> I Need A Title

> Welcome:

Welcome to I Need A Title! Here you will find all sorts of crap which will hopefully amuse someone, other than just me.

As the site is currently in the early stages of its life I've decided not to be too strict with the content and categories of the pages. I would rather let the site evolve itself over time and mix things around for a while until I find a format that I'm happy with. For the moment though, there will be four areas of the site which are likely to be updated from time to time, these are: Writers, Quotes, Lookalikes and the Gallery.

This site is intended to be light-hearted and not so much on the serious side of things. It will get updated when I have time to spare (so not too often!).

> Recent Albums:

Please note: The word 'recent' is used VERY loosely!

> Ant's Birthday

My good friend Anthony celebrates his 21st birthday and his pre-birthday earlier this year. This is where I 'got together' with my present girlfriend, Kirsty, who you will see in there looking sheepish.

Also, see if you can spot the glowing beer, a rare brew only found in select bars in Southampton. [view]

> Latest Articles:

> Dave > A Cracking Night!

Well my last night out in Bournemouth was an interesting one. I was a bit hesitant to go anyway, Jumpin Jaks isnt exactly my favourite night spot, but I figured it would be better than sitting at home on my own. How wrong I was...... [read]


> Recent Quotes:

This section of the site is filled with some of the dumbest quotes I've ever heard. Ranging from silly statements to pure stupidity. I promise every single one is 100% genuine.[more quotes]

"Oh right, so October comes after September!?"

"Where does wool come from?"

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