawn laughs at this, stifling a snicker at the 'have fun boys' comment, and says to Kishairyn, "Should've told me.  I would've made you something..."  He leads her out of the dining hall, heading towards the auditorium, "Let's go."

Arawn leaves the dining hall for the entry hall.

R'kan's assets are plenty feminine. Still, he's not one to take a compliment for granted, and he steps alongside V'len, holding a hand out. To be taken, no doubt. "Aww, thank you, V'len. I appreciate that, /really/." Maybe V'zan will escort him to the auditorium?

You leave the dining hall for the entry hall.

Designed specifically for performances, musicals, and plays of all sorts and types, the acoustics of the room are amazing, allowing even those sitting in the far back to hear speakers on the stage.  Benches which lined the floor have been rearranged to line walls and also on the stage.  A large open space at the base of the stage is for the orchestra to play for the dancing and the entertainment.  Framed by the positioning of the orchestras chairs is a Flag of Fort Weyr.  In pride of place in the room.  The rest of the room has been hung with the colours of Fort Weyr and Harper Hall. Banners lining the walls and the stage.
Two large contraptions hang from the ceiling, always kept with fresh glows to illuminate the room.  Baskets also line the walls, throwing more light in the darker hours.  Large glass windows on the eastern side allow a view into the busy courtyard.
The large organ has also been draped with Fort Hold colours, hiding the pipes and the other parts of the contraption.  Flowers have been arranged in a vase and placed in front of it on the organ's bench.
On the wall is a shelf which has been tied, another bunch of flowers now rests on it.  It seems an old placement for a shelf as it would seem that a glow shelf would be of more use next to the entrance door.  Revealed by the organ being moved, is a light pieces of wood, a perfect square, highlighted by the darkness of the surrounding wood.  Jammed into the patch is two broken pieces of metal, curving up but broken so they do not meet in the middle.  To try and ensure that no one else gets hurt, a table has been placed to ensure people walk around the area.  Over this has been draped Harper Hall colours and flowers have been arranged on top.
You see Linda here.
Caitlin, Zinia, Jenar, and Arawn are here.
Obvious exits:
Entry Hall

You step through the double doors into the auditorium.

Caitlin sighs softly and nods "Ahh well I was hoping she would come but thought perhaps that she would not be able to leave the sands, perhaps we are lucky that V'len was able to leave the sands."  She smiles and nods as apprentices and journeyman scurry into position and start playing some gentle soft slow dance music and she turns back to Zinia "Send her my greetings and regrets that she could not come."  She pauses "A dulcimer might be the right size for you Zinia or a gitar."

Andrei comes into the auditorium, ready to let the night's festivities start.  Walking over to Caitlin, he smiles gingerly, and asks, "Whose round is up now?  I'm willing to play through the whole party, if you don't mind."

Zinia thinks about that. "A gitar would be cool I guess. Mother would approve. She wants me to expand my horizons or something like that. And she is really upset she missed it, but when your dragon puts down her foot...especially a gold one..." Zinia shrugs and smiles once more. Poor Caitlin. Will she be able to shake the goldbrat off now?

Kishairyn shakes her head.  "Oh, I wouldn't have dreamed of imposing on you," she says swiftly to Arawn.  "Besides ... besides ..."  Somewhere in the first statement, she seems to have forgotten her objection, and so she shrugs, casting a covert look over her shoulder to see if the bronzeriders are still side by side.

Soft music comes from the orchestra, apprentices, journeyman and even a master or two plays on their instrument.  A traditional soft slow song, the pipes meandering through the buzz of the fiddles and the strum of the gitars.  Low brass instruments echo the movements of the flutes.

Jenar walks in with the others, still grinning quite a bit at the whole R'kan/V'len exchange. Eyes go up to the orchestra and the smith smiles, standing in the back near one wall to enjoy the music. Alone.

Arawn rolls his eyes at Kishairyn; he shrugs, "Your choice, though I'd have been happy to.  Glad Cera's doing well, though."  He comments this to her with an easy chuckle, and turns to glance as well back.  You know, R'kan and V'len make a /cute/ couple.

