This is the 5th 10-hr drawing I did for my Beginning Drawing class.  In honor of All Hallow's Eve, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, as long as it was eerie and did not contain any of the Halloween cliches.  My rabbit often falls asleep and looks as she is dead, so one day I sketched her. Then I needed to put her in a scene that was even more...creepy.  At first, I was going to place her beside a highway, but I thought that was too expected.  Then I came up with the cutting board idea, and thought it was so deliciously evil...Is someone about to chop up the apple and eat it..or the rabbit...?  I really enjoy making people feel uneasy...and I think I was successful with this one.  The classes response was just what I expected...shock, laughter [with uneasiness], and overall enjoyment in the end.  This makes me happy.  This is one I actually like, though I struggled with the perspective, b/c, of course, my rabbit didn't fall asleep on the cutting board--that had to be added after the fact.   But I wanted to make a drawing that had a ton of detail up close, but also could be read the same way from a distance...and my class and instructor agreed that it worked.   I still need to do some scanning, though, so I can display its detail.

It's titled
Happy Meal b/c, like most fast food places, you never REALLY know what you are getting...or chowing down on.

This is vine charcoal and black and white charcoal pencil on brown paper...19 X 22.
Happy Meal
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