Fort Weyr's Fall 2001 Hatching (Part 3)
Friday, October 26, 2001

Gold Suyinth & Bronze Yevgeth

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Siani
POV from the Galleries

From the sands, Ignoble Eidolon Egg wriggles, until its weight settles deeper in the bed of sand.  Now at an awkward angle, it stays.  It lurks.

From the sands, Layers of smooth red peel and fall away, claws and hide appearing through the ever-thinning shell of Apple of Hesperides Egg.  A shivering prize hovers along the lines of eternal youth and full life for an instant, then the crimson ovoid is reduced to shards, its occupant expelled permanently from its core.

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet
From the sands, Warm earth reaches fingers from his belly towards his spine, branches of sylvan brown twining lines around themselves to link across a muscled body.  Delicate chains of chocolate frosting glaze his wingspan and neckridges, curling around his tail in a hypnotic spiral of decadence, winding and disrupting the stern loam of his stomach.  Up, up!  A triumphal march of frothy near-white dances high along the proud-held neck, crowning the dragon with angelic purity.

From the sands, Fractured Symmetries Egg seems to glimmer, to twitch, the patterns upon the silvered shell gleaming within the light.  Something responds, within.  Something stirs.

Jenar blinks towards the sands as the journeyman grabs her shoulder. "Shards three hatched already? And two Impressed? Congrats Kish!" she calls out to the new weyrling, watching the gold. "She is a beauty. Not sure what it is with the Fortian golds being such lookers."

From the sands, Maeko hops back and forth, raising her eyebrows as golden hide is next spotted. "Beautiful, indeed!" Is Maeko's response to Aryion, eyes held enthralled; for what girl can resist golden hue? Maeko, that's who. Shardit. Beautiful or not, Maeko's more inclined to hide now than ever, though her nervous dance has been reduced to a twitching at the ankles and wrists. Backwards hop, to place the other three in her line of vision. "Agh. Me too. But," And her voice takes on a light, sardonic tone, "We can't /rush/ them, now can we?" Cough. Er. "Hey, look! A brown, too!"

From the sands, Holly sees the gold. If the sands weren't so hot, she'd swoon. That'd be nice and dramatic. "Oh, what a picture of grace and loveliness!" She's bouncing too, though, little puffs of sand rising up from around her.

From the sands, Cera is turning to glance at Sanna now, when she spots that the gold has hatched.  With a blink, Cera looks at the dragonet, and gulps.  This one for -certain- is heading towards one of the women... but... no.  Sanna.  Gotta make sure Sanna's okay.  "Now, look at the gold, what definitive coloring," she comments in a forced voice.

From the sands, Menacion smiles at that.  "And there might be hordes of riders all trying to get their marks back.  If they ever figure out how she's cheating at cards."  He shakes his head again, grinning.  "I fear for the Weyr at her first flight."  Head swivels to peer at the gold again.  "I suppose it is.  It's... rather sparkly..."  Menace's attempt at complimenting the thing.

From the sands, Sanna's gaze leaves Isryn at the shouts of others, shifting about to track down the gold.  "Oh, Cera, she's just lovely."  It's an echo of a dozen comments before her own, but perhaps no less true for it.  Again she leans sideways to peer around the fisher boy, tracking the dragonet's movements wish dark eyes. 

From the sands, Gabriela nods slowly at Aryion's words, eyes still wide. She scratches her arms and then fiddles with the belt around her waist. "And look-- there's a brown. He's lovely, too." Eyes waver from one dragonet to the next, then from candidate to candidate, as she wipes sweat from her forehead. "I still can't believe Kisha... er... whatever her name is now. Wow. It is amazing..."

From the sands, Fynelox eases up on his hand hold, looking apologetic as he realizes, but then he shrugs at Taire. "I can't help what pops into my head! Come on, just think of what that's gonna be like." He gives a shiver despite the heat and looks back over at the newly bonded pair. "Congrats..uh.. Isryn! And to Gwae-uh..your dragon too!" Looking sheepish, he starts scanning the sands for whatever just hatched and again his breath hitches up. "It's the gold!" Okay, now would probably be a good time to shove Taire forward too. "And a brown!" Then he gives Thanial a confused gaze. Plans changed? Oh well. At least he can still hold her hand. Good enough.

Keliana gasps again as the gold moves, it's magnificent hide glistening, the hairs on her neck rising. She breaths in gasps, and can't stop the knots in her stomach from becoming even /more/ tangled.

From the sands, P'tala holds her hands upwards, loaning them to V'zan. "You can borrow mine, but only for a little while. I think we have enough between us... Else we'll have to steal us a candidate or something." Ooh, fun.

Ethan is frankly surprised by the appearance of the gold, but he soon turns his momentary discomfort back into his normal, irascible self. "Aye... don't be correcting yourself, Caitlin. More gold dragons mean more dragons. Pah.... I've still not come to a settlement with Xanadu Weyr on proceeding with the search and rescue idea. The one I was telling you about before?" he reminds, even as he too glances about the galleries in the hopes of securing the services of a drudge for momentary refreshment.

From the sands, Fortune's Beckoning Egg catches Rubkat's rays as it rocks, throbbing with the promise of life within. It's only a little bit longer now...

From the sands, Aryion gives the girl's hand a squeeze as he watches the gold take in everything. He sure knows that feeling all to well. Ary gasps as the brown hatches mumbling to his companions, "That is a nice looking brown there too." Eyes dart toward his favorite egg, nothing yet.

From the sands, Zanoot watches as the Gold and Brown dragonets emerge and begin their search for their lifemate. Her feet dance almost without her conscious thought being involved now.

From the sands, Priestess of Avalon Egg trembles again before falling still. All must wait for their time and the time is not now, not yet.

From the sands, Razel's eye catches on the brown; a small smile sliding across her lips as she notices its coloring - the same shade as her ever famous snickerdoodles. Hmm, he almost looks good enough to nibble at! Ahem. Well, maybe not... Eyes swing back and forth between gold and brown, and she bites at her lip, wondering who they'll go for this time. There's something about that brown though, that seems to promise a life which includes more excitement /outside/ of a kitchen...

From the sands, "Go on, you Impress her," Anki urges Menacion. She'll even help out with the operation and the like. Her expression settles into uncertain lines, covetousness warring with hope for the other Candidates. "I..well, she /is/ sparkly, yes," she agrees. Thank you, guard. "And beautiful. And look at those talons!" She most definitely approves of them.

From the sands, V'zan thwaps the offered hands. "No candidate-stealing.  Or weyrling-stealing, for that matter.  We don't need you corrupting any innocent minds, P'tala.  We've already got T'var for that.  And R'kan, from what I've seen lately."

From the sands, Ganorene jumps again at the sight of the gold, trying to attract attention to herself. Up and down, up and down, she gets glimpses over the taller candidates. "Oooh, she's pretty. Adorable, even."

Caitlin is surprised as the drudge does return, a wineskin and two goblets in hand.  Wineskin is passed to Ethan "I will let you do the honours." She says and smiles "Ahh if you want to get that search and rescue idea off we do need more dragons, get them posted to Healer Hall, sure that will do wonders for you, keep riders hanging around your apprentices."  She smiles "Well Elisa I hear has been ill and on vacation, and Sabria has retired."  She frowns slightly "Perhaps you need to remind them?"

From the sands, Grace and loveliness?  Chuckling a moment, Neil /looks/ at Holly, before nodding at Ganorene, "That she is.  Wonder who'll get her."  Least Neil doesn't have to worry about /that/.

From the sands, Taire winces as now her other hand is in the midst of being crushed. Great. By the time this is all over, all three of them won't have much left of their digits. "I ain't going nowhere," she admonishes to Nial. "I'll stand my ground and maybe do a little scampering if the situation calls for it. Rather not get slashed or ate." She really wouldn't. Eyes warily track the gold as quite a few of the femmes obviously seem drawn to it. Yet another lethal baby dragon if you ask her, though admittedly sparkly and pretty. "Fyne, you shouldn't even be thinking about that kind of stuff. But, naturally, you went there." Alas, she can't help but quirk her lips a bit for a smile.

Keliana whispers to Zeya, "Oh, isn't she just the most beautiful?"

From the sands, Gabriela nods slowly at Aryion, smiling. "Now, see, I will motion the brown toward you, Ary, because that wouldn't be as scary as you proddy, no offense," she tells him with a wink. She bites her lip, still fidgeting in her place, and she's managed to calm down since her I'm-not-leaving rebellion in the Stands, having forgotten about their audience.

Eparene grins, hands clapping together and feet tapping in enthusiasm. "Oh, this is all so exciting!" She exclaims, a hand moving to pat the silent Zeya on the shoulder. "A brown! Aryion could Impress that, couldn't he?" Jenar is spared a glance as Epa peers over the head of the person in front of her, trying again to spot the golden creature in all the bustle. "Are they? I haven't seen many gold dragons. I didn't know Fort and Xanadu's were all that different."

From the sands, Siani does a very unWeyrwoman like thing and actually bounces up and down on the sands a bit, holding onto Hanz.  "Ooo.. oh!  Gold and Brown.. both are incredible.  I can't wait to see who they pair with.  It's better than any Turnday!"

From the sands, V'len glances over to V'zan. T'var and R'kan? Hmm... they've been his best buds lately. "Oh, V'zan! They don't corrupt, do they?" He turns to grin at T'var happily. Nope, he can't imagine corruption here. He's just being ... appreciated!

From the sands, Fire's Oracle Egg pops and crackles, more minute fractures appearing on the surface, further foretelling the ovoid's inescapable fate.

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet swishes his tail around, examining it with great diligence. It's a tail. And it's pretty. Vigilantly raising his neck to attend to his instinctive duties, he nevertheless shies away from the crowd and the half of the species he so fears. Girls. Oh mommy help him now.

From the sands, Menacion peers over his shoulder back at Anki.  "The first only male goldrider?  I think not."  A little late for an operation, isn't it?  After all, Anki doesn't have a knife or any other implement.  "Beautiful?  I dunno.  I have trouble with dragon aesthetics."  And human ones, too.  "The talons are certainly shiny.  There's a lot of red in the rest of her, though..."

Well they sort of are the same. Being gold and all. But then again Jenar is partial. "Oooh Yeah Aryion could get a brown. And that brown is adorable, even if he looks a bit shy." Smith seems to be getting a bit more into the hatching, but one always seems to after the first few eggs.

Catryn twists her apron in her hands nervously, so far all Maeko had done was move away from the eggs and any hatchlings that happened her way. "Come on Maeko..." she whispered, urging her friend on.

M'dan motions toward the Brown, saying, "Handsome brown.  Nice coloration, even with the egg goo all over him.  What think you?  Will he impress to that solid Smith, or one of the other boys?" Never can tell.

From the sands, Suyinth croons encouragement to her children, just as eager as her lifemate to see who they're going to choose.  Wings fan the sands a bit, sending a slight wave of wind and grains towards the eggs and candidates.  A dusting though, not a sand storm.

From the sands, Maeko nudges Aryion with a wink, nodding towards the brown. "There you go, Ary. Brown for you? Better than green; I'd hate to see you proddy." A grin at Gabriela. Her sentiments exactly. "Unless you'd prefer to impress the gold, though I hardly think you're suited." Cough. Could be arranged, but we'll not mention that.

Zeya nods to all the smiths and Keli, "She's is beautiful and I think that brown would be lovely for Ary. I know he'll love any draggie that wants him though." ever presence confident in Ary asserted again. YepYep That little brown definitely has potential for, in her opinion, the best candie on the sands.

Ethan takes the wineskin in hand and after waiting for Caitlin to hold out their mugs, begins pouring the refreshment into the waiting containers. "It's the only thing I can think of to make those gargantuans useful to Pern. All they seem to do is sit around, take up space, and take away our most promising students." Topping both mugs, Ethan then caps the wineskin once more and places it on the floor by his feet, within easy reach for second helpings. "While they were certainly helpful for the western continent rescue, they still seem to be in excess."

From the sands, Cera shakes her head away from the gold, and motions over to the ... brown.  Okay.  That's an odd behaving one.  "Sanna, look there.  A brown, as well."

From the sands, T'var cannot -quite- stifle a laugh.  Corrupt?  "Oh, no, of course they don't, my dear V'len."  It's a neat trick, how he can purr that name without missing a beat.  "Corruption is such a negative thing, don't you think?"  Yes, appreciation is sooo much better.  Swish.

From the sands, V'zan eyes V'len and shakes his head sadly. "Let's hope his dragon has more sense than he does," he quietly murmurs to no one in particular.  All attention is then turned back towards the magnificent young gold occupying the sands.

From the sands, Hanz chuckles, grin on his face getting wider if possible. "A wonderful day indeed", giving Siani's waist a little squeeze. Tis warm out here but it's so incredibly exciting to watch firsthand the eggs, the dragonets, the interaction with the candidates.

From the sands, P'tala recovers and wriggles her fingers again, sighing. "Oh, and I had so planned on that nice looking lad from Boll impressing a bronze and... keeping him. Though if all the beautiful men at this weyr are corrupters, I almost wish I was innocent again." Siiigh.

From the sands, Aryion simply smiles at Gabby and Maeko before nodding. "None taken.. I can't imagine me proddy either." He shudders, scary thought that. He lets out a chuckle, "No thanks, look over at Menace, I think that he has a better bid for the gold then I do."

From the sands, Nonam blinks and looks from one dragon to the other.  "How do you keep track of both of them like this."  He asks, quietly, not really expecting an answer.  "That gold is lovely...I want to see who she Impresses...but the brown is wonderful too."   Oh the choices.

From the sands, Bounteous Guinevere Gold Dragonet tips her muzzle up to look at her dam, creeling softly before starting out on her journey across the sands.  One step, then another.  Her pace isn't anxious, though it does seem purposeful as she heads toward the candidates, eyes a whirling with a questing gleam.  There?  Or perhaps there?  A pairing of two are spied and something within tugs her along.

Caitlin smiles and holds out one mug for Ethan to take and drink from, while raising the other to her lips to take a small sip "Indeed, I suppose you could say they would be useful doing that, though they do do other useful things but I can see how a search and rescue team would be good."  She watches the sands while continuing to talk to Ethan "Have you talked to Fort about this?"

Lyllya coos.  "Oh, he's /adorable/, M'dan! Just  look at those lovely wings.. and that coloration."  He's a baby, Lyl goes goo-goo over babies.  "Now it's getting hard to keep up with.. Just point out impressions to me? I'm trying to keep an eye on the weavers down there but.. well, it's hard with them all in white."  Which is really the point. 

From the sands, M'lan sniffs at P'tala, and murmurs, "I'm not a corrupter."  Stop laughing.  He chuckles softly, glancing towards the gold again, gaze lingering briefly, "She's got a hint...look't her."

From the sands, S'lan chuckles as he glances over his shoulder to see whats going on on the sands.

From the sands, Yevgeth croons softly to his children and children to be. Proud poppa eyes the drama on the sands, then swings his great head around to the momma, pride evident in his eyes. Yes, she did have something to do with this, too.

From the sands, Thanial relaxes his grip slightly... oh good, Taire's not leaving them.  "He probably wouldn't be thinking about it if some other nameless candidate didn't go around and kiss him every chance she got," is his stark retort, eyes dancing with suppressed laughter as he scans the Sands surreptitiously.

From the sands, Gabriela looks toward the brown with a furrowed forehead. "What's his problem?" she murmurs with a giggle. "He is a handsome one, though." Eyes turn curiously back to the gold, as if begging the little creature to move faster. She grins and nods at Maeko's words, chuckling softly. "Oh, wouldn't Ary just make the prettiest goldrider, though!" she murmurs to the healer with a wink. She turns toward Menace, nodding. "Yeah, I'd more quickly see him in a dress."

Keliana tugs again at Zeya, "Do you think Cera might Impress the Gold? Oh, I do so hope. She deserves it." She grins, very broadly, as the Gold heads in their direction.

Alizriel hops a bit from side to side, still cheering Ary on. She waves to Epa, smiling as yet another brown hatches. From their perches on her head and shoulder, Delcan and Tully chirp their encouragement to Ary- to them, a brown was the best color there was...

From the sands, Anki can run out and find a pair of scissors? "She certainly does, doesn't she?" the weaver answers dreamily, eyeing the queen from her little spot on the sands. Idly shifting from foot to foot, she pins her attention on each step, almost wiggling in time. Until, that is, a mote of sand lands in her eye and she blinks furiously, muttering something naughty underneath her breath as she tries to blink it clear.

Zeya nods, and shouts again, "Go Ary!" Yep she seems to be content to shout herself to laringitis. She doesn't care. She turns to Keli, "I've never meet Cera but I'm sure she would be a wonderful weyrwoman, Keli." she smiles encouragingly at her and takes up a "GO Cera!" chant. She's very supportive.

From the sands, Sanna's grip on Cera tightens as she obediently peers over to the brown, tilting her head for a better view.  "It must be so confusing for them, don't you think?  Alone out there?"  With a thousand clamouring spectators and white-robed candidates to choose from.  But dark eyes slip back towards the young queen once more, her progress observed.  "She's a little more certain though, isn't she?  She knows what she's got to find."

From the sands, S'lan gets to where he is leading Isryn and her lifemate and begins his instruction by  showing her how much and at what pace to feed her.

From the sands, The light hits the Fractured Symmetries Egg just right, and the scarlet mark upon its surface, its very flaw, seems to shimmer, to writhe.  But only briefly.

From the sands, Suyinth shifts closer to Yevgeth, giving the 'Fabio' of bronzes a nuzzle as she curls her neck along his in a draconic embrace.  Yes, he gets some credit and kudos for producing such wondrous children.  The ones to come will be equally glorious, of this she had no doubt.

From the sands, Menacion catches the glances at him out of the corner of his eye, swiveling his head and focusing his hearing.  "Hey!  I'm not the dress wearing type.  Don't hold your breath waiting."  For once the prohibition about leaving the sands might be in Menace's favor.  No scissors for Anki.  "You all right?"  Blink.  Wow.  He hasn't heard /that/ one since he left the guard barracks.

From the sands, "True, true. Menace is better suited to the goldrider lifestyle, except," And Maeko indicates the traveling gold with a bob of her head, hands buried rather monk-like in their opposite sleeves, clutching unseen at wrists. "I think she doesn't agree." A moment's pause, and she grins. "Menace looks better in a dress, anyway. No offense again, Ary, but you should stay male." Odd statements, but her mind's not all there this day, can you tell? Of /course/ not. She's normal. Average. And ignoring the crowd. There's just too /many/ of them.

From the sands, Cera flicks her gaze to Sanna, before looking back to the gold.  "Uh, yes, it appears that way."  Cera blinks, and gulps quietly, before reaching out to pat Sanna's shoulder with her other hand.  "Things are fine.  If she knows what she wants, all the better than just wandering around aimlessly and angry.  So... this is a good sign."  As if Cera has any draconic knowledge...

From the sands, Aryion groans, "No I would /not/ make a pretty goldrider." What has gotten into these two, the heat of the sands? Yup, they are delirious. "Um, ladies, would you like it if I moved right over there, and left you all to the dragon's, without your Ary shield?" He winks at them both before making as if to move away. Well, at least Maeko seems to have come to her senses.

From the sands, Zanoot watches the Golden queen as she moves to a different part of the sands. Maybe its cooler over there than it is here.

Keliana smiles warmly as Zeya helps her in her chanting. "Yes, I think she will, too. They gold is going towards her, too!" She sighs, "This is the last time she can Impress, too, I think. I think she'll be past the age limit by next clutching." She cheers again, hearted as the Gold toddles towards her. "Gooooooo Cera!"

From the sands, Fynelox overhears the murmur from Thanial and goes beet red. Maybe he can claim being overheated or something, but probably nobody is surprised because the boy is known to blush at the drop of a hat or towel for that matter. "I wasn't trying to think about it, Taire. It just happened alright? Why don't you keep your eyes on the gold over there." He can relax on that topic, since he's safe from the queen for sure. The brown however is given a wary glance, but he grins slightly since it obviously appears as nervous of females as he himself had been when he first arrived at the Weyr. The twitchings of his favorite egg still uncracked draws his gaze as well, making him feel slightly dazed and flustered, unsure of where to keep his attention.

From the sands, Burning Coals' Challenge Egg shudders in place, the grains of sand showered over its shell shifting and moving downwards. Brighter, brighter, the egg seems to glow, quietly inviting people to watch, admire... and meet the fate that is inevitable. A discovery of contents in the heart of the coals.

From the sands, Fortune's Beckoning Egg shudders in the sands, light glinting almost blindingly for just an instant, and then quickly fading. Yes... destiny will soon reveal what is hidden within.

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet sneezes, fanning his wings out and shuddering at the sudden mommy-prompted sandstorm. The weather is bad, and he needs shelter. The brown rights himself, dragging a train of egg goo, shards, and tail as he treks gamely towards a beacon to be found. Outward! Onward! And 'ware those female things...

From the sands, Razel simply stands back and watches; her nerves now causing her to halt all chatter and simply stare... The hand still grasped within Aryion's palm is squeezed again, and an odd glazed look comes over the teens emerald eyes. A dreamy look, perhaps; as she imagines the two possible scenarios this hatching will deliver. But which is the one she now dreams of?

