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Footprints of Change








I would like to thank the Board of Directors and staff of AKES, I for the faith they reposed in my ability to undertake the mammoth task of documenting the School Improvement Programme .I am very grateful to the Principals and staff of D. J. Schools for their involvement and patient sharing. Their reflective insights brought the whole programme alive and contributed significantly to making this document meaningful. I would also like to thank the School Improvement Programme personnel who supported me through my writing endeavours by reading sections and giving me valuable feedback




I would like to place on record the tremendous work done by  Ms. Rehana Khatri in layout, design and creating the graphics  for this document. Ms. Gauri Dange read through large amounts of manuscript and edited it to its final stage.



In the final analysis, the writing of this document has placed my own learnings over the last seven years in perspective and afforded me scope for reflection.


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