Fort Weyr's Fall 2000 Hatching (Part 3)
Sunday, October 8, 1999

Gold Joceth & Brown Anuith

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Anki
POV from the Hatching Sands

Laytonal raises his eyebrows, noticing Lilian get snagged by the brown. "Nice one, Lil!" he calls over.

Khardan takes a deep breath. The sands are nearly bereft of Hatchlings, and only a few eggs remain. " Lilian!" tears from his throat as he see's the brown's new lifemate, his cheer genuine even as his eyes again turn to the Ashy egg.

J'lia laughs, twisting smile upwards. "Let him. I'm not worried. Anuith can't catch /all/ the queens, after all." But wouldn't it get V'zan's goat if he did?

Giorge narrows his gaze in return. Such an odd fellow really. He looks the blue up and done, absently folding his arms across his chest. Just /what/ is he staring at? Candidate peeks down at his own rob checking... nope, can't see any holes. He peers back, "What?"

Chocolate Candy Egg gives a gleeful skip, almost rolling free of its sandy home. Cracks begin to appear.

God-slayer Cappadocian Blue Dragonet pauses to choose with care.  Only the best weapons will do, only the most trusted companion will serve to accompany him on this quest.  Thus, with a regal flick of silvered headknobs, he pauses before a lad with the same daring as he.  One wingtip stretches out to buffet Giorge's shoulder, forever knighting him.

T'baro also catches the latest Impression. "Lilian!" he calls, echoed by a congratualtory squeak from Icareth.

Kindri grins as she sees Lilian, her fellow herder Impress. "Congrats Lilian, I'll have to tell the herders at the hall about him!" She smiles and then gets nervous watching the ashy and chocolate eggs. It's nearing an end that's for sure and too quick for her liking, just like it did her first time.

Chocolate Candy Egg begins its inevitable dissolution, overcome at last by sand's heat and dragonet's impatience.  Foil crinkles and peels away in glittering flakes as the chocolate layer beneath expands to split sunlit bands of color.  Red chips of shell scatter with gleeful abandon as a hatchling spar breaks free, soon followed by a fine muzzle.  Nose lifts and dips several times in a quick game of peekaboo until the young dragon finally emerges in full.  Surprise!

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet
Spring's gentle greenery enfolds the whole of this dragonet in soft vibrancy.  The pale delicacy of new shoots brushes at the tender line of throat down the length of her underside, stretching curious fingers toward the edge of ribs' arc.  A more verdant, leafy green mantles her headknobs and finely strung wings, smoothly sheathing the elegance of her slight frame.  Sun-warmed dapples speckle her long, slim muzzle, reappearing with a playful twinkle at wings' spars.  Lush moss drapes down her ridges, reaching to tail's tip before winding about the bottom of each limb in vivid bandings of contrasting color.

Inferno's ashes rekindle, searing white streaking Ashy Phoenix Egg's shell with awakening fury.  Maroon drop is the last to fall before a charred and angular dragon arises, slit-eyed and menacing, from the ruins.

Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet
Soot smudges the jag-edges of dragonet's chelonian-beaked head, its dark hue underscored by the dull persistence of beaten bronze hammered into the long stretch of his hide.  Thick eyeridges arching above deep-set orbs are the only curves evident, as angle-madness reaches and encompasses piercing profile and sabered joints.  Light ash flecks elongated, spar-caged sails, dark bones grasping toward the flexing planes of his sinewy flanks shadowed in copper patina.  And yet, amidst this spare, uncourtly villainousness, stubborn lambency remains, evident in the sheen of mica strewn from headknob to tailtip, talon to wingtip, keel to hip.

Kirah cheers again! "Lilian! Congratulations!" She can't help but get caught up in the excitement of her fellow candidates as they Impress. Amazing. Her smile broadens as she turns to look at the unhatched eggs. "Just look at that one wobble." She says to anyone who's listening. "A green...she's gorgeous."

A thump from the Fossilized Dinosaur Egg. Curves surge lazily. Something wants to get /out/.