From the sands, Gabriela giggles toward Menace, blushing softly as the guard catches their conversation. "I've seen weirder around here..." she replies with a light whistle before turning toward Maeko with a grin and nod. "Yeah, protecting the sands and all, and Ary probably doesn't have the legs for a dress." And Menace does? She shakes her head quickly at Ary, reaching out to grab his arm. "Nodon'tgo!" Without her shield, she'll be able to see the Galleries... and they'll be able to see her.

From the sands, Yet still does Pinnacled Spires Egg remain silent, motionless, unbreachable.  Ancient walls will not so easily yield to the passing whims of time.

From the sands, Taire quirks a glance over her shoulder to Nial, feet beginning to pick up off the sands intermittently. "I'll have you know that Fyne was the one that started it all.... Maybe if you ask him real nice, he'll give you a right lip-smacker as well." Spoken true and calm, 'til she turns away to eye the dragonets once more. "But I don't want to look at the gold. It might think I'm trying to make eye-contact and then it'll come over here. And I do /not/ want it to come over here. You might want to impress it, but I don't."

Scheherazade appears from **BETWEEN**

From the sands, Nonam just watches now, his lower lip curling to be placed between his teeth as his head swivels this way and that, trying to watch everything all at once.

From the sands, Luchesi finds herself on tiptoes, stretching to see above the head of another candidate that decided the best place to stand was directly in front of her. Focus dances between the gold and the brown, trying to judge where they're headed and who might be their likely victims.

From the sands, Bounteous Guinevere Gold Dragonet has indeed found certainty in her seeking as her talons push the sand out from underneath her paws, tailing drawing designs in the wake left behind her.  Closer still she draws to the pair of female candidates.  No hesitation.  Head tilts a fraction downward, muzzle angling down to bring her faceted orbs in contact with eyes of liquid brown.  Journey continues, though the ends draws nigh.

Zeya points at the Water's Illusion Egg, "I like that one the best I hope it's a blue." just idle distraction from her alternating Aryion, Cera chants.

Johanna leans forward breathless "Sanna?"  She nudges those either side of her "Is she going for Sanna, who do you think that gold wants, she is so pretty, almost want to give up runners but not quite."  She giggles and continues to watch.

From the sands, M'lan bites his lip suddenly, his gaze going still, as he glances towards the gold.  He lifts a hand to his brow, and murmurs something under his breath.

From the sands, Tragic Redemption Egg is still there, upon the sands, resting a few feet from its brethren.  And even though it tries to go unnoticed, cracks span its surface as the occupant within rises to the call of destiny, unable to escape what the future both promises and threatens.

From the sands, Cera blinks -YET- again at the gold and looks to Sanna, then back to the gold, then back at the rest of the Candidates.  "Okay, no matter what... we go over there... with Taire, together or alone.  Got it?"

From the sands, Maeko has sense. And Maeko can be the shield (Super Maeko); though don't expect much protection with her skinny stature. She's simply realized that whether she walks off these sands alone or paired.. well, she's realized something, she's just not sure what. Eyes glance over the brown again, and she smiles. "Odd behavior or not, he's a handsome one. Maybe just a bit shy." Of those female things, of course. Eyes switch to Aryion, and the corner of her mouth quirks. "No, probably not the legs for a dress- though it could always be lengthen to the floor. It's the walk that would give him away." That male walk, you know.

From the sands, Holly slaps a palm to her forehead, tilting her head back with a gasp. "She's finding her lifemate! The gold is going to choose!" She almost looks as if her knees might buckle. The drama is just too much.

From the sands, Anki bites her lip as the gold veers to the two female candidates, eyes narrowing a little against the heat-haze of the Sands. "Who d'you think she's going for, Menace?" she asks softly. "Seems like Sanna and Cera in that direction." Pause. "Stand still, you bunch of wet nellies!" she calls out.

Rayna stops her scribbling to watch the gold almost breathless. Who will she Impress? Harper blinks and waits for the Impression to come that she knows is inevitable.

From the sands, Aryion laughs as Gabby places a death grip on his arm. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere.." He lets the sentence trail off as his eyes watch as one egg in particular starts moving. His friends somewhat forgotten, he watches the egg, blue eyes never leaving the shell as cracks start to form along its edge.

From the sands, Menacion eyes the gold thoughtfully, tracing a path.  "Yeah, I'd say so too.  The Telgar lad in back may act womanish, but I think he's really a man.  Just what the Weyr needs.  An opposite for Karnie."  He raises his voice.  "Run!"  In contradiction to Anki.  "In separate directions!"

From the sands, Razel blinks, which shatters her gazed look, as she reaches down to scratch at one scabbed knee. Not so almighty pretty right now, is she? No, in fact, she looks less like the budding young woman, and more like the Raz of old - the one who'd groom runners in shredded trous, and run amok with her long hair flying like a banner behind her. "The sand's making me itch," is all she gets out, too hot to say much more.

Eparene notices Alizriel and waves the girl over eagerly. "Riel! C'mon over! I think the gold might've found herself a rider. Looks like she's pretty determined to get to one of those two candidates." Epa can't really tell who they are from here, but they've got to be good choices. A smile is flashed at Zeya, excitement apparent upon her face. "He'll be very happy, I'm sure."

Catryn watches the gold approach to of the female candidates, not Maeko. However, her childish faith in her friend took over, convincing her that Maeko would impress the best there was.

From the sands, Gabriela turns to look toward the brown, nodding at Maeko's words. "He seems like quite a loner," she replies with a smile before looking down at Ary's robe-covered legs. "Yeah, I suppose so. And all the other male-esque things." She turns toward the gold, biting her lip. "Look! She's over by Cera and Sanna..." She grins up at at Aryion, chuckling, before looking toward Razel with a nod. "The cool air in the bowl will be such a relief after this."

From the sands, Thanial splutters, "But I don't want to kiss Fyne..." Turning, he looks over Taire's head to make eye contact with the herder, "No offense, Fyne.  I'm sure you're a dandy kisser.  I just don't want to find out."  As if Fyne wants to kiss Nial.  Blinking, he eyes the gold... by Cera and Sanna?  "Boy, the action all seems to be on that side of the Sands."  Thank Faranth.  But wait, wasn't there another.. "The brown, the brown, where's the brown?"  Panicked?  Nial?  Never.

Alizriel coughs softly as her voice cracks from all her cheering. She clears her throat, deciding to take a little break from screaming. But she giggles as her two flits warble more strongly, apparently cheering for in her stead. She sidles over to Epa, giving her a big hug.

Ethan takes a more judicious swallow of his offering, enjoying the smoothness of the wine as it goes down his throat and quenches his thirst. At Caitlin's query, he inclines his head. "Indeed. I've found that Weyrleader V'zan and Weyrwoman Siani are very much in accord with the plan. Some details still need to be worked out, however." A glance is given to the sands idly, before noting that the gold has not made her decision, before he looks back to Caitlin. "I think I would like a harper to document this, if possible. To be sure that all parties involved are treated fairly."

From the sands, Sanna nods absently to Cera, biting her lower lip as fingers absently wind around the other woman's.  "Mmmmmm.  To Taire."  Her words are soft, though, and dark gaze is on the dragonet near to them, the bantering and shouting around her forgotten for a moment.  That dragonet's awfully close.

