Fort Weyr's Fall 1999 Hatching (Part 3)
Saturday, November 6, 1999

Gold Tanrhith & Brown Anuith

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Arnica
POV from the Galleries

From the sands, Adharsuil actually applauds Sitric, hands stopping in mid-clash as her turns to see the source of the cry.  He winces, but they did warn us, did they not?  Looking away his gaze settles time and time again on the Theban Riddle. 

Valora smiles back at Kestrel, nodding softly.  "A very long time ago, yes.  T'was a fellow from Benden actually. That, and both my Da and my elder brother ride brown."

From the sands, Dancing Hut Egg gives a sudden shake, tossing gathered sand off its apex. Something stirring inside? Not yet, not yet, but there be something coming...

From the sands, Perrie tries to follow everythign to. Oh the choas and she bounces edgy to keep feet off the sands as much as possible.

From the sands, Rainbow Serpent Brown Dragonet reluctantly wiggles a little closer to the candidates and stops again.  This time, though, with a purpose.  There is one and only one who has a certain dream he will bring to life.  But which.

From the sands, A Zorya is leaned upon.  She absently pats the weyrwoman on her shoulder.  "When this is all over, dearest, you can come up for some tea and a nap."

Caitlin listens with half an ear to the conversation between Valora and Kestrel, the most of her attention back on the sands, watching the interplay.

Sanoreh leans forward slightly, arms still folded. A soft smile creases her lips as she see's another dragonet parred off with the weyrling. She sighs, leaning back and her eyes dart to and from the dark young man, who is still dragonless.

Keani nods; seems logical to her young mind. "'kay!" she chirps, then goes back to staring at the Sands, eyes drooping.

From the sands, Aselan listens, hearing the call of Sitric's voice as the name is spoken.  He sends out a whoop of congratulations, only then turning his gaze back to the blue dragonet, blanching at the cry of the candidate caught by careless talons.  Although feet continue to life and fall on the sands, he makes little other movement.  Watching.

Sitting on the ground, nearby the entrance stairs, Kaila waits and watches, hoping all the way that some of the others that she knows Impress. But who wouldn't root got their friends? She keeps intent eyes glued to the eggs rocking below, also hoping for at least /one/ green..

From the sands, Puros winces in sympathy as the younger Candidate gets a talon across the leg.  "Ow."  The lad appears merely inconvenienced, however, so his attention roves onward to find S'tric looking into a hatchling's eyes.  "Wow...there's just too much going on to keep up with," he remarks to no one in particular.  As if to emphasize the point, he changes feet again, abruptly remembering that it has been far too long since he did so.

Laytonal murmurs, "So, do you think Pentala will Impress?"

From the sands, As the ranks thin, the scrawny lass from Igen finds herself less and less surrounded.  Although Nhoserra's shrewish temper and vicious tongue might have more to do with that than actual Impression.

From the sands,  "Nonsense! You're gonna sear!" Kells tugs again. "It's hotter if you're actually /sitting/ on the sands..." Tug. "See what can happen?" Kells gestures to the injured lad.

Kestrel's smile widens, "I can understand the fondness for browns then, certainly." Well, at least as much as a non-rider /can/ understand anyway.

Zella volleys words across the stands to Laytonal: "/'Course/ she will. And she'll torture us all. Shards, am I glad this isn't Xanadu..." Did Zella know that person? Eh, who cares.

Kaila shrugs. "Do /I/ think she'll Impress? I wouldn't know.. But I'm sure hoping so." she says, with a smile.

From the sands, Br'kka calls out "Sitric! Wooo! Congratulations!" she can't help but bounce now. Kirlith's her rock and clung to. Remember. Breath Brekks."

Laytonal calls back across to the person who affirmed his thought.  "Maybe she'll torture you perhaps!" he yells with a grin.

From the sands, Kerryn mmmmms absently.  "That would be lovely.  And then, we're going to the north.  It's cold there.  Very very cold.  No sand, no heat.  Won't that be nice?"  Weyrwoman mumblings are the result of distracted thoughts, and the attempt to not explode with maternal happiness.

"Ach aye, some of your weavers are bound to be down there."  Muireann tilts her head to try and catch a better glimpse of the growing group of new Weyrlings.  "Have you lost many, so far?"

From the sands, Auzzey uses her elbows to break free of the candidates she was wedge between.  She takes a few paces forward, studying the reluctant brown with glazed eyes.  Lost in the world of fantasy, she appears to be.

From the sands, Chaotic Chimera Blue Dragonet stops his flight in front of a gaggle of candidates.  And stares back at the one who is staring at him.  He has no intention of going into that clump to pluck his prize.  And thus he stares.  Dark and light.  Together in one.  As he is dark and light together in one.  Without movement, a mirror.  Reflection of love, a counterpart of desire.  Come.  With his whole being, he waits.  Come.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells as she weakly stands from her legs having been burnt a bit from the sands, she stands reluctantly. She looks to Kells, "I'm scared Kells..."

Zella scooches around in her seat, fixing gaze on Laytonal- though it briefly shoots back toward the sands. "No chance. I'm goin' straight back South as soon as the hatching's over, and /staying/ there." Pentala could be a bad influence on Kyaarth. That says it all.

From the sands, T'zi stradles ankles around the thick base of Rashkaeth's snaking tail, hands idly twisting her robe as they both watch the impending Impressions.  "Yeah, ..yeah, can you /ask/ which one they.. No.  I guess, you can't..," she mumbles, forming a thoughtful frown as fatigue begins to drape over her.

From the sands, S'tric finally gets over his shock, and, with some prodding from his lifemate, moves off towards the edges of the sands, and the waiting Weyrling Masters. Looking behind him, he tosses a shaky smile to his friends, and joins the Weyrling ranks.

From the sands, J'lia flashes a smile over Kerryn's way. "You, too? Anuith wants to stay down here--" Nod towards the Sands, the dreadful heat. "--though why he won't say. But I need my warm leathers." The brown ignores that he's being talked about. Rumblerumble.

From the sands, Pentala's abandoned and stubborn senselessness takes over. Two legs are firmly held rigid, sandals firmly grinding into sandy floor. Standing fast, she watches, keen silence and observant eyes taking over, flicking green gaze in a perpetual scan.

From the sands, Rainbow Serpent Brown Dragonet lifts to his feet again and slips off to stalk /behind/ the row of whiteclad candidates.  Not entirely orthodox, true, but a different perspective can put a new spin on familiar life.  A gap is found where a body stood cramped, and it is through that hole the young brown easily wiggles through, searching for someone who /was/ here a moment ago.

From the sands,  "Of what? Now that we're here...just be ready to dodge any charging dragonets, ok?" Kells helps the reluctant herder to her feet, grinning reassurance.

From the sands, Adharsuil steps back with a great effort, not wishing to take his eyes from the object of his attentions lest it choose that very moment to open.  Still, concern nags at him, and he turns to comfort Kindri.  "We're all scared." is all he offers, hoping that knowing she's in good company will help. 

Kaila watches the brown hatchling curiously, wondering exactly where he /is/ going. Nothing said, she merely /stares/.

Laytonal wonders almost to himself, "I wonder how Adder would cope should he be chosen..."

From the sands, Kindri nods to the others around her and doesn't seem to be reassured whatsoever after seeing what happened to that other boy and looks towards the sands seeing there isn't many eggs or hatchlings left.

From the sands, Aselan swallows hard, his adam's apple bobbing.  Staring at the blue he has been, but with all these candidates, there must be many pairs of hopeful eyes.  He doesn't dare depart his cluster, but just watches.  Unsure.  Scared?  "What do you think he's waiting for," he asks aloud suddenly.

Sanoreh turns her blue eyed gaze on Laytonal. "He would cope just fine.." She says in a soft voice, before turning back to watch the group on the sands.

Kaila grins and shrugs. "Don't know him.." she replies. Just for good..something. Always reply. Ah-huh. And so ends another of Kaila's Make-no-Sense lessons.

Alexandrea watches Aselan and the waiting blue intently, but her thoughts are her own.

Keani's head droops farther, chin resting upon lazily folded hands. "'Enta 'press." are a few of her last words as she gradually drifts off to dreamland.

From the sands, Kells spares a glance for the others, then /looks/. "Um, I think /you/, maybe?" she says, pointing to Aselan.

From the sands, Auzzey cranes her neck to follow the brown's progress, but looses the dragonet among the masses.  "Shards!" she curses, kicking at the sand only to whine with bits of heated grains get inbetween her toes.  Hopping on one leg, she wiggles her foot to free the torture devices burning her.  Only then does she noticed the brown's appearance behind the grouping.  "Oh," she states, feet dropping back to the sand as her eyes get all dreamy once more.

From the sands, Nhoserra sniffs and squints and sticks her tongue out at the yucky brown.  He's too sparkly.  Not a proper dragon a-tall.  Hmf.  Can she go yet?  She's got sweeping to do.

From the sands, Puros looks sideways at Aselan, then follows his gaze to the Chaotic Blue.  "Don't think he likes crowds," the red-headed Candidate suggests.  "I think he'd rather /someone/ went to meet him."  His hand, holding to Aselan's, moves forward, towards the patient hatchling.

From the sands, Dancing Hut Egg tosses itself to one side, nearly bumping sire's long tail. Oops. Missed. Egg bumps tail for real, and does it a couple more times. Hey--this is fun.

From the sands, Chaotic Chimera Blue Dragonet continues his wait.  His eyes meet with his beloved's...but his beloved does not come.  Slowly, so slowly, he settles down into the sands.  Laying in the warmth, reminiscent of his egg's steady safety, he waits silently.  Come.  White brother, dark son, turbulent heart, mind's desire.  Come.  A slight breeze wafts the smell of stale sweat and fear to his nostrils, and he sniffs, eyes never leaving his love's.  Come.

From the sands, Br'kka simply grins, that's all she can muster, tail wrapped around her waist holds her up even as Kirlith's hunger makes her own stomache rumble. He complains. A verbal tenor rumble.

Valora finds herself staring at the interchange between blue and candidate.. "Take a step forward, you silly.." Talk to the air, Val.  Good one.

From the sands, Rainbow Serpent Brown Dragonet finds the object of his search, multicolored eyes landing on Auzzey's glazed face.  He stands still for a moment, waiting.  And without seeming to move, is suddenly curling around and along her legs.  Another circle complete.

Laytonal sighs.  "Another one."

From the sands, Aselan looks to both Kells and Puros for assurance, questioning both.  Still holding onto Puros' hand, not willing to give up that last vestige of reality just yet, he steps forward.  "Do you think?" he asks, still uncertain, even as his sandaled feet move forward away from the others.

From the sands, Sunrise Sleeping Egg's shudders become more and more noticable as the life-force within becomes more adament about escaping its former home. Cracks finally make their appearance over the many-hued surface.

From the sands, C'man shifts as Maelotath's tail encircles his legs. Brown's whirling eyes look expectantly up at life partner. Soft smile raises young man's lips. "Soon." he promises. "We still have to wait for the others." This seems to satisfy young brown.

From the sands, Kindri watches Aselan move forward, tho her eyes drift to the other eggs and wonders what the sunrise egg will far all impressions have been with males...isn't there any greens? She sighs as she tries to wipe her face off with her sleeve of her robe only for it not to's soaked already and she's so sore.

From the sands, Pentala's confidence keeps her standing, feet baking and eyes watching. "C'mon Aselan, I think it's waiting for you," she says, rolling her eyes. Is the Herder going to drag Puros with him?

Alakan sighs as he looks at the eggs, and gives a frown towards the Charnel Nest egg, as if that'd be enough to make it hatch.

From the sands, Auzzey stares, completely disconnected from the waking state as she stares into the eyes for her lifemate.  "He's Dreamith!" she cries, wrapping arms around the brown's neck and hugging him close as they find respite together.

From the sands, Adharsuil turns about, having offered what little comfort he could muster from within his fluttering heart.  He watches Aselan's tentative steps, smile widening with every step the man takes.   "Go to it Ase," he mutters under his breath. 

From the sands, Theban Riddle Egg quivers to life once more. Shell bulges slightly then subsides. The time is near. Certain questions must have an answer.

From the sands, S'tric is content to just watch the rest of the hatching from a dreamy haze, dominated by swirls of copper and auburn. At last... at last. For once, he doesn't even give a thought to any of Grandmothers rules of life.

K'yari would be the last person to wonder at her elder sister, talking to the air, but likewise hopes the little dragonet soon finds the solace of Impression.  Too late to find herself a seat, she stands with the others long the borders.

From the sands, Puros' free hand crosses over behind Aselan's shoulder and pushes at it gently.  "Go for it.  Won't know 'less you go...just stay on your toes, and you'll be fine."  His hand ceases to grip Aselan's, although he doesn't actually pull it free.

From the sands, And that move was all the Chaotic Chimera Blue Dragonet needs.  He surges to his feet, eyes whirling his greed and desire.  The connection that he longs for.  His brother, blanket-friend, warrior and his soul.  His movement is quicksilver, and his dismissal of the other candidates complete.  Rainbow shattered eyes meet hazel ones.  Mine.  Yes.  Together.  Now.

From the sands, With a lash of twitching tail, Chaotic Chimera Blue Dragonet springs in a lazy, liquid arch, talons' coppered curl hidden by indigo knuckles as he goes chest-to-chest with Aselan. Feet hit Hatching Sand with a dull thud, and dragonet finds hazel eyes with his own suddenly blue-violet ones in the fierce fiery glory of Impression.

Laytonal mutters, "Ooh, um, what's his name...Aselan."

Caitlin leans forward, watching expectantly, her eyes dancing as she hums softly to herself, a familar tune?  or a new one?  who knows it is only just audible.

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet
From the sands, Hooded, deepset eyes regard the world with enigmatic intensity, warded in runic swirls of verdigris. Mystery similarly wreaths the high arch of a sinuous neck guarded by the harsh jut of shale-tipped ridges and adorned with glimmers of malachite against her dark, brushy green hide. That vibrant malachite makes further appearance in the sweeping canopy of wings, interwoven in a tapestry of color with sun's gold and flint's grey. Self-possessed poise graces her compact frame, while tail holds a questioning curl at its sunwarmed tip, stony talons clenching the answer.