V'netin grins as she moves to Lilian, "Congratulations, Lilian.  Y'wanna bring 'im over here?"  She gestures to where the other newly Impressed pairs are waiting.

Laytonal grins in pleasure as he sees another green hatch.  "Yay!  Another green!  That's more like it.  Too many blues and browns for a proper balance."

Russet pushed past tolerance, verdigrised fronds painfully pull from Fossilized Dinosaur Egg's curves along strained striations. One talon, then the other steps forth amidst a rush of birth-water. Finally chaos-splattered wings unfurl as Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet screeches challenge to all and sundry. The avenging angel surges forth from broken shards.

Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet
Rapacious jade sheathes her gaunt dragonet form from neck to tailspike in stiff, armored hues.  Thin tapered neck emerges like a column of seafoam, noctilucent plankton splashing their too-bright green over ridges and headknobs alike.  Wings vane star-spangled black chaos far and wide, the merest hint of platinum structure to aileron and keel.  Talons rest delicately, seemingly-dipped in fresh blood, the colour coagulating up feet to end in gore-slicked elbows.

V'len drapes his arm around his wonderful, regal Yevgeth, leading him off the sands. "A bronze. A royal bronze. Well, of course." He beams to all as he joins the others on the side. Of course, it's quite obvious who got the dragon of the day here.

Kindri looks in utter surprise as she sees a beautiful green. She almost falls to her knees in wonder and smiles. Oh please let someone be out there for her. She looks as if she's getting a bit weak in the knees as she waivers on her spot. "Oh she's so gorgeous Khardan!!! That green is beautiful." She obviously doesn't notice the bronze or the blue anymore but then another green hatches and she does fall to her knees in amazement.

Marduk watches the last three eggs hatch and gasps.  There.  Finally.  He steps forward on the hot sands, staring.

Lilian falls over arms going out to hold Kleith's neck, she looks rather calmed, and a smile breaking over her face, tears of joy falling down her cheeks, "Kleith... Kleith! Yes.. thats right..." She calls out softly, just continuing to hold tight to the brown.  Eyes go up to V'netin, and she nods. Pulling herself up from the sands... And still holding Kleith while she walks him to the back near V'netin

Laytonal eyebrows almost raise off his head in surprise.  "Another green! Wow!"  He almost jiggles in excitement - heaven knows why.  Maybe the sun's getting to him.

Khardan gasps as his egg hatches. Yes, his egg. Eyes widen as he regards the bronze, fists clenching. " That is a bronze," he murmurs to Kindri, reaching out to find her hand. " And those greens..." Eyes dart from one to the other. " Shards... they're all so lovely..."

J'lia watches the first green. "Oh. She's pretty. And look at that muzzle..." Musing, thoughful, not-quite drooling...although Anuith makes some comment--"Hush! She's your daughter! And greens don't lay eggs. You can't continue dragonkind through her, however perfect she is." Eyebrows narrow, and more approval springs at the next green. "She's nice. Independent-looking sort. I wouldn't wonder if she were the pants of whatever outfit *she* forms." Bronze she ignores completely. Down boy!

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet steps daintily, delicately free of her shards, blinkblinking at the sudden onslaught of sensory images. Oh, look, look. Fine muzzle swivels about, craning her head around until she gets dizzy and takes a tumble. Soft, plaintive bugle sounds then, an imploring gaze toward Joceth's golden bulk. Mommy!

Kindri doesn't take long to notice that she is almost in tears over the beauty of both of the greens. She doesn't really make much effort to get up as she is weak in the knees and is trying to fix her sandal strap yet again. Go figure, she never fixed it the first time.

V'netin smiles as she leads Lilian over to join the others, "Kleith?  What a wonderful name."  Smile widens to a knowing grin -- after all, what dragonrider could watch a hatching and /not/ be overcome with reminiscent emotions?

Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet Steps Out. Pausing on the edge of knife-edged shards, she vanes chaos-touched wings and virtually screams her challenge before she sets off, a murderous gleam to her red eyes. She charges straight past her innocent sister, intent on finding him. The battle is on.

Laytonal feels almost the same as Kindri, gazing at the lovely hues and shades of both greens.  "Oh," he says, his voice catching.  "Green is so...beautiful."  Even Celaenoth, he thinks.

Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet aggressively kicks aside the last remaining fragment of shell, aiming the projectile towards an unwatchful candidate. When the shard misses, however, he doesn't seem overly upset.  Nay, he almost seems relieved, although the young dragonet is quick to cover this up with a fierce growl.

Joceth rumbles encouraging towards one and all, but perhaps a little more towards her little Innocent Isabeau Green. Although one might need to wonder just how 'innocent' any of Jo and Anuith's children will grow up to be.

Anki casually props one fingertip in the ear closest to that fardling loud green. "Ouch. Look, more fun to be had. If she comes near me, I'm hiding behind you."

Kirah watches as the poor little green takes a tumble, and the other, charges past. "They're polar opposites, eh Laytonal?" She queries as she tries her best to keep a close eye on both at the same time. No easy task. Again she shifts from foot to foot. It's better here, really.

Kindri looks up to Khardan with a smile, "Could you help me up please Khard, it's so hot in here. I just hope I can continue standing." She looks at the innocent green, now that's her type of dragon...yup. One that isn't aggressive and is nice and sweet. She makes sure that she's not in the way of the aggressive green though.

Not at all innocent, J'lia would say. And all someone-but-Anuith's fault. Though, that Anuith was momentarily ogling--"Stoppit, you!" The brown gives the impression of a sigh, and more mutedly welcomes his children. Green, bronze, green...the first gets the most encouragement.

V'zan idly notes, "One bronze is good.  Two, I can also appreciate. Three...  I hope their egos don't grow as big as Noswaith's.  Won't be enough room in the Weyr."

Laytonal nods.  "Definitely.  Say, where did you learn about polar opposites?  I must have missed that class."  He eyes the more active green warily.  Eep.

Marduk takes his stand, legs falling wider apart as he roots himself firmly, caring little for the heat anymore.  The challenge is accepted as he watches the unkind green dragonet make her way past the softer, innocent one.

V'netin glances again out to the sands, and sucks in a breath, "Ooh, there's a couple of greens."  Winces at the battle cry, "Yup, greens alright."

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet burbles happily, reassured by her dam's encouragement, then scrambles to her feet. One wing stretches forward and she brushes her muzzle against it, wiping the sand from her nose. All better. Sire gets a bright bugle of his own and then she's off to see the world with all these neat new things in it. was that? Her tail? How spiffy, she pauses to watch it twitch a moment.

J'lia shakes her head. "Vez, you know the weyr's already bursting its seams because of Noswaith. Three more won't hurt too much; not with their father who he is." She is, however, concerned about who their mother is.

Khardan leans down to help up Kindri, grinning at her. " No problem, Kin," he replies. " Just hold on to me, I'll keep you up." Eyes wander, checking the placement of the three dragons. Lovely, lovlier, lovliest... but which earns which accolade is unknown.

Siani eyes the not-so-nice green and chuckles, "V'zan, do you remember that green from Isoldeth's last clutch?  The one who raked several candidates and nearly had to chase done the one she Impressed?  Z'chary got her, I believe. Poor boy."

Kiyo eyes J'lia warily. Though nothing was said. Especially because nothing was said. She -plucks- another leaf off her outfit, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

V'zan merely winks at J'lia.  He's not foolish enough to deny how enormous Noswaith's ego can be at times.

Kindri watches the innocent green with a great joyful glee and smile. "Oh she's so pretty! Don't you think so too Khard?" She holds onto Khard as she gets up. Now hopefully she'll be able to stand up till the end. If not someone bring her a nice soft cot for on the hot sands? Forget the meaner green she just watches the quieter green, the more quieter the better as far as she's concerned.

Pace, pace, pace. Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet stalks the sands back and forth, fury evident in every line of her body. One foot lifts, blood-red talons gleaming for a moment before a Holder boy is sent flying, the first casualty in the war.

Kirah is quite lucky that she can't hear Siani's words, if she could she'd run.... fast.  But circumstances as they are she stays in place aside from the occasional shuffle. "Not sure Laytonal... it's been awhile." She offers softly, keeping a close eye on the greens, ooh. She winces as the green rejects the holder boy. Mental note... stay out of her way.

Kindri moves almost behind Khardan as she sees the Holder boy go flying and fright settles in over that mean green. She doesn't want to get in her path at no cost, she holds tightly to Khardan with her eyes on the gentler green.

J'lia , as is proper, eyes Kiyo back--warily. "Don't pluck those off too quickly, Kiyo. I, ah, think some would like it, but this isn't exactly your weyr..." In other words? I don't think you're in Kansas anymore..."Besides. They're nice-looking. Keep 'em there." She shudders in memory, catching Sia's comment. "That one? Yes, she went to Z'chary. Good riddance, too. I think he's finally left Emilia alone, poor girl."

Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet flares out his still-damp wings, adopting as menacing a pose as possible, stretching up to his full height in an attempt to loom over the pathetic candidates.  Beware, for evil stalks the sands...  Evil that very daintily sidesteps an unobservant white-robed young girl.

Kiyo 's answer to J'lia? A wiggling warning finger. But then gaze flickers back to the sands and the remaining bunch. Hrm, choices, choices.

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet trundles purposefully across the sands, heading toward a knot of candidates. But it turns into a meandering progress as things distract her; a bit of shard, which tastes not so good and is quickly spit out, the way her toes sink into the sand, disappearing only to reappear when she lifts her foot. Still there are those people, she eventually approaches, eyeing them curiously, looking for just the right one.

Marduk is unmoving, unwavering.  He doesn't seem to care that she's claimed a victim.  "I'll fight you," he whispers, waiting.

Khardan's lip curls at the Tiamat green. " Faranth," he mutters. " I've seen some tacturn dragonets... but she's plain cruel." He'd hate to see her blooding for a mating flight. The Maur dragon is considered. " But him... he has a nice streak." And Khard appreciates that. And the final Innocent green is eyed. " Sweet," is his only remark. " Don't worry, Kin," he soothes, holding her. " No one'll hurt you while I'm here."

Kindri watches the innocent green with a reassuring smile of her own. She stays still close to Khardan but slips out further from him to get a better view of the beautiful green. "Hey little one, it's ok, you'll find that someone around here. Just take your time. No need in rushing. I know I would never hurt you nor would anyone else."

Laytonal stares at the mean green fighting machine.  "Ooh...she's going to be an interesting match for the poor person she claims as hers," he comments to Kirah, not taking his eyes off the green.

V'len finally is getting a bit of composure, and waves to the crowds, just in case Mummy sees. Kind of a royal, fingers-together, back and forth thing, as befitting a prince. V'len can handle this. It'll be second nature. "Mummy's up there," he whispers, leaning into Yevgeth. "You can meet her it a bit. Queen Mummy."

V'netin keeps her eyes riveted on the two greens, "Whoever said personality traits run in the family?"  She shakes her head with a low whistle - hope that fightin' green gets a match that can handle her...

Kirah watches the innocent green play, first the tail, and then the shard. No that couldn't have tasted very good, and now the sand. "She's definitely taking her own sweet time, isn't she." She comments, as she watches carefully, remembering to keep an eye on the Tiamat green. She's not keen on the idea of being the next casualty.

Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet pauses, claw upraised once again. Was that a challenge she heard? And who's that? She does a quick about-face and trots off diametrically opposite, wading through candidates and shards alike. Get out of my way, battle-fodder. /He/ is out there.

Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet glances towards Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet, whom he immediately attempts to emulate.  Think mean.  Think violent.  Piercing gaze strives to spread fear and terror as he stalks towards a particularly juicy target, an emerald-eyed boy ripe for the picking.  Hey, this evil thing isn't so hard after all!  It's all in the walk.

Kindri glances over to Khardan. "This is going to be not a pretty sight. Unlike that beautiful quiet green." She smiles brightly to the Isabeau green as she shifts her feet fixing her robe, her eyes sparkle with the light that hit them as she looks up to Khardan still holding on to him with one hand at least.

Khardan is not impressed. Emerald eyes rest upon the bronze as he stalks towards him, and the tanner-candie stands his ground. For now, anyway. But Kindri is fully released... no need to put her in danger, neh? He can dodge better by himself. Despite his best interests, he tenses, going up on his toes, ready to duck away.

Knees are now bent, fingers curling into balled fists.  Marduk is ready. Seeing her come, he doesn't flinch.  He doesn't move.  He won't relinquish this battle.  Not ever.

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet wanders among the candidates, sniffing a knee here, giving a testing poke of the nose to a hand there. All nice, but not quite right. And then...she pauses. Near a fair haired girl with a rope belt whose end dangles almost to her knees. She gives it a curious nibble, oblivious to the havoc her clutchmates are wreaking elsewhere.

J'lia lifts an eyebrow. "Rapid-looking green there. I hope her rider can, ah, tame her slightly."

Kindri stumbles slightly as she is let go, she sees the reason why and looks at Khardan and then the bronze...oh boy this isn't going to be fun is it? She makes sure she manages a distance and sighs as she's basically standing alone. Nothing new anyways, someone has to stand alone at one point in their lives, she does right now waiting to see if she'll once again be on the sands when it's all over.

You're wrong, brother /dearest/. For Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet, it's all in the intention, the fire that burns in the souls of men and ignites in their blood. Blood, that which she's screaming for, the sound ululating shrilly in the cavern. Finally, prey sighted, she begins to move.

Hey, no fair!  You're supposed to be quaking in your sandals!  Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet growls threateningly, trying to get the dark-haired young man to cooperate.  C'mon, just one tremble?  A single bead of fear-inspired sweat?  Gaze soon shifts from menacing to imploring.  Maybe a whimper?

Laytonal blinks, more sweat dripping into his eyes.  "Dang, it's hot. Yipes!" he exclaims as the Mayhem green makes a sudden move.

Come and get me, Marduk thinks, nearly saying the words aloud.  He knew she'd be here this day, waiting for their final confrontation.  Puffing out his chest, he draws himself back to full height again, hands still balled at his sides.

Khardan's jaw shifts out of alignment as he regards the bronze before him. That growl sends a moment of anxiety flashing in his eyes... did he make a mistake in judging the temperament of this hatchling? And then emotions shift, and Candidate lets loose an explosive sigh. It /could/ be a whimper...

Kirah blinks and jumps, "Oh!" was that a tug on her belt? "Hey don't eat that!" It can't taste very good. There are much better things out there for young dragonets to nibble on. Standing more still than she has for the entire hatching, she watches, and waits wondering just what this little green is going to do.

Innocent Dove Isabeau Green Dragonet sits back on her haunches, teetering a bit as she regards Kirah with a wide-eyed gaze.  You?  She drops to all fours then pauses.  Maybe.  Head lifts for another searching look before she gives a glad cry, closing the distance to Kirah and burrowing her head in white robe even as winghooks stretch forward, trying to touch as much as possible of her new lifemate.

Purposefully flaring prison-barred wings, Not-So-Evil Maur Bronze Dragonet spins on the balls of his hindpaws, as Khardan catches his eye.  With a last brooding look over the field of Candidates, chelonian-beaked menace snakes a look straight through emerald-eyed boy.

Laytonal stares then at Kirah.  "Um...congratulations...I guess."  He's a best crestfallen at losing a fellow harper.

Murderous Mayhem Tiamat Green Dragonet pauses from her fierce scan of the skittering white-robed /things/ on the sands.  Drawn by black hair and olive skin, she pivots mid-step and makes for cocky grin and cruel jet eyes.  One blood-coloured foot slaps Marduk down and plants itself on his chest.  Her victory, /her/ M'duk.

Kindri sighs as the last of the Impressions are made and she is left on the sands once more.

Anki pumps a fist in the air. "Go, Khardan! Congratulations! Kiraaah!"

Laytonal sighs.  Back to to the Hall, and Masters Caitlin and Kestrel it seems.

Khardan does, at last, show emotion before the bronze. A gasp, and he stumbles backwards. " Nyrloth?" he queries, jaw sagging. " Nyrloth!" And thus does Candidate become Weyrling.

