Astro's  Page
Hi my name is Astro! I am a pure breed working Border Collie. But I don't work with sheep (though it does sound like fun). Instead I have a very important Job helping my master who is in an Electric wheelchair. I do heaps of thing for her like picking things up off the floor, turning lights on and off, helping her into bed and pressing elevator and crosswalk buttons among other things.  It is a great job, mostly because I get to hang out with my master all day no matter where she goes - what more could a dog want - well just one thing *****FLYBALL*****
Astro with his assistance dog back pack on.
All work and no play makes Astro a dull boy. So I Just love Flyball!!!! and I'm not bad at it either - I have one of the fastest known time recorded at a Competition in Australia- 4.03secs. I am  part of the Croyden Rockets team the 'Scientists' We  are currently  National Champions and our best time at a competition is 18.63 secs which we hope to improve on.
My team is made up mainly of Jeddah (little Black dog), my daughter Ezri (BC), Penny (a leggy Lab) and of course ME. You can find out more about them at the
Rockets homepage
Here is Astro and me when we carried the Olympic Torch
Astro doing flyball
I go everywhere with Wendy including helping her carry the Olympic Torch for the Relay before the Sydney 2000 Games (See above right)
I love learning new tricks. And I know dance, circle, rollover, beg, play dead, bow, speak, head down and more, as well as all the normal obedience commands.
Meet Willow
Email Me
Want to see Astro as a puppy!
Drop me a line - we love getting email.
This is Ezri, Astro's Daughter
Sorry for the cluttered layout of this page but I don't know how to write in HTML yet and the page builder I am using is very limited. Hopefully this will be fixed very soon
This is Astro's friend Meg
Here is some slightly rude pics of the mating that resulted in Ezri. Hey it's only natural.
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Since 8th Aug 2001
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