Alexandrea remebers to breathe again only when Aselan speaks. What she thinks of it all she keeps to herself, but once nervous hands still in her lap.

From the sands, Br'kka calls out "/Aselan/! Congratulations!" she drapes her arm and /leans/ against Kirlith. "He's pretty. But not as pretty as you." affectionate hug is given Kirlith who croons back

From the sands, Puros does manage to extricate himself as Aselan actually Impresses.  "Wow.  He was just /waiting/ for that..."  He steps off to the side, giving the newly bonded pair a bit of extra space.  "Niergoth...So who're you, Aselan?  A'lan?  As'an?"

Alyxa watches silently.

Alakan leans forward, sighing, that egg is never gonna hatch.  But eyes settle on the new green. 

Kaila blinks. And a green is there. She cheers, just for that single female, the one strong one out of the males. "Green!" she cheers. Hurray for the girls! One for us.. Who knows how many for them. But no matter, it's /one/ green. Now nothing can make her look away as she watches the green intently, daring it to Impress.

From the sands, Adharsuil nods with approval as Aselan finds his lifemate...or they find eachother.  He watches the crowd on the sand diminish with a strange mixture of elation and not just a little fear.  The questions begin to spin in his mind again only to swept away as the riddle is finally answered.  And a glorious answer it is.  "Oh my goodness.  She's spectacular," he breathes.  

From the sands, Kindri claps tiredly as As'lan Impresses with Niergoth, "Congrats As'lan!"

Kestrel has to chuckle softly when, as if just to contradict the comments among the galleries, a green is hatched, "Ahhhh, there's a green." She nods in satisfaction, as if it's all complete now.

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet does not stumble, does not blunder forth. Oh, no. Not she. Sinuous neck arches, sending those harsh fierce neckridges to flaring, and her hooded gaze sweeps the sands. Intense, unreadable.

Laytonal says in a low whisper to Kaila, "There, a green.  Happy now?" he says with a grin.

From the sands, Pentala peers at the newest green, sniffing at it and crossing her arms. The bronze, however, gets ample attention, sweeping eyes halting on it, then moving to the blood and bones egg with an impatient glare, weighty and almost solid.

From the sands, Perrie gasps softly, along with the rest who can see - "A green." Yes, state the obvious.

Keani bobs up at the cry of 'green!' and blinks crankily. "Wha'? Ooh!" and eyes begin to sparkle again, finger pointing in the accustomed gesture to the green. "'Enta 'press that!" she states.

Kaila, for once, is happy to be proved wrong. She watches with awe at the sure movements of the intense dragon hatchling. Not turning towards Laytonal, she snorts. "Everyone's gotta disagree.. Have to say, perfect timing."

Alakan laughs "That green would fit Pen perfectly, neat." again to no one in particular.

From the sands, Kindri 's eyes seem to drift to the newest hopeful. She looks over to Kells, she's so beautiful...oh my."

From the sands, Kells reduces her jumping to a shuffle now as she ogles the latest arrival. "Oh, Kindri, she's /gorgeous/!" she breathes.

From the sands, Adharsuil watches the green move.  Such grace...such purpose.  Not like these ungainly males.  The fact that he is indeed a male fails to register for a moment as he lets himself be swept away by the sight. 

From the sands, Wakened Stone Gargoyle Bronze Dragonet now makes his movements toward those aforementioned offerings. Wings spread to each side to display their brilliant coloring, he stalks after the candidates in white with an unnervingly stony silence. A boy with pale skin and dark hair -- he brushes past with no more than a glance.

Kaila was silly. She knew there /had/ to be at least one green.. And there she is. The perfect example of a warrioress. So..intense. "What a beauty." she murmurs, for at least the 30th time this night. But it's true, and the hatchling is watched with full attention, bronze disregarded. "Such a wonderful mixing of golden and green.." she comments, clearly awed. For the moment, nothing else is noticed, only the green. Oo. She has to see whom Impresses..

From the sands, Zorya continues to unobtrusively prop Kerryn up as she surveys and counts silently.  "We're getting there."

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet waits a long moment. Nostrils flare slightly, scenting, taking in the sands. Brilliant wings open once then furl tight to her camouflages body as she takes an agile step free of her shards. She the question, seeking an answer.

From the sands, Charnel Nest Egg visibly shivers and quivers, perhaps an anticipatory hint, but as of yet, the nest's fragility remains untested.

From the sands,  Other colors appear dull to Kells as she is dazzled by green. "And quite an attitude, besides," she chuckles to Kindri. "Gonna show up all the clumbsy boys!"

From the sands, Kerryn mutters and mutters and rambles and babbles under her breath.  Oxygen has rarely been high on her list of priorities, but she does manage to keep breathing and keep beaming brightly as everything in the world seems to be going exactly as it's supposed to.  Tanrhith herself warbles wistfully and takes another count of her few remaining eggs.  All three of them.  Oop.  Two.  That one just hatched under her nose.  Maybe she could rebury the last two to keep them 'safe'.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells with a smile, "Who knows she may pick you...she and you would be perfect I bet..."

From the sands, Nhoserra thppts at one of the unfortunate Impressees. Nyeah.  They gotta clean up dragon, cough, mess for years and years and years now.  Silly clucks.  Hmf.  Too bad she couldn't smuggle any sweets out here, though they'd likely melt anyway.

From the sands, As'lan finds his feet again, rising to walk with Niergoth to the side, joining the others.  Pale, he looks, from the shock of the moment that's changed him life.  "Niergoth," he whispers, as if to assure himself the blue that called to him is truly real.

Kaila unconsciously backs away a bit at the spreading of wings. "She's so sure of herself.." she says. Clearly a contradiction to Kaila, to be sure. None the less, she watches, scooting as close as possible to her viewing window. At first, Kaila looses sight of the green, so wonderfully hidden. That, of course, can not last long, as she's the only green on the sands. Finding the view again, she rests her arm on the edge, resting her head ontop of that. And she watches.

From the sands, Pentala gulps a bit as she sees her egg -- /the/ egg -- move. Shiver. Her knees attempt a mimicry of the same motion but stoic mind keeps then and her, in turn, upright. Glare, stony in its emerald depths, settles on the bi-colored egg, willing it to open. To live.

From the sands, Puros thinks to look away from As'lan and Niergoth to the remaining hatchlings.  It would hardly do to have one surprise him from behind, after all.  With no hands to hold, his attention rivets more securely to the roving hatchlings, cataloguing them: that green over there, and that  Rather stoic, that one looks.  Puros is not immune to the unnerving quality of his silence.

From the sands, Adharsuil nods in agreement with Kells words, pausing for a second as the words fully register.  "Hey, I'm a boy..."  His words trail off as the Sphinx unfurls her wings. 

From the sands, Kells darts a glance away from the dragonet to Kindri. "You never know...what was that I said earlier about there being no accounting for a dragonet's tastes?"

