Fort Weyr's Spring 1999 Hatching (Part 3)                          
Sunday, March 21, 1999

Gold Suyinth & Bronze Dorvath
Gold Isoldeth & Bronze Noswaith

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Valora
POV from the Galleries

From the sands, Kiyoshi stammers, shaking her head to clear it. When it does, "Joceth?" And it's then she truely glows herself, "/Joceth/." Hands, careful at first reach out and make that first physical touch, and Kiyo finds herself forever and truely lost.

From the sands, Jaren turns, following the movement of Mik, just in time to catch a flash of whitish gold and the breathtaking weaver, a half cry of "Yes!" emitted before silence to take in scene..a tight smile, and rather dappy expression briefly "Oh..." a look to Mik, then back "She..did it.."

From the sands, The Enlightened One Bronze Dragonet considers his path carefully for the journey toward Truth is so often arduous.  His head turns back and nose tilts upwards.  Up-up-upwards, toward sire and dam, and his softly querulous creel begs guidance.

From the sands, Kaixith rumbles warmly to the woodwind creel, watching him with as much pride as if she were truely his mother.

From the sands, Tirion shakes her head, suddenly pensive, this time. "I suppose not," she allows to Juli.  "Perhaps later, though." She could fly supplies, although Tiri dares not say that. An echo, soft, "Joceth. Is that what she said?"

Ardal is silent, shoulders hunched in as he gazes down at the gold's Impression... soft wonder on the tall lad's features.

From the sands, Kiorma calmly responds to Popu, "Only time and tranquility can heal what ails me, sir, for I fear I occasionally cannot resist my baser temptations, such as pettiness or irritation.  I'm sure you are quiet familiar with the problem."

Brekka smiles and murmurs softly "Well done Kiyoshi." she probaly can't hear her but the feeling is there.

From the sands, Sitric waves cheerfully, having recovered from his loss. "Kiyoshi! Congratulations! " A friendly wave is given as well, before he scrutinizes the bronzes. Hm... Nice. Very nice. But alas, when did a dragonet ever stay still? In his dreams, for sure....

From the sands, Juliana nods. "Joceth." Nice name, but so..."Simple," she finishes the thought. First the dragonet's too cluttered with elaborate beauty, and now her name is too simple. Nanny must be in a bad mood.

Kestrel simply clasps her hands together 'neath her chin, a smile curling her lips gently. Sun-touched brown eyes glimmer warmly, "Ahhhh, another gold rider to pay respects to. Well, soon at any rate." She nods happily before craning her neck from side to side to view the others on the sands.

From the sands, Darannan mutters under her breath.  Willingly.  They went /willingly/.  Even Emilia gave in.  Toes curling up, delicately, she shakes her head, her poor hair shifting to let in marginally cooler air.  Hatch, search, Impression.  Why can't they all hatch at the same time, and decide as soon as they can see?  She voices the last thought aloud, peevishly.

From the sands, Salmon of Knowledge Egg gives a particularly violent shudder, then stops. No. The time is not /now/. And yet, perhaps knowledge should seep out into the world..?

Shirchon leaves the last of his wagers on the redhead and scoots out of his seat. "Gonna check on Mir." he murmurs to the journeymen herders, heading back out.

Calia nods "See ya around Shirchon."

From the sands, Truly unable to follow Kiorma's lofty speech, Popu takes a moment to finally reply, "Why yes, yes /I/ am." Sniffing, he abandons the fruitless pursuit of fixing his robe, though his cheeks /do/ go aflame at the two girls' giggling. They are given a frown.
From the sands, "Joceth?" is there an echo in here? Ettia repeats name as well, giving habital pause of steps before again ducking behind her hiding spot of Tillek boy; amber eyes tossing another warily expecting look back towards rocking clutch of eggs.

Lilian nods, "Goodbye Shircon."

From the sands, Ysobel sends a beam winging towards Kiyoshi as she returns her attention to the bronzes flittering about. If dragonets can flitter that is. A feverish toe is waved in the wind of her fanning robe as shewatches the eggs roll on the sides of her vision. Oooh, such motion can make her dizzy...

From the sands, Tirion's gaze turns away from the pairing, and towards her neighbor, Juliana. "That's bad? I think it's lovely...." Tiri would, too. Not /quite/ her taste, but... "Who do you think /they/ will want? Hopefully not /him/." She jerks a thumb at Popu.

Ardal casts a sideways look at the other herder lad as he leaves.... gaze swiftly riverted once more to the Sands.

Kindria holds tightly to the tiny blue 'lizard in her arms as she watches the hatching sands. She looks down to her little blue Orpheus and wonders if Impressing a 'lizard is so different than being Impressed by a dragon. She sneeks a look over at the harper section at a young harper male with a smile in a way hoping he doesn't notice.

From the sands, Shirar sidles over imperceptibly towards Kerryn, and sighs a bit. "They are sure taking their time about it, arne't they?" Warping time, an eternity within a few moments. The smiths must be playing with quantum physics again.

From the sands, Kerryn glances with amusement at Shirar for a moment, then watches her weaver friend lose herself in Joceth.  If Kiyoshi impresses, Kerryn's parameters have just taken an odd turn.  Time to rethink a few things.  And try not to scald the soles of her painfully bare feet.  "She's gorgeous, Kiyo." Offered with a broad grin of delight, watching her friend.

From the sands, Egyptian Tomb Egg continues it's patient rocking, perhaps lurching a bit as the sand shifts beneath it.  All in good time..

From the sands, Juliana rolls her eyes. "Most certainly not /him/." Pause. "Though," she adds, "Wouldn't it wound his pride, if he did Impress?" The lordling so sure of rescue..."And simplicity in itself /is/ lovely." Her problem with the queen's name is yet unexplained.

From the sands, Hades' Underworld Egg shudders and then suddenly *bounces*, landing with a crunch.

Tomias glances back at the Herders, smile returned as he notices the tall redheaded herder who caught his eye earlier looking at him.

From the sands, Kiorma quietly comments, "I had rather suspected you were well-aquainted with the failings of the flesh, the distractions of the physical world.  Perhaps someday you will come to realize a greater truth beyond the importance of your ego or hunger.  I hope it is so, but the path is yours to choose to trod or avoid."  Abandoning his preaching, for it surely falls on deaf ears, Kiorma turns his attentive gaze back towards the twin bronzes.

From the sands, Tirion points out, "But yes, mightn't it make it worse if he did get one of /them/?" That towards the bronzes. "Although it would make him be /stuck/ here." And she finds that horrifying and funny all at once. -- "It is, though. Simplicity."

Kembar remains slightly leaned back, turning his neck a few degrees now and then, more to ease a developing crick than to find a new angle.  "One more gold to pay respects to, one more gold to produce eggs, one more gold to light the dreams of small children."  He taps his leg thoughtfully a few times, then shakes his head.  "Won't quite work for a song.  Yet."

From the sands, Mikhail blinks as the underworld egg crunches.  "Shards, Jaren, that'un's gonna hatch soon by t'look of it."  As if he knows.  Mik's feet continue their constant shuffling, and he allows himself to look towards the two bronzes once more.

From the sands, Ettia edges another step closer toward Spryte - lookee! It's the concealed cousins! "They really /should/ jus' hatch one a day...easier tha' way. Give feet a break." She notes matter-of-factly; as if Tia is /any/ expert on dragons. yuh.

From the sands, "Stuck here, and not in any place of power," notes Juli. "And will you look at that egg bounce..."  Too bad it hasn't hatched yet. Another non-sweat (honest!) bead is wiped off her brow. Hotter'n Xanadu in summertime, she'd vow.

From the sands, The Enlightened One Bronze Dragonet is left to find his own way, as is Good, as is Right.  But he's heartened by the sounds of squabbling nearby; angry sounds in need of soothing.  In need of Enlightenment.  And so he goes, pudgy haunches working to carry his bulk in that direction.

Calia studies the sands quietly eyes focusing on Mikhail

From the sands, Popu's ears are deaf to Kiorma, naturally. "Do go away," he returns after a moment's consideration of the proper and intelligent retort. He takes a step toward the giggling girls, exposed side rolling gently which elicits more giggles. Hissing something unpleasant at them, he steps back to his original position, near the local candidate fruitcake.

From the sands, Ysobel suppresses an interested hmm as yet another egg bounces about in her peripheral vision. "Oh... Zels.. I think that's a male." So sure of herself, so astute. You realize of course, it's because she k's roasting. Flapping her robe like a wherry wing, she poks Zels in the shoulder. "Are ya watching?"

From the sands, Spryte shifts again and again and once more for good measure and wet hand clings to Tia's with a death grip. Hair hangs damply around shoulders as she shifts her weight once more, greenish eyed gaze travelling up to galleries and back down, too many faces, scary to think of. Bounce, thirst, bounce " Is it almost over?" question is asked as she peeks once more towards the eggs, still so many. " Hatch already and let me get a drink." head nods in agreement "Now that would be efficient I think, or if they just all went crack at the same time." she smiles up at broad back of the lad blocking them from view, now, a seat and a drink and this could actually be enjoyable.

From the sands, Jaren sighs, a faroff look for a moment, fixed on sandy walls, as training just can't let that one go without...a brief shake to get back, and a smile to the man. Voices catch, and a shudder as that aweful thought strikes home..a grin ."I wonder, Mikhail," eyes watch the two getting stalked before a chuckle "Oh couldn't..." a look of pure disbelief...

From the sands, Zella sweeps eyes cross the sands, but soon returns to her sandlump, kicking it into an ever-larger mound. She's too dizzy with hatching's glamor to add any embellishment, so settles for size, bending to scoop more sand onto the lump. She does, however, spare a glance for Yso- "Y'think so? You're prob'ly right..." -before returning to her work.

From the sands, Tirion nods to Juliana, eyes glinting. "Yes, yes,..... amusing. Good for the pride." In what way?" And, dutifully, she looks towards the other eggs, the one that bounces in particular.

From the sands, Kiorma remains serenely seated upon the sands, refusing to budge, though the earth itself might conspire against him. "I choose to remain here. I apologize if my presence offends, but perhaps it will be a well-needed lesson for you, in learning to quietly and patiently bear with what you cannot change."  A lesson Kiorma himself is undergoing, thanks to Popu's continued promximity.

Gold impressed and bronzes still searching, Kestrel shifts back slightly, easing her position. Once more she leans against Kembar's side and nods, "But it will we. Especially since it's not the only one in this clutch." At least she was listening to him that time.

From the sands, Ettia wrinkles her nose, bitting her lower lip a moment, "Will you /stop/. Talking about water and stuff?" she whispers towards her cousin - yep, been out on sands too long, twist of legs is given as yet again Southern candie shifts.

From the sands, A sniff here, a waft of hot, almost dry breath there.  Wisdom's Fire Bronze Dragonet wisely follows the Enlightened path, wise enough to know knowledge when he sees it.  His trot scrapes sand rhythmically, wings billowing slightly in their elegant curve as he wanders amongst the Candidates.

From the sands, Mikhail just chuckles.  "Serve 'im right, so it would," says the herder-turned Candidate.  "Didn't want t'be a Candidate in t'first place."  He shakes his head in disbelief at this, and tries standing on one leg instead of dancing, for all of Pern just like a heron in the shallows.

From the sands, "Oh, I'll have my /uncle/ take care of /you/," Popu informs Kiorma, folding his arms again over his plump chest. The same uncle that was going to save him from the clutches of the Weyr. The one he can count on. After a pause, the anticandidate reaffirms, "He /will/."

From the sands, Juli explains. "If he gets snatched by a dragon, there's no way he'll ever be a Lord." Forbid the thought of Weyrleader. Foot taps, and she kicks absently at the sand. "Ow." There's her sandal, dangling off her toe. Oops.

From the sands, V'zan runs a hand through his sweat-damp hair, twitching and jittery with nervousness as he continues purveying the meanderings of the two bronze dragonets.

From the sands, The Enlightened One Bronze Dragonet nears two candidates and blinks wetly at them with still-gooey eyes.  The large one.  There.  All that exposed, pale flab so similar to his own.  Could this be true Harmony?

From the sands, Regardless of whatever might be rolling through her head now, Kerryn purses her lips and gives the bronzes each a lingering look.  Rather handsome in their own way, yet bronze is the one hue that eliminates itself from the Equation.  No problem, no worries.  Which gives her more time to evaluate the new variables, while bouncing from toe to sole next to Shirar.  "What, that's wrong.  But.  Hm.  Popu's going to get licked, I think."

From the sands, Egyptian Tomb Egg allows a bit of time to slip through.. like desert sand through spread fingers.. and a hairline fracture webs its way across the ancient surface of the shell.  No cracking, or hatching, just a preview of what is to be.

From the sands, Spryte pouts a little and lifts large eyes towards her cousin "I'm sorry, but I really am thirsty. You are right though, can't do much about it." she sighs "Could be worse though, at least we don't need to go to the bathroom, now /that/ would be even worse" her eyes trail over the sands once more, the heat shimmering as she blinks away the sudden vision of a table with a water pitcher on it. Mirage?

From the sands, In contrast, Zorya stands serenely next to V'zan, occasionally patting his arm in reassurance. 

From the sands, Darannan blinks at Popu.  Actually, she's blinking at Popu's footwear.  "Where, do tell, did you get /those/?  And don't you think some nice sandalwood perfume would match that garment nicely?   The soles on those are scuffed."  Dar informs him.  

From the sands, Ysobel does think so, and she spares a glance for Zella's sculpture. "Hey wow,you should go professional with that." she teases. Such artistry with the sand, the granular arch of the pile... As a bronze approaches a candidate, she supresses a smirk of satisfaction. for the victim. Hee.

From the sands, Dragonet, twelve o'clock -- Popu frowns, though there is a tinge of apprehension in that frown. Saying nothing, he takes a careful step away from the adavancing one, choosing to near the curly-topped girls and endure their insufferable cackling.

From the sands, Weyrleader? Now /that/ is a fearful thought if Ettia's ever heard of one, dark amber flecked eyes go wide as she simply -stares- towards other LH brat. But then a glared look is shot to cousin, "Don't /mention/ that!"

Kembar chuckles softly to himself.  "This really deserves a heroic ballad -- although I might well have to manufacture some conflict to sweeten the mix.  Even in a song, there's only so much talk of two golds hatching one can do."

From the sands, Elsewhere on the Sands' landscape, a single-minded green hatches and Impresses in a matter of seconds to a skinny, trembling girl from Crom, who reaches her arms out to embrace. "Poisonth!"

From the sands, The Final Battle ends, leaving Valhalla's walls cast down in chaotic fragments.  The Betrayer and his hoard have claimed victory over Asgard and only the glimmer of life remains, rising now from the remnants of the shards of Midgard.

Trickster of Asgard Green Dragonet
Lichen brushes tantalizingly soft over her rounded muzzle and headknobs, blending with the fluid aquamarine that undulates over the width of dragonet's pliant wingsails.  Creepers of mistletoe reach up along belly's contours to curl tendrils around agile flanks and nimble tail.  Talons harbor the gleam of berry-red, their points thin and dart-sharp.  Limbs' movements are ever-malleable, attesting to her chaotic, quicksilver nature. 

From the sands, One gangly boy candidate turns to his fellow. "Look, Ivy's Impressed a green!"

From the sands, Juliana watches that sandy egg. Cracking, good. Maybe it'll Impress quick-like, too, when it's hatched? Foolish fancies, of course. Keeping her foot, now bereft of sandal's protection, off the sands, she tries to slip it back on her foot. "Tiri..." she wobbles a bit, looking no small bit unbalanced.

From the sands, Kiorma ignores Popu's last retort, instead gazing at the approaching bronze with fascination approaching rapture, then a slight wince as he notices the bronze seems to be eyeing the arrogant, fleshy candidate.  Such a pairing of harmony and discord would surely upset the universal balance.

From the sands, Tirion nods towards Juliana, "That's true. Save the Hold. And..." She breaks off. "Uh oh... look!" And pivot back: "what? Oh!" She reaches out to try and steaddy her one-shoed friend. "How'd you /do/ that?" she wails.

From the sands, Shirar eyes the bronze and the pompous... ahem. "Well, it rather fits," she states evenly. In her mind, it certainly does.

From the sands, Hades' Underworld Egg gives that odd *bounce* showing the strain as a few more cracks appear.

From the sands, Newly emmerging green is given a second blink from Ettia again, brows raising expressively if only to look at something /else/ than Popu's fate. "Well..she ceritnaly looks like one ta not mess with." she tosses side comment to cousin as feet hop.

From the sands, Trickster of Asgard Green Dragonet breaks free at last and gives a wild, noisy creel to announce her arrival.

From the sands, Kiyoshi continues to find herself lost in Joceth, hands roam and soft words are meant for young queen only. She does take a moment, in all her lost happiness to glance towards the others. Popu. An eyebrow goes up.

From the sands, "What?" Juli's head turns to watch Popu. "Well," she says, grinning in malicious delight, "Boll is now safe." But, is her balance? Of course not. Rump hits the Sands. "Ow!" she says again. Nevermind explanations.

From the sands, Mikhail continues standing on first one leg, and then the other, eyes on Popu and the little bronze.  "Oooo, good for him!" he says to Jaren, eyes twinkling in amusement.

From the sands, Zella arches a skeptical eyebrow at Ysobel, completely missing Popu's impression. "Professional? It really isn't very- ohhh." Zella suddenly gets the joke, and silences- but only briefly, as the newest pair is spotted. This time voice raises in disbelief rather than congratulations... "Popu?!"

From the sands, The Enlightened One Bronze Dragonet follows pale-and-flabby with an intrigued sort of trill.  Discordant surely, but for every yin, there must be yang; for every high, a low; for every to, a fro.  And to and fro is how he goes, weaving in closer, until... oh look.  Seated there.  Never mind the arrogant boy, he'll have this one instead.  His whirling gaze fastens firmly -- so firmly -- on Kiorma.  On nirvana.

From the sands, Spryte blinks at Tia "Mention what? The need for a drink or the bathroom. I only want a drink, a bathroom is the furthest thing from my mind. Good thing too, needing both would be Look, a green." head turns to eye and and weight shifts once more.

Triacia lets out a cheer. "Congrats Popu!" She giggles, then falls off her seat, laughing.

From the sands, A'raen will not laugh. Not yet, anyway. His eyes slide over the newly-Impressed weyrlings lost in love. In their dragons. Aww. But later, they will shiver at the thought of feeding the little beasties.

Calia chuckles softly "Way to go Popu."  she grins and shakes her head "The Weyr will never /ever/ be the same!

From the sands, Mikhail blinks as the tiny dragon swerves at the last minute and chooses the other candidate, shaking his head in surprise.  "Well, shells and shards, I'd thought he'd picked Popu, didn't you, Jaren?"

Tomias grins widely as the bronze turns away from the arrogant lordling and to the lad that he had been abusing earlier.  "Good.

From the sands, Kerryn trusts the bronze to follow through with his own decision, as well she might.  The sounds of cracking shell is almost lost in the hubbub, but her restless eyes drift back across the rumbling, rocking, rolling eggs and lets her eyes rest briefly on the ..hmm.  Noisy greenling.

From the sands, Tirion does what anybody who is supposed to know better would do: she panics. "Get up. Get up! Get up quick. YOu'll burn, you'll get trampled." So much for patience and waiting. And then relief. 'Oh, it picked the other one. Ever so much better." /She/ is relieved.

From the sands, Jaren chuckles as the unlikely pair seem likely to meet, a shake of the head and look to the leaders of Fort standing near by..."Pern help 'em" before he grins, and it leaves, a look to the other nice man ..."Ah.. I did at that, I did." a shrug, "Seems they know their own mind..."

Charlton and Kebria arrive together, arm in arm. Peers.

From the sands, Kiorma's eyes glaze over, as he finds himself draw past this mortal coil, elevated to the realm of pure enlightenment.  Staggering to his feet, he reaches out to lay one trembling hand along the bronze snout. "His name is Siddarth," K'rma extolls.

Tomias stands respectfully as the Masterharper enters.

Calia blinks "Wait...look he chose the other instead. How..interesting."

From the sands, Complete relief: "You got what you deserved," Popu informs Kiorma with a particularly haughty sniff, folding his arms and stepping away from the mirthful girls again.

From the sands, Again Ettia sends a darkened glare towards her cousin before nodding as gaze tosses towards new hatchling again, gaze anylyzing for a moment before giving the slightest nod, "She" So eloquent, as over, Tia.

Nothing more but peers, as Kebria turns a glance to the stands. Nothing more, or less, as she skirts through the crowd with Charlton.

Triacia shakes her head, and gets up. "Whew, what a quick change." She sits back down, then continues to watch.

Tana nods as she notes the Masterharper's entrance.

From the sands, Mikhail turns again to the other bronze, balancing on one leg rather precariously as he changes direction.  "Where's he goin', d'ye think?"

From the sands, Salmon of Knowledge Egg gives another convuslive shiver, starting to pulse again: new life insistently pecks within.

The faintest smile curves Niminya's lips as she watches from her place near the entrance.  She cannot tell Lordlings from drudges, but she can spot arrogance, and enjoys seeing it receive its due.  Her gaze flickers ever so briefly to Fort's Lady, then back to the sands.

From the sands, "I /am/ being burned," winces Juli, taking this moment to pull her sandal on, and get to her feet. "Other one? What?" She brushes sand of a sore posterior, and glances towards Popu and Kior...K'rma. "Shardit." Remind her never to visit Boll.

Brekka smiles as Charlton enters then blinks in surprise at Charlton arm in arm with Kebria. She gives Kestrel a questioning look with a raised brow. Manners remembered she smiles and waves to Charlton.

From the sands, Faela starts sharply as a dragonet creels wildly, and nearly jumps out of her sandals.  "Sh-sh-shards! They're so loud!" she whispers loudly to one of the girls nearby.

From the sands, With nary a backward glance towards Popu, K'rma leads Siddarth away from the chaos of the sands to the peaceful, blissful serenity provided in the company of the other recent Impressees.

From the sands, Ysobel frowns slightly as she guesses wrong in pre-Impression matchmaking, but gives a stout cheer as Kiorma, now K'rma, impresses the bronze nightlight, er, enlightened one. A hot foot neccesitates movement, and she resumes the Candidate waltz, complete with flapping robe, creating a small draft across the sands. "Ja, professional." she nods to Zella over her shoulder. "Very nice 'tis."

Charlton waves, acknowledging all he sees, all he knows, trying to make the one gesture do justice. Quickly they find seats and lean into the spectacle.

From the sands, Wisdom's Fire Bronze Dragonet  wafts toward The Enlightened One, voicing his pleasure at just being here, amongst the white-robes.  He starts toward the tall, slender young man, with the calm tone.  Nice tone...  Eyes glimmer a moment, wonderment ringing there, but he shakes his fire-adorned head as the Enlightened bronze clutch-sib of his is there first.  Who shall it be?  Wait a moment--that was a judgement, and a nicely turned phrase, too.  Wings a-tilt, he slides sideways, just a bit, suddenly /knowing/ who shall have the double-edged sword of his wisdom.

From the sands, Trickster of Asgard Green Dragonet barrels out of the remains of her battle-torn shell, caring little for the swarm of candidates near her.  In fact, she seems to eagerly nudge them aside and trip them up, warbling with pleasure as the fall to the sands.  No raking of talons, though, or trampling.  Just chaos left in her wake.

From the sands, Smoke-filled wings, though not yet ready to chord over the heavens, fling up and out to frame the one Wisdom's Fire Bronze Dragonet would /take/ to the heavens, and the shining brow lifts as the iridescent poetry of his eyes meets Popu's - Impression! 

From the sands, Kaixith bugles a second time, this time for the Impression. Katrina just blinks in disbelief. "Popu?!"

From the sands, Salmon of Knowledge Egg's spin gains momentum. Secreting away the knowledge of eons be scorched. It is Time: Time to spread and share the wealth.

From the sands, Salmon of Knowledge Egg flips and wriggles in its sand well, shivering with ever increasing intensity that begins to spoil the ancient vision.  Those tarnished scales slowly flake and fillet away until at last eye's slit opens fully, revealing the silvery-blue secret held long within.

Fenian Warrior Blue Dragonet
Silvery blue washes fair and bright around this dragonet, sparking with the impatient play of ready muscles, mellowing to moon's glow at sensitive, questing muzzle.  Though broad of chest and powerful of haunch, his long limbs remain yet agile in their strength.  Mother of pearl iridescence flashes at the intent cast of his headknobs, then glimmers down ridges to be revealed once more in the answering thumbhooks of wings and impetuous sweep of tail.

Triacia peers down again, sending a confused look to Calia. "Has it happened /this/ time?" She lets out a whoop anyways. "Good job Popu!"

Kestrel's attention is drawn away from the sands and fingers are waggled at Charlton. Not even a raised eyebrow is offered. MasterHarper of Pern escorting nearby Lady Holder. Not a thing seems odd or mysterious or even near innuendo in the innocuous coupling. And once more the hatching regains her eyes.

From the sands, Siani laughs, heartily laughs! as Popu is impressed by the bronze.   "I do hope that one's temperament will even out our little lordling," she says to Valora.

From the sands, Zorya groans and shakes her head, asking no one in particular, "Why me?"

Kebria takes a seat, before she looks down to the sands below. "Is that....? /No/." The comment is scandal laced, yet amused all at once. "Popu." The word drips out; is he? /Yes/.

From the sands, Ettia pauses a moment to  peer past green dragonet towards th Salmon Of Knowledge Egg for a brief look - eyeing. Then squeaking to herself as it hatches, look is sent from green to blue..then back again, wiry frame of southern girl hopping a jerked step back into hidden masses again -- not that she's /scared/ or anything, of course. never. Tia ain't skeered of anything.

From the sands, Tirion pauses. "But... look! You /can/ go to Boll," she tells Juliana triumphantly. "Thr other one got him now." No, Tiri isn't using anything but pronouns. Makes it tough, doesn't it? "But that green, that blue...." She's torn away from watching Boll's bane go down the drain, to watch their trek.

From the sands, Sitric peers after the new pair, voicing a Congratulations upon their backs. Now, there's a boy with a good head on his sholders. Then disaster strikes.... Popu. A bronze Rider. Mayhap Healer still needs an Artisan? He hopes.

From the sands, Zella is reduced to blinking by the rampantly raging confusion that stalks the sands. First Popu impresses- then he doesn't- then he does again? She manages to sputter a "Congratulations...?" before turning to Ysobel with a brief, wry shrug. It'll all be over soon enough.

From the sands, Mikhail sighs as the salmon coloured egg hatches.  "Another blue, Jaren," he points, eyes washing over the silvery blue hide with interest.

From the sands, Faela's eyes hold a certain horrified fascination as she watches the chaotic wake of the green that flings herself in amongst the other candidates.  She edges to the left a bit, hopefully out of harm's way.

From the sands, Valora simply gapes at Popu's impression.. and to a /bronze/ no less.  "Oh dear.  Poor Zor."

From the sands, Ysobel catches sight of an impression. Popu snags the bronze, and a wild cheer erupts from the crowd, her own voice added as he bonds. "Congrats Popu!" she tosses on the breeze of her flapping robe. Clapping muffled by overlong sleeves, she winks at Zels and gives a brief glance to the newly hatched blue with mouth forming an 'Oooh' of interest.

Calia grins "Way to go Popu!" she chuckles and waves to Kebria from admidst the herder contingent. Eyes focus once more on the hatching.

From the sands, Popu sidesteps one way and then another, but there is no escape: "Riorth! Sto--" he cuts of, name known. Rip forgotten, giggling girls left in some sort of disgusted shock, he blushes a bright hue of red and gingerly touches the bronze's muzzle with fat fingers. "You're not as bad as the dragons."

From the sands, Joy. "I'm not going anyway," declares Juli. "As soon as those eggs hatch, I'm going home, and I'm /staying/ home." Kalen will probably throw a pie at her face the moment she shoes her face, though. "My condolances Zorya," she adds to the stricken-looking weyrlingmaster. No matter if she's not heard over the din.

From the sands, A'raen stifles a groan in Ferusith's neck. Oh boy. This is going to be fun, isn't it?

From the sands, The line of girls from Telgar tightens as one of them is swept off her feet by a dapper blue.

Estelle's gaze is suddenly caught by the flash of bronze causing the ruckus, and a brow quirks upwards in confusion.  Where's a rider when you really need one?  "Is that Van down there?"  She asks, to no one in particular, really, and eyes squint to pick apart one person from another. 

From the sands, Spryte peers at the chaotic green with real interest "Wow Tia, look at that one, she is just charging her way through everything. And there, a blue, but that green..." something about the green reminds her of someone, but for the life of her she can't think just who. Hand clenches the others' tightly as she points and comments " With any luck I'll get my drink soon at this rate." eyes glance around again, blue-green orbs taking in latest Impression "Popu?"

From the sands, Katrina shakes her head with a disgusted snort and casts a glance Siani's way. Kaixith, on the other hand, seems quite content with the turn of events. She settles comfortably in the sands, calm now.

From the sands, Zorya looks absolutely dismayed.  "Oh.  No."  She sags a little.  "I think I have a headache."

From the sands, Darannan winces.  Bronzes have no taste, choosing someone with feet like that.
But it's all well and good--they're Impressed, getting her off the Sands that much sooner.  Veeth and Saela might have been kind, popping her in this role so late--no time to think, or, more importantly, to provide Fort Weyr with free candidate labor.

From the sands, Kerryn blinks away from the newly noisy chromatics to peer in the direction of the bronzes.  K'rma.  And..Popu.  "Huh. unexpected."  She mumbles thoughtfully, contemplating what logic these little...well, big little things use to find their partners.  "I'd not have thought a bronze.."  Hmm.  Not disapproving, no.  Merely bemused.

From the sands, Jaren's face breaks out into a warmer smile, though one eye is deffiantely raised, arms folded accross body, a grin to Mikhail "Well..." he looks over to the couple of now hapless colleages once more. A smile, and eyes and body trun to watch the other hatchlings "A green, a blue..." looks between the two "That one's a beauty." undisguised favoritism, but he's a little shocked still..

From the sands, Ettia wouldn't have a clue who Spryte could think of either; cynical girl just peering own amber-eyed gaze at green causing mayhem, but instead of fear, alittle grin just creaps on face as Ettia nods a bit of respect, "She's one ta watch fer herself." she notes unexpectedly before hopping another step from toes to toes on sands.

Kebria laughs very softly, though comment is softer still. "Out of my hair without me lifting a single finger. I'm sure Boll's lord with be pleased." Sarcasm, knowing Lord Boll's... penchance for dragons.

From the sands, Fenian Warrior Blue Dragonet stretches silvered wings, flicking goo away. Absently, head snakes under the nearer, nibbling thoughtfully just before he tumbles sideways. With a squawk, he pushes himself upright again. Head turns sinuously on his neck, simply watching the sea of white before him.

From the sands, Tirion nods to Juliana again, "Not even to go on a trip and visit people?" Tirion is aghast. Not that she's not expecting she'll be going back to her Hall, too. Still, though: "They look nice," she observes after a deep breath or two, fingers plucking, yanking at her robe. "Blue and green -- and that one over there, too." She nods towards the dragonets that mill about.

From the sands, V'zan sighs, "Looks like Popu isn't going to escape Fort after all. May Faranth have mercy on us."

From the sands, Shirar snorts a bit as she watches the pairings of the bronzes. "Actually, it's rather logical," she tells the smith. "Dragons are perverse creatures. Always doing the unexpected, just to confuse everyone." Or just annoy.

From the sands, A'raen nods a little at V'zan. "Going to be a long Weyrlinghood, isn't it?"

Charlton murmurs commiseration to Kebria. "It was meant to be, you can tell him."

From the sands, Trickster of Asgard Green Dragonet takes her time causing problems among the candidate.  Poor little blonde is left with a face full of sand as the green pushes her aside with a wingsail.  The burly black-haired boy from Nerat is tripped up with the snaking of one of those malleable limbs. 

From the sands, Sitric eyes the newest blue mournfully. And that was his /favorite/ egg! Such a waste... To have such simple, such wonderful beauty ruined. *sigh* But life will go on.... At least he knew the doomed egg for a little, blissful while....

Atuarre chuckles as the little green's antics. "A feisty one, eh Tri?"

From the sands, Kerryn brightens considerably at the explanation.  "Oh!  Well, yes, that would make sense, then.  If they don't make sense, we can't predict, and thus, the choice would seem illogical, except it /is/ if there is /no/ logic."  Blink.  Wait.  It's the heat.  And lack of oxygen to the brain, possibly.

From the sands, Oh, visit. "Well, sure. But I don't know anyone in Boll. Likely any friends I ever had anywhere else have forgotten me, anyway." Juli states. Friends'll do that, trust her.  "Nice-looking blue...kind of warlike, though."

Triacia smiles. "Hello Yanger, have a seat. Yes, a feisty one indeed. Know a couple 'lizards like that 'un." She chuckles.

Estelle frowns, deeply and expressively to the others around her.  "If the chunky lad just Impressed a bronze, then why the long faces?"  Flicking a hand towards the Sands, she adds, "You can practically see their long faces from here." 

From the sands, Ysobel nudges Zella. "Look at that green. Looks like she knows what she wants, eh?" she absently muses, more to herself than Zella. The nudge was just to make sure Zels was awake. Yeah. As commotion continues for the impresees, her eyes turn to the fore, following the greenie and blueboy on their pahs. A stifled chuckle as the blue tumbles is not polite, but she can't help it, eh?

From the sands, Mikhail grins as the little green trips up that Neratian.  "She knows what she wants, d'ye think?" He comments to Jaren, still shifting, still dancing the dance of the hot sands.

Kebria hmms, nodding, amusement evident. "I'm glad I didn't save him." A glance to her... peer, before back to the sands. "I can't be tempting fate, now can I?"

From the sands, "She's /trouble/, ya know, that 'un." Ettia notes in sage warning; but then again, so much of that has been put to herself as well. Again feet shift, hop, skitter, jerk. "LOrdie...m'feet are gonna be crispy brown by time this is up!" Tia? Complain? Nah.

From the sands, Tirion points a finger at the green. "He is, but look at /her/. She's mean. Or at leats impolite." One hand hovers, ready to cover if the green comes too close and tries to throw something at /her/.

From the sands, "Pity the person she Impresses," agrees Juli. But, she won't be throwing her sandals. Uh uh. Feet are firmly planted on the ground, not to be moved until closing time.

Atuarre nods politely to Yanger."Hello," she says briefly, before turning back to the Sands.

From the sands, Champion's Portion Egg begins rocking rhythmically back and forth, curdling cream and scattering grain, as hairline fractures begin to form across shell's exterior, decadence gradually giving way to decay.

Charlton sits quietly, eyes fixed ahead of him. He's tempted fate many times. And will again.

Yanger smiles and notices Triacia walking over to her asking, "The eggs hatching?" He looks on the sands looking for Zella he turns and smiles at Atuarre, "Hello"

From the sands, With a final shake of his wings and a flip of his tail, the young warrior steps out of the ruins of his shell, prowling towards the Candidates with slightly jerky steps. Fenian Warrior Blue Hatchling's sudden roar scatters several giggling females to the four winds. No. They are not worthy of the knowledge. Not at all.

From the sands, If a dragon could truly laugh as a human, the Trickster green would.  Delightedly so with wicked undertones.  Such fun to be had here on the crowded sands.  Another victim falls prey to her schemes as she wades through a particularly populated spot.

From the sands, Zella /is/ awake- she has to be, with scamps like that green stalking the sand. Zella builds her sandpile up a bit higher in mistaken hope of defense, and scurries behind it, giving a hopeful glance to Yso. "If she gets near, hide me, okay?"

From the sands, Faela is young and therefore easily frightened of mean greens who can clobber whole swathes of candidates in a single run.  So she continues to edge just a little bit further to the left.  And a bit further again.  Maybe she can sneak off the sands before that green menace gets any closer.

From the sands, Shirar watches Kerryn, glancing down at her feet. That has to be... unpleasant. Hot feet, and logical illogic all at one time. She'll get over it. Maybe.

Triacia grins at Yanger. "Zella's down there." She points to the candidate next to Ysobel. "See her?"

From the sands, Spryte gets caught off guard by the shifting Tia and lets go of her hand for a moment "Aye, she does look like she will lead someone a merry chase, but there is something very sweet about her as well. Mark my words, she will go far that one, knows her own mind and isn't afraid to express it, no matter who gets in her way." feet shift and she moves both hands to push back wet hair from her face. "Better get ready to jump out of her way though if she makes it over here"

Atuarre laughs. "Look at that Candidate!" she points to Zella. "She's built a wall!"

Yanger nods and smiles, "look at her, she trying to hide from them." he chuckles.

Triacia buffets Atuarre. "Hey, I /said/ she was afraid of dragons..." She smiles. "Shush now..."

From the sands, "...and a /bully/ too!" Ettia snips added comment; then giving alittle glance to Spryte as well, "Yeah..maybe." Tia despises backing down - hiding, ok. backing down, no. Such a fine line of tactics.

From the sands, Ysobel nods sagely to Zella, and prepares, holding out the large tentlike porportions of her robe. "See, you can hide behind my robe if worse comes to worst.." she assures Zella. A narrowed silver glance is given the deliberate actions of the green, as if guaging her. The blue recieves perhaps a bit more scrutiny as she turns her gaze to him. Hither and yon they scamper.. won't they just make up their minds?

A laugh as the sand wall is built. Calia leans forward in amusement. A show oh good. Eyes are focused on the green.

Atuarre notices Shirchon's arrival and sniffs in annoyance. She turns her back on him, her eyes focussed on the Sands.

Mirchon wanders in behind his twin, looking down to the activity below. Herdbeast eaters. Wherry eaters. Sigh. "Why'd we come here, Shon?" is wondered in the noise.

From the sands, Ever-Burning Sacred Fire Egg beings to show signs of the strain coming within.  The warm lambent glow of orange starts to steady pulse as flickers of shell fall off, becoming smoldering embers in the sand.

From the sands, Tirion nods agreement at last towards Juliana, and watches them, gold glinting in the hazel of her eyes. Her interest is on the other rocking eggs, too, as she finally settles into the rhythm -- such as it is -- of the hatching, and watching the eggs as they shimmer.

From the sands, Mikhail's close curled platinum blonde hair sticks damply to his head, frizzing slightly at the edges.  He tones down the dance a bit, now standing on one leg, now shuffling, as he watches the blue and green progress amongst the candidates.

Shirchon grimaces at his twin. "Sorry Mir, but I wagered some of the marks we saved on the outcome on some of the eggs." he admits, quietly slipping back into the seat he abandoned earlier. "Just watch, beats mucking at least."

From the sands, Fenian Warrior Blue Dragonet's questing muzzle burrows into the sand near a shrieking girl's feet, then is pulled free as he lifts his head to stare at her in utter amazement. With a flick of his wings, he turns away, to scatter another cluster of boys before stalking another group. the Sidhe has to be here. Absoloutely /has/ to be! Onward he stalks, sniffing and occasionally flapping.

Rimrockias skitters cautiously down from the viewing ledges.

From the sands, Hades' Underworld Egg wriggles and *bounces* in its efforts to free the prisoner within.

Seli nods to Shirchon and Mirchon, "I see you found him, Shir." she notes before turning her attention back to the hatching. "And Mikhail's still waiting." she says nervously.

From the sands, Juli wrinkles her nose. "That egg's bouncing again," she mutters to Tiri. "I honestly dread what lies inside." Dread, or look forward to? Unnatural, bouncing eggs.

Mirchon ohs, to that. Money. Now he's interested. Share and share alike, right? Well, he can try to use that, anyway, as he murmurs, "M'am," to Seli. "Which is Mikhail....?" And why'd he go for a dragon, instead of herdering?

From the sands, Jaren winces as candies are strew left right and..another wince " that ones got a" he shuffles feet, though not 'cause of heat, just in case of quick escape "I'd be ready, y'see.." he smiles, eyeing a group of those he knows...a slight..twitch of a smile, and brief pondering look...eyeing the blue, a chuckle "Seems he's not to be outdone.." tone relaxed at this distance..

From the sands, Trickster of Asgard Green Dragonet weeds her way through the gathering, every step filled with glee as she causes such troubles.  Even the warning rumbles of her dam, Suyinth, go unheard as she makes her way to one side and finds herself nearly stumbling into yet another Candidate -- the one who seems to be purposefully fleeing.

Seli points to the talk blond on the sands. "Him."

From the sands, Darannan, with gritted teeth, walks the few feet to Mikhail.  "I make a lotion for heat-damaged hair." she whispers conspiritorally.  "Very cheap..."  Dar trails off as she catches sight of the green's mayhem.

Kebria hmms, before nodding. Never to say she never tempted fate, as gaze looks down... is -he- there? No? Pity. She will find him, later. "Green. Blue." What's left.

From the sands, Kerryn lifts one foot entirely off the sands, extending the opposite arm to balance.  There.  Now only one foot is burning up.  Acceptable losses and all that.  Of course....that other foot is getting considerably warmer now.  "Shoulda brought my sandals, I knew it."  Nevermind that she forgot in her haste to educate Jilder on the way to the sands.

Shirchon looks down at the sand and back at the journeyman. "Mikhail eh?" He nudges Mirchon. "Let's put a half mark on 'im." Can't hurt right? Much anyhow.

Calia nods to Seli just as nervously and admits "I know. I hope...." what /does/ she hope? The twins noted and nodded to.

From the sands, "Maybe it's just... springy?" Tirion tells Juliana. Oh yes, that makes sense. Perfect sense. "It just needs to /hatch/." Fret.

From the sands, Shirar half admits it. She's watching some of the eggs with more interested than she'd voice aloud. "Sandals are good things once in a while," she agrees, azure gaze on the Underworld, wondering... but not wondering.

From the sands, Which one? The whole sands has fairly ajoined in the fear of Trickster Asgard Green Dragonet, really. Ettia meanwhile, just peers out warily in a piercing dark amber-eyed gaze toward roaming chaos from where she shifts in shadow of tall Tillekian with cousin. No further comments for now - no no, that'd mean making noise. loud. attention. no good here.

From the sands, Zella nods her gratefulness at Ysobel's offered protection, and clutches at the corner of the robe, shivering. If only it were thicker... she kicks her mound a touch higher, building up a defense against life in general and too-feisty dragonets in particular.

Yanger watches the bouncing eggs and then watches the green, "That ones Stumbling into the Candidates" he says pointing at the green.

From the sands, Champion's Portion Egg continues to quietly rock and roll, meal's splendor spoiled by spreading cracks, revealing further glimpses of poison's taint.

Bedonna takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Springy. Like Kalen's springy. And Ilera, even. "Oh," she says, not pacified. "Well, it's too slow. If it wants to hatch, it /should/." Wary eye is given to the trickster green. She takes a step back. Honestly, it's just to get back in that shadow. Fladaminago's taken quite a few steps back, afterall. Juli's left in the /heat/.

From the sands, Sitric watches the Blue morosely. It destroyed his egg! But.. alas. It was a pre-determined fate, the shattering death of his egg... He shouldn't mourn. But he does! It was such a nice, pretty egg.Would have looked wonderful on a pedistal, with ribbons trailing around it... or even with a portrait background.... But wait! If he can find all the pieces.. Which shouldn't be hard, the grounds are only large enough to hold several Dragons.. He can glue it back together! Glue, the miracle bonding solution!

Mirchon looks down, before nodding. "Sturdy looking man... I don't think I'd loose much." He hands his half-mark over to his brother, finding a seat in all the chaos. "Plenty of people here....." But what for?

Rimrockias all but skips down to the Galleries, a quiet smile across her lips, "Thanks for the ride, T'ub."  Turning on a heel to face the crowd in the Galleries, her smile becomes slowly brighter as she walks over to the two Masters Harper and the Lady Holder of Fort Hold.  "MasterHarper Charlton, Master Kestrel, Lady Kebria; good day," she greets, bowing deeply.

From the sands, Riorth and P'vias, P'vias and Riorth. "We're the best they've ever had," P'vias notes, patting the bronze's head awkwardly as he nudges at P'vias' bared side.

From the sands, Faela, poor little Faela, attacked by a rebel green.  She tries to change direction, but sands are slippery, and slick-soled sandals moreso.  So she goes down in a tangle of gangly limbs at the trickster-green's feet and peers upward.  "Please don't eat me," she manages to squeak.

From the sands, Has the Trickster been tricked?  Here she is, running amok on the sands, creating havoc and general chaos in her wake.  What fun!  But there...a new creature stands, beckoning to her.  Enticing her.  Betrayed by her own nature, she approaches Fae... examines Fae....  is claimed by Fae.  Impression.

From the sands, Ysobel waves her robe absently in a feeble attempt at cooling her roasted tootsies. Lifting each limb alternately in an attempt at cooling them, she obediently pulls at her robe in an effort to hide Zella from the rampaging green. The sand stuck to the muzzle of the blue, however, elicits a chuckle. She couldn't supress it! It had to get out..

Charlton tears his eyes from the proceedings -- will Jaren impress? -- to beam at Rimrockias. "Glad you made it. Sit down, sit down!"

Atuarre waves frantically as the rogue green Impresses. "Look! She's finally chosen!"

From the sands, Zella looks on in relief as a candie she's never met takes the green out of the action. She makes as if to kick down her sand mound- but, glancing bemusedly at the remaining eggs, decides she'd be better off leaving it up. "Thanks, Yso..."

Kebria glances up to Rimrockias, managing a small wave, before she glances down to the activity below. "Good eve --" Pause. The green impressed.

From the sands, Fenian Warrior Blue Dragonet circles. He heard giggling. Such is not to be borne. Not at all. Rather like a prowling shark, the circles dwindle, wings a-whir as they mantle above his back. Ye-es. The Sidhe is here. She is very near. Soon, he will corner her. A tent-like robe is spied. Could she be../there/?

From the sands, Hearthfire's flames flicker and fade, a momentary quiescence presaging pyre's inward collapse.  Stillness' reign is brief, as a shower of cindery shards hails the release of the Breo-Saighead -- the Fiery Arrow --  from shell's nurturing embrace.

Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet
Gilded cuirass of tarnished gold's gleam protects young queen's dynamic haunches and ample belly, ending at throat's spirited arch.  A flickering of topaz kindles both her muzzle and head, sweeping upwards to where headknobs form a xanthic diadem.  Oft poised wingsails nurture lambent warmth within, while obsidian darts boldly along bladed leading edges.  Exposed tail bares russet hues, softening the unpolished golden umber of her hide, fusing together warrior's vigor and maiden's benignity.

From the sands, Faela once, but Fae now and forever after, goggles at the dragonet with wide dark eyes.  Certain destruction becomes certain delight, and timidity is swept aside as she suddenly, fervidly clasps the green's lichen-clad neck.  "Oh Dunawayth!  You're mine!"

From the sands, Ettia, for first time, chuckles alittle as she spies the green claim another girl, "That one /will/ be a handful." she notes wryly again -then again doe-eyes of young woman blink repeatedly as shattered egg of gold is spied - aiee! They're everywhere!

Charlton makes a noise deep in his chest. "Another god. Er, gold."

Yanger oohs, "A gold"

Calia merely chuckles at Charlton's slip of the tongue

From the sands, Slain Bull Egg rumbles ominously, shell on sand like the grind of cloven hooves on dry brush.  The ovoid only settles deeper into its indentation, battle muted by the lush green of land once more.

Kebria glances over at the noise, a smile secreted away. No comment from this end.

Ardal blinks, surprised to enough to venture aloud. "Another one? But queens only have one...." No-one told the lad it was a double clutch, and what does he know, anyhow?

From the sands, Mikhail whistles as the other gold egg flickers to reveal the treasure within.  "Och, another lovely," he says to Jaren, then grins at Darannan.  "Never had much use fer such as that, lass," he says, winking.  And runs a hand possessively through his platinum head.

Shirchon leans forward, counting marks and exchanging them with the others making wagers. "I still say the redhead." he murmurs quietly, peering at the girls who stare at the newly hatched queen with such hope and breathless anticipation.

From the sands, Ysobel nods to Zels. "Welcome." A beam is tossed to Faela as she 'gets' the green, and overlong sleeves muffle the clapping. Blue is given a look. Whatfor is this? As he approaches her small circle of sand art, she casts about for a near candidate he could be searching for.

Triacia smiles, happily. Another gold.

From the sands, There goes the neighborhood. Definitely. "She's too bright," winces Juli, squint gold's way. "At least that green's gone, though." Safe.

Kestrel actually manages to catch the second gold's hatching before she too gives Rimrockias a smile and a nod, brief as it is of necessity -- attention must be paid.

From the sands, Spryte stops dead in mid bounce as the gold makes her appearance, the egg she told most of her tales to has hatched and hatched such a beauty. Breath is intaken at the sight, thirst fleeing from her as a gentle smile graces her features. She just knew this one would be special. Eyes trail away to cousin and back again as she peers from behind the waist of the Tillek. "Gold Tia, a perfect gold"

From the sands, Zella looks up, and decides she was /smart/ to leave her mound up. She skitters to the side, nudging Ysobel insistantly- "Yso! /Yso/! He's getting too close, c'mon..." She tugs her friend to the side, 'protecting' her from the blue.

From the sands, Jaren rubs palms on thighs briefly, as heat continues...a wide grin now, he eyes the passage of the green, with a silent narrowing of the eyes...ever a betting man, he's about to speak when..."Oh...she got her" tone surprised, and a surprised smile that turns to warmth. Eyes wander over remaining eggs now, a look to Mikhail and Darannan before back to gold "The second..." he eyes it a while  "A Darker different beauty....but /still/" tone is still awed by the queen's prescence

From the sands, Ferusith's nose touches the sand art, dilligently filing it away. And then - he looks up. Up-Up_up. At /her/.

Niminya straightens abruptly, her entire body moving in a step forward.  "By Faranth."  The oath is no more than a breath.  "Two?"  Her eyes have been more on the dragonets than the eggs, and now... The shock hits, and the Fortian recruit can only gaze in a quiet astonishment.

Atuarre clasps her hands together. "I hope your friend Zella impresses her." she says to Triacia

Triacia grins. "I hope so too. But it looks like her friend's impressed that 'un, there. The blue."

Rimrockias ducks out of the way to snag a seat next to the MasterHarper, a radiant smile shining beneath deeply tanned skin.  "Ooh, she's a beauty!"  A giggle is stifled beneath a hand, disguised as a soft cough to her side, and with lips quirked wryly to one side, she adds under her breath, "I bet that's what she thinks of herself."

Brekka smiles to Rimrockias as well, her teary eyed attention is paid to the hatching again rather quickly.

Atuarre nods. "Wonder if that'll attract the gold. Impression and all."

Mirchon shakes his head at his brother's assessment. "No way... the girl with the black hair." That other half mark wager is gone, as the herder keeps his expression intent on her for a second, before looking away. Just a girl, like any other.

From the sands, Kerryn quite pleasantly amuses herself for the timebeing by seeing how well she balances on one foot.  That pasttime soon pales in the discomfort of the scalding sole of her other foot.  So...she shifts.  Drop one, lift the other.  As much as is possible in such limited range of motion.  Eyes seem to have found a new place to study as she stares up at the open sky.  Well, honestly.  Who really ever looks up at roofs?  Or the lack thereof.  The slight increase in the general din of the spacious cavern drags her attention downward, though.  "What?  What did I miss?"

From the sands, Ah..but are you /truely/ safe? ever? Ettia wouldn't think so, but she just nods alittle to her cousin, "'s a gold type." she glibly returns, scooting a step behind Spryte alittle more, "Yep..shiney..bright..yep gold." So perceptive, ain't Tia?

From the sands, Ysobel is not inclined to agree with Zels. "I've never seen one close up afore.." she murmurs to Zels, leaning down to peer at the blue. He's gooy, but definently much more interesting close up.

From the sands, Sand art is duly considered, even at the Fenian Warrior Blue eyes the older brown. Perhaps a conversation ensues. Perhaps not, for the blue has spied someone worthy. The Sidhe? Ye-es.

From the sands, Fenian Warrior Blue must make a decision - /the/ decision.  Left wing sweeps forward, the thumbhook lightly touching questing muzzle, and then he knows.  Great, sure strides bring him to Ysobel, standing proud and protective in front of her just a moment before he lays himself, and all that he is, at her feet.

From the sands, Joceth turns for a moment. Only a moment to welcome her golden sister. Tail sways lightly, but back to Kiyo she does turn.

From the sands, Katrina ohs softly at the newest gold. "Siani.. Suyinth has every reason to be proud."

Shirchon sticks to his own choice. "The other gold went to a dark haired girl." As if that made any difference. ;) "I still say the redhead might get it." he insists, not changing his bet this time. That's how he lost the first wager.

From the sands, Zorya smiles as she glances at Siani and then back to the tiny queen.  "Ah, 'Zan, look at her."

From the sands, Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet  is indeed a fiery arrow.  Notched and let loose upon the forest of candidates, she begins her flight for the one she *knows*, she *senses* is here, waiting.   There is but one problem.  The forest does not offer a straight path and the arrow finds she much weave a labyrinthine path through and about the human forms, giving them a gentle nudge with extended 'sails.

From the sands, A'raen just shake shis head at the brown. "Silly creature. Get /over/ here. Must you investigate everything?" He's chortling, even as he sends Siani a wink. "And you worried whether your dragon's daughter would be beautiful?"

Mirchon peers down. "/Which/ redhead?" There's a couple down there, as he keeps a hold on that half-mark. Last thing he needs is to be teased from his twin, as he glances down. "Show?"

From the sands, Shirar grins faintly at Kerryn, shaking her head. "You missed the second gold," she points out. "How're your feet doing, anyway?" she wonders. Healer's gonna have to get ample ointment for those tenderized tootsies. She glances up at the few eggs remaining. Nope, not yet.

From the sands, V'zan shakes his head, "All Noswaith can think of is 'When will she be old enough for me to fly her?'"

From the sands, Mikhail grins in delight as Ysobel and the blue see eye to eye.  "Oh, congratulations, Yso!" he calls to her, waving in excitement.  He bounces up and down, determined not to overcook his poor feet, and nudges Jaren.  "Who for t'gold, d'ye think?"

From the sands, Zella scuffs foot through sand in irritation, gold still un-noted. "I /said/ you should run! And now it's too late-" She cuts off briefly, realizing just /why/ it's too late. Then shrieks in delight- "Yso!"

From the sands, Siani looks sheepishly back at A'raen, shrugging slim shoulders.  "Okay, I admit it.  I'm a bit of a worry wart at times."

From the sands, Ysobel leans down, eyes opening wide, intent on the silvered blue. "C "Calineth? Calineth, yes.." a sigh, but the name echoes in her mind and across the sands, as she embraces the blue heartfeltly.

Rimrockias flashes a quick smile to her fellow Harper, Brekka, before returning her attentions to the Sands.  Jaw dropping slightly in disbelief, she briskly rubs her eyes, stammering, "Is that..bronze standing with...Popu?" 

Shirchon gestures towards the side, a cluster of girls still some ways from the gold's path. "The one next to that dark blonde." he indicates, looking in Kerryn's direction. "It's just a guess." But it's their marks on the line in anycase.

From the sands, Ettia turns yet another blinked look to Ysobel as she impresses; "Who...Yso?" she echos blankly before jerking back at step as gold starts her zagged path into the crowd, further a step behind her cousin she goes, "Well..that un ain't quite as destructive as th' green." is noted absently.

From the sands, A'raen taps her nose gently. "You have no reason to worry, sweetling." His voice is low, gently proud. Okay, so he'd wondered himself.

From the sands, Zorya sqeezes V'zan's arm again with a chuckle.  "Incorrigble, that boy of yours."

From the sands, "Ysobel," cheers Juli. Nevermind the gold. Someone's /Impressed/, afterall. Queens aren't worth the attention people give them. "Only a few left," notes she. "Maybe I can go home soon." Fladaminago moves. Juli moves. Shadow to a shadow, as long as her sandals don't fall off again.

From the sands, Tirion's smile blooms for Ysobel, bright, then shifts towards the newest gold consideringly.

From the sands, Spryte eyes the broad back in front of her for a moment and contemplates the reaction if she jumped on board, relief for burning feet? She gives her head a shake and snakes out a hand towards her cousin again. Aqua gaze drifts to Tia with a sigh and then her voice changes to one of joy "Oh Ysobel! He is a beauty!"

From the sands, Kerryn gives Shirar a skeptical look.  This would be the sort of teasing she's come to associate with the huntress, maybe.  But.  Curiousity and felines...  She looks one way, pauses to grin and announce, "Ysobel got that blue!  Look!"  And while Shirar does as instructed (or not), she continues the turn.  The wrong way, maybe, since she turns her entire body around to look to the other side of Shirar before scanning the sands in front.  "Hey!  There she is.  You weren't teasing."  She doesn't /have/ to sound so surprised, does she?

From the sands, Darannan's round chin juts, as much as it can, and she looks down her narrow nose (seemingly engineered solely for that purpose).  "She's a /gold/.  They're too big.  Besides, topaz and russet are such...daunting hues."  Oops, she said it aloud.  Dar studies her feet intently, making little incomprehensible gestures at lengthy toes and narrow, bony heel.

From the sands, Sitric cocks his head ever so slightly, before grinning. "Congratulations, Ysobel!" She deserves it. In a good way. The gold hoves into view, and he blinks. Wait a minute... Two? He must be seeing things. Or Joceth forgot something in her egg.

Mirchon hmms at the guess, even more glad because it seems his choice Impressed. "Alright. You got me." He hands his mark over to the guy. "The redhead." Chin just in the girl's direction, before he takes a seat.

From the sands, Champion's Portion Egg subsides, stillness reigning once again, though cracks are still visible in polished silver base, evidence of the gradual unravelling of the epicurean's delight.

From the sands, Jaren looks at as the sandy tipped blue impresses Ysobel, a chuckle as they join "A certain..." he grins "Flair about 'em both" smile of congratulation to them, running his hand through hair again, a wave with t'other "Congrats!" . Eyeing Mikhail, a wry grin "I couldn't guess.." eyes dart 'round remaining groups of candies, heat still frazzling both feet and senses..

Continued in Part 4

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