The Way of Love
by Jon Burnett
In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul speaks of the way of love.  He says nothing, even the spiritual gifts given to man by the Holy Spirit, compares to the love we can have toward one another.  As Christians, how are we to live our short lives in brotherly love?

As Christians our love is to be patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4).  We live in an increasingly connected society, where to wait is to virtually die.  Whether it is the line at Wal-Mart or Disneyland, the next stoplight, or even a simple answer to your question, we have to have what we want right now!  This behavior used to be considered childish, but now it�s become an accepted human characteristic.  Let us learn to wait for our rewards and not be hasty.  Besides patience, we must also be kind.  It�s hard enough to bring stubborn people to Christ without a so-called �Christian� being rude, obnoxious, and offensive.  Remember our behavior is supposed to be honorable among the Gentiles that they may praise God (1 Peter 2:12)!  Only in honor for Christ are we to act.  Let�s be the Christians we ought to be!

We�re also not to envy or boast (v 4).  It is not wrong to want something you don�t have, but being consumed by this desire can destroy a person.  We must remember to �seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness� (Matthew 6:33).  Our hope is not set on earthly belongings, but rather on our heavenly treasure (1 John 2:15-17).  We are also not to boast in our own abilities and accomplishments, but rather hope that God is glorified through them.  Even in our boasts, we are not to boast in our strengths, but our weaknesses (2 Cor 11:30).  A boastful attitude or envious desire can destroy a person quicker than anything else.  The bigger your head, the less of that head you can focus on Christ!

On the same token, we are not to be arrogant or rude (vv 4,5).  When we work to spread the gospel, we must make sure we do so �with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience� (1 Peter 3:16).  We must spread the gospel in �truth and love� (2 John 3) as John did.  It is by not putting ourselves before others, but rather becoming servants that we exalt ourselves in the eyes of God and man (Matt 20:20-28).

We must also not be selfish, seeking our own way (v 5).  We must remember that to Christians our only way is through Christ (John 14:6).  We must remember that to truly be a Christian we must seek his ways, and not our own.  And when we fail to get our way, or people refuse us the honor we feel ourselves deserving, we are not to be irritable or resentful, but rather loving (1 Cor 13:5), knowing that God�s work is not being done in vain (1 Cor 15:58).

And as brethren in Christ we are not to encourage or allow sin, but rather rejoice in the truth (v 6).  A lie is a friend�s worst enemy.  Only by speaking truth to one another and doing each right by our actions do we truly love one another.  We must not only feel love for one another, but also show it.  �Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things� (v 13).  We should follow in the steps of Paul and �endure everything for the sake of the elect� (2 Timothy 2:10).  We must be loyal to our brethren through even the hardest times.  We must be trusting of them, always having hope in them, and enduring all hardship for them.  This is the spirit of love we are to possess.

Our perfect model in this love is Christ himself, �A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just I have loved you, you also are to love one another� (John 13:34).  God loved the world enough to sacrifice his only son for not only for mankind in the collective sense, but also for each of us personally (John 3:16).

As Christians the greatest of our principles in life is that of love (1 Cor 13:13).  Through our love for one another we must be patient, kind, selfless, honest, and always edifying.  Can each of us do this?  Can each of us act honorably?  Being kind and patient?  Become servants of each other to be glorified by God?  Seek God first and not our own selfish ways?  Speak with gentleness, respect, and love?  Or endure everything for the church?  As Christ loves us, we are to love each other.  May we do so with wholehearted acceptance of God�s will in our lives.
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