Caitlin laughs softly "Who would want to argue with a dragon."  She pauses and grins as she remembers a time or two of shouting at them  "Well not a gold one at least."  She pauses at Andrei and shakes her head "dancing first, then music Andrei.  Rayna is going to play her composition first and then there are a few other tunes about dragons and candidates about the mood."  She smiles "Go find someone to dance with."  She lowers her voice "perhaps Rayna, she is so shy?"  Her attention goes back to Zinia "I will help you find the right sort of instrument, just listen Zinia and see if you hear anything you like the sound of."

V'zan distantly trails after V'len and R'kan, keeping a cautious eye upon the dangerous duo to forestall any scandal the two might inadvertently cause.  Eschewing the benches in favor of a quiet corner, he does his best to bolster the wall's strength with his shoulder,

Rayna follows a group into the auditorium, frowning slightly as she notices the music starting and the dancing to begin. She goes off to hide by the organ, out of sight out of mind.

V'len steps into the auditorium, his hand held by none other than R'kan. Somehow, this wasn't fitting those daydreams he had of the evening while he was lazing on the sands. "Thank you for the escort, R'kan." There's a deer in the headlights kind of look in his eye, and he's desperatly trying to figure how to extract himself from all this. But gracefully. Tactfully. And... he can't. Instead, there's a nervous little smile and he glances around. Oh, shells and shards and little green 'lizards. They're all /looking/ at him!

Zinia nods eagerly at the Masterharper. "Sure thing!" And with that the girl scurries off to get closer to the musicians to listen to them play. The poor journeymen who strike her fancy instrument wise will be teaching her one. Lucky them.

Andrei smiles at MasterHarper Caitlin's suggestion, and walks over to Rayna.  "Hey, Rayna.  Can I ask you something?"  He smiles warmly at her, and winks.

Maeko had drifted off somewhere, perhaps to take a quick look around the hall - or visit her former hall. For now clutched in her grasp is a young, yellow and gray feline; cuddled exclusively as she follows with curiosity the group as it moves into the auditorium. Sidling up beside Shylo, she grins. "Sorry for slipping off earlier.." Though, you'll note, no explanation is given. But a sigh is echoed. "I sure miss the hall, though.. I'll tell you that much. Fort's so.. noisy, in comparison." Simply because most of the masters /demand/ a certain subdued level of noise in the Healerhall. Or.. it's just naturally. Right.

Jenar notices V'zan, and scoots closer to the Weyrleader. "Greetings V'zan. How are you tonight?" See if she tries to talk to someone, she won't have to dance. Especially with her weyrmate home and caring for the kidlet.

Kishairyn flashes a smile and a broad, encouraging wink back at V'len before she turns her attention to Arawn, the expression breaking into a smirk where the bronzerider can't see it.  "I didn't think of it," she admits somewhat apologetically.  "But all's well that ends well ... Anki will just cut my fingers off if I hurt her skirt.  Fate worse than death."

Jarisha walks into the auditorium, the room being just as awe-inspiring as she remembered.  She spots Rayna and Andrei by the organ.  She walks over to them, curious, and just wanting to talk to them anyway.

Aryion slides into the auditorium, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Spying some of his fellow candidates he heads over toward Kishairyn and the other candies, sliding into a seat close by her. With respectful nods to the riders in the room, and doing a double take at V'len and R'kan, Ary leans over and whispers a greeting to Kisha. "Ouch, I can't believe that I fell asleep, have I missed much Kisha?" Noticing Maeko slide in to doors, he offers her a little wave.

R'kan beams delightedly at his accompaniment, smiling pleasantly at the staring faces and turning, eyeing V'zan and cooing. Releasing the clutchfather's hand (lucky boy) he performs a courtly bow, trying not to interfere with Jenar's conversation with a polite silence. When she finishes, however, he cheerfully adds, "My respects, Weyrleader." And then, "Don't V'len and I make an adorable couple?" Of course they do.

Arawn can't help but snicker softly; he nods towards Kishairyn, "Forgiven, then."  His voice is amused, as he speaks to her, shaking his head lightly and nudging her, "Want another drink, or...?"  He gestures to the dancefloor, amusement still plain to see as he glances briefly towards R'kan and V'len.

The musicians continue their playing, the journeyman on the fiddle blushes hard at the scrutiny from the kidlet and his bow slips slightly but he quickly hides the fact, hoping no one heard the sqwark of his instrument.  The flutes continue their trilling, weaving their own dancesteps, the brass instruments echoing them.