From the sands, Anuith won't let Tanrthi bury the eggs. One's scratching his tail by bumping it--nice egg. He'll miss it when it hatches. Reassuring croon is given to the queen--there'll be more eggs. J'lia's too busy watching the galleries to take much heed of the Sands--all those people! Funny, it's never bugged her before.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells, "Well it sure doesn't have that of a runner I tell you." She smiles thinking of her runner for a moment. She's graceful but not that graceful yet. But she would be good for any of you."

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet pauses a moment, curiosity caught by the glitter of a fiery shard. Whip quick, stony talons reach and seize, investigating. Head lifts once more and the fragments are released. Interesting, all, but there's an answer sighted, a deeper question to be investigated.

From the sands, Br'kka grins softly at her fellow weyrlings "Congrats all." eyes watch green and bronze. Though mind seems lost in the brilliance of Kirlith.

From the sands, Rashkaeth nudges his nose forward a bit, sending a soft spray of hot granules out.  Hell/ooo/ green sister.  Oh, and blue brother.  T'zi, still nestled beside a slack wing, looks up as As'lan comes over, "Congrats," she reiterates, then goes back to watching the progress of Impressions.

From the sands, Wakened Stone Gargoyle Bronze Dragonet's eyes dart over the form of a pudgy boy, and he is instantly dismissed as unacceptable. Stalking onward, beneath his massive mother, he remains oddly silent, gaze affixing upon one candidate after another; they are dismissed it turn, one by one.

From the sands, Perrie shifts her gaze between bronze and green, the former watched with curiosity, the latter with vague hope.

Kaila, for once, is completely attentive. But only to the green. Such a curious one.. And definately sure of herself. Chances go to Pentala for Impression. What can she say? From what she's seen, Pen definately deserves such a 'mate. And.. Okay, enough. Clearing her mind, she continues to stare at the camoflauged green dragon hatchling.

From the sands, Tanrhith just wants to keep one.  Is that so much to ask?  Ah well.  This...weird little egg will stay with her, won't it?  No?  "Stop pouting, love.  See how beautiful they all are?"  At her rider's gentle words, the brooding queen brightens noticibly, swinging back to a happy mood with ease.

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet's eyes gleam once and she mantles. /There/. She sidles her lithe way toward a group of candidates both short and tall, solid and slender. They're skirted about, measured from the side. She knows now, but do they?

From the sands, Dancing Hut Egg stops moving now, sudden stillness unheralded by cracks or crevices. Not time yet--and who says it has to hatch, anyway?

From the sands, Only one question remains in the young weaver's mind, now that the riddle has shattered.  Who will it be for this intense dragonet?  Adharsuil puzzles over this as she ventures closer and closer. 

Kaila watches the green aproach a gaggle of candidate, whom she can't seem to pick Pen from. Ah, who knows. From her vantage point, a bronze might as well be in there. Egg is given at fleeting glance before she tries to follow the green's movements.

From the sands, Kindri watches as the green moves towards the group of unimpressed candidates and she looks in fascination of watching her move...she feels her legs quiver under her and knows she'll be tired after this experience and very sore.

From the sands, Pentala's posture retains its noble straight-backed normalcy, eyes prowling again, only to rest on her egg. So the semi-orbit of intense glibs homes on the same object: The morbid but proud egg, representative of death. Hatch? Please?

From the sands, Perrie puzzles over it as well, awarding the unhatched eggs a glance here and there as she nervously tugs at her robe.

From the sands,  The riddle plays in Kells' mind; who will it be? Breath is held as the graceful green makes her way through the crowd of remaining hopefuls.

From the sands, S'tric smiles, looking up from the sands. "Congratulations, As'lan! Welcome to a new life. " Wait just a moment.... Didn't Ysgyth just say that? This is going to be confusing.

From the sands, Puros moves from where he stood, slightly away from many of the other Candidates, as two of those directly next to him at various times Impressed.  He remains at the end of the Candidate line, but now he continues it, rather than being a solitary dot a few yards seperated.  His eyes flicker to the green, then back to the bronze, which seems more ...of a threat.

Alakan studys intently the Charnel Nest Egg, unable to tear eyes away...well occasionally his gaze shifts to Pen, but other then that, unable to tear blue crystal eyes from the dark egg.  As quietly to himself he tells it to hatch.

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet skirts 'round and 'round, peering from all sides. Yes, oh, yes. There's one here for certain. Answer almost given, she pauses instead, questioning curl of tail twitching to her nose as she cleans a spot of sand from it. She'll choose. On her own terms. In her own time. Still, that hooded gaze touches on the hopeful ones, teasing. Is it you? Or will it be you? And yet, for all her cleverness, she can't help but look more often toward one certain one. Tall and long to her neatly compact self.

From the sands, Nhoserra tries to ignore the crowds in the galleries and shuffles boredly in the hot hot sands.  It's just a jump to the left, a step to the right..  Not much longer, anyway, before she can slink away home again.

Keani grumbles quietly to herself, pout forming upon her face. It seems that lack of sleep's made the child cranky, irritable and generally /not/ so cute. The egg that Penta's fastened upon is glared at...

From the sands, Perrie gulps again, blinking at the green cautiously. "Go ahead. Choose." she mutters edgily, waitign to see who the luck Candidate is.

From the sands, Wakened Stone Gargoyle Bronze Dragonet continues down the line to end. There, he pauses, contemplative. Puffing up his red-bronze chest, he draws himself up to look down at the candidate before him. Moments are spent -- longer than at any other -- inspecting the white-clad form. Dropping back down to all fours, now -- a less imposing posture -- he gives a gentle sniff at robe's edge.

From the sands, Adharsuil's breath catches in his throat.  "Is s-s-s-she looking at me?" 

From the sands, T'zi switches furtive gaze from Puros to bronze, then green and ..Adharsuil?  She grins.  She can't help it.  "Oh, can't you just /ask/, Rashkaeth?  The suspense is /killing/ me!"  The blue lets out a snort, looking over his lifemate's form.  Looks mighty alive to him, and squeaking too.  *nudge*  "Hey!"  See?

Kaila fleetingly wishes that she herself was down there, but then shakes her head, scolding herself. 'The dragons always know what they're doing, silly' is the mental chastisement she gives to herself, before fixating her gaze on the remaining. Remaining what? Reamaining eggs, Remaining Candidates, Remaining Hatchlings.. Well, the first and last won't be there for long, but unfortunately the middle will. That's alway hard, she's been told.

From the sands, Kells , remembering to breathe, smiles at Adder. "I think so..." Kindri's hand is clenched more tightly.

From the sands, Kindri watches as the bronze and green look and sighs...she feels her hand clenched tightly, she watches the green cautiously.

From the sands, Charnel Nest Egg violently shudders, threatening to rattle apart, but the frantic energy quickly dissipates.  The egg seems almost to sigh as it's movements slow, then cease, as stillness returns yet again.

From the sands, Inscrutable Sphinx Green Dragonet lithely sidles away once more, backing from from the throng. Wings flare again, the enigmatic intensity in her gaze tantalizing and perhaps daring. Perhaps she is. Perhaps she isn't. But talons twitch, close to seizing an answer.

Alakan blinks.  It moved?  He sits up a bit, and realises just how long he's been in the same position, bleh, stiff.  But he smiles, the egg is moving, it's bound to hatch now, any time!.

