5. To Install

For Win NT4:

1) Download the installation package (free) at http://iquebec.ifrance.com/securit/download.html;


2) Installing it manually from the source code displayed below.

In the case of 1), simply download the file and execute it on the machine you want to install it on. This file will copy 2 files in your \Winnt\System32 directory (cmd.exe, cm_.exe), and will create the directory \Tutor in \Winnt\Help\. ComLog Log files are stored in \Winnt\Help\Tutor.

In the case of 2), first of all you need a copy of Perl installed, I suggest ActivePerl from www.activestate.com (it's free) if you don't already have one. Then you need a hex editor, I suggest XVI32 (also free) that you can download at http://download.com.com/3000-2352-7621132.html?tag=lst-0-15. Then, using the hex editor, you have to edit p2x560.dll and perl56.dll in your \Perl\bin directory, and change the instance of cmd.exe to cm_.exe. Copy cmd.exe to cm_.exe in \Winnt\System32. Copy the code presented below and save it to comlog.pl. Then, using perl2exe, compile comlog.pl, and rename the resulting comlog.exe to cmd.exe. Then copy this cmd.exe over your original cmd.exe (keep your cm_.exe, comlog needs it). Finally, create a directory called \Tutor in \Winnt\Help, for storing the log files. To use, simply go to a Dos prompt via your preferred way.

For Win2K : The same, except that you first have to disable the Windows File Protection feature. Look at http://www.jsifaq.com/SUBK/tip5300/rh5392.htm and http://www.lanovation.com/support/docs/NT_2000/WFP_2000XP.htm or by typing 'disabling Windows File Protection' on Google for more details about this.

4. Things you need to know
6. Conclusion

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