Rayna just blinks and gulps as she is found. And that winking bit doesn't make her feel much better. "Yes Andrei?" she asks looking around.

V'zan greets Jenar with a pleasant but slightly distracted smile.  "I am reasonably well, all things considered," he replies.  "And you?"

Liathano steps through the double doors into the auditorium.

Andrei chuckles to himself at the shy girl.  "Why so shy when you're such a nice girl?  And why is such a nice girl sitting in a corner, behind an organ, all by herself?  Caitlin's suggestion was for me to come over here and dance with you... now... would you like to?"  Boy... that was blunt.  But to the point.

Shylo eyes Maeko, giggling--and full of energy.  She dances alone to the music in the auditorium, twirling around every-so-often.  The fabric on her feet hits the ground with a light bounce.  She hurries back to her Healer friend at the sense of talk.  "Yea, I know... the silence is forgiving."  Grinning, she twirls around once more. "I do love to dance..."  Her voice is lowered, "Have any handsome friends for me to dance with?"  Twirl.

Jenar smiles at V'zan. "Wonderful actuall, glad to hear you are...why hello R'kan. How are you this evening?" Bronzer gets a smile. "And indeed you do. See R'kan, I always told you that you could find someone if you were just yourself." And it means R'kan is following her around. YES!

The musicians continue their playing, the journeyman on the fiddle blushes hard at the scrutiny from the kidlet and his bow slips slightly but he quickly hides the fact, hoping no one heard the sqwark of his instrument.  The flutes continue their trilling, weaving their own dancesteps, the brass instruments echoing them.

V'zan belatedly responds to R'kan, another sign of an occupied mind, "Is V'len as overjoyed by this arrangement as you, R'kan?  He may share your and T'var's sensibilities, but I'm not sure if he shares your... predilections for recreation."

V'len nods a little in ... agreement? or is that amazement. Still, R'kan seems to have less facial hair than most of the women that have been paying attention to him lately. And he does have nice eyes. "Well, I suppose /one/ dance," he demures, stepping into dance position for a rather distanced waltz. Wait...who leads?

Kishairyn chuckles softly at Arawn.  "I think I'd like to take a turn about the floor ... though I want to keep an eye on those two."  Her eyes sparkle with amusement.  "And won't repeat the mistake.  Unless I want socks:  then it seems Lauren is the only person to turn to."  She blinks over to Aryion somewhat quizzically.  "My, what a time to sleep ... no, you haven't.  Just a ten-course feast, a few murders ... as I said, not much."

Jarisha stops half-way across the room.  Those two look like they don't want to be disturbed.  She turns away, though she has no idea where she wants to go.  In the end, she ends up wandering around the auditorium, listening to the music and watching happy couples dancing.

R'kan presses fingers elegantly to his collarbone, pouting a little as V'zan rubs the sore spot with a rusty crowbar. "Oh, I'm sure he wouldn't-..." Blink. The music stops, and the crowd melts away. Heart pounds, and his breath comes fast. "Dance?" the bronzerider echoes, looking absolutely enchanted. "I'd /love/ to." And so saying, he slips away with a grin to Jen and pushes hands into V'len's, firmly. You're the man. Lead on, stud.

Maeko's attention drifts slightly as she surveys the faces within the auditorium- some have come and gone while she's been away, and Aryion's wave is caught just as she's about to turn her attention back to Shylo. Greeting is returned with a cheerful grin, and she giggles at Shylo's inquiry. "Well.." Eyes cast 'round with thought, and twinkle as they fall on Aryion again. "I just might." Sidling on over, she tugs at Aryion's sleeve, smiling innocently. "Do a girl a favor, perhaps?" A wink is cast in Shylo's direction, signalling her intention. Muah.

Arawn laughs, nodding, "I agree...we can dance over there."  He gestures to a place that has enough room to spot all of the 'action' that deals with R'kan and V'len.  They're quite the show this evening.  Eyes twinkling, he inclines his head towards the Messenger, "Shall we?  And who made R'kan's outfit, do you know?  Design's familar, I think?"

Back from powdering her nose, Anki steps into the auditorium with a small smile. She walks along the outer rim, biding her time and watching the couples form and converse on the floor.