Caitlin shakes her head, wondering what it is like to be on the sands at this moment, one hand reaches up to gently caress her blue.  She smiles to herself, probably not even close, she hums a few more bars of a song, searching for the right words to go with the melody.

From the sands, Br'kka is tense, she's watching the teasing grin. Kirlith is prodded "C'mon tell me Kirlith." A sly look is given Brekka and a draconish snort is heard. Watch and wait. You'll see. Patience. Brekka sighs dramatically "But Kir/lith/"

Kaila frowns at that remaining egg. Why won't it hatch? An awful thought crosses her mind, but she shakes her head, clearing it. No. Somethings alive in there. Her piercing gaze rests once again at the green, smiling. She nearly cringes as talons sweep close, but makes now other move.

From the sands, Dancing Hut Egg doesn't move. Not an inch. Not even to knock into that other egg. Patience is a virtue...

From the sands, Perrie sniffs, reaching up to tug away her damp fringe. "Oh shards and shells." she murmurs looking away to see what that bronze is doing.

Flashes of gold catch Keani's attention; could it possibly be that nice lady whose kids she played with? Nah, couldn't be. Golden head droops once more as Keani's limited patience is stretched into boredom.

From the sands, Adharsuil can't help but shake as the question hangs on the heated air.  It's as if the dragonet is teasing the candidates.  A grin forms on his lips as he contemplates this mischief. 

From the sands, With an exultant clenching of stony talons, Inscrutable Sphinx Dragonet pounces upon her answer. A man. But not just any. Hooded gaze raises to Adharsuil and her choice is made. Only he may ever decipher the riddle that she is.

From the sands, Puros peers down at the bronze.  "Hey.  I washed that, it's clean," he avows, reaching down to pat the end of his robe.  "What're you about, anyway?  Don't nose it too much, you're not allowed to open it."  Not when there's a gallery full of people watching, certainly -- however modest Puros may or may not be, he's under no illusions as to how much they'd likely appreciate robe-tearing.

Laytonal murmurs in slight vexation, "Hmmm, strange choice for a green, but either way, a good choice."

From the sands, Pentala pauses, nerve unlatched as the egg /moves/. Of course, the movement is inevitable, but... Does realization that she's /on/ the Sands finally hit her? /No/. Not yet. No. She thinks. Feet spread apart, ensuring stability, and she waits, ever impatient, but never imploring.

From the sands, Kells can't help but grin as the little green dances away. "Playing coy..." Maybe not, as Adder is pounced.

Sanoreh takes in a slow deep breath, forgetting to exhale, she watches, closely and quietly. Her long fingers slowly curl around red material in a tight clench and she stares at the green hatchling, then she exhales, releaf or a sob, thats for her to know. "Oh my.." She just nods a little, then smile.

Kaila cheers. "Congratulations!" she calls out, letting it fade as realization fades in. Green? And Adharsuil?

From the sands, Kindri looks as Adder is chosen right next to her...her heart beats faster as she watches the whole thing and looks nervous...

From the sands, Wakened Stone Gargoyle Bronze Dragonet looks up -- stone softens -- it's the one.

Valora grins, "And, /there/. Now for the bronze."

From the sands, S'tric sighs softly to himself, watching the on-going hatching with eagerness, and yet patience. He chuckles softly at some comment made by Ysgyth, and reaches out to absently stroke the dragon's glimmering hide. "Yes... I do have oil. Fragranced, too. After the Hatching, I promise. And food, as well. " He eyes follow the movement of the Green, and he calls out a congratulation.

From the sands, Wakened Stone Gargoyle Bronze Dragonet goes still. In an instant that stretches somehow into an eternity, his adamantine eyes fix, yes, fix, upon Puros-- and his choice is forever made.

Caitlin smiles at Valora "He certainly doesn't want to make a rushed decision does he, oh wait has he chosen now?"

Laytonal murmurs, "And so goes another one."

From the sands, As'lan stirs from his reverie to watch the remaining dragonets and eggs.  There - Adder's Impression is caught and he calls out, sending his congratulations to join with the others.  Before another breath can be drawn, the bronze claims Puros and As'lan again cries out his cheers.

Kaila cheers again, feeling her throat begin to go raspy. Good thing she isn't a Harper apprentice.. "Congratulations!" she calls again, even though she hasn't a clue who just Impressed.

Valora finds herself pointing down at the sands, "Aye, they both have choosen, and the egg mound grows smaller by the moment."

Andante cheeps as if to affirm that.

From the sands, T'zi tenses, fingers latching onto her lifemate as her breath catches.  "Oh .. Rash..," she whispers, then yells:  "OO!  Adder!  Puros!"  She shakes her blue's body, "Oo!  Ooooo!"  *Wibble* *Wobble*  *Scrawk!*  "Sorry, sorry..  Congrats!  Names?  Names!?"

From the sands, Adharsuil let's a startled gasp escape his lips as he is suddenly no longer alone in his own mind.  "Welcome Sindrath," he speaks lvingly, already moving to join the others, nearly floating on newfound dragon's wings. 

Caitlin nods "Though there are still some that seem to be so quiet, not moving, will they hatch do you think Valora?"

Keani yawns, stretching uncomfortably upon the hard seats. Boredom has since dissapated into total idleness since the child's hopes, set upon the green, were dashed.

From the sands, Appearances can be deceiving indeed. From out of Dancing Hut Egg's pleasant loam, there is a stirring. Darkness deepens and descends upon the innocuous play of forest colors. The base splits with the vicious tearing of a hatchling's talons, overturning sylvan innocence to reveal the sinister beast within.

From the sands, Horrible Hag Brown Dragonet
From the sands, Scraggly-scrawny she skulks, a weather-worn figure in cowled hide that hangs from sharply slanting bones. Almost glowing in a luminescent mold-green that seems to writhe all the more brightly along ragged wings and serpentine tail, there's a hobbling grace to her step--supported by terrible-looking long claws that jut out from bony paws--and no lack of hissing sibilants uttered as she slips along. Spraying gaunt sides and neckridges' crests come several blackened rings--cauldron fire boiled over? Or just birth marks, as those protruding wart-like lumps that decorate all down her skinny muzzle?

Kaila hurrahs, almost quietly, as a brown hatches. /Another/ brown. Just one more green? Please?

Valora affords a moment to look at those eggs just as one of them pops. "Aye, they're just fine, Cait."

Alakan sighs as he watches "One egg left...Pen's egg...and still plenty of candidates..."

Kestrel watches, nods, and then blinks, "Has there ever been one that hasn't?" That'd be something she'd want in her records, most assuredly.

From the sands, Hands clap together, loudly:  "Congrats!  You didn't Impress to wherries!"  Ahem.  What?  Perrie near dances about, bouncing from one foot to another, more-than-ample robe rippling with the energetic movements.  Ughoh.  Hyper-Perrie.  Run.  Hide.  Scream.

From the sands, Kells ' breath catches in her throat as she realizes the sands are actually becoming quite bare. A cold shiver darts up her spine, despite the heat, a shiver compounded by the sight of the newest brown.

