General description


     In bellow's picture, there is a general view of Engraver which I made in the last summer. Couple years ago 

 I started to build up a PCB drilling machine, driven by a PC. At the beginning I wrote a small driver BASIC  

 program, and that time was enough for me. After a while I thought that, I need one Engraver, for creating   


 Last summer I discovered a free and very good program for driving an Engraver machine at ....        



 I begun to develop one system to match software requirements (otherwise it's very flexible and allow you to   

 do a lot). The machine currently is 3 axis, with an X and Y range of around 300mm each and a Z range of  

 around 30mm. Stepper motors drive each axis, with 3 geared down 7.5degree ALVO stepper motors   

 "rescued" from old dot matrix printers. 





For mechanical construction, I used two old dot-matrix printers (physically almost new) . I bought those printers from second-hand market, for only 5 $ both of them. 

Stepper motors from old fashioned dot-matrix printers are cheap and have enough power to be a good solution for one Engraver machine.

I tested different type of electronic drivers for stepper motors. In following pages I will describe some of them.


  electronic driver schematics 1    electronic driver schematics 2 



CNC Engraver  gallery 


Links to  pictures gallery, showing some details over system and also a few  artwork examples.


  Gallery 1        Gallery 2  




CNC Engraver Links

Useful links to different pages, where you will find a lot information, starting from theory up to dedicated software.

   CNC Engraver Links to Theory pages and Software  



Disclaimer !

I have designed these circuits for my own hobby use, and I presented here as it is. If you don't understand, how the described circuitry works, better don't use it!. I have tested the circuits presented in this page (all worked well ), but there is no guarantee that,  the circuit descriptions and diagrams are entirely correct. 



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