Current Projects

These are projects that I'm currently working on, or haven't been out of rotation for too long. There's a fine line between a WIP and a UFO, but I consider these to be WIPs.

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Castle Sampler - Teresa Wentzler

I purchased this kit several years ago. I put a few stitches in and then got distracted by other things. I've picked it up and put it back down a number of times, and it nearly became a UFO once or twice.

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January 31, 2006

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November 23, 2005

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Spanish Geometrical Sampler - The Heart's Content

This pattern was originally designed to be stitched in purples and greens. I loved the design but wanted to change the colors a bit, and the photo below shows what I've done with it. There are supposed to be some beads on it as well, but I intend to change them to floss, although I have not chosen the replacement colors yet. There's a picture of the original colors here.

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January 31, 2006

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November 2005

Acorns & Flowers Sampler - Samplers & Such

I fell in love with this blackwork pattern and just had to stitch it. The design is quite large but progressed fairly quickly when I first started it. Everything was going smoothly until I got to the diagonal montenegrin stitch. Try as I might, I just couldn't figure it out based on the pattern diagrams. I finally ordered Autopsy of the Montenegrin Stitch by Amy Mitten. That little book was a lifesaver and has prevented this beautiful sampler from becoming a UFO.

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My Other Pages

Click the flowers to view my other pages.

Completed Projects
Small Stuff
Holiday Stitching
Shepherd's Bush Projects

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