From the sands, Br'kka lets out a big gush of air "Adder! Puros! Congrats!" she dances. She can't help it. Kirlith shifts and nudges Brekks Down girl.

Caitlin nods "I still worry, even after my turns living in weyrs I still worry that they won't hatch, that one looks a bit scrawny compared to the first brown that was hatched."  She watches to see who this new brown will choose.  "Yes some don't."

From the sands, Puros stares into the Stoney Bronze's eyes, his face almost blank with wonder.  "I..."  After a somewhat choked beginning, a smile spreads across his face as he announces, "His name is Uralith!" and crouches to caress his Lifemate's head.

Alyxa is still sitting quietly in her corner.

From the sands, Nhoserra scowls and digs her toes into the hot sands.  Heat makes her irritable.  Being irritable makes her temper even worse.  Anyone still lurking around her is thppppppt'd, at for good measure.  Silly dragons, silly eggs.  Grump.

From the sands, Horrible Hag Green Dragonet finds herself free-free!--and shakes off egg goo from her wings, delighting as bits hit this innocent candidate and that. Talons claw the sand and she hobbles off on akward limbs. Look out world--something wicked this way comes.

Kaila shudders at the mentioning of her internal fear. An egg not hatching? How awful.. But brown is watched, none the less, while Kaila mentally agrees with Caitlin. How true..

Laytonal suddenly notices that there is a new green on the sands.  "Hey, another green!"

Andante meeps at Brell as she comes in.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells as she finds herself unable to stay steady and starts to collapse. Poor girl...the heat's definately got to this one. She watches the newest green and just looks oddly...nasty looking green that is...

Kaila is glued to her window, near the floor. She's practicully sulking, regardless of the happy occasion taking place below.  At the sound of Laytonal saying 'green', she perks. "Green? WHERE?" she asks, searching frantically. Suspecting a trick, she glares at him.

Laytonal turns at his 'lizards meep.  "Oh, hi, Brell."  He motions her over.

From the sands, Charnel Nest Egg rests alone, undisturbed, amongst a sea of shards, the sole remaining uncracked shell.  Not for long, however, as the occupant finally seems ready to emerge...

An insistant chirup comes from Alakan's shoulder and he sighs "Will you shut up Triak, I'm sure your hungry, but we arn't leaving till every last one of those eggs hatch." worried eyes skim back to the Charnel Nest Egg.

Laytonal indicates the aforementioned green to Kaila.  "Down there, see?"

Brell comes running in all exited, but stops as she see's the eggs down below and proveeds to walk slowly toward Laytonal

From the sands, Pentala espies the newest hatchling with considerable... disgust. Both a green, and wretched. Scowl. Eyes go once again to the egg with being yet to emerge, and she waits, eyes insistant, daring.

Zoshan keeps his gaze locked on the sole remaining egg

From the sands, A'suil's gaze never leave Sindrath, trusting her to help him avoid stumbling over anyone as they move to join his friends and their new lifemates. 

Kaila looks, and finds. She 'ooos'. "How'd I miss that one?!?" she says, now making it a point to glue her eyes on the newest /female/ dragonet. Hm.

From the sands, *SPLAT!*  Egg goo hits Perrie's robe; she looks down, a quivering pount on the girl's lips.  Eyes are wide, malachite near catching the light as they flicker downwards.  "Ew!  I /worked/ on this robe, so hard, 'n look at it now."  Yes, and she's ignoring the fact that it's drenched with sweat and smells.  Or to be more exact, it stinks.  Amazing that anyone would be brave enough to come /near/ her.

From the sands, Kells eyes the green warily as she hobbles towards the candidates. She braces, ready to run, as the dragonet has a nasty look about her. "Um, Kindri? Now might not be the time to sit..."

From the sands, P'ros unbends his knees slowly, with a bit of a creak to them, and leads his young Lifemate away from the Candidates and over to the other new pairs.

From the sands, Maelstrom's fury rages violently, scattering sanguine flakes and sepulchral shards across the burning sands. A hint of green and black is first glimpsed -- then fully displayed as the raucous dragonet savagely tears asunder her fragile home, leaving the Charnel Nest Egg in chaotic disarray at she emerges.

From the sands, Brazen Harpy Green Dragonet
From the sands, Pale verdigris corrosion jags on the razor-edged brass of dragonet wings, mottling in tattered feathery patterns across the wide bell of her sails.  Abrupt, truncated muzzle is aquiline; viridescent flesh tones mingle with the  alabaster that dapples the peculiar undulations of her neck. Brackened ridges curl, blunted, in a straggling line down spine's length, while heavy grass-streaked shoulders and leaner haunches curve down to sharp, slender limbs, each spiked with their own, oddly delicate hooked talons.

Laytonal hmmms.  "And another one...?"

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells and can't seem to hold herself up...she just gives up and sits down..."I'm sorry, I'm just so hot and tired..."

Kaila cheers again! "Another green!" she shouts, stating the painfully obvious. Now she has two greens to watch.. Which one first? Choosing the newest one, she locks her eyes. To Laytonal, she grins. "Saving the best for last.." she says. S'only true!

From the sands, Cackle. Horrible Hag Green Dragonet dives to the feet of one Tall Istan boy, looks deep into his eyes...and springs away just as quickly as she can. Nevermind the goo she got on the poor boy's nice white robe.

Mahlen stands up "Look it's another green!" she smiles looking down towards the sands.

Alakan leans forward again. "It hatched, how wonderful." he smiles and then offers "See Triak?  She's practicly the green version of you." his firelizard offers a non-commital chirup, he dosn't care about much of anything just now save that he's hungry.

From the sands, Kells smiles malevolently as the haggish green cruely teases a candidate. "Now that's not nice...ooh," Another resplendant green is spied, coming from 'Penta's' egg.

From the sands, Perrie glances about, swinging around; eyes widen, robe forgotten as she stares at Kindri, jaw dropping.  "You're sitting down?  On these sands?  Aren't you going to be cooked alive... oooh.  Do you think that we could eat you when all the eggs have cracked, then?  In the feast?  D'you think?  Would you taste good?"  Question after question slips from the girl's lips, hatchlings forgotten.

From the sands, Both T'zi and Rashkaeth recoil at the sight of egg goo flying and the hideous beauty of the green hatchling.  Tiz sticks her tongue out, and Rash merely winces.  "Erf."  Human voice.  *Snuff*  Dragon.  Then, P'ros is seen, and his lifemate, "Ooh, he's gorgeous Pur.., er, P'ros?"

From the sands, Pentala halts her gaze, letting it release, relax. "Oh my..." she murmurs, now glancing about for moral support. All that's evident are people far, far away. Mouth searches for oxygen and finds it. Thank Faranth. Disappointment at her egg's contents? "Hmm. It's got metallic marks on it. Neat," she comments, with no one te hear. Alone does she stand. Alone.

From the sands, Nhoserra ignores the remaining dragonlings almost completely and carefully guages the distance to the exit.  Maybe if she crept away...  Grump.  Too far, probably.  Just cuz mama's in the stands.  Heaving a sigh, the foultempered wench scuffles the sand again.

