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The McFarlands
Welcome to our family website. I hope to use this site to keep our beloved friends and family updated on our adventures. Lots of pictures, so I apologize if you have a slow modem, but a picture is worth a thousand words. So let's begin...
First, let me say that I am not as web-savvy as my husband, Matt. You should check out his website.

It's a great website, but he doesn't have the space or inclination to add more family pics to his site. That's what I am here to do, as best I can. If you have any recommendations on how to improve the site, e-mail me or check out my new guestbook. Yea!
Above, the only photo I have on the computer of Matt and myself. It was taken in June 2004 when I was about 5 months pregnant with Teagan. I guess a good starting picture for her website.
This site was originally intended to host pictures of our house, pets, vacations, etc. and over time it has; however, recently I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and to improve connection time to view the continually updated posts of her cuteness, the rest was sacrificed. (For now)
Teagan's Pages
The First Week
More cuteness, Week 2
Halloween, Week 3
Outings of Week 4
Around the House Week 5
Sweet Christmas Photos
A New Year
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