From the sands, Nonam smiles slightly, in Thanial's direction, though his eyes stay on the gold now, since it seems to be rapidly approaching some candidates.  "You're just jealous of Taire."   He comments, though his voice makes it sound like he's not really paying attention.

From the sands, Egg's protection has been left and sands have been crossed.  Not one to shy away from her destined fate in this world, Bounteous Guinevere Gold Dragonet now chooses the one who will equally share with her the future and all that it brings.  No hesitation, no uncertainty, no doubts.  A soft whisper of breath ruffles Sanna's untamable ebon curls while tail's slender length, flickering with those elusive motes of rose gold, curls around the candidate's ankles as Impression is made.

From the sands, The frenetic storm continues to batter relentlessly 'gainst ovoid's striated surface, causing Child of Sadness Egg to violently rock to and fro on the troubled ocean of sand.  With a final dramatic upsurge, shell is rent in twain as sea and stone are sundered from one another, enabling the fateful spark to breaks free at last and emerge from gloom into a hopeful new world.

From the sands, Storm-Swept Tristan Blue Dragonet
From the sands, Gentle ripples of aquamarine brilliancy accentuate the jaggedness of rocky headknobs and the swell of rolling neckridges, their brightness drowning beneath the tsunamic rush of stormy indigo along his slender back and haunches.  Slim underbelly and dexterous forelimbs give way to the cobalt darkness of ocean's unknown depths, whilst far beyond water's reach lay the treacherous slate-grey thunderclouds of swiftly tapering wingsails.  Only his daggered talons and spaded tailtip, the azure of untouched sky, escape the tempest's fury.

From the sands, Ganorene looks anxiously at Neil, gripping his arm a little tighter and peering at the direction of the gold. She looks just a bit disappointed as the gold goes in another direction, but jumps up and down anyways. "Oh! It's moving! Oh, that's so sad... it's going towards those other girls, I think," she reports to Neil. Obviously, with her bouncing altitude, she can see much better. A couple oscillations later, then, "Sanna!!"

From the sands, Blink. Blink. "Sanna!" Anki carols. "Go, girl!" she calls. "Congratulatioooooons!"

From the sands, V'len has his hand clenched by the side of his face, as if rooting the dragonets on. Eyes are on the two on the sands, and then he breaks out in a loud cheer! "She found her! Sanna!" He makes a small hop, and then another, and then freezes, looking around. How... undignified. Hopefully no one saw that!

From the sands, Fynelox gives the two attached to him a look of horror. "I don't /want/ to kiss Thanial. Ick!" The boy's opinion on that is certainly clear. "I wanted to uh, never mind." He clams up and yanks his gaze back to the other side where the next Impression occurs. "It's taken Sanna! Congrats!" he yells before glancing back to his closest friends. "Well, you didn't want her anyhow?"

Keliana is sad only a moment, as Sanna Impresses, then cheers with true enthusiasm, "CONGRATS!"

From the sands, Cera lets out a -deep- sigh, then blinks, backing away.  "Then again," she murmurs... "I'm going over there.  You stay here."  Stepping backwards, Cera flicks eyes around, and slowly skirts the sands to find somewhere safe.

Kiros appears from **BETWEEN**

From the sands, V'zan claps for Sanna, commenting loud enough for P'tala to hear. "Our little Sanna's definitely all grown up now.  On a gold.  Y'know what that means, don't you?"

Caitlin pauses and frowns as she sees the impression made "Look, the gold chose, lovely." She says and then nods, still listening to Ethan "Indeed, I would be most pleased to help out and make sure it is worked out in full accord and perhaps you will be needing harpers and our drums anyway."

From the sands, Menacion slumps again.  There goes another one.  Kish and Sanna.  Mustering up a smile, he cheers.  "Hooray, Sanna."  Forced enthusiasm.  Hey.  These dragons were supposed to take the other people away.

From the sands, Zanoot continues to fan her robe at her feet and was hoping that the sands would be a little bit cooler over here but there really isn't much hope of a cool spot out here. She's glancing around to make sure of what�s going on around her so she doesn't get trampled by candidates or dragonets.

Johanna claps her hands eagerly at the impression "Oh so pretty!" she says to no one in particular and she grins "So many eggs left still though, wonder who that brown, oh and look a blue, who will they choose, Fyne you think?"

From the sands, Taire quirks a glance to the side as her name keeps getting uttered from over in that area. "Ohhhhh, don't you dare come over this a'way," she warns as growly as she can. Alas, it seems that the decision has been made and any progress towards her is belayed. "Sanna," she whispers as the gold claims her. "Oh wow." A few deliberate blinks as the boys near to her cause the girl to scowl. "Are you too sure? You both seem so hot on kissing." Speaking of hot, her feet lift with a bit more effort on the sands to alleviate the heat. She startles at Nial's exclamations over the brown. "Eh? What? Where?" *alarm*

From the sands, Siani grabs Hanz by the cheeks and plants a big wet one on his lips before giving a happy cheer for the Impressing pair, "They're doing so well!  I'm really pleased.  What a wonderful way to end my time as Senior."  Whoops, did she say that out loud?  Nah.

From the sands, Maeko's hands go to her mouth, half-hiding the grin, and she laughs into her palm. "It's Sanna! The new goldrider. Sanna!" Master of the obvious as always, she snickers at the mental image of Aryion in a fancy ballroom dress, and she calls out. "Oh, congratulations!" Loud enough to carry over, but probably not heard- she seems lost in her lifemate's eyes. Glance to the three others, and one hand falls to hover over her stomach, attempting to calm the flutterings that stir once again. "Shardit. This feeling won't be gone 'till I'm back on that cool, stone floor of the bowl." A snicker, and she raises her feet again. "Nor will that feeling. My feet are /scorched/."

From the sands, Sanna freezes, stock still for a moment, her lips silently mouthing words.  And there's a radiant smile, as her hands move to touch her lifemate, to reassure herself of her reality.  "Her... Her name is Teyrth!"  And nobody else in the whole world exists but her.

From the sands, M'lan blinks.  And blinks again, a smile flickering over his features.  He ignores the statements in his head and instead turns to slip out towards Sanna as he watches Impression occur.  He slowly begins to approach, and murmurs, "Come on, lead your lifemate this way..."  His hand rests gently on her shoulder, waiting for her to come out of the daze, and then will lead her over to the others.

From the sands, Storm-Swept Tristan Blue Dragonet pauses momentarily to shake a few fragments of shell from his still-damp hide before twining his head around curiously, peering for anyone in need of assistance.  Or anything tasty.  Hmm, was that a bit of movement?  The newly-hatched dragonet begins winding his way directly through the midst of a knot of candidates, ignoring the obvious in favor of a more elusive prize.

From the sands, P'tala beams and cheers. "Sanna!" A brow is raised in V'zan's direction, and the girl nearly sniffles. "Sanna's all grown up and riding a-- oh, /you/," she says, glaring. "Don't you even think about it. I'm sure Noswaith likes Sanna too. Tch. /Men/." Eyes return to Sanna and the gold, and the newest Weyrling is congratulated with a jump. "Sanna and Teyrth!"

