Page Of Words
This is probaly your first time here. This is a site all about me and my friends. We have a book we pass around writing stuff in it. We want some exsposure, so here it is. Welcome to our page of words. The authors consist of Froggy, Chris, Molly, and Sunny.  We will also have some stuff that we like on here, like Molly might put up some Ty Herdon pix. :)  And I , Chris, WILL put up C. T. Howell pix.
    We Walked

I walked with you,
         Hand in hand,
Step in step.

You walked with me,
           Side by side.
Not knowing who was who.

Together we walked,
            But strangers we were.
And we walked.

       Uh Oh!!
Uh oh.
Oops. I made a big mistake.
Guess what!?
I didn't do my homework,
and it's due today.
Long division,
Fractions too.
I feel naseuos,
And really blue.
My teacher's gonna be really mad.
I hear a knock on my door.
It opens revealing my dad.
He says," Come on, wake up!
It's the first day of summer vacation. Get out of bed."
Guess I had a nightmare,
Each poem is a link to each author's page. Read one and choose a page to go to.
Some People Say.....

The grass is always greener
On the other side.
You think that's true,
Let's take a ride.
Do you want green grass?
Follow me.
If you go to the other side,
This is what you'll see.
You'll look across the river
Back to where you were,
And you'll think 'Why'd I leave?'
It's greener over there!
The moral of this story,
If you care oto know;
Is that all you have to do
Is water, weed, and mow.

   It's Not A Crush!!!  

It's not a crush,
why can't he see?
And will he ever
Feel the same for me?
I've tried so hard.
To please him so.
Will he accept it?
Or take it and go?
Shall I tell him
On bended knee
That my love for him,
Will never leave?
What's so uncool
About lil' ol me?
Am I just too fat?
Or way too ugly?
God hear my plea!
When will he see?
It's not just a crush
And when will he love me?
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