Some Simple Rules

1. I will not tolerate anyone claiming these as your own.
2. If you do take my icons, e-mail me about it & credit to bleed_themelody. **
3. Enjoy! ^^

45x45 (ready for use at Fan Forum)

x movies
---> Harry Potter [1]

x actors
---> Gerry Butler [4]

100x100 (ready for use at LiveJournal and Fan Forum)
x Movies
---> Harry Potter [10]
---> Phantom of the Opera [12]
---> Dear Frankie [1]
---> Hero [4]
---> 2046 [2]

x Musicians/Bands
---> Evanescence [66]
---> Within Temptation [41]
---> Lacuna Coil [4]
---> Leaves' Eyes [5]
---> After Forever [5]
---> Octavia Sperati [1]
---> The Gathering [1]
---> Tristania [2]
---> Epica [2]

x Anime/Manga
---> Fruits Basket [18]
---> Card Captor Sakura [15]
---> Ayashi no Ceres [3]

x misc. size (ready for use at Fan Forum & LJ)
---> Evanescence [3]

Because I'm crazy-paranoid, I'm going to post this AGAIN! :) Here's a list of each place I've downloaded brushes from.

x nocturna
x Pinceaux
x Unknown Brushes
x Miss M
x Come September

There is one more place, but I don't have the site. The person did say that credit for the brushes are not needed so...

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