From the sands, Gabriela gasps and grabs Ary's arm again, peering around behind him. "Look! It caught Sanna! The gold!" She sighs happily, calling out a quiet congratulations to the newly Impressed, before looking back to the brown and then to the blue. "And another one... He's handsome, too. Beautiful bunch of dragonets..." She looks toward Cera with a smile, waving if she wants to join the little group. She nods quickly toward Maeko, grinning. "I think mine are about to lose their feeling... and their skin."

From the sands, S'lan glances at L'lia. "You wanna go get Sanna and her new lifemate over here?�

Zeya hopes that Ary's favorite egg will hatch soon...and she jumps when it moves, "Oh look." she points in general as a blue hatches, blues are her favorite.

Lyllya grabs M'dan's arm, nearly jumping up and down in her seat.  "Oh, look! She impressed."  Ok, she'll get all sappy now. "Oh, and look at the blue.. and.. wow.. it's going so /fast/!"

From the sands, V'zan merely replies, "Blame it all on Noswaith."  Green and gold... oh my.

From the sands, Anki grins in Sanna's direction, elbow finding Menacion's side again. "Isn't that a lovely name? In any case, oh stubble-covered one, aren't you starting to feel a little nervous?"

From the sands, Aryion's eyes dart around to watch the impression of the gold to Sanna. Hands are dropped as he starts cheering for his friend. "Alright Sanna! What�s her name?" He calls out, doubting that he will be heard over the many cheers. Eyes dance back to gaze over the newest dragonet before flicking back with longing toward /the/ egg. Ary quickly looks down at Gabby, "I like the coloring on that blue one there. Nice, very nice."

From the sands, Thanial has worked himself into a state of panic, so he almost misses Sanna's Impression.  Almost.  "Sanna!" he shouts joyously.  "Sanna and Teyrth!"  The little gold has chosen well.  As for kissing, "We're hot to kiss girls, not each other."  And just because it's Taire, he adds nastily, "And we weren't the only ones hot to steal kisses."

From the sands, Tragic Redemption Egg's tendrils of delicate ivy part from the royal backdrop in a violent showering of shell shards.  Scarlet fragments lie broken on the sands, unmendable.  Leaving behind the bittersweet, yet sadly haunting perfection of her egg, Fated Igraine Blue Dragonet takes first one, then another step upon the sands as her search begins.

From the sands, Fated Igraine Blue Dragonet
From the sands, Pristine cyan illuminates the handsome lines of his plump muzzle and proud headknobs, darkening to sapphire where it touches the brawn of forelimbs and haunches.  The generous curve of his neckridges glows a cerulean hue, echoed along the edges of both wings and spars before fading into the twilight of violet which spreads over each mainsail's ailerons.  Curling tail remains true-blue, untouched by the unpolished gold of pointed talons.

From the sands, Hanz finds himself laughing with delight and lifts Siani off the ground giving her one quick spin around as he returns the kiss all too happily. "Perfect....just perfect", setting her down and keeping an arm about her waist. Can't have her passing out on the sands now can we? ;)

Alizriel grins as the Gold finally Impresses. A wonderful match she was sure. Placing her fingers near the base of her throat, her voice had to be back /now/ right? Patting her two browns , she whispers softly, hoping that they would tone down a bit.

Lysia smiles watching them all, she wishes luck to Ary.  She moves over to Zeya carefully.

From the sands, P'tala rejoins promptly, "Noswaith is hardly to blame, Weyrleader. You're just in denial." Of course he is.

From the sands, Nonam saw it that time!   He lifts his hands to cheer for a moment.  "Alright!   Congratulations Sanna and Teyrth!"   Could the older healer be relaxing enough to actually do things like 'cheer'?   No, he's just frightened and nervous and embarrassed out of his mind.   His face hasn't lost a hint of it's utter redness.   "She's so beautiful!"  His voice lowers as he says that, ending in an awe-filled tone.  Oh, but wait...there's more, and he turns his head to look at them.  "Hey, Fynelox."  Tug.  "Look at that blue.  I bet he's got your number."  Then Thanial:  "Hey, maybe that brown's for you."  

Jenar blinks. She didn't just catch a whisper of Siani's words. No more Siani as Senior? Thoughtful little glance to a wall and a frown. Smith gets quiet and thoughtful at that. Though she does brighten as several blues hatch and she elbows Eparene. "I always did like that Sanna. Good for her."

M'dan has his arm nearly ripped off by the vivacious and enthusiastic Lyllya. "Well, another successful gold impression.  It could not be better for Fort Weyr.  I have not met her, but she seemed solid and assured prior to impression."

From the sands, Razel brushes the last of sand from her knee as she rises to spy the impression. "Sanna? Wow!" She actually sounds more than happy, but relieved too. Another one down, and how many more to go? A rumble from her still queasy tummy. "Wish I had some food out here," she breathes, looking to Maeko, Gabby and Aryion to see what they're up to. Though in truth, she's too nervous to eat... Arg. Or do anything sensible other than dance on her feet and stare.

From the sands, Cera glances over at Gabriela and waves in that direction, before eyeing the walls of the cavern.  If she could just find a low enough ledge to sit on... Cera stands where she is for now, debating joining other people... or standing off alone.  Choices, choices.

From the sands, V'zan smirks, purposefully prodding P'tala. "Maybe this hatching will give me a few more reasons to get past that denial, eh?  At least there's some here for you, too."  He nods towards the blue.  "That falls into your category, not mine."

From the sands, Holly is bouncing up and down, quite annoyingly for the others on the sands around her. "Oh, the excitement! The gold and now two blues!" Perhaps she should have left the klah pot alone before venturing out on the sands. Her hands are on either side of her face, just shaking her head in wonder.

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet sweeps towards hopeful isolation, charging beyond a line of candidates, towards a spot in the back. Evaluating, testing, he croons in light despair. The white bodies press around, then, there! Little feet stumble him towards a lonesome form, then give him ample brakes to reconsider. It's... a she. Cautiously, he steps forward, considering. It seems terribly perilous. So much peril.

From the sands, Menacion oofs.  Ow.  Sharding bony elbows.  "Teyrth?  At least it's pronounceable."  He grins, letting out a low-pitched bellow of congratulations.  Well, Sanna looks happy, at least.  "Me?  Nervous?  What for.  When the next green out comes for /you/, I'm joining that group over there."

Hasek says, "wow..."

From the sands, Luchesi claps and cheers for Sanna as the gold impresses, smiling at the serene happiness plain in her eyes. "Sanna! Congrats!" A beautiful pair they make! And the gold's got a name much easier to pronounce then Isryn's. Oh, lots of blues all of the sudden.

From the sands, "More blue!" Maeko's hands clap together, and she grins at Gaby. "Well, those sandals can serve as a second skin 'till all yours grows back- except, by then, they'll probably be permanently attached." Ever dropped a mark down a cast of a broken arm? Don't. Trust her on this one- you'll have to have it cut from your skin. (ew) "Neh. Food, hm? Not a bad idea. Though I don't think it would stay down long."

From the sands, Poor Holly.  She's so hyper.  Not that Neil is very much different.  He hops back and forth, and calls out, "Hurrah!" before turning and saying to Holly, "Wonder who's next?"

From the sands, Sanna starts slightly as the outside world impinges, turning to look up to M'lan with an almost surprised blink.  Oh, other people exist.  That's right.  And with a radiant smile for the bronzerider, she obediently starts off to the edge of the sands, pace kept slow to match Teyrth's.

