Life�s Vacuum
By Jon Burnett
18 March 2005

They soon forgot His works; They did not wait for His counsel, But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, And tested God in the desert.  And He gave them their request, But sent leanness into their soul� (Psa 106:13-15).

When dealing with sin we often ask ourselves, �What am I doing wrong?  I seem to have beaten lust only to find it poke back in its ugly head?�  It�s probably not because you�re doing something wrong along the way, but that you�re not doing something right.  Sin is much broader than just
doing evil; it also includes not doing good (Jam 4:17).  Maybe you�re trying to fight lust on your own, trying to run away because it�s easier to try to hide.  If that�s the case, the solution is simple.  Ask yourself instead, �What do I need to do?  Saying �no� to lust isn�t enough, you have to say �yes� to God.

From even the youngest age we�re taught to, �
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness� (Matt 6:33).  Lust is a consequence of not following that simple precept.  When we don�t fill ourselves with spiritual thinking (Col 3:1,2) rooted in God�s Word (Col 3:16) we�re trying to fight sin by excluding evil without including God!  Because of this we never truly experience the pleasure of serving Christ, and we soon seek that pleasure elsewhere.

When we put on our Lord in baptism (Gal 3:27) and are added to His body, we�re to renounce our pasts sins and press on with Him wearing the armor of light (Rom 13:12-14).  But if we never �
cast off the works of darkness� and are not transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:2) sin will once again reign in our lives.

Fighting lust is rooted in first assuring that our past repentance is true.  Did we really allow God�s Word change the way we think about things?  Did we really experience the pleasure of serving God knowing that a reward is coming (1 Cor 15:58)?  Or do we merely wear the name �Christian� and remain a friend of the world (1 Jn 2:15-17).

This is the very problem the Corinthians were having when Paul wrote his second epistle to them, for �
many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced� were allowing their spiritual baggage of worldly sins to hinder their growth (2 Cor 12:21).

When we don�t fill our lives with the Word of God, we forget those things He�s already done and therefore also His ability to continue to provide for us.  This is the breeding ground for lust; not overtly seeking sin and ways to commit it, but by not seeking the Lord with all of our being.  If we don�t fill ourselves with God, sin
will take up the slack.  We must truly repent, replacing our worldly thinking with spiritual thinking and living accordingly, �I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of the living God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God� (Rom 12:1,2).
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