Mullets Forever!
well on that note, welcome to the mullety magic which is this page!
What's a mullet you ask? Well here are some grand examples of some of the suavest mullets around:

This is definately one of the best mullets I've ever seen! I mean, mullets in themselves are great but when you add the albino factor? That's magic, pure magic!
Hey, I love mullets just as much, if not more than the next guy but I'm not so sure they should be exposing children to htem at such a young age. I mean hey, I bet these kids didn't even have s choice. The wonders of mullets are grand but please, consider other options before forcing your child to live with the fact that he had a mullet for the rest of his life.
Here are the phases of the forcskullet. Study them closely so that you do not ever obtain one. If you did I'd have to take your picture and put it up on here...
Well actually, now that I put it that way, it wouldn't be too bad having one. I mean, you'd be famous having your picture on this great website!
Can you say suave? These guys sure can! And so can you now that you know what the magic of mullets is!
Mullets have inspired a great many of us. This includes moi! How did mullets inspire me you ask? Well it inspired moi to write this inspirational haiku
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An Inspirational Haiku
By joe

Me and my mullet
are gonna start a hair band
power ballads live!
Recently (well actually it was a wicked long time ago but we can just let that slide) I found a magnificent game. It's called Mullet Hunter. Now in this wonderful game you go around shaving people's mullets off! To download click here
And last but not least, here are some mullety links if you're still just achin' for more mullets!

Mullet Madness
Adopt A Mullet
Mullet Hunters
Mullet Junky
Mullets Galore
Mullet God
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