Beagle or not?

First of all I think you need to be careful about breed specific characteristics.Every dog is an individual and got their own character. While some characteristics apply to most dogs of a specific breed, there are always exceptions. Please keep that in mind while reading this article.

Snoopy sleeping on the sofa

How much exercise does a beagle need?
Are beagles hard to train?
Do beagles get along with children?
How much do beagles shed?
Do beagles like being alone?
Will beagles go into the trash?
What else do I need to be careful about?
What should I do about fleas?

Snoopy jumping at a ballBeagles belong to the hunting dogs. Every dog needs exercise but hunting dogs need even a little bit more. It�s great if you have a big yard but walks are also very important. Beagles want to sniff around; they see the world with their nose. It�s like reading the newspapers for them. Just being in the yard can get boring pretty fast; some dogs start to dig while others will get into a barking habit. Are you willing to walk your dog at least twice a day, rain or shine? Depending on the age and character of the dog and if you have a yard or not you probably need to walk your dog even more.

If everybody works fulltime in the family are you willing to get up earlier to take the dog out for a long walk? Can you come home in your lunch break or hire a dog walker during the day? Do you have enough energy after work to walk and play with your dog? Please think about these questions very careful, they are very important if you want to have a happy life for you and your dog.

It is definitely not impossible but Beagles are hard to train. Beagles are not the type of dog you can take to go jogging or run next to your bicycle. I also wouldn�t recommend letting them of their leash. If they smell or see something, they will run away and might not come back and just keep on running. Do you have the time and patience to proper train your dog?

Beagles are known to be rarely aggressive and to get along with children very well. While this might be true in most cases be careful and supervise your dog with the children. Please teach your children respect and kindness towards your dog. While it might look like your child can do everything with your dog and he doesn�t mind it�s neither nice nor should your children do everything what comes in their mind with the family pet.

Snoopy looks upIn my opinion Beagles shed quite a bit. With a vacuum cleaner you can keep it somewhat under control but you will still find some hairs here and there. Please don�t consider to move your dog outdoors. Dogs should always be inside as part of the family.

Beagles don�t like being alone. It�s important that you spend enough time every day with your furry friend. You might have to deal with some separation anxiety issues at the beginning. I will write an extra article about this.

If you go away put it away in a safe and unreachable place for the dog otherwise you might find trash all over your place. The same goes for food item, don�t leave it unsupervised. It is pretty much impossible to teach your beagle not to touch it if you are not around. Just put it away and spare yourself the trouble and keep your pet safe.

Be very careful, especially at the beginning your dog might try to escape every chance they can get. And if they are outside, they will just run with no looking back. Talk to your children about it; teach your dog the �stay� command. If possible use double doors if coming and going even if you have to do a little detour

As always consider the costs. You need to keep the shots up do date and don�t forget the heartworm pills. You also need to check for fleas and use flea medication from the vet. Don�t get anything from around the corner. If you think there is anything wrong always go or call a vet.
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