Poetry Time

Isn't It A Beautiful Poem? Read It, I Got It From One Of the Website.

My life might have
turned out badly,
and my dreams
might have vanished
in the night...
but then I found you,
and I turned to you,
and I found solace in
your arms,
a healing quality
in your voice,
and stars in your eyes.
You've become a part of me,
and you've made me
believe that dreams
can come true,
and that rainbows
follow storms.
And now I live
for you
and your love.
I hope life weaves
happiness along
all paths for you
and puts it in
your lovely hand,
and that good luck
finds you wherever you stand.
May you taste hope
and drink in the brew
that brings you joy
in the simple things
like song and morning dew.
May there be much comfort
and warmth
wherever you sup,
and may love and friendship
always fill your cup.


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