Liathano walks into the auditorium silently, glancing around as if she's not sure she should be here. Sure, she saw the notice in Fort Hold, but her paranoia is settling in. Still looking shyly around, she moves to the back of the room where she can see everyone, but hopefully no one can see here. So....many....people.....If she was a 'lizard, her eyes would be whirrling with confusion. As it is, she settles for merely blinking slowly, then going back to watching the people.

Rayna just blinks at Andrei. "I...I.. u..ugh..w..would rather not." And with that she rejects his offer, blushing and looking at her feet. Yep definately the shy one.

Aouda blinks, just now dragging herself from the refreshments to trundle after the crowd.  And what was this?  Dancing?  Uh oh.  Making her 5'9 herder frame as small as possible, she scuttles into the shadows and shudders.  Possibly the one thing (besides singing) that Aouda was terrible at.  /Dancing/.  She gives another slight shudder, who mood having changed drastically at this new develoupment, and hopes she cannot be seen.

P'tala lets a quiet, bored expression dominate her features, her natural striding step catching the dress at awkward moments, so much so that she's forced to walk with a ladylike glide. "Shards," is all she has to say to this, and the girl touches hand to a thin strap, making certain that she's not going through the nightmarish business of making a fool of herself. Why is she here again? Because Celaenoth said so.

Andrei scoffs.  "Rayna... come now.  A Harper girl who won't dance?  I insist.  It's my duty as a gentleman."  And that it is.  Come girl, get up and dance with me!  I'm not leaving until you at least say more than that.

The musicians finish the slow song and then pause before taking up instruments again and this time the fiddles lead, singing out a jaunty song sure to get feet tapping.  Flutes and brass instruments follow the fiddles lead, a quick step dance that whirls around the room, drawing people in.

Rayna looks up at Andrei. "No?" She looks around Andrei as she bites her lip in Caitlin's direction. One of those "Help me please?" looks.

Zinia ooohs as the fiddles lead and the girl gets drawn up in all the instruments. "Oooh. Gitar...pipe. Which should I pick." She scampers to view them with another angle, keeping her head turned as she listens and tries to decide. Though the gitar players draw her the most.

Aryion groans and shakes his head in disbelief. "I missed the food? Oh.. I can't believe it myself." His head turns toward Maeko as she comes up and tugs on his sleeve. Looking down at her, then over at Shylo, he gulps nervously. "Um.. a favor? What kind of favor," is hissed at her under his breath. Glancing back at her friend to suddenly dawns on him about what she wants. "Maeko.. I.. um.. don't dance." Real smooth there Ary.. he gulps a few more times. Dancing is one thing that he doesn't do well.. so he tries to avoid it at all costs.

V'len clasps R'kan's hand and then, tentatively and very stiffly places his hand on his waist. Hmm. As long as he doesn't think too much, this isn't really all that bad. Still, it's best to get this all over with. Then he can sit in a corner and drink skins of wine for the rest of the evening. "Lovely outfit," he comments, for lack of anything better to say. "I do like silver sisal thread embroidery, and it's quite stunning when worked on teal. It matches your coloring very nicely. Myself, I need to stick to winter colors. It enlivens my face, you see."

Andrei shrugs, "Have it your way.  Now, will you at least talk to me?"  He swings his gitar across his body into his lap, and sits down next to her.  "So... how'd that song you wrote come out?  Caitlin said it was beautiful."

Gabriela steps through the double doors into the auditorium.

Kishairyn peers with a small frown, biting her lip.  "I think ... hmmm, maybe Anki?" she wonders with a nod and a wave to the other as she starts the indicated direction, still a bit of gingerness in her step ... though she seems more steady than before.  "That they are.  I feel rather upstaged ..." she murmurs, a hurt twitch pulling her lips downwards ... though it vanishes as she smirks at Aryion.  "Pity, isn't it?"  She won't enlighten him that she's teasing as she steps away.  "Think you can keep up with that, Arawn?"

Jarisha leans against the wall, silently congratulating herself on officially becoing a wallflower.  She watches the people on the dance floor, then sees a face. Aouda.  She strolls over to her and gives her a small "Hello".

Rayna looks around for her own gitar, settled nicely away in its own place. A glance is sent back up to Andrei. "It came out good I guess. I think it needs more work, but Master Caitlin seems to like it."

