Click on the "Blue Mobile" to enter!

Just in case you're wondering, this picture here is the wonderful little "Blue Mobile" that my mother drives. When I learn to drive, I hope she will let me drive it to school and any other place I wish to go! If you are wondering, it is an "intense blue" Dodge Durango, and soon after we bought it, they stopped producing cars in that color. So it is a rare occasion when another "Blue Mobile" drives by. The Blue Mobile got it's name from one of my strangest friends, Katey. She named it because she could always see it's bright blue color, even in the dark; and that's how she knew it was ours. Now most of my friends reconize the Blue Mobile and usually wave at it or honk their cars horns at it. If you ever see this delightful vehicle zooming down the street, feel free to wave or honk, because then I will know that the people in that car took the time to read this page about the Blue Mobile. =) Anyways, click on it to go to my page.
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