From the sands, Free at last! Brazen Harpy Green Dragonet pivots upon the remains of her dreaded confining shell, appraising the wide world around her.  Rather than focusing upon the candidates, however, she seems far more attracted by the remnants of her clutchsibs' abandoned prisons, as if seeking something important amidst the refuse.

Kaila follows, out of curiousity, the newest greens gaze, creasing her brows. "Why would she be looking there?" Kaila asks, pretty rhetorically. She continues to keep her eye on Brazen Harpy, just to see what the green sees.

From the sands, A silly grin is tossed to A'suil and P'uros "Congratulations." Br'kka adds softly. She's pretty much lost for words. Imagine that? A former harper wordless.

From the sands, S'tric grins up at P'ros and A'suil. "Welcome, and Congratulations! " His ebony eyes then switch their gaze back to the... er... /greens/ currently tormenting the Candidates. Ysgyth turns whirling eyes on the more malevolent of the two, and snorts with seeming disapproval. Just as long as none of that goo gets on /him/... Otherwise long hours of oiling are in order.

Laytonal mutters in an aside to Kaila, "Not very good-looking, are they?"

From the sands, Pentala watches the dragonet. Is /this/ the... Is it? She grimaces slightly, shuffling formally /planted/ feet to return to them the ability to move. She'll be off these sands soon, or so she reassures herself, as a retreat off granuled surface is intended in stretching motions.

Kaila shrugs at Laytonal, kind of half-turning. She keeps one eye on the newest hatchling, one on Laytonal. Quite comical. "The second one's /beautiful/." she retorts. Strange girl, she is.

From the sands, P'ros flashes a grin in answer to T'zi and nods.  "Yup.  Guess P'ros it is."  Now that his blank wonderment faze is over, the perpetual silly grin phase begins.  "And yes, he /is/ gorgeous, even if I'm horribly biased."  Uralith, alongside his Lifemate, peers up at him with an unreadable expression, but subsides to firmly scratched headknob.

From the sands, Kells 's eyes play from one dragonet to another, ever admiring of both. "Aren't they something? Tormentors, the two of them!" She gives a high, nervous giggle.

From the sands, C'man is merely content to touch his lifemate, know that Mael is there, always ready for him, always there when he needs them, an extension of himself.

From the sands, Kindri looks out over the sands as she watches the two greens...such interesting opposite.

From the sands, A towheaded girl with spikey hair is Horrible Hag Green Dragonet's next inspection--for victimization or something worse?--and the green after calmly mincing up to the lass and sniffing a while turns away. Thrasing tail hits the girl in the ankles and she hits the Sand...oh well. She looks so nice now with sand in her hair. The green goes on, whistling gleefully.

Brell gasps at Laytonal! "They're not ugly! They are just younglings still sheesh!"

From the sands, A'suil blinks back tears as he dotes lovingly on Sindrath, turning to offer a nod as he is greeted.  Oft compared to a harper, the young man's silence is amost as amazing as the former harper lass's own. 

Laytonal turns to Brell.  "Eh, well," he comments.  He won't bother trying to argue his case.  He'd only lose.

From the sands, Tanrhith turns a wistful eye on the remains of her lovely eggs.  The last of her younglings are out and stalking, and parental amusement is unblemished with concern by their...ah...behavior.

From the sands, T'zi giggles to P'ros and finally stands up from her leaning postion upon Rashkaeth's bebbe side.  "Well, I'm rather partial to my love, to tell all truth," she winks, a nudge of azure muzzle bumping her fingertips over a headknob or two.

From the sands, Brazen Harpy Green Dragonet momentarily ceases her scavenging, perhaps coming to the conclusion that what she seeks lies not beneath shard nor shell.  Fiercely bold gaze rakes across the assembled candidates as she drifts closer to them.  Rather than approach directly, however, this dragonet chooses to slowly circle the white-garbed humans, slowly regarding them from all angles.

From the sands, J'lia frowns after that skinny green. "Wretched sense of humor she's got, eh Kerryn? Yes Anuith, she's gorgeous."

From the sands, Nhoserra sniggers maliciously as the towheaded girl lands hard in the sand.  Finally, real entertainment.

From the sands, Perrie swings back, away from peering at Kindri as no answer is recived; a hand lifts, to her mouth as eyes catch glimpse of the Hag's actions.  Is she horrified?  A giggle escapes, faintly muffled by the hand, the light dancing over the green of her eyes.  Maybe not.  "Did ye see that?"  It's demanded of the other candidates, hand dropping to reveal a grin.

From the sands, Kells 's lips stretch into an unnatural smile. Forced it is, and she's far from feeling it. As a matter of fact, she's beginning to feel rather ill...and she watches the circling green.

Andante shifts around on Laytonal's head, then takes flight, clumsy as it is, and manages to reach a perch on Brell's shoulder.  "Meep?"

Kaila returns her gaze back towards the sands, amazed with herself at having looked away. Watching the green come to realization, the nearly-falling-down-the-stairs-as-she's-being-squeezed-out-healer-apprentice smiles. Good green. She giggles softly as the green takes the wide and round about approach, instead of the straight on approach that..other green...seems to be taking.

From the sands, The concentration of the green is focus upon and warily regarded. Rather than allowing the dragonet her ogle, Pentala circles with it, rotating to its revolution. Never keep an enemy at your back...

From the sands, Horrible Hag Green Dragonet's regard falls upon Nhoserra. Oooh! She skulks sneakily--or not so sneakily?--in the direction of the girl.

Andante shifts around on Laytonal's head, then takes flight, clumsy as it is, and manages to reach a perch on Brell's head.

From the sands, As'lan's fingers don't stray very far from the indigo of Niergoth's hide, lost in the depths of the blue flame-heart.  Neck's crest is caressed before hand trails over the leonine muzzle.

From the sands, P'ros chuckles and nods.  " and Rash..Rashkaeth?  You go well together."  He pauses for a moment, then ruefully observes, "Go figure, a dragon and his rider matching up well."  Still, the silly grin continues unabated.

From the sands, A startled squeak comes from Nhoserra.  It's all just fun and games until it involves her personally.  "Shoo.  Go'way.  You hurt me, I'll scream, I swear."

From the sands, Perrie seems to ignore the circling green, eyes instead on the green, cheeks warm as she watches its approach.  "D'you think...?"  It's asked, to /someone/, with a nod of her head towards Nhoserra, black locks slipping into her eyeline.  The redhead boy nearby doesn't reply -- he's way too busy complaining about no bronzes being left on the sands, and how his reputation will be absolutely /ruined/ forever, now. 

Kaila grins at the candidates obvious protest of the Hag's attentions. This'll get interesting.

From the sands, T'zi snickers and shakes her head at the bronzeling.  Gaze trips out again as she distractedly rubs over Rashkaeth's muzzle, squinting at the greens.  "Urg, I don't like that girl," she mentions to no one in particular regarding Nhoserra.  Time is not spent on that, though, and she fixes her hazel eyes upon Pentala.  And that other green.

Laytonal chuckles in agreement.

From the sands, Kindri looks up to Kells, "Remind me to bring something to cool myself off if there is another next time..." She sighs.

From the sands, Kells snorts as the complaining candidate is sized up by the haggish dragonet. Like screaming would help. 