Arawn chuckles softly, and responds, "Sure can."  He begins to move to the music-- he's hardly the best dancer, but he does all right..well enough to not stomp on poor Kishairyn's feet at any rate, as he speaks to her, "Ah, Anki, thought so."  He nods, and adds, "I wouldn't say upstaged, though.  Anything interesting happen with you candidates?  Last I spoke, things were just chores and more chores, anything happen?"

Anki snickers as she passes behind Arawn and Kishairyn. "I see that someone ambushed V'len. Makes me wonder why I didn't think of that before. Enjoy the dance, you two." She ultimately makes her way to V'zan, standing beside him sipping from a goblet. "Evening, Weyrleader. See you managed to get through that pile of hides and join us. Congratulations," she snicker-smirks.

Shylo taps feet against the floor, giggling.  Eyes are fixed upon Maeko and Aryion awaiting the response.  She smoothes the dress out beneath her, innocently smiling.

Aouda slides down into a sitting position, with her back against the wall.  Her foot taps to the music softly, but that's as far as she'll go.  None of that twirling and...scowl.  She's been spotted. "H'lo Jari." A vindictive, slightly odd idea lances her brain suddenly, and she jumps to her feet...all reluctant embarrassment forgotten.  "Want to dance?"

Caitlin smiles as she crosses the room "Ahh Rayna I thought you would like to dance but you don't have to "  She nods at Andrei "Indeed it is a beautiful song."  She smiles "That i do."  She continues to walk around the room, occasionally nodding at the musicians and then she smiles at Jarisha "Hello there enjoying yourself?"

Andrei nods, "Like I said.  The MasterHarper said it was beautiful.  You okay?  You seem really nervous tonight.  Is it about performing?  Or is it something you'd prefer to not talk about?  Or... nothing at all?"  Smiling warmly, he notices the MasterHarper herself come over, and nods respectfully before beginning to idly tune his gitar and playing it softly to himself.  A happy little tune, finger dancing playfully over the strings.

Jenar stands for a few more minutes watching before she leaves the corner she is hiding in with V'zan and works her way... to the other corner. Well out of the way. She watches R'kan and V'len with a chuckle, before she watches some of the other couples, taking particular interest in a dance move one brownrider does with his partner she has never seen before. She stores it in her memory for next time she lets her hair down a bit and actually...dances.

"Just a little favor," Maeko returns smoothly and softly, smiling what she hopes is a coercive little grin. "It won't hurt you." Unless you dance too fast. Or you run into someone. Don't want to break up V'len and R'kan over there, now do we? Cough. "My friend over there is Shylo- she's an apprentice from my old hall. You wouldn't mind," And now she turns on the 'ultimate' charm, batting her eyelashes and smiling sweetly. "Dancing with her just once? You can even pick the song. Just once, and then I'll ask you no more." Insert sidelong glance to Shylo here, accompanied by a stifled giggle.

R'kan gracefully places his hand on his fellow dragonrider's shoulder, taking care not to squeeze or do anything inappropriate. After all, having an uncomfortable dance partner is probably the worst way he could spend his evening, so the boy stays noticeably apart. "Thank you, V'len. Anki designed it; I absolutely adore the colors." And when all else fails: plan Omega. Shameless flattery. "Oh, your face doesn't need any enlivening, dear. Smile big--people are looking at us."

V'zan offers Anki the same distracted smile that so recently greeted Jenar.  "I am here for both business and pleasure, but the pleasure comes first."  Eyes gaze past Anki to follow the dancing forms of V'len and R'kan.  "Somehow that frightens me," he comments.

"Myself, I'm hoping something will 'click,'" Kishairyn remarks to Anki as the other passes by.  "Have fun, yourself."  Her steps in the dance are light and easy, confident enough at least that she wastes no glances for her feet.  No danger of her toppling ... for now.  "I would," she murmurs.  "Even *you're* watching them," is the accusation before she shakes her head.  "Mmm, nothing much ... will, I did hear some rumors of shennanigans in the baths, but I never did get the whole story."

Jarisha blinks.  What the?  Well, none of the males of the group seem to be noticing her, so...."Sure, why not?" she replies.

Obviously Andrei doesn't know this girl well. How shy she is, her stutter that only disappears when she sings, or speaks with notes. " I think I need some air before a play." And she does in fact look sick about having to play in front of all these people. She hurries out into the courtyard for some air.

