Tinkerbella Dragon SkyEmerald Forest Enchanted IsleTinkerbella Dragon Sky
Magical Vale-
Enchanted Membership
A Magical Merfolk & Faekith Vale
flwrfey™ © 99-kitty-fey mermaid hybridThe Emerald Forest Island Vale is a living, breathing,
growing Magic Sanctuary-Enchanted Website!
Let us know if you would like to request membership
to this Enchanted Vale
or remain a Viewer? Either way, please feel free to let us know
what you like & want & how you feel.
Your answers are private & secret, unless you wish otherwise.
So If You would like to grow with other Fae/Fey, Elven, Merfolk & Otherkin
of the site as a Free Enchanted Vale Member,
please feel free to request membership here
And- You may also Email us RE: Membership Request.
To let us know you just applied..
(Let us know if you are also interested in Fey-Mer-Sha Folk Faith
Universal Branch or Blessed Isles Branch?)
The Answering Machine was the easiest way to apply!
However, since the Yahoo merger (or takeover) with Geocities
we have not been able to check your submissions
to the Answering Machine. This has been out-of-order.
We will keep trying  to correct this,
but so far have gotten no help from tech support requests.
Sorry for your inconvience.

So, until further notice here,
Please view the information below
& email us with your answers.
If you are not sure about a question,
just answer it the best you can
from your heart, intuition & spirit.

We care about our Members! Members can share as much or as little as they wish with one another. We have a spirit of kinship & comradery here that is uplifting & keeps a spark in your eyes!
We are looking for members who love others for what is inside,
regardless of colour, race or gender!
(note: We do not exclude the Feminine from the Divine/
nor otherwise intentionally promote political patriarchy,
superiority or domination. We want freedom to do the most good for all!
Members believe in harming no-one
& are loving , courageous & kind-hearted!
If this makes you happy or does not otherwise offend you, then-
Welcome! ,
You will be welcome to the member's only realms too
& we will notify you of your acceptance.
You may then choose two Magical Names.
One to share/tell & one that is secret!
If you do not know your magic names,
we will help you with this & other things too.
Feel free to Email us & describe yourself & your feelings!
This is OUR Magical Vale! That means YOU too!
We are Free!
Remember :

Please be very sure that your email address is typed correctly.
Sometimes we can not respond
because their are typo's in the email address.
*If you don't hear back from us in a reasonable amount of time,
then please email us & let us know how to get through to you.*
We respond via email
to everyone that applies, as long as we can get through.
Magic & Enchanted Blessings, From Syke & Kitty-Fey
& all the Magical Beings in our Vale!

flwrfey™ © 99- We Believe Member Logo
Accepted Members are entitled to display this tiny logo.



To have print-out form you can think about, if you wish! Below !
Or simply answer the questions as best you can
& email them to us. ;o)
Also, If You are copying this page to apply- please send us your name,
email address (& url , you have one)
Your Name: 

Why Magic Makes Me Happy?
Frees & replenishes the inner Spirit & Life!
Helps my creative side to feel less suppressed!
Empowers me for good, healing or to feel & express more joy!
Allows me to feel & release secret sides of myself & life in a positive way!
All of the above and more!/or "other" Email us & describe.

The Magical-Being I feel most like?
Catpeople/Shapeshifter or Changeling /Otherkin
Hybrid/ Combination (what?)Email us if you'd like to describe yourself!
Other-Email us what?

Your "Totem" Animal/s or your Animal Spirit Guide/s are? :
(you may name more than one.)

Your "Totem" Magical or Enchanted Being/s or Spirit Guide/s are?:

My Favorite Realm or the Realm I'd like to join is?
All=General Isle Magic Vale Membership/ (or Other Realms-Email us )
Faekith/Fairies /Elven & Kin
Fey/Merfolk Shamanic Faith or Holiday House
Native American Indian/Shapeshifters/Hybrids

Are You Also Interested in
Faery-Merfolk Shaman & Shamanka Faith
-Fey-Mer-Sha Folk Faith?
(It is not required & not for lookie-loos.
It is a special area for those who wish to go deeper)

If sincerely interested, Which Focus?

Universal -(Eclectic) (The Source)
The Universal Fae-Mer-Sha does have an Irish influence, but it includes people of any faith as long as they accept gender equality both human & divine,
& care about Mother Nature & all her Creatures, Flora & Fauna
& The Fae, Mer & Elfen..Earth Side & Realms Side

Blessed Isles Branch-Filidh de Danann (as Fey-Mer Filidh of Danu)
Danu as The Source, or most directly emanating from The Source.
Focus on Prytannic Isles-Pre-Celtic & "Celtic" info.,
Irish, Isle of Syke, Isle of Man,Welsh, ect..
Tuatha de Danann-Isle of Destiny &/or Welsh Focus included.
Cait Sidhe, Journeys.....Wildlife, Nature & Tree-Lore, Poetry, Music
Love for Mother Nature & all her Creatures, Flora & Fauna
& The Fae, Mer & Elfen..Earth Side & Realms Side

The Blessed Isle Branch (orginally called Filidh de Danann) This branch requires a strong character & sense of heroism.
This is the Original Branch honoring Danu/Dana & the focus is a bit more matri-focal in structure,
although males are also treasured dearly.)
Genders are seen as swirling in harmony, rather than as dual opposites.
That is, they are not viewed as being all assigned into positive or negative poles based on their genders.)

This branch is for those who wish to truly be creative & dedicated in their involvement.
Those who love The Good Folk sincerely.
Writing poetry inspired by the Faekith, is considered an honour & blessing. ~*_*~
This branch requires more giving, but has greater rewards.

By The Sidhe Blessed Be
& Danu Guard Thee!

Enchanted Members Email Us!

A Magical Merfolk & Faekith Vale
Skye-Sylph & Kitty-Fey's Emerald Forest Isle
Website Stories & Design by flwrfey™ © 99 & 2000

Please do not take unoffered images-Read Disclaimer
Copyrights of images & poems remain with their respective owners
& our original image's copyrights remain with us too.
All Our Website Realms-copyright 1997 -1999- flwrfey™ © 2000
A Magical Merfolk & Faekith Vale


TO SECRET SURVEY/ This is for opinions only .
It is like a secret voting ballot/
so secret that we will not even know whose answers are whose
please do not confuse with answering machine for signing up

To Introduction & Isle Overview

To Guest Books Realm


Secret Answering Machine
To apply instantly-
TemporilyOut Of Order !
(since yahoo take over)

Background courtesy of Artmaker Studio
See Cool Links & Credits to connect there.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws