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FocusLine Travel & Tours has been in operation since 2000. It's been managed under the able leadership of the CEO, Mr.Aaron Agyeman Prempeh.Focusline Travel and Tours is a Member of T.O.U.G.H.A(Tour Operators Union of Ghana) and also a Member of G.A.T.T.A (Ghana Association of Travel and Tourist Agents.

Since it's first day of Operation, Customer Satisfaction  has been our priority. Without the Customer, there would not be FocusLine Travel & Tours in existence.

With a very diverse customer  base which include Business People, Traders, Churhes, Organisations and Students,  FocusLine Travel & Tours understands the various  needs and aspirations of it's  customers and as such works very closely with them with a high level of professionalism  to satisfy customers..

 We are so happy to have you in our fold. We appreciate doing Business with you.AKWAABA. 

Certified Members of


TOUGHA      GATTA        AGI       GTC      EMPRETEC

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 Browse Tours by Focusline Travel and Tours (coming soon : tour Ghana )

Ghana, land of beautiful places and smiling faces is a country of 18 million situated on the Western tip of  Africa.

Ghana has an undiluted excellent and rich culture which is incomparable all over the world.                                

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