Gabriela tucks hair behind her ears as she looks nervously about the room, down at her clothing, then back around the room again. She said she wasn't planning to come, but the barracks were getting a bit too quiet. Now here, she realizes why she'd made that first opinion. Lots of people. Too many. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back against the wall, eyebrow raised as she watches the activity.

Liathano scans for people she recognizes, then realizes that's impossible, as she only knows maybe three people in the Fort Area. And none of them seem to be here...So, she decides to fade into the background. Become one with the wall. She'd much rather watch than try to start a conversation with someone. She's really much too shy to ask someone to dance, or even talk. Sigh. Why did her mother's blood have to take over her father's when she's around a lot of people..... 

The gitar players do not notice that they are under scrutiny, their fingers flicking lightly and quickly over the strings.  The music they produce is a light happy song, sprightly and drawing people into the quick step.  The fiddles match the note of the gitars, bows streaming back and forth, the fiddling echoes and dances with the gitars.  Highlighting it is the flutes that continue to duck and weave through the melody.

Aouda laughs in a voice tainted with evil.  And oh no, not just any evil. /Herder/ evil.  "Well then, let's get to it!" Without asking permission, she clasps Jarisha's hands in her own and goes careening across the dance floor, whipping Jarisha in whichever direction strikes her fancy.  "Wheeee!"  Wild laughter issues from her throat as she has to twist to narrowly avoid smashing right into Maeko.  Quick step...giggle.  Well, she's moving quickly, anyway.

Arawn smirks at Kishairyn, turning his head back to her, "Not for their clothing, I assure you.  I'm just curious whether or not that V'len fellow will flee in terror or not...he has the look."  Light tenor brings more amusement, as he drops an arm briefly as he dances, to gesture towards the pair of dancing bronzeriders, "I've a mark that says the effeminate fellow catches him this evening.  Frightening enough."

Anki smirks discreetly around the rim of her goblet of sparkle-wine. "It'll keep them both out of any shenanigans and frankly, anything that can shut V'len up to this degree is something I'm all for." Leaning a tad closer, she grins. "Just be glad that they can't breed or you'd be sitting with some very interesting scenarios." Just imagine, a pregnant R'kan.

Jarisha is slightly startled by the move, but quickly allows herself to become part of it.  She dances as well, slightly out of step, but that quickly improves.  Hey, this is fun.  She doesn't even notice what's going on aroung her anymore.

"Where there's a will, there's a way," V'zan notes to Anki.  "The two could decide to foster a child together...  That would be nearly as disastrous as them spawning the old-fashioned way."

P'tala pushes herself through the crowd, slipping alongside her Weyrleader with a quirk of brow. "What business?" she inadvertently purrs, and scowling at herself for it a few seconds later. "Evening, Anki. Lively and lovely affair here, don't you think?" She's determined to use as few words as necessary, but the duel affect of formal dress and proddy dragon give her words that touch of enthusiasm. "Thank Faranth that half of the population is off limits to V'len spawn."

V'len glances around the room again and then back with alarm at R'kan. "Well, they /are/ looking at us, aren't they?" V'len's natural inclination for the spotlight wars mightily with the situation, but, of course, his ego wins out. Was there any doubt? So V'len continues the dance, a bit more relaxed, but nodding and smiling at all the attention. After all, he is with the prettiest girl in the hall, even if he's a ...ahem, he. "I think they're looking because they want to see the clutchfather. I've been hard to get a good look at, down on the sands. That's it, don't you think?"

Aryion groans slightly before nodding in agreement to Maeko. "Aye, I think I might be able to help you out with that." Grinning down at the girl he nods and starts over toward Shylo, a little hesitantly at first, then purposely picking up his pace. After dodging several dancing pairs he smiles at giggling, patiently waiting girl before giving her a small bow. "Shylo is it? I was just made aware that you might be interested in dancing. May I have this dance," he asks holding out his hand in her direction.

"Penta, you look positively beautiful tonight. Yes, big affair. I take it you're as surprised by that little kidnapping?" Anki gives a soft snort. "I think his ego would find a way."

Atsuro is nothing but a silent lurker. Having followed a few other herder apprentices in their trip north, he had taken the time to scout the hall- and now found himself in the auditorium, music ribboning through the air. Oh my.. dancing. At least none of the girls he knows are here, or they'd quickly drag him out into center ring. Or center stage, however you want to phrase it. Aouda, is, however, a familiar face- the rest are new; though he slides among them, looking over each face as he passes by it. Perhaps he can find friendly conversation.. maybe even with a non-evil girl.