V'zan begins clapping, offering hearty applause both to the new dragonriders and the candidates still on the sands.

Kindri looks to the ground. Well another time left on the sands. Twice now. Maybe her lifemate will never be there. She gets her courage together and heads off the sands. Why bother waiting? She should head back to the hall and to her runner.

J'lia releases that breath she had held in at last--calls fervent congratulations to the candidates--, and gives one last, forlorn look about the sands. "All gone. Well done, Anuith. Well done, Kiyo and Joceth." She contemplates the shells and sand. "You think I should burn this, Kiyo? Or keep it for further humiliation?" She gestures to 'the dress.'

Aliria steps onto the sands, waiting to escort the newly impressed off the Sands. "Congratulations," she smiles. "If you'll follow me, we'll get them off to be fed."

Kirah blinks again and just stands, staring at the little green in awe. "Alayth! Her name is Alayth!" In complete shock she stares at her new lifemate. This is something she never expected.

M'duk takes little time climbing back to his feet, disregarding the rake across his chest.  His smile is victorious as he eyes his new lifemate, his new opponent, "Enumaelisth!  At last we meet!"

Kindri slips out hoping unnoticed so that she can get back to the herder hall quick. Her feet carrying her as fast as they can though her knees are weak.

Laytonal nods, a few tears escaping his normally impassive eyes.  "I'm sure you and - Alayth will be very happy together," he says, his voice cracking.

Anki fidgets on the sands. Right. First on the agenda, get /off/ the sands. Second, get back at a certain someone. "Next time I'm bringing a /chair/," she grumbles as she too starts to angle towards the exit.

Kiyo claps and rubs her hands together (gleefully?). "Free! I'm /free/!" Oh yes. And what kinda trouble will she cause first? But then, duties come first and it's towards those remaining candidates she heads. Leafy outfit and all.

V'zan finally raises a hand to his forehead, wiping away the perspiration. "Definitely time for a drink."  Catching sight of Anki's retreating form, he hollers out, "Hold it, Weaver.  You still have a commission to take care of."

Aliria gives her skirt a careful tug downward, glares at Sinth as he begins rooting through the sands, collecting more shards, then gives a quick whistle to get the new weyrlings' attention. "Let's get them all to the barracks, shall we?"

L'lia escapes the heat of the sands.
Kleith escapes the heat of the sands.

Kh'dan rubs Nyrloth's head, murmuring softly until something impinges on his consciousness. A certain bundle on the edge of the Sands is eyed, and he smiles slightly. " Weyrwoman?" he calls to Kiyo, voice raised in inquiry.

Phoenix brings up the rear, herding clumsy dragonets and dazed Weyrlings. "Off to the barracks, yes indeed.  Weyrlings, march!"  She pays particular attention to the quieter ones--they'll fall over right here, if they aren't careful.

Elisa laughs at V'zan and Anki and shakes her head. She turns back to Siani. "It has been a pleasure to enjoy the warmth of Fort Weyr. I hope you have the opportunity to visit Xanadu as well."

Aliria escapes the heat of the sands.
Alayth escapes the heat of the sands.
K'lyn escapes the heat of the sands.

J'lia gets no answer, and so decides the burning option is to be discarded. Never do anything drastic if you can't get anyone to support you. And so she pats Anuith's side, swings up, and the brown raises dust in his launched flight from the sand.

Anki turns, eyeing the Weyrleader blackly. "Well then, come on. A thong won't take that long. I'm getting blisters on my blisters here.

Kiyo was aiming towards a pair of someone's, but pauses at the call of her name, "Hmm? Yes?" She peers, "Ah! Kh'dan. And a very fine lifemate at that." She's oozing pride don't ya know.

V'zan chuckles, "Well, then, m'dear Anki, let's treat your blisters to some ice and my throat to some wine first."

Kh'dan moves to take up the bundle, Nyrloth slinking behind him. Together the two approach Kiyo. " Thank you, ma'am," he grins, still elated. " We... the Candidates... have something we want to give you." He hands the neatly folded bundle to the goldrider.

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