Acts 2
by Jon Burnett
Acts 2 is often known as the hub of the Bible.  Before this chapter, the kingdom of Christ had only been spoken of in the future tense.  However, after this chapter the kingdom is alive and thriving through the church of Christ.  We know that the church is one and the same with the kingdom because Christ himself used the words interchangeably in Matthew 16:18 & 19.  Christ�s kingdom in his church!  And it was built upon the �rock� (or foundation) that Christ is �the Son of the living God� (verse 16).  The fulfillment of Christ�s prophecy in Matthew is found in this great chapter.  Let�s examine four main points, presented here as:  the coming, the crowd, the calling, and the church.

The coming of the Holy Spirit is prophesied throughout the four gospels.  In John we read, �But the Helper, the Holy Spirit�He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you� (John 14:26).  In Acts 2:4, we then read, �And they were filled with the Holy Spirit�.  The coming of the Holy Spirit gave the Apostles complete recollection of Christ�s teachings and taught them all things.  Therefore the Apostles� teachings are of Christ through the Holy Spirit.

The second point in the chapter is the crowd.  The audience Peter is speaking to in the first gospel sermon (the key to the kingdom of Christ) are those Jews assembled for the Day of Pentecost.  Many were �confused,� �amazed,� and �perplexed�, marveling at this show of power (vv 6, 7 & 12) even wondering whether the Apostles were drunk (v 13).  In this text we understand that not all people will receive the word of God.  Often we will be mocked for our faith in Christ, and even more so for our vigor in spreading the gospel.  Some will surely be amazed and marvel, but others will remain confused, perplexed and claim that we are even out of our right minds.

Peter�s sermon takes up the bulk of this chapter.  This calling to Christ is the first gospel sermon of the church.  Peter points out many important facets on the Christ:

       1)  Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah
             (vv 14-21)
       2)  Jesus� Lordship is proven through the �miracles, wonders, and signs which
             God did through Him� (v 22)
       3)  This Savior, though now dead by crucifixion was reigning with God in Heaven
             (vv 25-28)
       4)  The response to this message lead to action.  After hearing the word being
             preached, and believing it (v 37) these Jews were told, �Repent, and let every
             one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of
             sins� (v 38)

The last eight verses of the chapter deal with our last point:  the church.  We learn some essential lessons from the early church in these last verses.

       1)  Upon receiving the word, those who were baptized were added to the church
             (v 41)
       2)  The church �continued steadfastly in the apostles� doctrine and fellowship, in
             the breaking of bread, and in prayers� (v 42)
       3)  The believers of Christ assembled together and �had all things in common�

It is in Acts 2 that Christians today draw their example.  We learn of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the apostles through it.  We learn of the audience, understanding that God�s word will not always be received with open hearts, but often with hostility.  We also learn that our calling to Christ is manifested through our hearing the word, believing upon it, repenting of our past sins, and once confessing Christ, being baptized into Christ�s church.  And as members of the church we are to follow the apostles� doctrine in all things just as the early Christians did.

We must examine ourselves to see if we have done these things.  Have you heard the word and believed it?  Have you repented of your sins and confessed Jesus as Lord?  You may have done all these things.  But as Acts 2:41 says, by baptism we are added to the church.  Are you a member of the church Christ established?  Have you truly followed God�s will?  The truth is found in God�s word, and it is by this that you will be judged.  Let�s pray that God gives us the wisdom and love for truth to find these answers.
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