About Us
Products & Prices
Due to the increasing price of Patchouli Essential Oil, all products made with Indonesian Patchouli Essential Oil will be 3 times as expensive as the price listed below. We hate it too, but the cost of the oil has risen astronomically, and we must raise our prices on anything made with Patchouli Essential Oil. Products made with a blend of essential oils will be twice as expensive as the prices listed below, this will include but is not limited to Happy Hippie, and Orange Blossom & Patchouli. If you have any questions about other scents, just ask and we will be happy to help. The cost of products made with Patchouli Fragrance Oil will remain the same.
Massage Oil     4oz $5       8oz $10

Perfume Oils    $5

Scrubs       $6.50
               Cosmic Scrub    

Shadow      $4  or 3 / $10

Shampoo & Conditioner     8oz $ 8  
                                     16oz $15

Shaving Soaps  $9

Shea Butter      
          Unrefined                  $5
           Unscented Refined    $6
           Scented Refined        $8

Showergel          2oz $3     4oz  $ 5 
                         8oz $8   16oz $15

        Glycerine Soaps     $1.25 / oz
         Loofah Soaps         $1.50 / oz 
  *Old Fashioned Soaps   $1.25 / oz

Bath Oil     4oz $5.50      8oz $10
Bath Salts    8oz $5    16oz $10.00

Blush                   $8.50

Body Powder      $6

Body/Pillow Spray   2oz $5    4oz $8

Bubble Bath      4oz  $5    8oz  $10

Candles     $5

Dreme Creme 4oz      $6
Edible Products              $7
     Edible Body Butter  
     Love Dust               
     Edible Massage Oil    
Hand Sanitizer    2oz $3     4oz $5

Lip Balms          $4

Lipgloss             $5

Liquid Soaps   6oz $5      8oz $8 
                        16oz $15

Goatsmilk & Shea  Butter Lotion  
2 oz $3      4oz $ 5    8oz $8     16oz $15
* We have many old fashioned soaps in stock. The in stock scents vary. If you would like to know what is in stock please call or send us an e-mail. Old fashioned soaps take 5 weeks to make so make sure to order with plenty of time if you want a custom batch.
Thanks for your interest in our products. For Edible product and Lip Balms please contact us to find out what flavors are available
If you would like to order,         
Call Amie (904) 673 -2522  or Leisa (904) 610-0124 OR
E-mail Us!
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