From the sands, Storm-Swept Tristan Blue Dragonet has wriggled free of the bustling crowd, paying little attention to whomever he may have trod upon in the process.  Bending and contorting to look this way and that, he seeks a special something lurking at the fringes, although he's perhaps not yet sure what, or who, it may be.

From the sands, Fynelox confirms Thanial's words with another nod. "Not interested in him, not at all." He's definitely going to keep Taire between them if he can. Then he looks up again at another tug on his robe, blinking. "Blues? Where?" The frantic gaze makes him maneuver slightly back, slightly more behind the others he's standing with.

From the sands, "I can't keep up with all of these dragons," Gabriela murmurs with a giggle, eyes fleeting from one to the next. At Aryion's words, she looks at the blue with a smile. "Oh, yes, it is quite lovely. And another one..." She smiles and lets out a deep breath. She raises an eyebrow at the brown. "At least he's finally coming toward the candidates," she whispers before looking around her. Maeko receives a giggle and nod. "We were all worried about maulings. We didn't know it was the heat we should worry about."

From the sands, Taire just eyes Nial for a long moment. "Really?" She'll just have to ask him about that bit of gossip when all is said and done.  And seeing as Cera is currently without a gold sniffle about her, the girl lifts a hand up to wave her over. Only thing is, it would he the hand that is still clutching tightly onto Fyne's hand. Blue(s) are eyed -just as dangerous as the larger ones, just as fast as the smaller ones.

From the sands, P'tala leans back fully against V'zan, looking upwards with big green eyes. "Blues? You should know better, V'zan. I only go for yummy bronzeriders, remember?" The fact that the Weyrsecond is comparing the man to food should be a bit worrisome, one would think.

From the sands, Holly is bouncing up and down, quite annoyingly for the others on the sands around her. "Oh, the excitement! The gold and now two blues!" Perhaps she should have left the klah pot alone before venturing out on the sands. Her hands are on either side of her face, just shaking her head in wonder.

From the sands, Aryion gasps as the egg he has been watching hatches, a beautiful blue dragon emerging. Eyes dart back and forth between the moving dragonets on the sands, blue, brown, blue, he really doesn't know who to look at. "I know that feeling Gabby, I don't know what to look at, which /one/ to be precise. No, I always thought that you all were worried too much about being mauled."

From the sands, V'zan simply rolls his eyes. "Celaenoth isn't quite as picky as you, m'dear.  And where she leads, you follow."

From the sands, M'lan leads Sanna to the side with her lifemate, his gaze flickering to the gold again, and then turns to glance at the eggs, watching the poor Candidates.

From the sands, Fated Igraine Blue Dragonet stands still, taking in the sights of the sands stretching almost endless before him.  The time has indeed come.  There's no denying what has to be.  Just... where, where is the one he must fine?  Unsteady footfalls begin as the dragonet continues to gaze around, almost fretfully.

From the sands, Cera looks around.  Egads!  So many dragons on the sands.  Blue eyes flick towards the knot of other candidates... and soon, feet start taking her that direction whether she wants it or not.  Perhaps, she'll get lost in the others, and go unnoticed.  Licking her lips, Cera walks slowly, making sure to try and stay out of a searching dragonet's path.

Eparene has to clap and bounce in her seat. For has a new /goldrider/ after all. It's all too exciting! "Very good for her. I've never met her, but I'm sure she'll make a splendid Weyrwoman." Epa will trust Jenar's logic. And the little golden dragonet, of course. Alizriel's hug is returned as the girl sits down, a huge grin beamed at the girl. "This is so exciting Riel! Look at all the beautiful dragonets!"

From the sands, A fine tracery of fissures now laces across the entire surface of Fire's Oracle Egg, but this mysterious seer will not so easily reveal the secrets lying within.

From the sands, Thanial turns from Taire, his nastiness flying high above her head.  Sigh.  It's never as fun when that happens.  "Hah!  Could easily be after you," he retorts to Nonam.  "Looks kinda like you."  Well, okay, it doesn't look at all like Nonam, but Nial's not picky.  "Or a blue -"  Pause.  "Wait, there's a blue?  Egads, there's two of them!"  Lovely they are, but Nial quakes just slightly.  Where did they come from.  He must have missed them in all the excitement.

M'hail arrives quietly, standing with the other latecomers at the rear of the galleries to watch as his tiny Sanna Impresses the golden queen.  A tear forms at the corner of his eye, misting over the usually clear aqua, but mostly unnoticed.

From the sands, P'tala smirks at the bronzerider, rolling her eyes. "As tasteless as Celaenoth is sometimes, she has no opinion as to who I run to the morning after." Though a certain look in her eyes might indicate that both of them should know who that is.

From the sands, Nonam shakes his head.  "No, no, they won't come for me.  I'm too old."  He is of the opinion that Pwylth is crazy.  "You guys.  Maybe you'll get the other blue, Taire."

From the sands, Maeko bobs her head, beaming happily. "Oh, but mauling /is/ something to worry about- what if one of those dragonets happened to be wanting someone /behind/ one of us, and we didn't manage to get out of the way fast enough? That's what would happen." Such an optimistic outlook. But she's more watching a fiery-shaded egg with high hopes, and but a glance is given to most of the others. "That brown looks like he's close in choosing. I can't see who, though." Neck cranes, and she peers from squinted eyes.

From the sands, Zanoot watches as the brown moves through a line of candidates and comes dangerously close to her. She freezes in place her feet not moving on the sand anymore. Peril, fear, excitement, all fighting for dominance over her emotions. Is he looking for her or another. She looks around to see if there is another candidate near to them.

From the sands, Fynelox erks as his hand is yanked upwards in a waving motion, looking around to see where it's being directed at. Then he too joins the wave. "Cera, come on over here!" he calls, just raising his voice enough to be heard. More the merrier he believes, more he can hide behind. Yeah. Oh wait, he hopes that the woman has forgiven him for the day before. Erp.

From the sands, Holly is biting her finger now. It just wouldn't do to squeal on the sand, would it? "Neil! Neil! Do you believe this? It's like my great old auntie Sinila used to talk about! She said they'd just hatch and wander all over and then.. bam! pick a lifemate!" Not like everyone else told her the same thing. "Look at that one! And ... that one!"

M'hail mounts the distance up to the viewing ledges.

From the sands, Gabriela chuckles and nods at Aryion's words, eyes on the blues. "They look so clumsy," she murmurs softly and with a sigh, as if wishing to go help them along their way. She stays in her place, though. No way this girl's moving anywhere. She turns toward Maeko with wide eyes. "Well..." Gulp. "I guess we just make sure to run for numbweed if that happens?" She peers toward the brown. "Is he near who I think he is?"

From the sands, Aha! I spy with my little eye... something worth chasing after.  Both brave and impetuous, Storm-Swept Tristan Blue Dragonet is not one to be easily eluded.  Swiftly-shuffling footsteps kick sand into the faces of nameless, faceless candidates as he veritably skips along towards his goal, who definitely shan't go unnoticed or uncaught.

From the sands, Priestess of Avalon Egg twitches once more, the grains of sand falling from the nest that it's half buried in. Still, the time is not right though it fast approaches.

Ethan notes the impression, but doesn't know the girl. She appears to be sound of body, though, and so it would appear that the impression is well made. "Seems that those eggs are finally quickening the pace, Caitlin. And yes, drums will need to be employed if this is to work properly. I know those dragons talk mind to mind, but not all of us are so privileged to listen in on their thoughts."

Keliana looks at all the dragonets, and the ones yet to come, biding in their eggs. Her mouth has remained closed since the Queen's Impression, herself being too immersed in the sheer joy and beauty of Impression. The love and bonds are too strong not to be felt, and happiness radiates to every corner and crevice of the Hatching Grounds. She bites her lip, in envy, perhaps?

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet casts all morals aside, wielding his prowess with enthusiasm -- there's nothing wrong with /that/. He puts a paw forwards, looking up into the girl Zanoot's eyes. For there is only one punishment on Fort Weyr's sands...

From the sands, Celibate Galahad Brown Dragonet shudders, a shiver traveling from his spine to his tail.  Eyes quest for the perfect being -- the shape, the form of the beacon which lights his way -- and he finds something in the foreboding crowd of white bodies and hopeful souls.  Zanoot, stepping forward and smiling, gets his full attention: yes, he is happy to see her.  His triumphant crow and her squeal are simultaneous, as Impression takes them both.

From the sands, Taire turns a rather horrified look onto Nonam, "When ovines fly!" She shakes her head from side to side, causing her braids to writhe fitfully about. There is no way she'll end up with a blue... or a green, or brown... never even consider the bronze.. and seeing as the gold is already gone. She quirks a glance to Nial, quizzical, before turning away and back to the matter at hand -getting through this alive and relatively bloodless.

From the sands, Ignoble Eidolon Egg lurks.  It continues to lurk.  It is good at the motionless and the lurking and the ominousness of lurking motionlessness.  The lurking egg lurks in a lurch, with a twitch and a half for good measure.

Caitlin laughs and nods, sitting back "Look another one, perhaps the gold's impression was a signal that they could start?"  She smiles "Indeed, would be handy if we could know though I think I have heard it is quite intrusive and I have many thoughts I would like to keep to myself."  She clears her throat and sips at her wine and smiles slightly "Would be quite happy to lend you some drummers for your cause Ethan"

From the sands, V'zan actually evinces a touch of gallantry. "No need to run when I can carry you, P'tala."  He smiles rather tenderly for a moment, then quickly scoots the emotions off his face.

Zeya murmurs to her self, gone totally silent. Though her thoughts could tumble mountains. She peers at her favorite blue, trying to will it towards Aryion. Please Please Please.

From the sands, Cera glances around.  Shards!  All those hatchlings running around.  Cera waves to Zanoot, not that the girl notices, before trying to hurry towards the huddled group of candidates.

From the sands, Aryion smiles, standing proud in the midst of the all the girls. He shrugs, "I don't know, I think that last blue is a fine looking fellow actually. Ah, the brown impressed. Congrats," is offered to the newly impressed. Back to Gabby, "I don't know, I can't really see who that blue is close too."

From the sands, Holly takes a deep, dramatic breath. "Oh, the beauty of impression!" she points to the newest pair, then turns with shining eyes to Neil. "So stirring, no?" She tosses her hair back and then stands a bit straighter on the sands, eyes traveling up to the crowd in the galleries. It's her fifteen minutes... or maybe longer here... and she's going to make the most of it.

From the sands, "Oh! Zanoot, it is." Maeko grins at Gaby, shrugging. "If that's who you thought it was, anyway." Blues are eyed, and glance is given to Aryion, before commenting again to Gaby. "He looks positively enthralled." One step back, and she holds an elbow in one hand while curling a finger on her cheek with the other; her head tilted to the side as she observes. Aw, doesn't Ary look proud- he's sure popular with the ladies. *cough* Er. Of course he is. Surrounded by girls. A soft snicker from Maeko, and she eyes the as-of-yet unhatched eggs once more.

From the sands,  With almost waltz-like movements, Storm-Swept Tristan Blue Dragonet descends upon one honey-tressed candidate in ever-narrowing circles.  Finally pausing just in front of her, he stretches forth narrow wingsails to thunderously beat the air before stepping forward to protectively embrace his liege and lifemate, Cera.

From the sands, Water's Illusion Egg wiggles around in the sandy pool, splashing small waves of sand up over the edges of the small well.  Not yet, nope.  Not ready for the world.  Happy to stay right here for a bit and rock back and forth.  Ignore those cracks.

From the sands, Thanial whews and breaths another brief sigh of relief, "Oh good, the brown's gone to... Z'oot?"  Nial peers at the young, nubile girl of an age between 16-20... she was always a tricky one.  She liked spankings.. not that Nial knows that personally.  He's just heard tales.  "You guys watch for the other blu-"  Blink.  "Cera!  Cera!"

Zeya lets her jaw drop and her knuckles go white again as she clutches the ledge, "Please oh please oh please." she whispers to herself. Eyes dart to the Water's Illusion Egg. Her favorite. Then back to Ary and the last wandering blue, oh please oh please oh please.

From the sands, Fynelox gapes as Cera's path is interrupted by a blue form. "Aieee, she's not going to make it here." He breaks into a smile though. "Congrats Cera!" he cries out, not caring if he's too loud or not this time.

From the sands, P'tala beams, then heaves herself onto her own feet. "So nice to have a big, buff man at my disposal," she murmurs, then turns her attention back to the sands. "/Her/? That girl, oh... Zanoot?" Another blink at the two near-simultaneous impressions, and the girl raises a brow. "And Cera! Congratulations Cera!" she calls our, smiling. Hah. No going back to Weaver now, girl.

From the sands, Menacion eyes the proceedings with a certain detached amusement, shaking first one foot, then the other to cool them.  Shardit, hatch, eggs, hatch.  Or he'll sweat to death out here.  Makes him almost /want/ a dragon, just to get off the sands.  Almost.  "Congratulations, Cera!!"  He calls over, rocking back and forth from heel to toe.

Lyllya leans forward a little more.  "Oh, I wish they'd slow down a little.. it's so hard to keep track of.."  Not that the eggs and dragonets are going to listen, but she can wish.  "Oh, look! Another weaver! I think she was a journeyman, too.."  Yes, she is /definitely/ going to stay away from the hall for a while. The masters will /not/ be pleased. 

From the sands, Gabriela bites her lip as she looks with wide eyes toward the sand-sweeping blue. "He looks like he's having fun," she murmurs with a giggle. "Oh! Zanoot got the brown!" She looks up toward Aryion curiously before ohhing and replying, "I meant the brown, but yeah..." Eyes turn back to the dragonets as the trader grins and nods at Maeko's words. She reaches up to wave her hand in front of Ary's face, snickering. She gasps toward the blue, eyes wide. "Cera!" her light voice squeals. "It got Cera!"

Keliana jumps up, breaking her silence with a thunderous shout, "CERA! CERA!" She chants, happy and grinning from ear to ear. Then it hits her: Cera won't be coming back to the Hall. Sadness pangs her, but is overwhelmed and consumed as Cera and the Blue become even more entranced in each other. She smiles and sits, pacified.

Continued in Part 4

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