Zinia listens with appreciation for a bit longer, before making her way back to Caitlin. "Master Caitlin. I think I wanna play gitar. It looks like so much fun. You think I could?" Obviously she can if the Masterharper has already offered it, but nothing like making sure right?

The Weyrleader scowls briefly at his second. "A question or two to take up with the Healer Hall; nothing pressing.  So first, I plan on doing my best to relax a bit."  V'zan lolls his head around loosely, his neck audibly popping. "Stress is dramatically shortening my life expectancy... And you showing up doesn't help, P'tala."  He smiles too sweetly to soften the harsh words. 

Kishairyn chuckles softly, shaking her head.  "Oh, I think they definitely outdo me in that respect ..."  Her eyes glide away to regard the two riders for a moment before returning to the weaver's face.  "I certainly wouldn't put down marks against him running, no matter how good the odds," she remarks.  "Hmmm.  That depends.  Not having seen how fast V'len can run ... I'll have to pass on that.  Oh, Gaby did come, after all ..." she remarks, flashing a grin and a merry wave back at the sea trader.  She takes a breath, cocking her head at Arawn.  "So, this event help keep you busy?  Clothing the beautiful of Pern?"

Aouda is using Jarisha as a center of gravity to spin on more than actually /dancing/...but either way, she is having FUN, and lots of it.  Her large feet stomp out something that's sort of like a beat...and then she spots Atty.  Without a second thought, she twists one hand free and wraps it around Atsuro's, mercilessly dragging him into their wild circle.  Muah hah hah!  "Hiiiyaaa Atty!" she says with a dizzy grin, a bit loopy from all that spinning.

R'kan smiles with adoring confirmation at V'len's words, and vigorously fills his ego to the brim. "Of course they do. After all, being the father of a clutch affords one more than a bit of attention, and coming to a public event is only good for you. People can then gaze upon the rider of a powerful dragon!" It may sound like a statement dripping with flattery... But the frightening part is that V'len's dancing partner has been there, and done that.

Liathano bites back a laugh at the two wildly dancing girls, then steps back as to be sure to stay out of their way. The last thing she wants to do is get hit by these two. That herder looks evil.....but, then, she'd heard all herders were evil. Or, at least, crazy. She once again leans against the wall, more for comfort than for support in standing up. Ice blue eyes flicker towards the doors as someone enters, then turn away as she does not recognize the face, and resume their gaze upon the crowd.

Gabriela quirks an eyebrow toward V'len and R'kan, snickering slightly in amusement. Eyes flicker toward P'tala, Anki, and V'zan, though she stays far from the greenrider. P'tala has sharp teeth. Aah! Someone else has chosen the wall, as well. Perhaps she should make conversation. She takes a deep breath before looking over toward Liathano with a chuckle "Quite a group the harpers have accumulated," she whispers, "though that's hardly a surprise." She grins over at Kishairyn, waving slightly.

Andrei sulks back in, and sits back down, plucking a somber little song, and writes down some new lyrics in his songbook.  Boy... getting the cold shoulder is quite a bad experience.  Plucking a few more strings, he smiles, then looks back up, and twinkles.  A happy song soon emerges from his gitar, and he goes into a better mood.  Ahh... much better.

Arawn shakes his head, "Depends on what you're talking about, I guess..."  He trails off, glancing slowly about the room, and nods politely towards Gabriela, recalling her from a visit to the Weaverhall, before smirking at Kishairyn, "Well enough.  Masterharper Caitlin commissioned a gown...the metallic threadwork was really complicated, you know."

Jarisha laughs first at Aouda's brazen move, then at Atsuro.  Wow, this is fun.  She doesn't even care that half the room is staring.....She is staring to get dizzy, but hey, that's half the fun.

Caitlin smiles at Zinia "If that is what you like, we will have to find you a gitar, they are a versatile instrument."  She smiles "Do you think your mother will not mind you playing a gitar with the wicked harpers?"  She grins as she listens to the dance step come to a close and she claps in appreciation and nods as they start up a new one.  This one also a lively tune.  Caitlin grins at Zinia "You want to play music like this"

Continued in Part 2

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