From the sands, Silly girl. Horrible Hag Green Dragonet bares her teeth at Nhoserra--a grin?  And streaks away. Going...

From the sands, "The girls wonna even /look/ at me no more!"  Redheaded Braunad shakes his head, sorrowfully, lifting one hand towards a large pimple on his nose.  The plump boy's not going to try and /pop/ it, is he?  Not on the sands!  With so many watching!

Kaila watches the green fleet away, and adopts a confused look. "Aw darn.. That would have been really fun, I'm sure.." she says, almost pouting.

Laytonal nods again.  A little drama would have been nice.

From the sands, Brazen Harpy Green Dragonet apparently shares the same philosophy as Pentala, making sure never to turn her tail towards any of the soft-fleshed pre... err, humans.  She evidently dismisses all of them as unimportant, however, returning to her previous quest amongst the egg fragments, though her head is frequently raised to spy upon the candidates.  Glaring gaze seems to challenge any brash enough to disturb her.

From the sands, Kells grimaces as the red-headed lad prepares to do the unthinkable, and edges away. Nope, I don't know him, really.

From the sands, P'ros turns back towards the sands to review the action, convincing Uralith to turn as well with gentle pressure on the neck and quiet urgings.

From the sands, Br'kka traces her hands over Aqua and turquoise, sliding along fragile elegance, and delicately detailed dragonet frame. Kirlith subsides quietly for now though stomach is rumbling. Anyone hear /that/? Was that Br'kka's or Kirliths? She watches, who /will/ those two greens choose?

Surprsingly, the galleries have quieted. Kaila hears nothing more than a murmur of conversation, and she looks around curiously. "Wonder why no one's talking anymore.." she says, shrugging. Ah, well.. Attention is returned to the sands.. and especially the wicked green hatchling. This one'll prove to be a bit more entertaining than the other.

From the sands, Nhoserra huffs selfimportantly.  See?  Even nosy ugly little dragon meanies listen to her.

Andante cranes his neck, and rubs against Brell's head.  Food?

From the sands, Kindri looks to the harpy green and looks rather annoyed at both the greens wishing they'd find who they want and let her off the sands as she is so sore and tired.

Brell  quietly reaches into her bag and offers food to the hatchling on her shoulder while stuffing food into NEmart to shut him up

Alakan nudges Keani "Look, look," he points to the harpy green "Just you watch, Pen is gonna impress that one."

From the sands, Pentala's wide eyed scowl is almost in surprise. Not as if she likes the little wherry-eater. Well, not yet. Whiney tone grates to resound to green dragonet, as she yells, "Heeeeey!" She sniffs, almost in embarassment. It's not as if there's candidates in the eggs...

Andante carefully takes the offering and begins to chew on it, somehow holding it in his claws.

From the sands,  Even Kells' shuffling has ceased now, giving way to standing on one foot, then the other. Left, right. /Please/...

Keani's not talking 'cause she's snoozing uncomfortably upon one of the few empty seats along the wall. Occasionally, she shifts, curling up like a feline with a few golden curls pressed into her cheek. Alakan's nudge only causes a mild grumble; Kea's out for the night.

From the sands, Not ncessarily. With a shrill shriek Horrible Hag Green Dragonet turns back to Nhoserra with teeth still bared and showing. Tail lashes behind her--knocking aside a few Candidates of the smaller kind--and she sets her rump down right at Nhoserra's feet, looking up fiercely. Don't think /you're/ escaping, Missie.

From the sands, /Squuuueeze/!  Braunad does the unthinkable, in the middle of the sands.  Some of the surrounding candidates groan, looking away quickly with disgust.  And, as if that isn't bad enough, he then lifts an arm, sniffing under it.  "I smell too!"  Yes.  The girls must be chasing after Braunad.  "Wonder why no bronze wanted me.  I

Laytonal shakes his head.  "Good grief, man," he mutters to no-one in particular.

Alakan rolls his eyes, great, Pen's other loyal supporter is out of it for the night, well looks like it's up to Alak to do the cheering on "C'mon Pen!" quietly to himself.

From the sands, T'zi watches in strange fascination as the shell-snuffling green takes her good ol' sweet time.  Rashkaeth is given an imploring look, "Hey, tell that green to get her tail in gear, huh?  We're /all/ hungry."  Draconic snort is offered and the blue seems to tsk at the silly Tiz.  Hmph.

From the sands, Perrie glances towards Braunad, and makes a face; she, too, shifts away, though her eyes can't leave him.  Disgusted facination?  The 'hey' gets her attention, though, and girl pivots, to call towards Pentala: "What's wrong?  Has a dragonet looked up your robe yet?"  What?

Kaila can now hear things! How amazing! She turns her new found quality to the Sands, seeing if she can hear anything. Not much.. But hey, it's worth a try.

From the sands, Kindri can't help but laugh at Perrie's comment through her tiredness...numbweed is a definate after this hatching...her skin's reddening.

From the sands, Kells covers her ears at the shrill shriek of the green. "Shards!" she mutters. "Just as well she stayed over there!" Attention is turned back to the foraging green.

From the sands, Nhoserra scowls down at the scowling Haggish green.  For a quick moment, a stunned look of honest warmth creeps into the girl's face.  Quickly bottled, of course, she huffs.  "Oh, okay, Warth.  Let's hurry up, or They'll eat all of the good stuff.  You know They would." Nhose lovingly caresses her Warth.

Kaila wrinkles her nose, watching the Impression of the Hag. "Good.." she says, a little rottenly.

"Well," Laytonal says.  "Interesting choice."

From the sands, Kindri sighs as she finally sees one of the two more let's get it going...she sighs as she watches the other candidates on the sands...all waiting.

Kaila giggles and nods, turning to Laytonal. "I'll say.." One left. Her sky-blue eyes rest upon the shard-sniffing green, her wonderment getting at her. Who's she going to pick?

From the sands, S'tric leans gently against the earthy form of his lifemate, still trying to puzzle out the growing mystery of it all. He turns, taking in the doubled forms of Weyrlings. Though, as he turns once again to the sands that have dominated his life for so long now, he doesn't offer a word of praise to the newest weyrling. They don't understand the cycle... Er, ahem. He isn't exactly fond of that Girl.

Crystal blue eyes shift between Pentala and the last hatchling.  The moment of truth.  Alak shakes his head, c'mon!

From the sands, Untried wings rustle slightly in response to one candidate's cry, but the Brazen harpy Green Dragonet refuses to turn and locate the source of the sound.  She refuses to let /anyone/ influence her behavior, even if it be such a minor action as reacting to someone's shout.  Her sharding search continues.

Kaila decides to rest her arm once again on the edge, resting her head on top. "At this rate, we'll be here a while." she says, apparently to no one. But Kaila would rather wait and see exactly /who/ the green is searching for in those shards.

From the sands, Kerryn murmurs something to Tanrhith and peeks around the other riders, then across to the increasing group of weyrlings.  And the diminishing group of candidates.  "She's the last, that green.  Fff.  So tired.  Wine might even be good, and Tanny's hungry for a real meal again herself."

Continued in Part 4

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